The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 812: Borrow money

"You just got uremia." Li Zedao said very depressed, this little girl dared to curse him.

"Damn, I'm worried about you." Jia Qianqian said irritably, "It's kind of like a donkey liver and lungs... Why did you come if you didn't come to me? The front desk would let you in?"

"Interview security." Li Zedao curled his lips. I thought I was the biggest boss in this group, how could the front desk not let me in?

"Get out!" As the assistant to Mr. Wu, the general manager of the Heavenly Dao Meeting, Jia Qianqian has never heard of the group's recruitment of security guards. Besides, this **** is still a freshman college student. It's impossible to come out to find a job, and to find a work-study job in a restaurant.

But seeing that he didn't want to say, Jia Qianqian didn't ask anything more. He looked around now, and after making sure that no one noticed the situation here, he watched Li Zedao slightly gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Asshole, Come with me." He said, dragging Li Zedao to the corner.

"Uh...where? What do you want to do? I'm not a casual person." Li Zedao's eyes were a little wary, as if an innocent teenager was defending against a female pervert, trying to break away from Jia Qianqian's claws.

"Damn, you look safe, okay?" Jia Qianqian's pretty face blushed instantly, and he cursed a little angrily at the moment, "How can someone with such a high-sighted mother think about you?"

"That's good." Li Zedao breathed a sigh of relief.

"..." Jia Qianqian had the urge to kill the bastard, and immediately said: "That one just wanted to call you, but I didn't expect you to come over by yourself... I still want to borrow money." After that, his face was rarely flushed.

"Borrowing money?" Li Ze twitched, thinking that you asked for money over and over again, making you look like a woman I was nurturing. Please, I can't afford a woman. I'm just a nanny, OK? My money is given by the women who support me.

Of course, these words cannot be said to Jia Qianqian, and immediately asked: "Not enough clothes? How many sets do I have to buy?"

"No, it's like this. I'm going to Suzhou and Hangzhou on a business trip with Mr. Wu in the afternoon. I'm afraid that money will be needed on the road, so..." Jia Qianqian looked at Li Zedao eagerly and pleaded, "So... I'm good for a thousand? I'll pay you back when I get paid."

"Wait, you said you are... on a business trip? Going to Suzhou and Hangzhou?" Li Zedao widened his eyes and thought he had misheard it. It seemed that Wu Xin had to bring two so-called assistants, one of which was Jia Qianqian.

"A problem?" Jia Qianqian asked.

"I mean, didn't you just go to work for two days? There is still a long way to go before turning right... Your boss will take you with you when you are on a business trip?" Li Zedao asked.

"Damn, what's your reaction? Can't I be on a business trip?" Jia Qianqian glared at the dog-eyed bastard, then a little smug, "My old lady...I'm very good, although I only go to work." Two or three days, but we, Mr. Wu, value me very much... If you don’t believe that I am going on business, I can take you to ask my colleagues.

"Uh...I believe, believe." Li Zedao's face showed a strange range, thinking that if Jia Qianqian knew that he was the boss of this group and the founder of the Tiandao Foundation, the expression on his face would be Will it be exciting?

"Damn, what are you thinking about? So wretched? What old tree roots are you thinking about? Guanyin sitting on lotus?" Jia Qianqian looked at Li Ze and said, in addition to contempt or contempt, this shameless fellow.

"...I wonder if I should lend you money again." Li Zedao said angrily.

"Please." Jia Qianqian grabbed Li Zedao's sleeve and pleaded quietly, "As long as you lend me the money, next time you fantasize about a certain picture with a wretched smile, I will definitely not expose you. "

"...Don't borrow..." Li Zedao rolled his eyes and said plainly. He didn't think Jia Qianqian needed any money after arriving in Suzhou and Hangzhou. After all, on business trips, all food, clothing, housing and transportation were covered by the company, so Li Zedao knew very clearly that Jia Qianqian wanted the money for other purposes, but she was not willing To be honest, Li Zedao didn't want to lend it to her. After all, if Jia Qianqian used the money to buy drugs and find ducks, it would be a sin.

"You...really don't borrow?" Jia Qianqian bit his lip slightly.

"No money." Li Zedao said.

"Sting, bastard, go to hell!" Jia Qianqian glared at Li Ze, then kicked him heavily on his calf, then turned and stepped on high heels and walked away quickly.

Li Zedao looked at her leaving back, shook her head helplessly, and then walked towards Wu Xin's office like an okay person, and came to the office. Li Zedao knocked door.

"Come in." Wu Xin's voice came from inside.

Li Zedao opened the door and walked in. Wu Xin, who was sitting at the desk, had her eyes brightened, and her face was filled with joyful smiles. She stood up and greeted him: "You are here."

"Not welcome?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile.

"Fuck you." Wu Xin pursed her lips and her eyes were full of strong affection. She took his arm to the sofa and sat down and said, "I'm going to help you make a cup of tea..."

"No, I'm not thirsty." Li Zedao said with a smile, and then reached out and put Wu Xin in his arms.

Wu Xin struggled slightly, blushing like a rouge, and said with an annoyance: "Pay attention to the impact, now in the company...The soundproofing effect of my office is not as good as the soundproofing effect of sister Ren's office."

"..." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Where do you want to go? I just want to hug you, very simple hug..." He said that he gently stroked Wu Xin's thin black silk stockings. Thighs.

Really simple! Wu Xin looked at him angrily, feeling shy and exciting in her heart, but she had some expectations.

"Will you take two assistants with you on departure in the afternoon?" Li Zedao asked.

Wu Xin nodded and said, "Yes, one is Sister Jing, a friend of my dad's. Before joining the foundation, she worked as a doctor in the internal medicine department of a large hospital. She is an expert in uremia."

Li Zedao nodded, thinking that the foundation is really involved in all aspects of recruiting, and it really needs an expert in uremia, otherwise they would not know if they were fooled.

"The other is my newly recruited assistant, Miss Jia." Wu Xin continued. Her assistant was Pan Xiaoting before, but that happened later, although Pan Xiaoting apologized and expressed gratitude to Li Zedao afterwards, but naturally she didn't have that face back.

Li Zedao nodded and said, "It seems that you get along well with this new assistant, Miss Jia."

"Yes... she is a very independent little girl. Although she lacks experience, she works very hard to learn." Wu Xin said, "Sister Ren said, this kind of person is the kind of person you treat her well and she will do double Hello, absolutely loyal, so you can focus on training..."

Talking about Wu Xin's eyes widening slightly, she looked at Li Ze in surprise: "How do I feel, do you know this Miss Jia?" Wu Xin's body trembled slightly, and the expression on her face was already a little blurred. Because Li Zedao's restless hand has already reached into her skirt.

"Don't... mess around... the bad guys..." Wu Xin's face was peach blossom, she was lightly panting, her eyes were full of love when she saw Li Zedao, and she couldn't help clamping her thighs, her mouth was small but An intoxicating moan.

At this moment, the office door was knocked gently.

Wu Xin's small hand grabbed Li Zedao's arm, not letting him continue to mess with it, Li Zedao smiled, and took her hand out of Wu Xin's skirt.

Wu Xin glared at Li Zedao weirdly, but she couldn't help but stamped her red lips on Li Zedao's lips, and even more dishonestly brushed her hand under Li Zedao's crotch, and whispered, "Excitement?"

"You are forcing me..." The anger in Li Zedao's body suddenly came out. This little girl was taught by Nintendo, and now she is going to put Wu Xin in her arms again to spoil her.

Wu Xin giggled, she quickly stood up and fled, cast a wintry eye at Li Zedao, and then quickly calmed her mood, she was already perfectly transformed from the little woman snuggling in the arms of the man into quite powerful The glamorous president of China is gone, and quickly walked back to the desk as if nothing happened, sat down, and shouted, "Come in."

The door was pushed open, and Jia Qianqian, who was holding a document in his hand, walked in, came to Wu Xin's desk, handed over the document in his hand and said, "Mr. Wu, this is the information you want."

Wu Xin stretched out her hand to take it, flipped through her hands, then raised her head and smiled slightly and said, "Thank you."

Jia Qianqian smiled embarrassedly and said, "This is what I should do."

Wu Xin nodded and said, "Is all the luggage ready? First send it to the driver Lao Wang downstairs in the company, and then come to my office at four o'clock, let's go to the airport."

"Okay, Mr. Wu." Jia Qianqian nodded slightly. When he turned around and was about to leave, his eyes fell on Li Zedao, who was sitting there with his legs crossed. The latter was looking at him with a joking smile on his face. My eyes widened suddenly, and some couldn't believe what I was seeing.

This is Mr. Wu's office. Why did this **** come in? And he knocked Erlang's legs so casually... He knew Mr. Wu and he was still familiar? His family has business contacts with Tiandao Group. Is this coming to discuss business with Mr. Wu? This **** didn't tell himself anything.

Suspiciously, Jia Qianqian didn't stay in this office for a while, just stared at the **** fiercely while walking outside.

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