The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 428: Little man

"Actually, I didn't see anything." Li Zedao said with a look of nose and nose, but he was working hard to suppress his emotions in his heart.

This little girl slept with him until the middle of the night, but she was still sleepwalking. First she unconsciously gnawed on his face, so that all his face was drooling, and then her head died. The hug of him almost suffocated him.

"..." Wu Xin's face became even redder, and she gritted her teeth and groaned, "I see...I will see it. Anyway, I won't hold you responsible for things sooner or later... Not only that, I will responsible to you!"

"..." Li Zedao felt more and more that he should have said this to himself.

"Ze Dao..." There was silence, Wu Xin seemed to have made some decision, biting her lip and calling out softly.

"Huh?" Li Zedao said stupidly, "Want to sleep for a while? Then go to sleep, it's only past three in the morning."

"...Not going to sleep..." Wu Xin said like a mosquito. This bastard, who does something mother-in-law, is not a man, fortunately he is a woman! Then he kicked off the quilt, and immediately after he pressed his body heavily on Li Zedao, he was about to take the initiative to put on his sweet lips.

Li Zedao stretched out his hand to block her mouth, smiled bitterly and said: "I already have other women, don't you care?"

"I care about your sister, idiot!" Wu Xin said with a blushing face, and then took Li Zedao's obstructive hand away, her lips heavily printed on the other's lips.

"Now I'm a famous teacher," she said in her heart.


After an important operation overnight, Wu Qiankun, whose face was full of tiredness, opened the door with the key and walked in. He saw his daughter's face with a faint smile, and he was already stunned. The expression is over, isn't your daughter supposed to travel in Yanjing? Why are you back?

Didn't sleep all night so dizzy?

So Wu Qiankun quickly took off the eye on the bridge of his nose and wanted to wipe it off.

"Dad, you are back... what are you doing?" Wu Xin asked with curiosity when seeing her dad with a dull look, and even wiping his eyes there.

"Uh... Xinxin, is it really you?"

"Nonsense, who am I?" Wu Xin said irritably, "I haven't seen you in a few days, so I don't recognize your daughter? Come in quickly, I just prepared breakfast, you haven't eaten it yet?"

Wu Qiankun looked at Wu Xin's daughter earnestly, hey, it was really his own daughter, and there was already a smile on that tired face. I haven't seen my daughter for a few days, strange. When I entered the house and changed shoes, he asked, "Aren't you traveling in Yanjing? Why don't you come back early and tell me... Uh, it's you?"

Wu Qiankun's eyes widened suddenly, and the smile on his face was frozen.

The previous words were naturally addressed to Wu Xin, but the following "Uh, is it you?" was actually addressed to Li Zedao who walked out of Wu Xin's room.

In his opinion, how could a young and promising young man with a profound background be here? And he also came out of his daughter's room, and the was quite complete, but who knows if it was worn behind? Is he getting better with his daughter? My daughter brought him back for the night?

"Uncle early." Li Zedao said hello to Wu Qiankun indifferently. He couldn't help but was eaten by Wu Xin, so Wu Qiankun could be regarded as his future father-in-law, so he should be polite.

"Uh... early..." Wu Qiankun looked at Li Zedao with weird eyes, and then worked hard to squeeze a smile on his face.

"Dad, the two of us are getting better, are you okay?" Wu Xin walked to the front, took Li Zedao's arm, and said with a shy expression.


"Of course, you can object, but it's useless. Mom will definitely support my idea anyway." Wu Xin continued, "And I will ignore you in the future."

"..." Wu Qiankun was already crying in his heart, and it turned out that the female college didn't want to stay, she turned her elbow out! Who gave birth to you and raised you? Who gave you money to turn you into a carefree little princess? Who gave you a horse riding a punching bag when you were in a bad mood?

"Uncle, I will take good care of Wu Xin." Li Zedao smiled slightly.

Wu Qiankun grinned and said: "I believe it, I believe... Haha... How could I object? I am happy that it is too late... My baby girl finally has someone to ask for it..."



Li Zedao raised his head and looked at the sign of the gleaming Tiandao Building, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, and then he stepped forward and walked in.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" The receptionist of Tiandao Group looked at the man wearing a casual suit and holding a suitcase in front of him. She greeted him politely, but she was really puzzled. Yes, he treats this as a hotel? Do you want to tell him that the opposite is the hotel?

"Hello, are you here?" Li Zedao said politely when he looked at this pretty small front desk.

"Sorry, do you have an appointment?" the front desk asked, and then looked at Li Zedao a little wary, because Mr. Ren had already explained that all the flies were gone. This guy clearly saw that he just got off the train and then slapped ass. Flew over to find Mr. Ren's flies.

"No." Li Zedao said, shaking his head. He hadn't told Nintendo that he had already arrived in Phoenix. After coming out of Wu Xin's house in the morning, he came directly to this place.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Ren is not here." said the front desk.

"Not here?" Li Zedao was taken aback, "Really?"

"Really." The front desk nodded earnestly, wondering if this guy is an idiot? It's a pity that he has that face.

"Not at the company? Where did you go?" Li Zedao muttered, then he took out his cell phone and dialed a series of numbers.

Nintendo was sitting on the spacious office chair, looking at the phone screen with a slightly blurred look. There was a photo on the screen. It was taken by Li Zedao when she was playing hard, and from the photo you Can clearly see the transparent liquid at the corner of his mouth.

"Little man, why haven't you come back?" Nintendo said softly with a charming face, then put the phone down, stood up, and came to the coffee machine, ready to make a cup of coffee for himself.

Before I had time to make coffee, the phone on the desktop rang.

Nintendo walked to the desk swayingly, picked up the phone, and saw a caller ID showing an unfamiliar number in Amsterdam, frowned slightly, but also picked it up.

"Heaven, it's me..."

Nintendo's body shook suddenly, and that face was full of smiles, but the voice was charming and very teasing: "Who are you?"

"Your little man." Li Zedao said in a dumbfounded manner. He didn't trust Heaven and couldn't hear his voice.

"I have a lot of little men, which one are you?" The smile on Nintendo's face increased, and his voice became more provocative.

Listening to Li Zedao, it was already a little hot. Nintendo has such an ability. Just taking a breath can make you angry. He glanced at the front desk with his eyes wide open and said in a low voice, "If you dare to find a man behind my back, let's see how I will punish you..."

"Are you back?" Nintendo's heart trembled slightly, and his voice was full of surprises.

"What do you think?" Li Zedao said with a slight smile, "I am here at the front desk now, but the front desk says you are not here."

"Wait for me, I will pick you up."

After seeing Li Zedao hung up the phone, the front desk said politely: "Sir, our President Ren is not here, please go back, we have to go to work... Oh, yes, there is a hotel on the opposite side, or turn left when going out. There are cheaper hotels."

It means that it’s too distracting for you to stand there. People who don’t know think that our Tiandao Group is a hotel.

"Hotel?" Li Zedao was taken aback, "What hotel?"

"What an idiot." The front desk said in a puzzled voice, and once again felt that his IQ was not good enough for his looks. When he was about to say something, the sound of rushing high heels hitting the floor came over. .

When he looked up, he saw the group president Ren Zong with an inexplicable smile on his face, but he walked over here with domineering strides.

The knee-length skirt tightly wraps her plump and moving buttocks, and a solid-color professional shirt makes her whole person look delicate and capable. Wearing a jacket, long sleeves to the elbow, black leather belt with diamonds on the watch glittering gorgeously The subtle light, with a pair of black pointed high heels on her feet, this slightly extravagant ol dress, brought her elegance to the extreme.

This is a woman who feels ashamed when she sees it, at least at the front desk.

"Mr. Ren..." The front desk quickly greeted him.

Nintendo glanced at her and nodded but didn't stop her pace. Instead, she walked straight to the man who seemed to have a worrisome IQ from the front desk, and then said in a very charming voice: "Little man, you are finally back. "She said that she took his arm and looked like a little birdie, "Let's go, go to my office, I have to report to you."

"Little man?" The front desk's eyes widened suddenly. Is this guy a man that Mr. Ren?

"How do I feel that I am the little boy who was raised by you?" Li Zedao whispered with a wry smile. When Nintendo walked to her office arm in arm all the way, all of the employees working in Tiandao Group had their eyes widened and almost dropped their chins. Some even opened the window and looked up at the sky to see if the sun is today. Coming out from the west.

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