The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 432: Law of homicide

"What is the law?" He Xiaofeng was eager to know the answer, and had to ask the **** in front of him.

"The law of homicide." Li Zedao pretended to be mysterious, like a mysterious stick.

"..." He Xiaofeng almost grabbed the cup in front of him and smashed the dog to death.

Li Zedao saw that He Xiaofeng was about to be mad, and remembered how he could be regarded as his eldest brother-in-law, so he didn't continue to whet his appetite, but said: "If I remember correctly, Xu Meng killed the first one. She was a female white-collar worker. The time was January. The second person killed was a beggar, but the time was February. The third person killed was a child. The time was March... Have you found anything?"

Like a bolt from the blue sky, He Xiaofeng's eyes widened, already stunned.

Yes, Xu Meng’s killing time is sorted by month, first in January, then in February, then in March, April, May, June, July, and later that old man killed in Phoenix , It happened in August a few years ago.

"Three years ago, in September, a teacher in No. 1 Middle School was killed by a knife on the way to school. The case is still unsolved and has not been solved yet." Li Zedao continued, "In October two years ago A man who was withdrawing money from a cash machine in the middle of the night was attacked from behind with a hammer and directly broke his head and died. In that case, the murderer has not yet been caught."

"Also in November last year, a woman who was on the night shift on KTV lost her track. When she was found, she was found to have died tragically in an abandoned temple. One of her hands was brutally chopped off. Now, there is a fire next to her, with her hands roasting inside, but no meat on it, so far no case has been solved... That Xu Meng has the habit of cannibalism."

He Xiaofeng already had a dull expression on his face, and he looked at Li Zedao stupidly like this, and he couldn't react for a long time.

Li Zedao said that he was not responsible for the three cases, but he knew some of the unsettled cases, but he never thought about whether such unsettled cases could have something to do with Xu Meng. After all, in his opinion, Li Meng had left Phoenix City a long time ago, and the three cases happened one year later, it is hard to imagine whether there is any connection between them.

But according to the law of homicide mentioned by Li Zedao, then everything is justified. In other words, in all likelihood, the three cases were committed by Li Meng according to his own law of homicide. If that is the case, then Li It is very likely that Meng Hui is still hiding in Phoenix City, and it is very likely that he will continue to kill people in December this year.

"Of course, this is just my guess, maybe it's a coincidence." Li Zedao said, "But if this is not a coincidence, that Xu Meng is hiding in Phoenix right now, then it is very likely that someday in December. , Maybe another horrible case will happen again. Sometimes, it depends on whether you can catch some clues and arrest him."

He Xiaofeng looked at Li Zedao with a complicated look and nodded. It was the first time that he agreed with what the **** said.

"There are times when I can't solve it, will you help?" He Xiaofeng asked. After speaking, I felt a little inexplicable, didn't I hate him very much? Why do you want to ask him for help?

"Yes." Li Zedao said with a serious expression and a cold tone. "He indirectly killed my old man, causing my woman to have a deep scar in her heart now, so that my eldest brother can now shake hands with pistols. ...I won't make him feel better."

"...Fuck!" He Xiaofeng grabbed a pen holder on the desk in a rage, and slammed it at Li Zedao.

After Li Zedao fled He Xiaofeng's office quickly, he already saw Li Mengchen, who had already replaced his police uniform, standing there waiting for him.

A very simple denim, red plaid shirt, set off her beautiful figure very well.

Li Zedao walked to the front, stretched out his hand and grabbed her little hand and said, "Let's go, eat, I'm almost hungry and faint..."

Li Mengchen broke loose slightly, and pulled his hand away from Li Zedao's hand, and said with a little face, "Kiss-thief, still in the game, don't do anything to me, go out and let you hold hands."

"..." Li Zedao looked dumbfounded, please, now I am afraid that the entire police station knows that Li Mengchen's boyfriend is him. I really don't know what else to hide.

After walking out of the door of the police station, Li Zedao couldn't wait to grab Li Zedao's little hand.

"Pervert, impatient." Li Mengchen scolded, but there was a hint of sweetness in his eyes, and then led Li Zedao to the red QQ where she was parked.

"Let's drive." Li Zedao looked at the QQ and said with a slight smile. He had learned about Li Mengchen's car skills and was afraid.

And he learned from Nintendo that Nintendo wanted to change a car for Li Mengchen and He Xiaoyu for another one, but both refused and felt unnecessary.

"Of course you drove, and I was so tired that I didn't want to drive." Li Mengchen threw the car key to Li Zedao, then opened the door and got in.

Li Zedao smiled and opened the driver's door to get into the car, and then asked, "Sister Mengchen, where to eat?"

"Do one thing first before going to eat." Li Mengchen looked at Li Ze and licked his dry lips.

"What's the matter?" Li Zedao was taken aback.


Li Mengchen suddenly put his arms around Li Zedao's neck, and then printed his delicate lips on his mouth.

"Grandma's, I really crushed my old lady. When I pressed you to the ground in the snack bar, I couldn't help but want to kiss you." Li Mengchen groaned in his heart.

Until Li Mengchen was almost out of breath from kissing, he loosened Li Zedao's neck, and said with some dodging eyes: "Kiss-thief...Go eat steak...Fuck me, where are your paws?"

"Uh... I'm sorry..." Li Zedao smirked, and quickly removed the somewhat evil right hand from Li Mengchen's chest, and then said, "Then go eat steak, and take you to a place after the steak."

"Where?" Li Mengchen asked.

"I want to buy a house. I will buy a villa. There are more rooms..."

"Yeah, you have three women now, and there will definitely be others in the future." Li Mengchen said with a bit of sourness, "The room is a little more natural."

"..." Li Zedao sneered, a little guilty. The reason why he wanted to buy a house with more rooms was really because there were more women. Originally there were Li Mengchen, He Xiaoyu and Nintendo. After going out, Ellie Si, Su Xuan, and Wu Xin became his women again. Adding Bai Libing, who was the first to have a relationship with her, there are seven women.

Of course, even though Bai Libing’s was taken away by him for the first time, it does not necessarily mean it to him, but Li Zedao feels that he is a man, and it is a man who should bear the burden after he obtains a girl’s body Therefore, Bai Libing is also included.

It's just that Li Mengchen shouldn't be so jealous. If you want to eat it, you will eat it early, right? So he asked: "Sister Mengchen, what's wrong with you?"

Li Mengchen shook his head and whispered: "No, I just suddenly felt...I am not worthy of you... I used to think I am more than worthy of you..."


"You have a very good family and your studies are very good. You actually got such a bad score in the college entrance examination and became the college entrance examination champion." Li Mengchen's voice was a little sad, "Sister Xiao Yu is now a university teacher. Heavenly sister is even better. She manages such a big company in an orderly manner. What about me? I'm just a little policeman. I don't speak English, I don't understand business, I don't know how to dress up, and I'm a messy temper. Yes, I like to beat people... I think I'm too shabby compared to them. Will you bother me when you see me in the future?"

Li Mengchen was inexplicably confused, so he spoke incoherently.

"..." Li Zedao was stunned, and said a little funny, "Listening to what you said, I really feel that you are not worthy of me."

"..." Li Mengchen's face changed, his small face was full of anger, and his fist was raised to greet Li Zedao, and said angrily, "Asshole, lewd-thief, who is not worthy of you Up?"

"Isn't this what you said yourself?" Li Zedao said aggrievedly.

"Asshole, I can say that, but you can't."


Speaking of Li Mengchen looking angry and ashamed, he slammed Li Zedao's body with his fists and punches: "Any-thief, bastard, what do you want me to do if you are so good, so rich, so attractive..."

"Actually, I really miss the short time when I lived with you in Wanhe Community." Li Zedao allowed Li Mengchen to beat him, but it didn't hurt anyway. He smiled and said, "Do you know? With you When we are together, I feel at home."

Li Mengchen stopped and looked at Li Zedao, biting his lips gently, with inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

"I like to see you care about me but pretend to be indifferent. I like you to lose your temper, even if you kick me a few feet... Maybe I'm born guilty?" Li Zedao continued with serious expression. "I like that you call me a prostitute-thief, I like to see that you want to kiss me but you are embarrassed to kiss me, I like to see you want to eat my tofu but force me to eat your tofu... well, anyway, I I won't let you go, and you don't want to leave me."

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