The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 484: By the instructor

Ma Renjie and Yang Baishu seemed to have not paid attention to Zhao Xiaoxi. They left quickly, one after the other. The other students did the same. No one offered a helping hand to Zhao Xiaoxi or said something to care about. ...Except Li Zedao.

He walked up to Zhao Xiaoxi and asked: "Fourth, are you okay?"

"The calf...cramp..." Zhao Xiaoxi raised her head and looked at Li Ze, and said with a look of pain in her eyes while a trace of gratitude flashed through her eyes.

"Cramp?" Li Ze said for a moment, then squatted down, gently pressing his hand on his calf and said, "It's okay, relax slowly, straighten it bit by bit..."

Zhao Xiaoxi tried to straighten out little by little as Li Zedao said. In an instant, a severe pain hit his calf, his face was distorted, and his tears were already coming down.

"Uh...cry?" Li Ze said with a twitching corner of his mouth. Suddenly he felt that he was weak and weak, but he didn't seem to be so weak. If Zhao Xiaoxi was also a student of Meizhong, then his own Life should be a lot easier, right?

"Hold it a little, it will be fine soon." Li Zedao comforted, and then helped him massage his calf.

"Thank you." Zhao Xiaoxi bit her lip and whispered, "You are a good person."

"..." Li Zedao didn't know how to pick him up, and continued to help him massage his calf.

After a long massage, Zhao Xiaoxi whispered: "I'm already well, thank you."

Li Zedao glanced at him, removed his hand from his calf, and said, "I'll buy some Yunnan Baiyao spray, and you seem to be a little lacking in calcium. Go buy some calcium tablets to supplement it or go to the clinic. Get some calcium, or you will probably continue to cramp afterwards."

"Okay." Zhao Xiaoxi glanced at Li Zedao, continued to rub her leg and whispered, then lowered her head again, as if she was very shy.

This made Li Zedao really depressed, even he thought that Zhao Xiaoxi would not be a woman, right? But if there is a woman who grows up like him, who wants to have a faceless face, a breastless breast, and a **** without buttock, this life will be considered as useless.

"That... I have a question I want to ask you..." Zhao Xiaoxi said embarrassedly after a while of silence, "I just don't know if it will be too abrupt."

Li Zedao was taken aback for a moment and then smiled: "You ask, if it is not convenient for me to answer, I will tell you directly."

Zhao Xiaoxi raised her head to look at Li Zedao, then lowered her head again and asked softly: "I want to ask you, you don't look very strong... Of course, you are much stronger than me... Why do you Have such good physical strength?"

"Practicing." Li Zedao said with a slight smile. Of course, his answer was too brief, mainly because he was afraid of frightening this weak man.

"Then...I can think of you like this through practice?" Zhao Xiaoxi was even more embarrassed after saying that, and then laughed at herself, "I'm arrogant. I was also exercising before, but it's still so weak. ...I'm afraid you have to be talented, right?"

"You really need talent." Li Zedao nodded and said, "There must be an opportunity."

"..." Zhao Xiaoxi felt unable to continue talking this day.

Li Zedao smiled slightly and said: "I think everyone has what everyone is good at, and everyone has the path that suits them best. If you go the right way, you can get twice the result with half the effort. If you go wrong, it’s better not to go wrong. Now, obviously, the leapfrog path is not for you."


"Frog prince……"

Behind him came the girl’s crisp and soft voice. Li Zedao looked back, but saw Lin Susu and Miffy standing there in camouflage uniforms. Among them, Miffy was laughing and eating. The frog prince just came from What she called out, obviously, she was also amused by the name.

"It's you." Li Zedao stood up and laughed, "Why didn't you go to dinner?"

And Zhao Xiaoxi saw that it was two flowers in the class. Her face blushed and her head struggling to get up. Although her calf still hurts, she can't stand up because of the pain. However, Li Zedao's massage is still very effective.

"Why? Now I am the No1 among the new students, I am the frog prince in everyone's mind, and I want to keep a distance from the two Chai He Niu?" Miffy looked at Li Zedao with bright eyes and smiled. Why is this guy so handsome? It's so handsome.

Li Zedao said with a dumbfounded look: "If you are like Chai He Niu, other girls won't have to live... he is Zhao Xiaoxi, and I will give up."

Li Zedao pointed to Zhao Xiaoxi, who wished to stuff her head into her pants waist and introduced.

"I know, our class is." Miffy looked at Zhao Xiaoxi and smiled. However, Zhao Xiaoxi was very straightforward, she didn't dare to raise her head at all.

"Sister Lin said she wanted to invite you to dinner and then she asked you to find someone to sign. The one who wanted to call you saw you here, so we came." Lin Susu glanced at Miffy and smiled.

"Where is it?" Lin Susu looked at Li Zedao's eyes with a shy look, and didn't know whether he was saying that he didn't want to invite Li Zedao to dinner or that he didn't want Li Zedao's autographed photo.

"Then I can ask, but I have to sign two more names for me, and I have to take a photo with me. I also want to post it online. If those girls see it, they will definitely be envious." Miffy eats He smiled and said, "I don't know if the frog prince will appreciate your face?"

"What kind of cheek but not cheek? I invite you, don't call it the frog prince, it sounds too awkward." Li Zedao looked back at Zhao Xiaoxi, crying and laughing, and asked, "Fourth, you too?"

"I...I... go to buy calcium tablets and Yunnan Baiyao..." Zhao Xiaoxi whispered with her head low, like a kid who did something wrong, then turned and left with a slight limp.

Eating out in camouflage uniforms will obviously attract a lot of attention, so the three of them went back to their house to change their clothes, then gathered at the school gate, and then the three of them were on the main road in twos.

The two girls whispered and whispered something while walking side by side in front, and laughter was heard from time to time. Li Zedao, who was walking on his back, frowned and stared at the phone screen while walking.

He received a piece of information from He Xiaofeng on his mobile phone. It was naturally information about the traffic accident that occurred in Huajiang Ming, a department of economics and management at the University of Phoenix.

The car accident happened at the end of April. It happened on a zebra crossing on a four-way road on the other side of Jianghe Road. The cause of the car accident was that Jiang Ming violated traffic rules and tried to run through a red light. This was caused by a passing car. of.

After browsing the information, Li Zedao put the phone in his pocket, but his brows were screwed up. If Jiang Ming was really hit by a red light, then why did Pan Fengye say that? What about it? In order to pretend to be in front of your friends? Or is it that this is not at all because of the fact that He Xiaofeng sent it, it was caused by running a red light but was deliberately murdered?

"Hey, Prince Frog, what are you thinking about?" Miffy looked back at Li Zedao frowning and thinking seriously, and shouted a little funny now.

"Oh, nothing." Li Zedao regained his senses, but found that he had come to the door of the hot pot restaurant unknowingly.

"Really? I thought you were thinking about Sister Lin." Miffy said with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense." Lin Susu gave Miffy a white look, and a flush of blush appeared on his face.

Miffy smiled and said, "Prince Frog, it’s okay to eat hot pot? For me, the hot pot here is delicious."

"No problem... don't call me the frog prince..." Li Zedao looked helpless.

"Okay, Prince Frog." Miffy smiled like a flower, and Lin Susu also pursed his lips and laughed.

After the three people walked in, Miffy asked for a small box on the second floor, and then the three of them walked to the box under the leadership of the waiter. And when he was about to enter the box, Li Zedao felt as if he had a pair of eyes staring at him behind him, but he didn't care about it, but walked into the box.

Naturally, Li Zedao gave it to Miffy and Lin Susu to order dishes. The two were not welcome. After ordering a few hot pot ingredients that he liked, he gave the menu to Li Zedao and asked him to order different things too, Li Zedao Can't help but ordered some tofu.

The steaming hot pot bottom came first, followed by two large plates of lamb rolls, two large plates of beef, duck intestines, pee meatballs, cucumber tofu, and two baskets of green vegetables. Everyone began to throw vegetables and hot meat in the pot and ate them.

"Is the military training hard?" Li Zedao picked up a piece of tofu and whistled.

"Not bad." Lin Susu said with a slight smile. Compared with Li Zedao's leapfrog on the first day of their military training, it was indeed too easy.

"I think it's very hard." Miffy said with a bitter face, "Now I have a backache and my back is tanned..."

Li Zedao looked at Miffy's white face, thinking it was the same as before, there was no difference.

"And there is one thing that makes me very upset. The instructor Jiang who is in charge of our team's training always looks at Sister Lin with that kind of obsessive eyes from time to time, and even wants to move his hands." Miffy said. He curled his lips and said, "I really want to swell his crazy eyes with a punch."

Li Zedao was taken aback: "Really?"

Lin Susu is so good-looking, and that instructor Jiang is not a blind man. His eyes will shine when he sees it, which is normal, but if he wants to use his hands, he is too courageous, right? We must know that the discipline of the army is very strict. Isn't he afraid of being punished?

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