Li Zedao's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "Miss Su, I think you should be thankful that I am the kind of man with a natural growth in my bones. Otherwise, you would have died ten thousand times now."

"You don't need to die ten thousand times, one death is enough." Susan sneered. "The point is, you don't dare to do it at all, so don't make excuses for your cowardice. It's disgusting. ."

"It seems that I have to rush?" Li Zedao asked.

"That's true." Susan said, "There are only two things you can do now, either kill me or obediently listen to my arrangements... Remember, after getting out of the car, you are the one who was taken care of by me. Little white face."

"...You are insulting me!" Li Zedao was very angry. But after thinking about it, it seems that there is nothing wrong with being a little white face. After all, not everyone has the conditions to be a little white face. If you want to be a little white face, first of all you have to look white and handsome... Li Zedao was in a better mood.

"Get out of the car," Susan said, then pushed the door and got out of the car.

The corner of Li Zedao's mouth was slightly cocked, followed her and got out of the car, and then swept around proudly. Seeing the enviable eyes of the security guard standing there, Li Zedao already felt a sense of satisfaction. Yes, it's as if he didn't get down from the co-pilot's position but from the driving position, as if he was the owner of the car and not the little white face that was kept by the owner.

"Actually, there seems to be nothing wrong with being nurtured." Li Zedao thought in his heart, "No wonder there are so many people asking for nurturing these days."

At the moment, Li Zedao followed Susan towards the entrance of the hotel. Susan took the initiative to hold Li Zedao's hand as if to prove that Li Zedao was a little white face being kept.

"If you are holding hands like this, others will mistake you for being a junior under my care." Li Zedao reminded him kindly. Being so close to this neuropathy gave Li Zedao a feeling of furry in his heart.

"You think too much." Susan said.

"Don't you look like a junior?" Li Zedao asked back.

Susan said with an inexplicable light in her eyes: "I might be a junior in the future, but now you are a little boy."


Sure enough, Li Zedao realized that he was thinking too much, because it was obvious that Susan was a regular customer here, and many people greeted her when they walked in this way.

"Sister Su, haha, you finally have a little white face, I thought you like women?"

"Sister Su... this little white-faced face is pretty good, but it's a bit dark..."

Li Zedao almost hit someone when he heard it, it was a bit dark? You **** you pretending to wear a pair of sunglasses to look at me at night. Are you ashamed to say I am dark? ill!

Soon, Susan brought Li Zedao to a man.

To be precise, he is a man who looks very feminine...Of course, in Li Zedao's view, this guy may also be a ladyboy.

The white straight pants, the tight-fitting top, reveals her ***, and she has long flowing hair as long as Susan, and she wears stud earrings on her ears.

"Shemale, run around?" Susan said lightly.

"Sure enough, it's a ladyboy!" Li Zedao muttered in his heart, feeling that his eyes were too harsh, and he could see the nature of the other party at a glance.

"Ms. Su said so, I naturally have to give it to me." The ladyboy smiled charmingly, with a shrill voice, and then looked at Li Ze with ambiguous eyes, as if looking at a product. Up.

Li Zedao frowned, and wanted to hit the opponent's face with a punch. He could accept being used by a beautiful girl to prostitute himself, but he couldn't accept being stared at by a ladyboy like this.

"What are you betting on?" The ladyboy asked, licking his pink lips.

"If I lose, the little white face I kept will stay with you." Susan pointed to Li Zedao and said, "I will give you my sports car."

"..." Li Zedao's eyes widened suddenly, what's the joke? Isn't it because this guy exploded the chrysanthemum or the guy's chrysanthemum, whether it was attacking or accepting, he had 10,000...No, no, 100 million, 1 billion, 10 billion unwilling, OK?

"What if I lose?" the ladyboy asked again.

"Give me your sports car." Susan pointed to a black sports car behind the ladyboy.

"No, no, no..." The ladyboy raised his slender fingers and shook it gently in front of Susan, then pointed at Li Zedao and said, "Miss Su, this way I am too bad. Have?"

"..." Li Zedao's fist was slightly pinched, and he felt an urge to hit someone.

"Compared with my car, the price difference is about 500,000 yuan. Although this little white face looks handsome, it looks like a three-second shot, not worth 500,000 yuan... "

"... Mom is so hot." Li Zedao clenched his fists, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

I was said to be kept under control, I endured it; I was said to be a little white face, and I endured it; I was hungry and endured when I was looked at by a ladyboy with ambiguous eyes; but now I was said to be shot in three seconds... well, Still endure it, but if you can't bear it, you will make big plans. Can't really beat people in such a place, right?

However, Li Zedao still got a piece of information that made him extremely disgusting, and that was the one that this ladyboy liked to be the "receiver"! And now I know why I lost Susan so happy.

"He said you shoot in three seconds..." Susan looked back at Li Zedao and said, her face was not gloating, but she was talking about it seriously, as if it were the most serious thing in the world. Isn't this insulting you?"


After finishing speaking, Susan turned her head and said to the ladyboy earnestly: "I promise from my personal experience that forty minutes in one breath is not a problem." After speaking, she looked back at Li Zedao and whispered: "Am I interesting?"

"..." Li Ze said that he wanted to kill. Susan said that it was not a problem for him to breathe for 40 minutes. Although it was still below his level, it was barely acceptable, but Susan also said her personal experience... Insult his taste?

So the ladyboy looked at Li Zedao's eyes even more ambiguous. At the moment, he smiled charmingly and said, holding the orchid finger: "Okay, that's it...little white face, just wait to get on my bed... Miss Su, you and I compare?"

"It's up to him to stay in your bed or stay under my care." Susan pointed to Li Zedao and said.

"Yes, yes, he has to decide this kind of thing." The ladyboy said with a charming smile, "but I don't match his identity. I'll just find someone to run."

"..." Li Zedao's stomach has already begun to twist, and he has an urge to vomit wildly in a trash can. Did this pervert forget that he was a man? And he also feels that all the humiliations he has encountered in the past eighteen years add up, and it seems that there is not more tonight.

"Sun Rui, come and run with this little white face." The ladyboy looked back at a handsome guy wearing a white shirt and black trousers, and said, "Remember, you can only win, don't lose, have you heard I also want to verify if he can really hold on for forty minutes in one go."

"Yes, Shao Ming." The man nodded and said, looking at Li Zedao with a trace of stern expression, as if Li Zedao had taken away his beloved.

Compared to downhill, this can make the game more enjoyable and speedy, of course, it also increases a lot of risk factors.

When there were two cars, one black and one red, driving up the mountain first, in this way, Li Zedao could also get familiar with this mountain road indirectly.

At the same time, the club heard that the two members, Susan and the ladyboy, were planning to get out of the car, and had already cleared away the excess vehicles on the mountain road, and the hotel also used the horn to broadcast the news, just to remind The members of the club enjoy watching from the top floor of the hotel.

Many people come to the club not to race with others, but to appreciate others' races, and even more to bet on cars, to see who will win.

The top floor was transformed into a magnificent hall. There is a huge monitor in the hall, which will provide the odds and race information of each participating driver at any time.

The so-called game information refers to the club setting up cameras in some places on the runway. Guests participating in gambling can learn about the progress of the game through the video captured by the camera, and then choose whether to continue additional betting.

In the car, Li Zedao glanced at Susan who was sitting in the co-pilot position and asked: "Miss Su, you are sitting in the car, are you afraid of a car crash for a while?" He originally thought that Susan would wait in the hotel. Now, she didn't expect that she was actually sitting in the position of the co-pilot, and he also saw that the ladyboy also got into the position of the co-pilot of his black sports car.

"I wanted to die with you a long time ago." Susan smiled grimly and said.

"In fact, we don't have that much hatred. Even, I'm still your lifesaver. I have saved your life twice..." Li Zedao said, "Of course, I didn't say this to make you thank me, I just wanted to it interesting to come up with these things?"

"It's so interesting, seeing you being insulted, I feel very happy." Susan clapped her hands and laughed nervously again, "Three-second shot...Haha...Are you really three-second shot? Poor, My good sister is going to be a widow."

"...Don't you know if you try it?" Li Zedao responded with a cold smile.

"Okay... okay... if you don't do me, you are the bastard." Susan continued to clap her hands and laugh, letting out a nervous laugh.

"..." Li Zedao was speechless, he thought he was ill, can't shut up? What can you tell a guy with a sick brain?

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