The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 804: Sturdy Zhou Mu

"Miss Zhou, don't you accept my apology?" Li Zedao asked sincerely.

"I... accept, accept..." Zhou Tong swallowed and said quickly, and forced a very ugly smile on his face, "That... I suddenly remembered that I still have something. I'm leaving now..." As if he was avoiding a snake or scorpion, he picked up the bag on the side and quickly got up and left. He didn't even dare to look back.

"That's it... gone?" He Xiaofeng looked at her back, the corners of his mouth twitched more severely, and then looked back at Li Zedao, who was looking at him with a smile.

"Li Zedao..." He Xiaofeng gritted his teeth, wishing to take out his gun and kill the kid, and sabotage his date over and over again. What does he want?

"Brother, I know a little bit about that woman, she is not worthy of you." Li Ze said that I was thinking of you, "You will only lower your taste when you associate with her."

He Xiaofeng felt better after being flattered by him like this. Now he calmly thinks about it. Yes, although this woman is mature and sexy, she is already old between her eyebrows. She hasn't married such a large number of years. The only one The explanation is that there are so many problems with her that make men daunted. She really is not worthy of herself. Really interacting with her will really only degrade her taste.

But... He Xiaofeng's heart is full of regrets, and he doesn't necessarily have to associate. It's also a good reference to meet each other's needs?

"Well, I also think... I rely on..." He Xiaofeng couldn't help but lean out, because Li Zedao hadn't known where he had slipped. Looking back, this kid was gnawing at a pizza, thinking He caught up, but when he saw the two girls sitting in front of him with ambiguous eyes, He Xiaofeng suddenly fainted.

I sighed heavily in my heart right now. In these years, shameless guys with thick skins are really popular and easy to be squinted by beautiful women, but shamelessness... we such honest people really can’t learn it. Yes, go back and continue to let the customer service of that dating site send me the profile of a beautiful woman. This handsome guy really doesn't believe it anymore. All scammers on the Internet will have no real love! Oh, by the way, next time when you ask a beautiful woman out, find a more remote place, but you can't let Li Zedao this **** get confused.


Li Zedao gave Baili Changhe a call and asked him to help arrange a higher-end ward in the First Hospital. Following Baili Changhe’s call, Zhou’s father and Zhou’s mother were instantly regarded as one of the most important patients in the hospital. One, directly transferred from the general ward to an advanced ward, and carried out the best treatment and care.

The hospital learned that Sun Ying turned out to be the future daughter-in-law of the two wounded, so she gave a long vacation to take care of the two wounded.

When Li Zedao came to the hospital again, Zhou's father was already awake, and he was still in good spirits. He was half lying in the hospital bed at this time, and Zhou Qian was feeding him porridge carefully.

Seeing Li Zedao coming, a smile appeared on Father Zhou's face, his throat squirmed and the voice was hoarse and small and said, "Here..."

"Uncle, are you better?" Li Zedao walked up to the front and asked.

"Brother Ze Dao..." Seeing Li Zedao coming, Zhou Qian quickly stood up. When Li Ze Daozheng looked at him with a faint smile, her face was slightly hot and her head habitually dropped.

"Much better, much better." Zhou's mother's pie face on another hospital bed already had a dog's tail. "When I just came out of the intensive care unit yesterday, I looked like a fool. Today Will speak."


Father Zhou looked at Li Zedao, his face was full of gratitude, and he nodded with difficulty. He didn't say anything anymore. Now he is involved in the wound on his neck when he speaks, so it is better to speak less.

"Where is Zhou Yan?" Li Zedao asked.

"I asked him to take my daughter-in-law Yingying to dinner, and then take a break. These two days have exhausted Yingying's child." Zhou's mother's face was full of pride, "and You, Ze Dao, it is her blessing that Xiaoqian can marry you. You helped arrange this ward, right?"

"Uh..." Li Zedao smiled bitterly. When did he marry Zhou Qian, why didn't he even know?

"Mom..." Zhou Qian was so embarrassed that she didn't dare to lift her head.

"It's the first time I have lived in such a high-end ward. It's more comfortable than the bed at home. I didn't know it and thought it was a holiday."

"..." A cold sweat appeared on Li Zedao's forehead.

"When the wound is healed, I must go to the ancestral grave at home to see if there is smoke." Zhou Mu said with a smile, "Ze Dao, then you will go with you. You are our old man now. The son-in-law of the Zhou family is here. According to the rules, he has to meet the ancestors... Oh, bring Yingying with you."

"..." Li Zedao felt more cold sweat on his forehead.

"Auntie, when Zhou Yan comes back, I will bring Xiaoqian Hui School to hold a parent meeting." Li Zedao said.

Mother Zhou said with an open eyebrow: "Then Xiaoqian will beg you...Oh, I don't have to come back after the parent meeting. This child is tired. My uncle and I feel distressed, so you will take her around. For a break, the night view of the ferry terminal is good, you can go, and I heard that there is a jade restaurant on the beach where you can have a candlelight dinner... Oh, I also heard that there is a nice hotel nearby... Qian is shy, Zedao, you have to take the initiative, I know her, she will not refuse..."

"..." Li Zedao felt that not only did he have cold sweat on his forehead, but he also had cold sweat on his back. Isn't it too weird? You want to send your woman into the wolf's mouth so anxiously?

"Mom..." Seeing my mother said more and more outrageous, more and more unsuitable for children, Zhou Qiannian was ashamed and unbearable, and ran over and wanted to block Zhou's mother's mouth.

Li Zedao smiled and nodded and said, "Don't worry, Auntie, I will take care of Xiao Qian."

"Auntie is very relieved. Auntie is very relieved." Zhou's mother smiled openly, "Oh, no, auntie is still a little worried, worried that you are too kind to our family Qianqian..."

"..." Li Zedao felt that there was no way to continue the conversation this day. Fortunately, the door of the ward was pushed open, Zhou Yan's wretched face appeared there, and the young nurse Sun Ying followed him with a The feeling that the husband sings the wife.

"Boss..." Zhou Yan looked at Li Ze, his face was already full of grievances, the boss was really harmful, and he had to be kicked a few times by Sun Ying, and then he explained that his mouth was about to cramp. After several poisonous oaths, she even wanted to register her account to check if she was a virgin to prove her innocence, so Sun Ying believed in herself.

Li Zedao smiled, ignoring his bitter eyes, looked at Zhou Mu and said, "Then I will go to school with Xiaoqian."

"Go, go... remember, don't come back this afternoon, take the initiative, don't be shy." Zhou Mu gave Li Zedao an ambiguous look.

Being winked by such terrifying eyes, Li Zedao only felt his scalp numb, and accompanied a smiling face with a dry smile: "Then...I'll go first...Let's go, Xiao Qian."

"Okay, Brother Zedao." Zhou Qian glanced at him secretly, nodded and said quietly.

When Zhou Qian simply cleaned up next time, the two left the ward under Zhou's mother's hot eyes and Zhou Yan's wretched eyes.

Li Zedao was in front, Zhou Qian's head was low and she didn't know what she was thinking and followed him, like a small tail.

Then Li Zedao stopped suddenly.

"Bang!" With a soft sound, his head was so low that he didn't know that Li Zedao who was walking in front had stopped, Zhou Qian's delicate body hit Li Zedao's body heavily, and then directly bounced out.

Li Zedao felt a soft body hitting his back at the same time, turned around and quickly grabbed her arm, avoiding her sitting on the ground and asking, "Isn't it hurting you?"

"Ah...Brother Zedao...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I...I didn't see...I'm fine..." Zhou Qian gave him a secret glance, and then quickly lowered her head as if she had done something wrong. After going down, the face became even more red.

This collision was not about pain, but her heart was "boom..." violently, as if it might jump out at any time, and she even had an inexplicable feeling in her heart. Zhou Qian’s heart beat even more intensely.

"Haha, it's okay, but don’t keep your head down when you walk in the future. It’s okay to hit me, but if you hit someone..." Li Zedao looked at the delicate girl a little funny and said, "Anyway, You are not like a flower, you are very good-looking, so don’t be afraid to see people faceless."

"Ah... Brother Ze Dao said that she is... good-looking..." Zhou Qianqian blushed, but she mustered up the courage to lift her head up a little bit, when she saw Li Zedao looking at him with a smile At that moment, my heart was agitated, and I quickly looked away.

Li Zedao smiled slightly and didn't say anything, but looked back at the pervert and asked, "Isn't there any suspicious person found?"

"No." Pervert said, shook his head slightly.

Li Zedao pondered and said: "I still can't be careless. The black hand behind the scenes is so vicious. If he hasn't got what he wants, there will definitely be trouble.

"I see, boss." The abnormal face nodded, then walked aside, and disappeared there quickly.

Li Zedao looked back at Zhou Qian who was standing there very well and smiled: "Let's go... don't keep your head down when you walk."

"Yeah." Zhou Qian smiled shyly and nodded, she wasn't lowering her head, she looked at Brother Ze Dao's back that seemed so secure, she was a little silly. His eyes didn't move for a long time.

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