The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 405: What it's like to be a eunuch

Sure enough, Gao Shenghan did not disappoint Gao Shan at all!

"Wei Xiaobao...Is Wei Xiaobao here? That Wei Xiaobao, it feels good to be an eunuch, right?" Gao Shenghan said, with a very gloating scent in his tone, "I really envy you, even if you are cursed-death to death, but There is nothing to be afraid of."

"Boom!" The whole hall sounded like a thunder again, and everyone's ears were aching, and then the whole hall exploded again.

What Gao Shenghan said is provoking the Wei family? Or is he indirectly admitting that he gave Wei Xiaobao to Geji? Then everyone looked for Wei Xiaobao's figure.

Near a table on the right side of the runway, Wei Xiaobao's fat body was heavily pressed on a chair, his eyes were slightly squinted, and his face became extremely distorted. An extremely fierce murderous aura.

Gao Shan was dark in front of his eyes and almost fell to the ground, this idiot, does he know what he is talking about? Is he really his son who is known as the most promising young talent in Yanjing?

"Well, I might not have the chance to be refined-I will die." Gao Shenghan's tone changed, and his voice was full of bitterness, "Because that thing has hibernated and won't be hardened. And...because I always like to engage in men's sex, I got AIDS..."

In the hall, a few women's faces changed wildly, their bodies were shaky, and they almost sat on the ground.

"I can't harden it...AIDS..." Gao Shenghan already had the urge to die. He suddenly discovered that death is such a happy thing, at least after death, there is no need to hear that terrible voice. , There is no need to think about how to go out to meet people after this, let alone what situation the Gao family will be in next.

"Li Zedao, this is the gift you sent? It's really a gift... I must let you die... I must let you die..." Gao Shenghan roared viciously in his heart.

Then, he suddenly realized that his fist, which had been completely numb before, was clenched without knowing what, and veins were visible on it.

Can you move?

Gao Shenghan was overjoyed. He tried to twist his neck, and he really could move!

Then my heart suddenly remembered the words played on the speaker before, so the kind in my heart had been replaced by extreme fear.

In the next second, his eyes met the extremely terrifying eyes of his father Gao Shan, and then he felt a lot of hot eyes staring at him, murderous, ridiculous, and...resent!

"It's better to faint, at least to be safe." Gao Shenghan thought to himself, before his eyes were dark, his body was lying there stiffly, unable to move.

"High and young..."


Someone from the Gao family came on stage to check on Gao Shenghan, and helped him up in a coma, and took him out of the hall as quickly as possible. After all, if Gao Shenghan continued to stay on stage, he might be beaten to death.

Old man Su slowly stood up, and then looked at the frowning Old Man Gao with a calm face and said, "Old Gao, I'm going back first." Old Man Su's voice is not loud, and it's very calm, like two Old friends said goodbye to each other after drinking tea, but I don't know why everyone can feel a hint of anger in it.

Old man Su's anger is not something everyone can bear. Old man Gao can bear it, but he is unwilling to bear it. After bearing it, he will not die, but it will hurt the Gao family's vitality.

Moreover, it is not just the Su family that the Gao family offends and death, and even the Wei family, who has finally resolved the misunderstanding and repaired the relationship before, will attack the Gao family again because of what Gao Shenghan said.

"Lao Su, I will give you a satisfactory answer." Old man Gao stood up and nodded and said, his spine is no longer as tall and straight as before, a little bent, as if he was a few years old in an instant.

Grandpa Su was not talking anymore, but turned and walked slowly towards the entrance of the hall. Of course, as soon as he left, about half of the people also stood up from their positions and followed Grandpa Su slowly. He left, and soon, the huge banquet hall was gone, and as most of the people left, it was even more empty in an instant.

Su Xuan's beautiful eyes scanned the entire hall, and finally landed on that corner. The corner of her mouth was already slightly tilted, and then she released the hand that was holding Su Guoli's arm, and said calmly to Su Guoli, who was very angry: "Dad, I'm leaving now."

Speaking, Su Xuan stepped off the stage, ignoring the strange gazes of everyone, and slowly walked towards a table in the back corner of the hall.

There were three people on that table. One of them was Li Zedao. He didn’t seem to realize what had happened. He was still eating there. No money was needed anyway, and the dishes were so exquisite and delicious. Why not eat it?

As for the other two people from the Gao family camp, it's just that the Gao family suddenly came out like this, which directly made them dumbfounded, and saw Su who was humiliated by naked-naked-naked and then retired but had no reaction at all. Xuan actually walked towards them, and was dumbfounded again. What did she want to do?

Because of being humiliated by Gao Shenghan, your heart is ashamed.

Are you kidding me, are they the kind of casual people?

Not far away, after seeing Li Zedao, Wei Xiaobao, who was firmly on the chair, narrowed his eyes, then muttered to himself in an extremely vicious voice: "Li this your handwriting?"

"Li Zedao?" Su Guoli's eyes widened suddenly.

"Student Li, are you full?" Su Xuan said lightly while looking at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao raised his head and looked at her with a slight smile, then took out a tissue and wiped his mouth and smiled: "I've eaten a long time ago, but I'm a bit bored waiting for you, so I ate some more."

"I haven't eaten yet." Su Xuan said.

"I brought money." Li Zedao smiled, then stood up and stretched out his hand, "I invite you to dinner."

Without any hesitation, Su Xuan's hand was actively held by him, and the two of them were like a very sweet couple. In the eyes of everyone's eyes that were about to fall, slowly Left the conference hall.

There was a dead silence in the hall, a weird silence, everyone’s eyes fell on Li Zedao and Su Xuan’s slowly leaving Beiying, they didn’t understand, which Su Xuan was playing with, they didn’t understand, that was completely Where did the young man with a fresh face come from, and what does it have to do with Su Xuan?

"He wouldn't be the handsome guy Gao Shao said that he dated Princess Su the night before?" Someone whispered, and everyone suddenly realized.

"Are you afraid?" Li Zedao gently held Su Xuan's hand as he walked to the parking lot, and asked, "Although you were already famous, I am afraid that you are more famous now... before getting engaged, you hug a handsome guy. Hug and cuckold Gao Shenghan... I'm afraid no one would dare to want you, haha!"

"Don't you want?" Su Xuan looked at him and asked. The expression is calm, but his heart is numb and sweet.

"If you don't want it, I won't lead you away in front of so many people." Li Zedao smiled, but his hand increased a little, and Su Xuan's little soft hand was held tighter, as if afraid. Like losing her.

"How was it done?" Su Xuan asked curiously.

"I'll talk about it for a while, leave here first." Li Zedao deliberately lifted Su Xuan's appetite and said.

As he spoke, she already brought Su Xuan to the Land Rover.

I saw the cute shadow like a porcelain doll standing in front of the car, using the chewing gum in her mouth to spit bubbles in the rearview mirror of the Land Rover car, and then tidying her hair and her collar. She took out the lipstick from her little bag again, smeared her **** little lips, and then squinted her eyes and smiled, her head swayed and swayed to the left...The swaying effort also spat out a bubble.

"Really...beautiful!" Shadow said proudly, clenching his fist.

Li Zedao's mouth twitched. What is this little witch doing? However, the shadow is indeed very righteous. When the old man Su took people away, the shadow said that she had also gone out first. Li Zedao knew that the shadow was giving him and Su Xuan space.

Shadow straightened the rear-view mirror, then turned his head, his round eyes fell on Li Zedao, and he smiled badly and said: "Big fool, this genius and beautiful girl has already helped you, remember to come to my room tonight."

"..." Su Xuan looked at the shadow, then looked at Li Zedao with a strange look.

"Go to play games..." Li Ze Daogan explained with a smile, but he was almost internally injured by the shadow's words. Fearing that the shadow was talking nonsense, he quickly introduced the two of them, "She is the shadow, it is my...Junior sister..." Li Zedao thought for a long time, and finally felt that it would be better to introduce the shadow like this. After all, the relationship between the two It can indeed be said to be brothers and sisters.

"Damn, big idiot, who is your junior sister?" Shadow pointed at Li Zedao with a dissatisfied expression, "I'm going to get started before you. I'm your senior sister, OK? Come, call senior sister..."

"Senior Sister..." Li Zedao had a black line on his face.

"Forget it, you'd better call me Miss Shadow, a beautiful and invincible genius girl in the universe." The shadow was made goose bumps by the senior sister Li Zedao.

"..." Li Zedao felt that he might as well call him a senior sister.

"Big sister, hello, I am the shadow." Shadow no longer pays attention to Li Ze. The big round eyes swept over Su Xuan, "You are so beautiful."

"Hello, I'm Su are also very beautiful." Su Xuan responded with a rare smile, but she already saw that the relationship between Shadow and Li Zedao was not what she had imagined.

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