The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2972: Blood pool

The second wife continued with interest: "My sister gave the "invisible" to the victim of Donghuang Xiaochen, which is the best explanation. In this way, my father can't trouble my sister and the Tang family."

"My father, in order to get the'invisible', he had to let Donghuang Xiaochen leave the Donghuang Villa."

"As soon as Donghuang Xiaochen leaves the Donghuang Villa, the strong elder sister sent out can rush to kill Donghuang Xiaochen in one step in front of his father, and take away the'invisible.'"

"In this way, it can get rid of the thorny thorn in Donghuang Xiaochen, and it can also prevent the "invisible" from falling into the hands of the father.

The eldest lady said coldly: "My sister meant that you want to send a strong person to attack and kill Donghuang Xiaochen and take away the'invisible'?"

The second wife laughed and said, "What's the answer for my sister? My sister is now on the same mind with my sister, so how come you get that ‘invisible’ idea?"

As soon as the conversation turned, the smile on her face was inexplicable: "But that **** woman is hard to say, for the sake of'invisible', for the powerful Horcruxes obtained from the snowy area in the hands of Donghuang Xiaochen, even her own son...hehe... "

The second lady sneered a few times: "Sister, you have to pay attention, don't let that **** cut it."

The eldest lady didn't bother to care about this sinister **** who always liked to instigate divorce.

Compared to this insidious bitch, the eldest lady actually prefers the cruel but no-brained character of the third lady.

That kind of woman is easier to deal with.

The eldest lady said lightly: "Sister, don't you think something is wrong?"

The second lady froze slightly: "No? What's wrong?"

The elder lady squinted at the gate of the villa that was slowly closing, and said, "Do you think Donghuang Xiaochen is a fool?"

Without waiting for the second lady to say anything, the eldest lady gave the answer on her own.

"If he is really a fool, he won't be the only one leaving the snowy area alive."

"So sister, you think you can think of questions that Donghuang Xiaochen can't think of?"


Whether Donghuang Xiaochen is a fool or not, the second wife actually doesn't care that much, anyway, Donghuang Xiaochen is already a dead person in her eyes.

But the eldest humiliated her IQ so much, that she was saying that she was not as good as Donghuang Xiaochen's wastefulness, which really made her quite popular.

When Ruo Hanshuang below, he snorted coldly: "What does my sister mean?"

The lady did not respond.

The second lady is even more hot, this **** **** is disdainful to say more to a fool?

Damn it!

With a cold snort, he walked away.

The eldest lady didn't bother to pay attention to this bitch, her extremely cold eyes still fell on the already closed door of the villa.

Donghuang Xiaochen is not a fool, he can't help but know that the outside of the villa is far more dangerous than the inside.

In the villa, even if someone wants to kill him, they don't dare to be too unscrupulous, and they have to consider the consequences.

But outside that villa, there would be no fear.

That being the case, why did Donghuang Xiaochen leave Donghuang Villa?

Could it be that he is quite confident in his own strength and thinks he can withstand any attacks?

Or, what deal has he and his father reached?

He will not have obediently given the "invisible" to his father, adult?

The eldest lady's eyes narrowed. If so, there would be no point in sending a strong person to kill Donghuang Xiaochen, and even this might be a trap dug by the father, just waiting for them to jump.

"You really disappoint me." The lady was full of scorn.

Handing the "invisible" into the hands of Dong Huang Xiaochen, my father took care of his old face, so naturally he would not ask for the "invisible" like Dong Huang Xiaochen, and then he would just look for an opportunity to grab the invisible back.

But she never expected that Donghuang Xiaochen would be so useless, and took the initiative to send the "invisible".


After walking out of the gate of Donghuang Villa, Li Zedao raised his head and looked at the sky that seemed so gloomy. He felt his body suddenly relaxed, and he felt that he had finally escaped from the cage.

He looked at the towering snow-capped mountain in the distance, and as long as he climbed over the snow-capped mountain, it was equivalent to leaving the area covered by Donghuang Villa.

Without any nostalgia, Li Zedao stepped on the soul cloud and quickly flew towards the snow-capped mountain in the distance.

On the way, Li Zedao's nerves have always maintained the most tense state, holding the black soul umbrella tightly, not daring to be careless.

Li Zedao had no doubt that the three wives and those in the villa who hated their own bones would take advantage of the time when they walked out of the East Emperor Villa to launch the most vicious attack on themselves.

If the thigh is right, Qinglong should be staring at himself around here first. Mr. Qinglong still wants to get that thing from himself, so he won't let himself go wrong.

But if the enemy's attack is so violent that even Mr. Qinglong has no time to take action, it would be a tragedy.

In short, it is better to be cautious.

In the end, Li Zedao surpassed the snow-capped mountains without any surprises and dangers. He felt the completely different scenery around him from the snow-capped mountains, but the tight nerves along the way became even tighter.

Li Zedao knew that this place was probably more dangerous than the previous section of the road. After all, the previous section of the road was still in the shrouded area of ​​the East Emperor's Villa, and the strong people in the East Emperor's Villa were afraid of it.

But here is no longer the area covered by Donghuang Villa.

At this moment, Li Zedao's body suddenly tightened, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He clearly felt that a pair of eyes were staring at him quietly behind him.

Li Zedao knew that the strength of the incoming person was probably very strong, otherwise, with his cultivation base at this time, the other party would not be able to get so close to him before he realized it.

There was a trace of horror in Li Zedao's eyes, he secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and firmly grasped the black soul umbrella in his hand, ready to deal with any attack.

At this moment, Li Zedao's heart suddenly tightened.

Because the situation is wrong!

At all, it was not that a terrifying powerhouse appeared behind him, but that he had fallen into a trap.

A more accurate statement is that the surrounding area has been transformed into a powerful trap by the enemy, just waiting for his prey to enter.

Li Zedao's eyes suddenly swayed, and he found that everything around him had changed drastically.

The surrounding area is no longer the white snow, no longer the dry trees whose leaves have long since fallen, and the entire space is filled with endless blood mist.

There was also a pool of blood that was constantly boiling in front of it, and the rich blood had an indescribable dreadful horror.

"Guru! Guru! Guru..."

The sound of blood boiling is so terrifying and harsh, and every blood bubble burst, the blood mist covering this space will be thick.

"Should this be that, Fantasy Soul Formation?"

Li Zedao took a deep breath, his scalp numb and he almost didn't feel it.

Li Zedao gritted his teeth again: "The third lady has done it? Can you not be so vicious, Donghuang Xiaochen is your biological son."

Li Zedao didn't doubt the third lady. After all, the Mo family behind the third lady was in the soul formation, possessing extremely high attainments, just as the Tang family behind the lady had extremely high attainments in refining the Horcruxes.

It's not surprising that the Mo family would arrange such an extremely rare but extremely powerful fantasy soul formation.

While gritting his teeth, Li Zedao was already feeling infinitely cold, with countless goose bumps on his body, and the black soul umbrella in his hand had already been opened.

There are many types of soul formations, the most common one is the defensive soul formation.

In addition to the defensive soul formation, there are other rare but extremely terrifying soul formations, such as this fantasy soul formation.

Once you stray into the illusion soul formation, it is equivalent to falling into the killing trap carefully set by the soul formation master who arranged this soul formation. At that time, what kind of terrifying killing will occur depends on the soul formation master. I want to play with dead prey.

Therefore, this illusion soul formation is an extremely abnormal soul formation, and the prey trapped in the soul formation is often destroyed to death by various vicious means.

There are only two ways to get out of trouble.

One is naturally to break the formation forcefully.

As long as you are strong enough, you can easily smash this soul formation.

The second is to find the soul formation master hiding in this soul formation.

Li Zedao knew that with his current cultivation base, it was not enough to forcibly break through this illusion soul formation that had long been arranged for him to arrive, so he tried to find the soul formation master hiding in this soul formation.

That soul formation master, to put it plainly, was the eyes of this illusion soul formation, and it was the weakest point of this illusion soul formation.

It has always been extremely difficult to find the eyes of a soul formation.

Therefore, to find the soul formation master who arranged this illusion soul formation, the difficulty seems to be no less than that of forcibly breaking this illusion soul formation.

Therefore, Li Zedao was a little desperate.

"Mr. Qinglong, is your old man there?"

Li Zedao can only temporarily pin his hopes on Mr. Qinglong, hoping that he will be around here at this time.

At this moment, the blood pool in front of him boiled even more intensely, and he kept making "grunt" sounds that seemed so rapid and terrifying.

Li Zedao stared at the blood pond, the chill in his heart was even worse, and the hand holding the Black Soul Umbrella also broke out in cold sweat.

His other hand also had a long sword gleaming with cold light, but he didn't rush it.

After being in such an illusion, the most important thing is to be calm. It is a taboo to shoot at will without a goal. It will only waste your breath, and even hurt yourself by mistake.

"Where is the soul formation master hiding?"

Li Zedao's thoughts were surging extremely fiercely, and the powerful perceptual ability that burst out constantly explored every move in this blood fog space, but temporarily nothing.

At this moment, I only heard a muffled sound of "Wow!", but seeing the boiling blood splashing in the blood pool in front of him, Li Zedao was really taken aback.

As the blood splashed, a head emerged from the blood pool, and then a blood-sparkling figure crawled out of the blood pool!

It feels like a dead body crawling out of the grave.

Li Zedao's pupils shrank suddenly, and his scalp became violently numb, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

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