The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 416: I am Li Zedao

In the red Ferrari car, after Li Zedao glanced through the rearview mirror, his brows were already slightly frowned, but he saw the black Ferrari lying horizontally a hundred meters behind, the front and the rear of the car were full of wolves. A trace of sparks gleamed in it, and the collision was unpredictable.

"If you don't have the ability, don't pretend to be forced!" Li Zedao muttered speechlessly. Then, using his hands and feet together, the car suddenly came to a three-hundred-sixty-degree turn on the spot, and then galloped forward. Already came to the front of the black Ferrari, at this time the whole Ferrari was already sparking a lot.

Seeing this, Li Zedao hurriedly jumped out of the car and rushed to the front. At this time, those who came to see the car also ran over in exclamation, but watching the sparks from Ferrari, they were full of horror. Isn't anyone daring to go there... Isn't it all acting like this in movies? When the car started to sparkles, the next thing to happen was an explosion.

As a result, someone really stared at that Ferrari, but quietly covered their ears, looking like the baby was scared.

At the same time, Li Zedao, who rushed to the Ferrari door, had already seen the ladyboy and Sun Rui inside. The airbags in the driver's seat and the passenger seat of the sports car had been opened, but the ladyboy seemed to move a little at this time. , It seemed that I was stunned by the knock, but Sun Rui was motionless. If he hadn't died, he would have been stunned.

At the moment, Li Zedao didn't hesitate anymore, stretched out his hand and pulled towards the car door, but the car door remained firmly fixed.

"I can't open it because it crashed?" Li Zedao frowned, but he didn't care if the car was going to explode. He jumped onto the front of Ferrari, and then raised his right hand suddenly, facing the front of Ferrari. The windshield of the car slammed, and the windshield of the sports car instantly turned into a ball of white glass fragments. Li Zedao punched it again, and the glass fragments spread out with a "crash".

Without the hindrance of the windshield, Li Zedao reached in and pulled off the airbag that had popped up, and then pulled off the safety belts on the two of them, and then he seemed to be carrying two bags of garbage. , Abruptly dragged the two out, and then jumped up, already jumped off the front cover of the car that was already burning, and then rushed forward without losing his head.

In the next second, there was an explosion of "Boom!", the Ferrari had already exploded, and a wave of air carried a lot of sharp fragments and slammed into the surroundings.

At the same time, Li Zedao, who had already escaped a long time ago, let out a soft breath, and then threw the **** and Sun Rui in his hand to the ground.

The ladyboy is also a little more sober, looking at the flames rising from Ferrari, his face is full of horror, and Sun Rui is still in a coma, obviously, it hurts his brain. Up.

As for those watching the excitement, they all stared at Li Zedao who was standing there, remembering his savage saving skills just now, as well as his performance that was almost fearless and fearless. They all showed awe in their eyes. , Where is the courage to approach a vehicle that may explode at any time?

Besides, is it so easy to smash the window glass? It was done by hand instead of using tools such as hammers, and there was a person in one hand behind him, so he could run so fast.

Inside the red Ferrari, Susan, whose body was blocked by Li Zedao and unable to move, watched the scene through the car window, and then turned to look at Li Zedao, with a very complicated look in her eyes.

"What kind of person are you?" Susan thought in her heart.

Soon, the ladyboy came back to his senses. At the moment, it was very gentleman who got up from the ground. Although he didn't understand everything before he was dizzy, he remembered the scene just now. But he also knew that this little white face saved his life despite the danger.

The **** shook his head, which was still a little dizzy, and looked at Li Zedao with a complicated look in his eyes, but he still said, "Thank you for saving my life. I will remember."

Li Zedao smiled: "Is it better?"

"...I lost, you won." The kind of gratitude that the human demon felt for the other side almost fed the dog. Shouldn't you say something humble and kind at this time? Please, I'm Dongfang Ming, a well-known rich man in Yanjing, and you are nothing more than a little white face. Can't you be polite to me?

"What about the bet?" Li Ze said, pointing to the Ferrari that was on fire, "I don't want that broken copper and iron."

"Don't worry, I have a lot of cars." The ladyboy stroked his long hair coquettishly, staring at Li Zedao with hot eyes, and said, "Come and talk to me, I promise you will enjoy it. The glory and wealth of China, how much women want, how much I will give you, is far more moisturizing than you and Miss Su?"

"Do you want to support me?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes." The ladyboy smiled, with a touch of charm in his eyes. He has a good mentality, at least now he has come out of the danger just now.

"Do you want me to explode your chrysanthemum?" Li Zedao asked again, looking at the ladyboy as if looking at an idiot.

"..." The ladyboy looked shy. I hate it, so how can you make people feel so embarrassed to answer?

"Let's put it this way, I am not the little white face raised by Miss Su, I am Li Zedao." Li Zedao said with a slight smile, "You should have heard my name?"

Li Zedao knew that since he left with Su Xuan swaggeringly in front of so many people in the Yanjing Hotel, his name would surely resound throughout Yanjing.

Who knows, the ladyboy said: "The name is not too grand, but..." He said that his eyes fell provocatively under Li Zedao's crotch, "Just forty minutes."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched and twitched. Even if the **** had never heard his name, he was still beating his brother?

Mom is so hot.

Li Zedao couldn't help it anymore, and grabbed the ladyboy by the neck and lifted him from the ground.

The face of the ladyboy was purple-red quickly, and his legs were dangling in the air, like a corpse hanging from a tree branch.

"Let go of Ming Shao..."

"Don't let go of Ming Shao..."

Several black-clothed men who saw a car accident and hurried back saw that the ladyboy was actually pinched and lifted up by the neck. They were shocked instantly, and immediately threatened Li Zedao one after another. They worried that the other party twisted in anger. He broke the ladyboy's neck, but didn't dare to step forward rashly. What if the other party made a ruthless shot?

Li Zedao ignored their existence, and did not let go because of their threats. Instead, he brought the small body of the ladyboy to him and said, "See clearly, my name is Li Zedao. If this If the name is unfamiliar to you, then after I say something, you will definitely think of someone like me... Two days ago, the super handsome guy who swaggered to take Su Xuan from the Su family at the Yanjing Hotel was me. "

"..." The big, charming eyes of the ladyboy suddenly widened.

"It seems that you already know who I am." Li Zedao said coldly, then let go, and the ladyboy fell to the ground altogether.

When the people in black saw this, two of them hurried over to help the monster, while the others were about to go up and beat the dog who dared to hold Ming Shao.

"Stop it all!" Seeing this, the monster hurriedly screamed.

Hearing this, those people quickly closed their hands, but they still stared at Li Zedao with vigilant eyes.

"So it's you?" The ladyboy looked at Li Zedao and narrowed his eyes, and then glanced at the red Ferrari not far away, his expression was already a bit gloomy, "So, you and Miss Su are playing on purpose. I'm coming?"

Li Zedao screamed wronged in his heart. Susan was playing with him at all. Isn't it a good relationship with himself? But now that he jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean it, he couldn't tell him that he was actually threatened by Susan so that he came to this place to ride the car?

Who believes it? Li Zedao was the first to not believe it!

But no matter what, this is a jump into the Yellow River and it is not clear.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't want to clean up, but smiled slightly and said: "Anyway, I can be regarded as your savior, right?"

"..." The corner of the ladyboy's mouth twitched, which he really couldn't deny.

"I don't need you to be grateful to me, let alone the love you owe me." Li Zedao waved his hand and said, "You only need to pay the bet. From then on, we two don't want money... Of course, if you If I want to make trouble, I have to call myself your savior."

Li Zedao felt that after working hard for most of the day, he should always be rewarded? It seems pretty good to drive a sports car back. He has never driven a sports car before... Oh, not counting what he just drove.

"..." Only then did the **** come to his senses, it turned out that the guy talking to him is a shameless person, and he gave a black man behind him a look.

The man in black got a bunch of car keys and handed it over. The ladyboy took it and threw it to Li Zedao and said, "This is a yellow Lamborghini key. The price is equivalent to that of the Ferrari. It just parked at the foot of the mountain. In the hotel’s parking lot, you'll just drive away in a while."

Li Zedao smiled, put the key in his pocket, and walked slowly toward the red Ferrari.

The ladyboy looked at Li Zedao's eyes and said in a voice that only he could hear: "He should be more than forty minutes."

Li Zedora got in the car door, then glanced at Susan, and said apologetically: "Sorry, I won."

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