The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 2983: discipline

Perceiving that Dao's so familiar and distinctive aura, Dong Huang Taiyi's body directly stiffened into a ball.

His round eyes almost jumped out of his eye sockets, and his mouth was wide enough to swallow his fists.

"It's... it's her? This... how is it possible?"

The two couldn't breathe, and Donghuang Taiyi's stiff body no longer exuded any even the weakest breath.

He is dead!

He was frightened or frightened by the breath radiating from Niu Wu's body!

But his wide, round old eyes still showed extreme horror and deep shock, which lasted for a long time.

Li Zedao saw Donghuang Taiyi was actually scared to death, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Although Eastern Emperor Taiyi's soul was severely damaged, his dantian was forcibly shattered and he was not far away from his soul.

But he was frightened to death by the Ninth Five-Year Plan, which is enough to explain the strength of this thigh.

After dozens of breaths, Qinglong and Xuanwu woke up from the extreme shock.

Their faces have long been replaced by absolute shock and fear, and they even want to slap themselves in the face to see if they are dreaming!

"Nine... Nine-Five Lords!"

Qinglong took a deep breath and bowed his hands. If his head weighed tens of thousands of kilograms, he couldn't lift it at all.

The same is true for Xuanwu, her mouth is extremely bitter.

It turned out to be her! It's no wonder that when facing herself and Qinglong, she behaved so high and indomitable.

"I just saw me, but I dared to look at me with such eyes, showing me a strong killing intent."

Nine-Five looked at these two powerhouses condescendingly, and said lightly: "Qinglong, Xuanwu, you two are very courageous."

Both Qinglong and Xuanwu's bodies trembled abruptly, and they dared not make the slightest excuse, so they could only lower their heads to show respect and surrender.

Li Zedao saw that the Qinglong and Xuanwu of the four ambassadors who had always been invincible looked like a grandson in front of their thighs.

At this moment, he has already made an extremely important decision in his heart, he must cling to this thigh firmly!

No matter what happens in the future, the faith in holding your thighs will never waver!

"I'll teach you a lesson, don't you have any opinions?" The corners of Nine-Five's mouth curled up with a hint of sarcasm.

Qinglong said bitterly to Xuanwu, "Please punish you, Master Nine-Five."

Even if they treat the Ninth Fifth Master with respect, the Ninth Fifth Master still finds trouble for them, they can only suffer, let alone they do have extremely rude behavior towards her... Even if they don't even know that she is the Nine Five people.

Ninth Five glanced at Li Zedao behind him, and said, "Go, give them ten slaps in the face as a punitive sign."

Li Zedao's body shook violently, his big mouth could almost swallow his fist, and his unswerving desire to clasp his thigh was shaken instantly.

Asking him to smoke the faces of Qinglong and Xuanwu, what is the difference between asking him to die?

Li Zedao has every reason to believe that once he does this, Mr. Qinglong and Miss Xuanwu will definitely include him in the list of people to be killed.

But if he didn't do this, if he was kicked off by his thigh, he would also die horribly.

The bodies of Qinglong and Xuanwu also shook violently, and their complexions became extremely ugly.

They felt that the punishment given to them by the Nine-Five Masters was too much, it was even more than they wanted to hang Donghuang Taiyi on the gate of Donghuang Villa.

This is no longer punishing them, it is humiliating them to death!

"Qinglong and Xuanwu are among the four ambassadors. Although I can punish them for their rudeness, I still have to take care of their faces."

Ninth Five said: "So you remember, remember to be lighter when you slap them in the face for a while, but don't hurt them seriously or even kill them."


The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched uncontrollably.

The bodies of Qinglong and Xuanwu also began to tremble, their faces pale and red, and more blood was flowing from the corners of their mouths.

"Qinglong, Xuanwu, I punished you like this, do you have any opinions?" Jiuwu's cold eyes looked at Qinglong and Xuanwu.

Qinglong and Xuanwu seemed to have agreed, and said in unison: "Don't dare you!"

They didn't even notice that their voices had changed.

At the moment Qinglong and Xuanwu both raised their heads, showing their faces, waiting for the ant's slap.

Li Zedao knew that he had to pump, he could only bite the bullet and swept down, and the trembling body came in front of Qinglong and Xuanwu.

He looked so humblely at Qinglong and Xuanwu, bowed his hand, and said cautiously: "Mr. Qinglong, Miss Xuanwu, you are offended."

Mr. Qinglong's face had long returned to the indifference he used to, and he didn't even look at Li Zedao.

Xuanwu smiled and looked at the ant in front of him, and said, "Master Ninth Five said, so you don't fight too hard, but don't take this opportunity to kill Mr. Qinglong. "

Li Zedao's scalp became more numb, and the face with a humble smile seemed to be crying.

At this moment, Xuanwu looked at Li Zedao with a smile, his lips moved a few more quickly, but there was no sound.

Li Zedao understood, this woman was saying, if you dare to do something, my old lady promises you will die miserably.

He thought for a while, straightened his chest that was just now, and reduced the humble and embarrassing smile on his face that was even more ugly than crying, and looked at Xuanwu who was smiling so dangerously very seriously.

I can't help but sneer in my heart. Damn, dare to threaten this son? Didn't you see that the thigh that this young man is holding now wants to be thick and can easily trample you to death?

Your sister! Are you really afraid of your failure?

The smile on Xuanwu's face narrowed slightly, and her eyes narrowed slightly. She clearly felt that the aura of the ant in front of her had become completely different.

She originally wanted to scare the ant.

Once this ant was so scared that he didn't dare to do it, he would seriously lose the face of Master Nine Five, and in this way, it can be regarded as an indirect sigh of malice.

Even if the Ninth Fifth Master gets angry, he might kill the ant directly.

But the result was different from what she thought. This ant didn't seem so fearless as before.

How dare he stare at himself with such a powerful but presumptuous eyes?

At this moment, Li Zedao smiled, showing a somewhat contemptuous smile.

He raised his hand and looked at it carefully, and couldn't help but admire in his heart that this is indeed a pair of hands that are quite suitable for playing the piano.

Then, he looked at Xuanwu and reminded him with a smile: "Master Xuanwu, the younger one is going to slap your face. Please don't hide, let alone use any breath to hurt the younger one. Otherwise, you will be rebelling against the Ninth Fifth Master. ."

Xuanwu's eyes were fascinated into a line, revealing an extremely terrifying cold light.

Oh, still dare to threaten this son? Do you think this son is scared?

Li Zedao's raised hand directly drew towards Xuanwu's face.

That hand didn't use any breath.

So Xuanwu can avoid it extremely easily, and she doesn't even need to avoid it at all. She only needs to use a little breath to completely turn this **** hand into blood mist.

But she can't hide, can't have any unnecessary actions, she can only suffer!


Crisp and loud voices sounded in this extremely suppressed space, constantly lingering around Qinglong and Xuanwu's ears, frantically stimulating their nerves and torturing their souls.

In an instant, Li Zedao felt that every cell in his body was like drinking honey with ice cubes on a hot summer day, so sweet and so comfortable.

It turns out that whipping the face of such a terrible strong man is such a comfortable thing.

Xuanwu's body trembled violently, his hand clenched into a fist, his eyes were still round, and he was about to jump out of his eye sockets at any time.

Naturally, this slap didn't bring any harm to her, but the humiliation it brought was unprecedented.

She suddenly raised her head and stared at Li Zedao, the scarlet eyes were full of murderous intent.

She wanted to yell: "Do you want to die?"

"Dare to stare at this young man?"

Li Zedao's eyes glared, and he glared back.

Xuanwu's body trembled even more severely.

Nothing, my old lady is going to be unable to stand it anymore, my old lady wants to get rid of this **** ant!

Li Zedao raised his hand again, and this time drew his backhand on Xuanwu's right cheek.


The voice is still clear and loud, without any harm, but the insult is at its extreme.

Xuanwu's face was already flushed, and he gritted his teeth, and the corners of his mouth were constantly flowing with rich blood.

The Ninth Fifth Master was there, she could only suffer after all.

The only thing she could do was to swear in her heart over and over again that one day she would use the most vicious means to torture this **** ant.

Next, Li Zedao opened his bow left and right, and slapped Xuanwu eight more slaps.

Every time Li Zedao slapped Xuanwu, the muscles on the face of Qinglong on the side would be uncontrollably pulled down, and there was a trace of pity in the depths of his eyes.

This ant is going farther and farther on the road to death. He really thinks that the Ninth Five-Year Master can protect him well?

"Mr. Qinglong, it's your turn."

Li Zedao looked at Qinglong with a smile and reminded: "Don't hide, don't use any breath."

The muscles on Qinglong's face twitched again, and he couldn't understand why he didn't beat this guy to death before?

Li Zedao slapped it.

Like Xuanwu, Qinglong had no way to evade, but could only suffer.


Li Zedao's eyes were dark and his body was abnormally numb, and he almost fainted.

Because it's so cool, so happy!

He had long wanted to hit Mr. Qinglong's **** face, and now his wish has finally come true.

The darkness in front of Qinglong's eyes also fell.

After all, he underestimated the shame of being slapped in the face by this ant.

The power of this shame was not inferior to Donghuang Taiyi's strenuous blow, directly causing his soul to tremble severely and almost fainted.

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