The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 435: She can't beat me

"Wh...what?" Xiao Chen, who was secretly slandering the scumbag who likes to pretend to draw big pie and deceive the brain-disabled girl, suddenly heard the scumbag and almost rolled straight down the stairs with his feet soft. His face is already full of consternation. Is this scumbag trying to make himself happy?

"We need this one." Li Zedao said, his tone is beyond doubt, "Go back and go through the formalities."

"That..." Xiao Chen was stunned for a few more seconds before reacting, and then quickly said, "Okay, sir, let's take the battery car and go back."

"Isn't he pretending to be compelling? He is really rich? But...why do you want to open QQ? In order to increase compelling?" Xiao Chen muttered in her heart when she went downstairs, she only felt that she had two The legs are shaking, and an accidental person may just roll downstairs.

Soon, the three of them returned to the sales center in a battery car. When the three of them first walked in, they saw a middle-aged man in uniform walking towards them, and a tall figure followed him. A woman with a very western dress, outstanding temperament, and a small face with sunglasses.

Generally, people who wear sunglasses in the house are either to improve their compulsion or to be blind. Obviously, this woman belongs to the former.

Xiao Chen greeted the man quickly after seeing the man: "Manager Yao."

"Oh, Xiao Chen, you came just right, I'm looking for you for something." Manager Yao pointed to the woman beside him and said, "This is Miss Deng. You took her to see the villa before."

"Hello, Miss Deng." Xiao Chen said hello very politely. She was very impressed by this beautiful woman who was dressed up, because she had only taken two groups of people to see the villa since the opening. Go, the first call is the woman in front of you.

The woman glanced at Xiao Chen and didn't speak. She didn't even bother to point her head, but Xiao Chen wasn't angry. She had a lot of contact with such people. The rich were either uncles or aunts. She had long been used to it.

"Miss Deng bought a villa, you can take her to go through the formalities." Manager Yao said, "then come back and find me."

"Oh? Which villa did Miss Deng buy?" Xiao Chen asked with joy when he saw that Manager Yao gave the order to himself. Sure enough, he had a meal with him last time and walked the street by the way. It’s correct to sleep for a while. As for what Manager Yao asked her to do to look for him, she doesn’t have to think about it to know... Isn’t the man thinking just that little mess?

"Just that set of'You Yue'." Manager Yao said.

"You Yue?" Xiao Chen gave a stunned expression.

"Xiao Chen, what's your expression? Surprised?" Manager Yao smiled slightly and looked at the woman to please. "The villa of Miss Deng is a set of Youyue, which is two sets of three sets, and it is fully capable of buying. , OK, quickly take Miss Deng to go through the formalities."

"No...Manager, you misunderstood..." Xiao Chen looked back at Li Zedao and Li Mengchen with a wry smile and said, "I just took these two guests over to see the villa, and they also decided to buy the'You Yue' set. villa."

"What?" Manager Yao glanced at Li Zedao and Li Mengchen, with a surprised expression, because the two of them did not seem to be the kind of affordable set, no matter how they were worn, their temperament or their age. A man of a villa worth more than 30 million yuan.

But after all, he has become a fine character, and the expression of consternation on his face has turned into apology. He said to Li Zedao and Li Mengchen: "I'm really sorry, two people,'You Yue' has been booked by Miss Deng. Two of you can look at the other villas. The'Zige' next to'Youyue' is good. Don't worry, I will apply for the best price for both of you."

Li Zedao looked at Li Mengchen and smiled helplessly and said, "Then go to that "Purple Pavilion" again?"

"Change a set... well, as long as there are enough rooms." Li Mengchen didn't forget to continue stabbing the knife. Of course, she was still a little disappointed, after all, she really liked that villa.

Li Zedao looked helpless. He hadn't seen it for more than a month. Li Mengchen had broken her studies. He squeezed her little hand and said, "No way, who made someone else book it first?"

I heard that someone also wanted to buy "Youyue", the woman's eyes hidden by the sunglasses naturally swept Li Zedao and Li Mengchen a few times. After hearing Li Zedao's words, the corners of her mouth cocked slightly, forming a range of mockery. Sneered, "Let others book it first? Tell you, even if you have signed the purchase contract, I have the ability to buy the villa."

Manager Yao still has a smile on his face, but he is about to cry in his heart. Miss Deng’s background is not small, so he can't afford to offend him, and these two people who also want to buy "Youyue" do not know the origin, but How can it be an ordinary person who can spend so much money? He was really afraid that the two sides would quarrel like this.

Li Zedao looked at the woman and raised his brows slightly. Just about to say something, Li Mengchen, a woman with a bad temper, took his hand and said, "Let's go, continue to look at other villas." She now He was in such a bad mood that he didn't want to be ruined by this woman.

"Yes, yes, go to the villa, go to the villa." Manager Yao hurriedly laughed, "Xiao Chen, you take this husband to the house, I can handle Miss Deng's affairs...Miss Deng, here please."

"Let's go then." Li Zedao smiled while holding Li Mengchen's small hand. Li Mengchen didn't want a good mood to be destroyed, he didn't want to.

"Huh!" The woman said with a haughty cold snort, "Little girl, you can only blame your man for being too weak. My husband just made a phone call, and this house belongs to me. Can be purchased at the lowest internal price."

"..." Manager Yao was about to cry.

Li Mengchen's hot temper suddenly came up, thinking that he had already taken a step back when he was bitten by a dog when he was unlucky, but he didn't expect this guy to be reluctant to forgive, and even dared to say lewd-thief? Kinky-thief is very capable, OK?

"Miss, can you please pay attention to your words? We didn't bother you, and knew that the villa had already been booked by you and did not argue with you. We are planning to see another villa. It's not over, right?" Li Mengchen had already rolled up his sleeves, thinking I couldn't beat you if I said you?

Our Li Mengchen's style of doing things is that if we can do things, we will basically be silent, which is a waste of saliva! But this woman is not a suspect after all, so she can only speak first.

"There's nothing to fight for?" The woman sneered again and again, "You can check it out when the time comes. If it doesn't work, it won't work. Don't let yourself down the stairs, okay? It's shameful! Is it great to have money these years? , I think you are not as good as me, but you are so-so, so I advise you to look brighter when looking for a man. It is not enough to have money, you have to have the right to change it quickly, or I will The vice president of my husband’s company introduced to you..."

"Shut up!" Li Mengchen was so angry that his face turned green. This **** meant that he was with the thief for his money?

I rely on!

So Li Mengchen acted very simply, and suddenly rushed to the woman like an angry little female leopard, his hand suddenly raised and he was about to slap the woman's face fiercely.

The woman was also a little dumbfounded by the other party's actions. She never thought that the other party would dare to do it.

In the next second, Li Mengchen discovered that her wrist had been caught, and when he looked back, he saw Li Ze Daozheng looking at her with a faint smile on his face.

"Sister Mengchen, you are not very convenient, I can handle it." Li Zedao said. After all, Li Mengchen is a policeman, and the impact of beating people on such occasions is a little bad after all.

"It's okay, I can beat her." Li Mengchen said with an angry look.

"..." Li Zedao felt that he still overestimated Li Mengchen's IQ.

The woman took a step back, her chest undulating violently. It is conceivable that Li Mengchen suddenly jumped in front of her and really frightened her, and then her face turned green with anger, and she pointed at Li Zedao and Li Mengchen with sharp voices. Angrily shouted: "You want to hit me? Hit, you hit... If you dare to let your old lady lose a hair, I promise you can't get out of this... Bitch-fuck..."

"Plap!" There was a clear clap. The woman turned around on the spot, and then she was already sitting on the ground. Her sunglasses were pulled away, revealing a pair of foxes with long false eyelashes. Eyes and one face were already red and swollen, as if it were a steamed bun.

Manager Yao was dumbfounded, Xiao Chen was dumbfounded, and the staff on the side were dumbfounded, even the woman who was slapped and fell to the ground was dumbfounded.

Li Zedao, who slapped the other party, looked like a okay person, turning around and said to Li Mengchen: "Sister Mengchen...she can't beat me either."

"..." Li Mengchen's mouth twitched and twitched, thinking that if she can beat you, hell.

"How can you do it? How can you do it?" Manager Yao reacted first, and hurriedly went to help the woman. "Miss Deng, how about? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

The woman shook Manager Yao's hand, her eyes swept over like a knife, and stared at Li Zedao and roared: "Asshole, I want to kill you, I will let you die."

Li Zedao curled his lips in disdain. How many people have said this to him before? Gao Shenghan said that although he didn't hear it, he was thrown into **** by Gejige; Wei Xiaobao also said it and was heard by him, so he was not only beaten by Gejige, but also was exploded in the end, and then the same Go to hell.

As for the one in front of him, Li Zedao really didn't take her seriously.

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