The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 494: Judge's son

This is a thin man, his hands are dark and dry as if there is only a piece of old skin attached to his bones. He is wearing a white coat like a doctor wears, and his face is covered with white cloth. Look Unclear looks, like a corpse just crawling out of a grave.

Li Zedao had seen this guy before and was almost beaten to death by him.

When he entered the ruins in the desert that day, he was sneak attacked by this guy and one of his accomplices, and finally forced him to take Shiaguimaru II, but in the end he was knocked out, and when he woke up, He was found lying in the tent.

According to Alice, he was thrown out of the ruins... This guy thought he was dead so he threw him out of the ruins? But how can such a master make the mistake of treating people who fainted as dead?

Afterwards, the ruins were swallowed by the huge quicksand whirlpool that suddenly appeared. Li Zedao still imagined that this guy was swallowed by the quicksand and died without a burial place. At first glance, he looked like himself. Really think too much.

But why does he appear here? Want to continue to kill yourself? He also placed the bomb on Zhu Zhiwen? Or do you want to kill yourself?

But it's not right. He should do it earlier if he silences his mouth, and he must also know that such a bomb can't kill him. If you really want to kill yourself, you don't have to do such boring things, right?

Li Zedao stared at each other with a vigilant look, and the other person's indifferent eyes were also staring at Li Zedao, the two of them just look at me and I see you.

Li Zedao didn't dare to do it first, because he knew that the opponent's strength seemed not to be under him. At that time, even though he was taking Ghost Maru No.2, he still couldn't hurt him. Once he did it first, he might reveal some flaws and be fatal by the opponent. One hit.

Besides, he met two people that day. Who knows if the other one is hiding in the dark, ready to attack him? You must know that sneak attacks are what they are very good at.

The other party didn't mean to do it first, Li Zedao didn't know if his thoughts were the same as his own.

So the two of you just look at me and I see you. One minute, two minutes, three minutes... Ten minutes passed... Li Zedao shuddered, and felt that it was too unfair. He stood here. If the person is in the rain, the other party is fine and stand under the big tree to hide from the rain.

"Can you fight or not?" Li Zedao asked in a loud voice, because the rain was too heavy. If Li Zedao's voice is too small, I am afraid that the other party will not hear it. "If I don't fight, I will go back and take a hot bath. With clean clothes, I feel like I am about to catch a cold."

The man didn't speak, but he moved, his body turned into an afterimage, and he rushed out of the big tree in an instant. After entering the rain curtain, he was in front of Li Zedao, and his shriveled fist was raised and slammed against Li Zedao. .

"Master..." Li Zedao shouted loudly, and then his fist that had finished his momentum blasted out. How much he hopes that Master can appear in this situation. Although he has the capital to fight this guy, he If that accomplice appeared, he might really have to sleep at the foot of Fengming Mountain, where there are so many wronged souls.

If Master appeared at this time, let alone two such zombies, there were ten, Li Zedao would dare to yell at them... Anyway, Master would protect himself.

In an instant, the fists released from the fists of the two people smashed the air, as if forming a vacuum in front of them, and the sound of thunder and cracks and bursts of white smoke rose, making it gradually larger. The raindrops splashed everywhere, and some were even directly scalded and disappeared before the eyes.

The man didn't quite understand what Li Zedao meant when he shouted the word "Master", but his eyes changed a little while looking at Li Zedao. Compared with the previous time in the ruins, this guy's strength doubled More than that, did he secretly take ghost pills when he called "Master" just now? Just like taking Ghost Pills while in the ruins?

In the next second, the muffled sound of "Bang!" was endless, and before the two fists had time to touch, the energetic engulfing around the fists clashed fiercely.

They are like little soldiers before the war, and like pioneers who opened the way, they must win the first battle and overwhelm the opponent in momentum.

The next second, lightning and thunder, the world changed color... Of course, the vision in the sky has nothing to do with Li Zedao and the others, and there is no essential connection. It does not mean that Li Zedao punched the zombie. After the bombardment went out, it began to flash and thunder and rain, after all, this is an urban novel, not a fantasy novel... well, it's off topic.

The main reason was that when they punched, it was just in time for such a thunder. Of course, the rain started early in the morning... So with the help of God, it seemed awesome.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, the cold, bean-like raindrops slapped on people's faces, making people feel hot pain, but the more painful is the fist, the strength emanating from the fist collapses, and then the flesh and blood. hit.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and the fists of the two were already smashed together. There was no perfunctory or luck. It was whoever was better.

As soon as the fist touched, the man knew that the situation was a bit awkward. This guy had secretly taken Guiwan, and he was still Guiwan 2. Otherwise, why wouldn’t he be his opponent?

It's horrible... The effect brought by Oni Maru 2 is horrible! If it weren't for his strength, it would be horrible after being hit by such a fist.

Affected by the force of the rebound, Li Zedao’s body went backwards two steps, only to feel the blood surge, while the man’s body flew upside down, and finally hit his back heavily under the big banyan tree. , So the poor big banyan tree let out a moan-groan again, and countless leaves fell again.

The man felt that there was a sweet smell coming from his throat, so he opened his mouth: "Puff!"

He couldn't bear it, squirting a spit of dirty stuff with red blood and splashing it on the large pile of green leaves on the ground, then raised his head and stared at Li Zedao with a weird look... he I also have the urge to take ghost pills.

Li Zedao shook his numb wrist and just wanted to rush up to beat him up. When he was arrogantly arrogant in the ruins that day, he was like a **** of a dead dog, but he felt a chill in his back inexplicably. , As if there was a very dangerous eye staring at him, so the steps that stepped out suddenly retracted, his fists were slightly clenched, and he was alert to every move around him.

He knew that another master had appeared. Once he continued to attack this man, he would be attacked as well. Was it the one who got into the sand and attacked him in the ruins that day?

At the same time, after the man vomited blood, his figure flashed, he had already jumped behind the big tree and disappeared without a trace, and then Li Zedao also felt the lock on him before let him leave The turbulent fighting spirit has also disappeared without a trace, presumably after the man escaped, the person in the dark has also left.

Li Zedao secretly exhaled, the original clenched fist was slightly loosened, and there were many doubts in his heart, but he knew that he should leave this place as soon as possible...He might catch a cold as he continues to get caught in the rain. .

When he jumped into the car and started the car and left Fengmingshan, Li Zedao frowned and his thoughts surged. He felt very strange, but the war intent that had just locked him was not murderous. In other words, the opponent was just Warned him not to move, but didn't mean to kill him.

And the person in the dark didn't mean to kill him. How about this guy who was punched and flew by him? Didn't he come to kill himself? So why did he come here? Doing nothing to put a bomb on Zhu Zhiwen's body? Do you have nothing to do to give yourself a fight?


As Li Zedao drove away, a leaf with waterdrops fell from the big banyan tree again. The moment the leaf fell, the figure flashed, and three figures fell to the ground from the thick branches of the tree.

"Is it okay?" The judge looked back at the bull's head with a trace of blood on his mouth and said blankly.

"It's okay." Niutou wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and said in a hoarse and low voice. Even if you have something, you can't tell it. Who made that kid the judge's son?

"How do you feel?" the judge asked.

"Compared to when he was at the base, his strength has greatly increased. He is taking Ghost Maru No.2." Niutou said, "I am not his opponent, but I can still win him if I join forces with Ma Mian."

"He didn't take Ghost Pill II this time." The judge shook his head slightly.

"Not taking Ghost Pill No. 2?" Niutou's face changed slightly, "Is this...impossible?"

The horse's face on the side was also full of doubts. After all, the strength of this kid had been seen before. If he hadn't taken Ghost Pill II, how could he increase so much in such a short time?

"What's impossible?" the judge said, "He is an apprentice of the Hand of God. The Hand of God has taken Ghost Pills. The effect of the Ghost Pill has always existed but there is no sequelae. He also has this ability."

"..." Tauma Mian's eyes widened suddenly.

"The next thing we have to figure out is what kind of method was used by God's Hand and him to keep the effect of Ghost Pills but without any sequelae." The judge said.

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