Jia Qianqian didn’t notice Li Zedao’s weird look, but rather proudly continued: “That’s right, right? Are you afraid that my old lady will pay you back? You don’t know. At least there are people who go to the job interview. There are five hundred people, and only one person is admitted. The old lady, who has passed five levels and cuts six generals, easily beat them up!"

Li Zedao smiled slightly and said, "It's amazing." I thought that even if she became a canary and was raised, that would be her own choice. It's none of her own business, right? I didn't have any intersection with this female liar. In the future, even if I meet Jia Ming's poor old man, I guess he will be overthrown by just saying hello, right?

Now Li Zedao doesn’t even know who Jia Ming and Jia Qianqian said is true, but no matter who is right or wrong, it’s none of his own business, right?

"That is!" Jia Qianqian proudly glanced at Li Zedao and said, "If you don't want someone, you will only bully the poor...Oh, and she is a beautiful girl."

Li Zedao can't laugh or cry, this narcissistic chick's resentment is quite big.

It is guessed that Jia Qianqian might have been taken care of. Li Zedao lost interest in talking and drove her car very seriously, but Jia Qianqian didn’t say anything, she quietly watched the galloping past the window. The scenery, I don’t know what I’m thinking.

After drove to the place where the electricity bill was paid, Li Zedao realized that the door was closed tightly. It took 8:30 to go to work here.

"Forget it, the time is too late, you send me off first... I'm going to the company, you will come here to hand it in later, anyway, I went back at night and found that there was no electricity, huh, kill you!" Jia Qianqian looked at Li Ze viciously , Made a biting action on him.

Li Zedao smiled and nodded, took out the wallet, took a thousand and passed it over: "Hey, this is the one thousand you borrowed. When the salary is paid, remember to pay it back."

Jia Qianqian took it, put it in his bag and said angrily: "I know, can you still rely on your account?"

"Oh, by the way, I will pay a hundred yuan for the electricity bill in a while, so you should pay back one thousand by then." Li Zedao said.

"..." Jia Qianqian widened his eyes and looked at Li Zedao. It took a long time to react, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Asshole, Grande, Zhou Papi, not human!"

Li Zedao smiled and didn't answer her words, but said: "Where is the place to work? Work at 8:30? If you don't hurry, you will be late."

"Tiandao Mansion." Jia Qianqian said grimly.

"Tiandao Building?" Li Zedao was taken aback.

"Yeah, Tiandao Building, what's the matter? I don't know the road? Come on, if my wife is late for the first day of work, I will kill you!" Jia Qianqian urged.

"Uh...know the way." Li Zedao smiled unnaturally. How could he not know where the Tiandao Building is? He often goes to Tiandao Building to "visit" the **** and tempting president of Tiandao Group.

"So, you work in the Tiandao Group?" Li Zedao started the car and asked. It seems that his guess just now seems to be wrong. This little sister is not being raised at all, but has really found a good one. Work.

Jia Qianqian triumphantly said: "What do you mean? To be precise, I work at the Tiandao Foundation under the Tiandao Group...Oh, the Tiandao Foundation is...Forget it, tell you that you don't know, my mother... …Oh, I am now the quasi assistant of Mr. Wu, the head of the Tiandao Foundation..."

"Mr. Wu..." Li Ze said, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. Isn't that Wu Xin? How could Wu Xin hire this little sister to act as her assistant? Are talents so scarce these days that even such a young lady? And she is such a kind person who is not afraid of being sold by this female liar and then she is stupid to help count the money?

"Oh, the reason why I say it is a prospective assistant is because I haven't become a regular." Jia Qianqian clenched her fist and said firmly, "but I believe that I will become a regular soon."

"I know the Tiandao Foundation, isn't that the foundation where Zhou Xiaolu, who sang "Encounter", was the ambassador?" Li Zedao said.

"Hey, I didn't expect a person as ignorant as you would know such a thing." Jia Qianqian couldn't believe it, his movements and expressions were extremely exaggerated.

"..." Li Zedao rolled his eyes, when was he ignorant? Besides, the Tiandao Foundation benefited from Zhou Xiaolu's super popularity and well-publicized. Who doesn't know?

"So, have you met Mr. Wu?" Li Zedao asked with interest.

"Nonsense." Jia Qianqian gave Li Zedao angrily, and his eyes were already full of admiration, "Not only that, I also saw the group's boss Ren, the last interview, the two of them are The interviewer, Mr. Ren's cold and glamorous aura is very strong, and those big charming eyes seem to be able to see through a person's mind. Even a man can't resist his charm... Mr. Wu..."

"Damn, why should I tell you this?" Jia Qianqian glared at Li Zedao before snorting coldly.

Li Zedao smiled and didn't say anything. He already understood that Nintendo's decision to hire Jia Qianqian was right. If that's the case, then there is nothing to worry about. After all, Nintendo's vision of people cannot be wrong, otherwise how could she possibly be? Find such a good little man.

When I think of Nintendo, I think of the scenes that happened in the office, and then Li Zedao became a little angry inexplicably.

Jia Qianqian glanced at Li Zedao, and saw that he had an unspeakable smile on his face, and there was a hint of transparent liquid at the corners of his mouth. At a glance, he knew that his mind was dreaming about scenes that are not suitable for children. , Immediately snorted and cursed: "Damn, the saliva drips down, it's disgusting."

"Uh..." Li Zedao reacted all of a sudden, and quickly wiped the saliva at the corner of his mouth and sneered: "That...I remembered a good dish I had eaten before..."

"I know, I know, the dish is called the old man's cart, or the old tree roots? Or is it Guanyin sitting on the lotus?" Jia Qianqian said with a look of contempt, and secretly gave the shameless guy a middle finger.

"..." Li Zedao, such a simple person, felt that his ears were red. Nintendo wouldn't admit her because this young lady is as rascal as her, right?

The car stopped steadily at the entrance of Tiandao Building. Jia Qianqian looked at Li Zedao and said, "Remember to pay the electricity bill." Saying this feels like telling her husband that she remembers to pay the electricity bill, so much so that her little face They were slightly hot, and there were bursts of unusual emotions in their hearts.

He glanced at Li Zedao's profile and thought that if this guy wasn't that bastard, he would be handsome.

"Got it." Li Zedao nodded and said, his eyes fell not far from the Dao Mansion, and a slight smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

"At night... come to pick me up?" Jia Qianqian suddenly came up with such a sentence, looking at Li Zedao shyly with a sense of hope in his eyes.

"No time, there is a bus stop there." Li Zedao yawned and said with a lazy expression, "You don't need me to lend you a dollar, right?"

"Asshole! Get out!" Jia Qianqian wanted to kick Li Zedao to death, then pushed the car door angrily and walked away quickly.


In the classroom, Lin Susu looked at Miffy, who was a little embarrassed, and asked with a smile on his face, "Okay?" In his heart, he was happy for Miffy. After all, he knew that Miffy approached Li Zedao for some purpose. Yes, but I often stay with Miffy, eat together, go to class together, and sleep together. In my heart, Lin Susu has long regarded her as his own sister.

As soon as Miffy sat down, Lin Susu already saw the watch on her wrist that was exactly the same as the one she was wearing on her wrist. A few of their sisters had one, and now Miffy also has it. The answer is self-evident. .

"Sister Lin, my...your husband...are you angry?" Miffy asked in a low voice, embarrassed.

Lin Susu said dumbfoundedly: "Feifei, you think too much, you have already seen that you are unruly towards him, it's just..." Lin Susu's little face floated blush.

"It's just that you start faster than me, right?" Miffy teased, "I can't think that the delicate sister Lin who is so reserved and fragile is more heroic than me, the younger sister is willing to go down..."

"Damn you, don't talk nonsense." Lin Susu took a sip, his face was blushing and hot, what was charming, and he stretched out his hand to block Miffy's mouth, and the two girls were playing together.

"Ahem, hold back, your husband is here." Miffy looked at Li Zedao who walked in and said, her eyes were obsessed.

"It's your husband too." Lin Susu said, looking at Li Ze, her small face was shy.

Li Zedao walked to the front, sat down next to Lin Susu, gently held Lin Susu's small hand, smiled and asked, "What are you talking about? So happy?"

"Let's talk about your big squad leader Li, what we have for lunch." Miffy said with a smile.

"It's easy to say." Li Zedao looked at Miffy and said with a smile, "By the way, after I left, the turtle didn't go crazy, right?"

Miffy knew that he was caring about himself, as if he was drinking honey in his heart, and he was in an unusual mood. He immediately said, "No, he will go away in despair after you leave, but you can rest assured that he doesn't If you dare to mess around, if he dares to mess around... hehe... then don't blame me for being rude to him." Miffy laughed strangely.

"Don't mess around either." Li Zedao said dumbfoundedly.

"I see, people will listen to you obediently." Miffy bit her lip lightly, cast a wink at Li Zedao, and acted a little coquettishly.

Li Zedao was taken aback for a moment, thinking that this little junior girl was acting coquettishly. It turned out that she was such a charming person, and his bones were almost crisp.

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