Li Zedao looked at the evil doctor and narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "It seems that my guess is correct. As expected, Zhou Xiaotian was taken away by you as an experimental subject, just like I was captured by you and used as an experimental subject. ...I seem to be luckier than him."

"You are indeed lucky. You are the first successful experimenter and the most perfect experimenter." The doctor said, his voice was extremely sharp, like a knife. "He was also very lucky. It was a success, but It can only be said that it is half of the success. After all, it is not as perfect as you. So I used medicine to completely paralyze his painful nerves, so that he can not feel any pain, and let him move a little bit towards perfection."

Li Zedao looked at the evil doctor silently.

There are two lists in his mind, namely his "ranking list of the most hated people" and "ranking version of the people who want to thank the most."

The top three on the "list of the most annoying people" were Gao Shenghan, Wei Xiaobao, and this evil doctor in a white coat.

Li Zedao wanted to congratulate this evil doctor very much. As Gao Shenghan and Wei Xiaobao "drove the crane to the west", he seemed to have become the person he hated most.

But what makes Li Zedao a little puzzled is that in his list of "the list of people who want to thank the most", this evil doctor is also a famous person on the list. After all, it is undeniable that it is precisely because he forced his mouth. The unknown drug in Lisena caused his body to mutate, and Li Zedao only then began his coquettish journey.

If it weren't for the change in his body, he might not be able to accept the practice of Li Dahai secretly leaving to find a place to die quietly, and finally he died because of excessive grief.

So he is still a little entangled, after entangled for a while, should he be left with a whole body to repay him for his transformation?

"Again, I am very interested in you. I hope you can contribute your body and let me continue this great research." The doctor said. It was not a discussion, but Li Zedao was like the fish on his knife, he could chop him up at any time.

"..." Li Zedao felt that this guy was insulting his IQ. He was not a fool, how could he be his guinea pig?

Pointing to Zhou Xiaotian in the pit, he said, "Didn't he have succeeded? You can study him? I think he is still willing to let you study it?"

"Although he is considered a success, it is considered a semi-finished product at most, and the research value is not great." The doctor shook his head and said, "What I want is you."

"I can't promise you." Li Zedao sneered, "And since you are here, you don't have to go."

When facing this evil doctor this time, there was no longer the feeling of inexplicably braving a strong fear from all over his body. When he stood so casually that day, Li Zedao had no ability to resist at all in his heart, and some only had it. A deep sense of powerlessness.

But now, especially in Amsterdam, Master said that his current ability has the capital to compete with Master Tathagata, so Li Zedao is not afraid to beat this doctor at all, even if the other party is not dead, he will eat ghost pills again, Li Zedao I also feel that I can beat him on the ground... Didn’t Master Tathagata beat him on the ground after taking the ghost pills last time?

"You want to keep me?" The doctor smiled grimly.

"A problem?" Li Zedao asked back.

"Even if the annoying bald head that eats chicken legs reappears that night, I will let him go, let alone you." The doctor said.

Li Zedao raised his brows slightly. He knew that although the other party was arrogant and arrogant, he was not the kind of defiant person. If he said that, it proved that he did have a way to make Master Tathagata come back and forth, and he could handle the Tathagata. Doesn’t the uncle’s beating him mean that he can be beaten?

"Or... you can spare him a dog today?" Li Zedao muttered in his heart while being wary of his sudden attack.

"And..." The doctor looked at Li Ze, with an inexplicable heat in his eyes, "Do you feel your body's strength is disappearing little by little?"

"The strength is disappearing?" Li Zedao stared at the doctor with wide eyes, and asked aloud, "You poisoned?"

"Yes, I applied a medicine I developed to the stone that flew towards you just now. The medicine is colorless and odorless but volatile. As long as you inhale a little, you can feel your body The strength is being drained bit by bit. If you **** more, you will feel that your bones are being melted away bit by bit, so I told him to dissolve the bones..."

"Huagu San..." Li Zedao twitched at the corner of his mouth, and the name that was bombarded by this awesome name thundered.

"When you avoided the stone in that pretending posture, you already inhaled the volatilized medicine into your body. At this time, the effect of the medicine should also happen..." said the evil doctor. , You will fall in front of me obediently... three... two... one..."

Li Zedao did not fall!

The evil doctor's eyes widened slightly, he looked incredible, and he muttered to himself: "Impossible, impossible, even if you have internal strength, you should fall down now." ..."

"" The evil doctor was unwilling and counted three more times.

Li Zedao still didn't fall. He even looked at him with a look like a fool and said: "Fool!" He clearly seemed to have inexhaustible strength in his body, why did he fall?

"Still not down?" The doctor looked at Li Ze, and the corners of his mouth began to twitch.

Li Zedao was actually a little puzzled in his heart. Since the other party said so, it proves that the other party did smear that kind of bone-forming powder on the stone that he used as a hidden weapon to throw at him, and just now he moved very smartly to avoid it. When it was a stone, it did smell the stone, which was equivalent to sucking the bones into the body.

But why didn't the physical strength disappear little by little like the other party said?

"You... are not poisoned?" The evil doctor looked at Li Zedao with shocked face and asked, unable to accept the facts that happened before him. He has strong confidence in the bone-forming powder he developed, not to mention the look in his eyes, even if the bald head that beat him up that day, he can let the other party get down because he brought him Here comes this boneless powder that can kill people invisible.

But what happened now? Why didn't he fall? Did he inhale the medicine? Or is it... his body is immune to this poison? The medicine that I developed is really so effective, even the immune system has been strengthened to such a terrifying point that it is not invading?

The evil doctor didn't dare to think about it anymore, and in his consciousness he felt that it was impossible to happen at all.

Then his heart was full of scorching heat, and it seemed that he had to take the shot to give this kid a vicious meal and then take him back and study it... it's so **** worthy of research.

Then he only felt that there was a flash in front of him, that the kid who had been standing there appeared in front of him, and kicked his abdomen.

When the evil doctor's face changed drastically, his body suddenly fell back and withdrew. He did not expect that Li Zedao was not poisoned, and he did not expect that he hadn't seen him in just over two months, and the opponent's skill could be improved to this level. ...

Li Zedao's mouth was already curled up with an incomparably wicked extent. When he saw that he could not kick the opponent with one foot, his hand was already made into a fist, and then he banged his fist on the opponent's chest.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

The doctor's body punched, but he flew backwards at a faster speed. He knew that he was going to explain here if he was not running, so he chose to use the strength of the opponent's punch and his own strength to escape first. .

As Li Zedao rushed forward, he took out the desert eagle from his body, and pulled the trigger without even taking aim.

"Bang!" The crisp gunfire sounded on the deadly Fengming Mountain.

A flower of blood came out of the evil doctor's chest, and the body that had regressed rapidly was staggered, and then he fell to the ground, bleeding from the corners of his mouth. He is a very good doctor, so he knows very clearly that the shot hit his heart just now, and he will soon say goodbye to the world.

It's just... why is he not poisoned? Why did his skill increase so much in just two months? Is it because that kind of modification to his body by the drug was more severe than he could predict?

Not reconciled, I really want to knock him out and take him back for a good check!

"Why are you not poisoned?" The doctor asked Li Zedao, who was walking up to him, and then he began to cough violently, coughing and coughing, and his mouth was covered with blood stars, and he felt his consciousness More and more blurred.

"That...I don't know...Of course, even if I know, I won't tell you." Li Zedao said with some wonder.

When I was in the desert, I ate Alice’s poison that can drain all the water in my body, but nothing happened. I drank the poisonous water in the kettle and I didn’t have anything at all. I even ate Ghost Pill II. But there were no sequelae, and now, he clearly smelled the smell of the stone, so he must have sucked the colorless and tasteless bone into the body, still nothing...

Does your body have immunity to poisons? Or... after finishing the work in a while, go back and buy a packet of rat poison to try for dinner?

"..." Unable to get the answer he wanted, the doctor vomited blood, and then he pumped his body abruptly. There was no response, but his eyes were still wide open and he couldn't squint!

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