Mr. Qinglong looked at Li Zedao expressionlessly, feeling that this ant, who has always been known for his shamelessness, was quite self-aware.

He actually knew that he was not qualified to receive this invitation card, which was really rare.

Qinglong said lightly: "From a realm point of view, you are indeed not qualified to get this invitation soul card."

Mr. Qinglong's words turned: "But you have one of the top ten artifacts, the butterfly wings, the powerful Horcrux'invisible' of the Tang family, and you also have the extremely powerful defensive abilities obtained in the snowy region. The black umbrella, you still have that weird bug, plus your soul is much stronger than ordinary people, so you are qualified."

Li Zedao's face muscles twitched uncontrollably. Is it my son's fault that his family is rich? Your sister's.

He asked cautiously: "Mr. Qinglong means that if I don't have these things, I won't be eligible?"

Mr. Qinglong said coldly: "If you hand over the'invisible', you will be disqualified."

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched even more severely.

conspiracy! This is a conspiracy!

Jin can kill him, and retreat can seize his "invisible"!

Unexpectedly, the four ambassadors are so greedy, it is really disgusting!

It is naturally impossible for Li Zedao to surrender the "invisible", so he looked at Qinglong eagerly, and asked cautiously: "Can I...not accept it?"

Mr. Qinglong said lightly: "It depends on personal wishes."

Li Zedao breathed a sigh of relief for an instant. Your sister said earlier that this young man's heart almost jumped out of his throat.

The fool accepted it.

My son only wanted to practice low-key, and low-key to help the thigh find the pill Promise, so he didn't want to challenge those strong on the sky list.

Don't think that this son doesn't know the sinisterness of your intentions, you want the strong on the sky list to beat this son to death!

Moreover, he died in the hands of those strong, and his thighs were not easy to say.

Xuanwu on the side looked at Li Zedao with such a playful expression, and said, "Hey, although whether or not to accept the invitation soul card is purely a matter of personal will, no one has ever dared not accept the invitation soul card issued by Tianyu... "

Xuanwu said in an unquestionable tone: "No matter how powerful he is behind him, what noble person he is covering!"

"They will only be extremely excited and religious to take it!"

"So are you sure you don't want to receive this invitation card?"

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched violently again, and he felt that the whole person was not good.

Nima's, this is the so-called personal will? Can you not be so shameless as a human being? This is obviously a threat to death, okay?

Looking at this posture, it's impossible not to accept it.

So Li Zedao could only work hard to squeeze an excited and pious expression on his face, and then took this unusually cold and heavy invitation card with both hands.

The small heart trembled uncontrollably, and the scalp numbed violently. I really didn't even have any tears when I wanted to cry.

At this moment, a terrifying coldness radiated from this soul invitation card, and instantly swam through his body.

At the same time, a line of words appeared on this invitation card with colorful and mysterious light.

"Three months later, the Yinyou Mountains will gather!"

Seeing this line of words, Li Zedao's pupils widened slightly, and he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

The location is in the extremely dangerous Yinyou mountain range? Those of them who received the invitation of the soul card will challenge the two hundred powerhouses in the sky list in the Yinyou Mountain Range in a month's time?

I don't know what the rules are. Randomly arrange to challenge opponents or choose any one of the two hundred strong.

At this moment, Mr. Qinglong's extremely cold eyes looked at the yin and secluded mountains that were shrouded in mysterious blue in front of him, and said lightly: "This time, there are a total of 120 invited soul cards, including you. ."

"Among them, only 20 are finally qualified to challenge the strong on the sky list."

Li Zedao, whose mind was surging very strongly, was shocked when he heard the words, and asked: "So for a month in that yin and secluded mountain range, is it to decide the top 20?"

"Exactly." Qinglong said.

Li Zedao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Qinglong turned around to look at Li Ze, and said lightly: "If you can successfully leave a name on the sky list, you will be eligible to meet Lord Tianmeng."


Li Zedao's breathing immediately stagnated, and the whole person was completely in a sluggish state.

Then his first reaction was that Mr. Qinglong was fooling himself again.

What did you say before? As long as the Glory Token is stolen from the Donghuang Villa, you may be able to see Heavenly Dream.

The results of it?

You are too weak to meet Lord Tianmeng at all.

The second reaction is that if Mr. Qinglong doesn't fool himself, as long as he can leave a name on the sky list, can he really see that woman?

Li Zedao's breathing became rapid, and a strange light gleamed in his eyes.

He really really wants to see that woman!

He would like to ask her if your toys are still powered or not, I have a lot of spare batteries here.

After Li Zedao recovered, Qinglong and Xuanwu had already left.

Li Zedao took a deep breath, walked to the window, and looked at the shadowy mountains in the distance covered by the mysterious blue veil, his hand was already clenched into a fist.

"Top 20?"

"Defeat the strong on the sky list and replace it?"

"Hey, this young man really only wants to low-key to improve his own cultivation, and only wants to low-key to find that but Yao Wuji, really does not want to be a strong person who left a name on that sky list."

Li Zedao sighed softly, really having a headache.

"Why do you want to force me? They still don't know that once this son appears, it will make many people despair directly?"

For the next month, Li Zedao stayed in this room of the inn with his eyes closed and rested.

With Li Zedao's current cultivation base, one month's meditation practice is not enough to improve his cultivation base, but it is enough to fully recover the injuries he has accumulated before, making his energy and spirit reach the most saturated state.

Then Li Zedao spent another month to reform the big idiot.

Li Zedao had a whim, and felt that the big idiot and the black soul fly might blend together perfectly and become an unexpectedly powerful killer.

The speed of the Black Soul Fly is undoubtedly very fast, but after all, it is not faster than the eyes of the strong of the first stage, plus the Black Soul Fly does not possess the heaven-defying attributes that can be perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment.

Therefore, during the battle, it is actually very difficult for the Black Soul Fly to enter the body of the strong in the return to bite its soul, unless the opponent is seriously injured.

And the power of the big fool is far from enough to harm the strong of Guiyi Realm.

But if you take advantage of the big idiot's explosive power and the black smoke released, can you hide the breath of the black soul fly?

So in this month, Li Zedao almost exhausted all his efforts and brains. Finally, there were four more idiots who had successfully completed the transformation in front of him.

Seeing these four big fools, Li Zedao smiled like a fool.

After resting for a few days, Li Zedao entered the Yinyou Mountain Range and searched for the power of a big fool that had been tested and transformed by a powerful beast.

The final result made Li Zedao very satisfied.

In this way, when facing the strong on the sky list, there is undoubtedly a better chance of winning.

Returning to the inn, Li Zedao counted the time, and there were less than 20 days left to gather in the Yinyou Mountains.

He rubbed his slightly swollen temples, and said to himself: "The nerves are too tight these few days, it's not a good thing, let's go out and relax."

The town still has people coming and going. The difference is that the people who gathered in this Yinyou town in the past were mostly powerful people in the Dao realm. These people undoubtedly wanted to enter the Yinyou Mountains to find the Bichi holy spring, so as to get back to the past. The great fortune obtained by Devouring Fire has stepped into the ranks of the real strong in one fell swoop.

But at this time, there were dozens of more powerful people in the same realm in the small town.

These are the sect masters of a certain sect force or the tianjiao from which powerful force, or the famous strong people in which domain are undoubtedly arrogant. They do not allow the surrounding ants to get too close to them and pollute them. Because of the air around them, they all intend to radiate the powerful pressure that belongs to the strong in the unified realm without reservation.

As a result, the expressions of the strong people around him changed wildly, their eyes were full of awe, and they quickly took a detour.

Li Zedao has always been low-key, so he also took a detour.

After that, Li Zedao walked into a Horcrux shop that claims to have powerful Horcruxes, swept around, and couldn't help shaking his head.

These are indeed Horcruxes. They are treasures for those in the Lingyu Realm, and they are also useful for those in the Dao Realm, but for those in the One Realm like Li Zedao, they are no different from trash.

In particular, Li Zedao had just obtained such powerful killing Horcruxes as "invisible", and his soul was inhabited by primitive Horcruxes bred from chaotic spaces such as the center of the earth and butterfly wings, so he really didn't like these things.

On the contrary, the female boss who greeted her was really eye-catching, especially her big eyes, full of purity and beauty, and a hint of slyness that was not annoying at all.

The moment Li Zedao saw the beautiful shopkeeper, his mind went blank, and there was a violent ripple in the original Gu Jing Wubo's heart.

Because that face is seven-point similar to the face that has been deeply painted in the depths of my soul.

It's Li Mengchen!

The owner of this beauty shop looks a lot like Li Mengchen, especially the twinkling eyes and the charm that exudes from the bones.

This is naturally a coincidence, but it is enough to make Li Zedao's mind instantly pop up countless such beautiful pictures.

"My son, these Horcruxes in our shop are carefully refined by powerful Soul Formation Masters. Would you like me to introduce them to you?" The beauty shop owner is quite enthusiastic, and her eyes are full of smiles.

"If these princes don't look at me, I have several other powerful Horcruxes hidden in my hands."

Li Zedao was already calm at this time, and he shook his head slightly and said, "Thank you, the owner, I just passed by accidentally, just take a look."

With that said, Li Zedao planned to leave.

At this moment, a powerful coercion belonging to the middle grade cultivation base of the Guiyi Realm was as if the monstrous flood flooded into the Horcrux shop in an instant, causing the shop to sway gently and collapse at any time.

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