The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 446: Give money

Some people say that Phoenix is ​​a sentimental city. That's because it rains at all times. The sun is shining in the early morning, but it is covered with clouds in the afternoon, as if there will be heavy rain pouring down at any time. of.

The Puqian community is an old community, not too far away from the ledger community where Zhou Yan lives. At this time, a black Mercedes-Benz SUV is quietly parked on the side of the road opposite the community. In the car, Li Zedao looked through the window of the car, quietly looking at the dark clouded sky, with an inexplicable gloom in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Boom!" The car window was tapped twice.

Li Zedao came back to his senses, opened the car window, looked at the perverted face that was not too handsome and asked, "Is everything done?"

"Yes, boss." Perverted nodded and said, "I followed your instructions and put the pack of cash at the door of that house, then knocked on the door, and then left and stared secretly in the dark. It was a couple who opened the door and they took the pack of cash in."

Li Zedao nodded and said, "That's it, go."

"Okay, boss." He nodded abnormally. Although he didn't understand why the boss asked him to take half a million cash to the family, he would not ask about things that shouldn't be asked. It will be very fast now. It disappeared before Li Zedao's eyes.

Because of Li Mengchen’s career, Li Zedao was afraid that she would be dangerous, so Li Zedao let the pervert secretly protect her. Of course, ordinary gangster murderers can be handled with Li Mengchen’s skills, even if Li Mengchen can’t figure out He Xiaofeng It can also be done, but the concern is chaotic, Li Zedao still can’t rest assured, so let the perverted moments protect Li Mengchen in the dark. Once you encounter the kind of murderer who has firearms and is more difficult to deal with, you can secretly kill the other party. That's it.

Li Zedao started the car and shook his head like a mockery, feeling guilty? Or... can't bear it? Both? That being the case, why did you shoot Zhou Xiaotian a headshot?

Yes, the family that Li Zedao asked the pervert to send money to was Zhou Xiaotian’s home. Li Zedao briefly investigated and found that Zhou Xiaotian’s parents were ordinary workers, and his family was not too superior. Zhou Xiaotian was not the only child, he had another one. The older brother who went to university in the field.

After killing Zhou Xiaotian with a shot and burying him and the doctor in the pit of Fengmingshan, Li Zedao didn’t feel the pleasure of revenge. It was because Zhou Xiaotian was a three-year high school classmate with him. Because there is natural kindness in your own bones?

Li Zedao didn't know, but he decided to send some money to his home in Zhou Xiaotian's reputation. He didn't know why he made such a decision, but he still did.

He left a note in the money in the name of Zhou Xiaotian, saying very tactfully that when the child bought the lottery two days ago, he won one million, and there is still 800,000 deducted from taxes. This 500,000 is left to the family Subsidies, and he wants to take another 300,000 to go outside...

Li Zedao didn't know whether Zhou Xiaotian's parents believed it or not, anyway...he didn't believe it! As for whether Zhou Xiaotian's parents would keep the money or send it to the police station, or report to the police again that his son was missing again, Li Zedao didn't want to take care of that much, right?

"Student Li..." When Li Zedao was about to start the car, a surprise sound rang in his ears.

Li Zedao looked up, but saw that there was a pleasantly surprised and beautiful face in the window of the car before he could close it.

No matter how bad the haze weather is, no matter how uncomfortable the heart is, suddenly seeing such a bright and beautiful face, the mood will suddenly become brighter.

This is a common problem of men... Li Zedao is in a good mood now.

"What? You don't know who I am?" Seeing that Li Zedao didn't respond, Miffy's face was somewhat disappointed. He didn't seem to have a popular face. Why did this guy forget about himself? ?

"Yes, Miffy, classmate Mi." Li Ze smiled apologetically, "I was thinking about something just now, so my reaction was slow."

"So." Miffy pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly, "I thought you forgot me..."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the black sky, as if it was about to pierce the sky, and then there was a muffled sound of "Boom!"

"Ah..." Miffy was so scared that her face was a little pale, and she screamed, and she covered her ears, and then the big raindrops were already falling down.

"Student Mi, get in the car quickly..." Li Zedao said, hurriedly reaching out to help her push the rear door open.

Miffy reacted from the shock just now, got in the car quickly, and after closing the door, he exhaled heavily with a palpitating look.

Li Zedao hurriedly closed the car windows. At this time, the big raindrops fell like broken pearls, falling more and more. After a while, the rain changed and turned into a downpour, just like someone splashing water on it. of.

"Student Mi, are you okay?" Li Zedao asked, looking back at Miffy.

Miffy exhaled heavily. Compared to before, her pale face was already flushed, and she smiled awkwardly and said: "It's okay...just scared, I'm afraid of won't laugh at me? "

"Haha, it seems that you girls are afraid of thunder." Li Zedao smiled and said, "I am also afraid of thunder." He remembered the night when thunder and rain were heavy. Li Mengchen worried that he was afraid of thunder and could not sleep, so he hugged him to sleep. One night, of course, all the work that should be done while sleeping.

"You are also scared... I don't believe it." Miffy smiled, and then looked at the window glass that was dumped by the rain so that the outside situation could not be seen clearly, and said with lingering fear, "The rain is so heavy, okay. If I meet you, or I will become a bitch... Li, thank you."

Li Zedao smiled and said, "Does your family live in this community?"

"No, I just came out and just walked by here. I saw that the person sitting in the car seemed to be you from a distance, so I came to have a look. It really is you." Miffy smiled and looked at There was a touch of shyness in the burning eyes of Li Zedao's back, "Remember what I said before, I want to give you a call to ask you to come out for dinner?"

Miffy's voice has a faint resentment: "But for a long time, the phone to you was always turned off..."

"I went to a foreign country... I went on a trip, and the phone was turned off." Li Zedao explained with some embarrassment.

"It turns out that I thought you were avoiding me on purpose." Miffy said with an embarrassed smile, revealing her lovely white teeth.

"You think too much, why would I deliberately avoid you?" Li Zedao said dumbfoundedly. Although Miffy looked at him with a weird look, it wasn't that kind of scary **** after all? Li Zedao didn't want to avoid her deliberately.

" tonight, are you okay?" Miffy looked at Li Zedao's back with some embarrassment and said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Li Zedao looked back at her and asked, but turned on the wiper to blow up the rain, but even though the wiper was working desperately, the visual effect was still not good, and the rain outside was really bad. It's too big, and it seems that I have to wait for the rain to lighten a little before leaving.

It's not that Li Zedao can't believe in his own driving skills, but he has no confidence in others' driving skills. What if he is rear-end collision?

"I mean..." Miffy bit her lip lightly, and then said softly, "If you are fine today, I want to invite you to dinner. You helped me twice in a row. I want to thank you very much. What about you, besides, if it’s okay at night...if you can...can that...accompany me to a place?"

"Go to a place with you?" Li Zedao looked back at Miffy.

Miffy’s face turned a little red, and her eyes didn’t dare to face Li Zedao: "That’s right, I’m not from the first middle school? The classmates in our class should gather together at KTV tonight, and I want to celebrate everyone. After three years, I finally graduated from high school and was admitted to college... You come with me?"

There was a hint of expectation in the little girl's eyes that people could not bear to refuse, but Li Zedao still cryptically refused, and immediately said, "That... after all, it's a class party, isn't it good for me to go?"

"Mainly... There is a classmate who has liked me for a long time, but I don't like him. I told him that my boyfriend is not convinced, so..." Miffy looked at Li Ze with a little embarrassment, and then gathered courage. Said, "Student Li, can you be my boyfriend for one night?"

"Shield?" Li Zedao was stunned.

"It's... in order to make him give up, he has been pestering me for a long time, and I am also very upset... Please..." Miffy pleaded with a bit of biting lip.

"This... alright." Li Zedao nodded and said, "It just so happens that I'm fine at night."

Being a shield is no stranger to Li Zedao. Even he can be regarded as a senior professional shield. He wanted to act as Nintendo’s shield, He Xiaoyu’s shield, and Su Xuan’s shield. In the end, they all Become his own woman.

Now acting as Miffy's shield, she became her own woman... Li Zedao felt that she was thinking too much!

"Really? Thank you so much, Classmate Li." Miffy said with a look of joy, "Then wait for a while, the rain will get a little bit lighter, I will invite you to a big meal...what do you like to eat?"

"Either way." Li Zedao smiled and said, not too picky about eating him.

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