The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 825: Into the village

"It's okay, can I call you?" Zhou Xiaolu said this to the microphone, and the little face that was enough to harm the country and the people was already full of seductive shyness.

"Of course, you can call me at any time." Li Zedao smiled, "You have to stay in Suzhou and Hangzhou for a few days, right? When my business is over, I will go to you with Xinxin, and then go to West Lake. White water rafting."

"Well, brother-in-law, I'll wait for you." Zhou Xiaolu said sweetly.

After hanging up the phone, the two of them simply cleaned up, and then went downstairs to the hotel entrance holding hands. It was still raining outside, but the rain was not as big as before, sparse, and a gust of wind blew by. It has added a bit of chill, the sky is still dark, and there are not many people on the street, so that the whole city looks a little depressed.

Li Zedao held an umbrella and held Wu Xin in his arms. Like the sweet couple, they walked in the rain.

"Sure enough, there are several pairs of eyes staring at us." Li Zedao whispered with a wry smile. As soon as he came out, the feeling of being peeked suddenly became stronger.

The security guard standing at the entrance of the hotel behind him was flipping through the newspaper in the newsstand on the left. The middle-aged man with an umbrella in his hand was very interested in the contents, and even the conscientious man in a raincoat cleaning the yellow fallen leaves on the ground. Also humble and small sanitation workers...Although they hid so well, Li Zedao recognized them at a glance.

Wu Xin didn't have the feeling of being peeped, nor did she have any fear in her heart. Instead, she was full of sweetness and romance. She once imagined that one day she could be hugged by her beloved man and walk in the rain. That feeling was certain Very romantic, now this little wish has come true, it is really romantic.

Her body shrank and smiled in Li Zedao's arms: "You must be able to get rid of them, right?"

"Of course." Li Zedao said with a weird corner of his mouth. He didn't pay attention to a maniac like Hua Shulin, let alone Ma Renjie who likes to pretend that he hasn't grown up yet? Since you want to play, I will accompany you to have fun, but this time it's not just the chrysanthemum being exploded.

After the two reached the side of the road, Li Zedao reached out and stopped a taxi, and the two got in.

At the same time, the security guard standing at the entrance of the hotel, the middle-aged uncle reading the newspaper in the phone booth, and the sanitation worker saw Li Zedao and Wu Xin getting into the car, so they took out their mobile phones to make calls.

The taxi driver was a middle-aged uncle. He didn't have the enthusiasm or chattering of the drivers Li Zedao met before. After they got in the car, they just glanced back at them blankly, and then asked faintly: " Where to go?"

"Walk around." Li Zedao said with a faint smile, "The first time we came to Suzhou and Hangzhou, we don't know where it is fun. Just drive it and I'll tell you if you want to get off."

The driver didn't say anything anymore. He turned around and kicked off the accelerator, and the car started spinning around on the main road.

Li Zedao glanced at this unenthusiastic taxi driver, with a weird curl on the corner of his mouth, and then looked down at Wu Xin, whose head was leaning on his shoulder, and whispered, "Xinxin, you can help yourself. I am going to hit someone."

"Hit someone?" Wu Xin was taken aback, and then she understood. It seems that this taxi driver is also having a problem. Li Zedao intended to knock him out and take away his car as before. At the moment, his little head quickly moved away from Li Zedao's shoulder, and then he settled down.

Li Zedao twisted his wrist slightly, then stretched out his hand with a smile, patted the driver's shoulder and said, "Master..."

"What?" the driver asked faintly, turning around.

"Oh, it's okay, I just want to beat you." Li Zedao laughed.

"..." The driver hadn't reacted yet, he just felt that his forehead had already been punched hard, and his body was leaning forward, his head hit the steering wheel again, and he was already unconscious.

At the same time, Li Ze reached out his hand and violently dragged him to the position of the co-pilot. Then he shrank, and he steadily got into the driving position from the back seat, and then he was about to lose his operation. The controlled car makes the car continue to move forward smoothly.

From knocking people out with a punch to throwing them in the position of the co-pilot, to driving from the back seat to the front, the whole process was only ten seconds, and Wu Xin’s eyes bubbling. This man is so handsome, he really makes people love him.

"You don't think I'm very violent, right?" Li Zedao looked back at Wu Xin and asked with a smile.

Wu Xin pursed her mouth and said, "I knew you were violent a long time ago. You forgot that when you were in Yanjing, you grabbed the taxi driver’s head and hit the front cover of the car. In the end, the front cover was dented. Now, the driver was battered."

Li Zedao smiled and said: "Whoever lets that guy slaughter the guest and touch the porcelain, dare to do anything to you? It's cheap for him if he didn't discount his hands."

Wu Xin smiled sweetly and said, "Where are we going now? That place called Banpo Village?"

Banpo Village, this is the urban village of Suzhou and Hangzhou. It is also the place filled in in the first request letter received by the Tiandao Foundation. The high-rise buildings surrounding this urban village originally belonged to this one for commercial buildings. The farmland in the village was later requisitioned. After receiving the compensation, most of the villagers who originally lived in this village have left the messy village and bought houses outside, while the original houses were rented out.

So the people who live here are more of those gray-headed and gray-faced people who take the subway and take the bus with the tiredness and excessive overtime. They are called "snail dwellings" or "ant tribes" until Back in the rented hut, they would only show unscrupulous smiles when they were slumped outside. In this small and cozy room, they are heaven.

The signature of the help letter is Gao Niu, a very old-fashioned name.

With the help of navigation, the taxi finally stopped in front of the village in the city after going through several turns.

After the two got out of the car, Wu Xin couldn't help wrapping her white windbreaker jacket tightly.

cold! This messy place surrounded by high-rise buildings seems to be much colder than the city, and because of the rain, the muddy road in front of you is full of potholes, just for fear that you will fall into the pit if you are not careful. went.

"This is it?" Wu Xin asked. The environment of the first person seeking help was worse than she had imagined. Naturally, his illness was not much better.

"It should be here." Li Zedao was also a little uncertain. After all, he was unfamiliar with the place of life, he also followed to navigate, and the entire Suhang, there is only such a Banpo village.

"Let's go in and look for it."

At the moment, Li Zedao was holding an umbrella in one hand and Wu Xin's slender waist wrapped in a windbreaker with the other. He slowly walked on the muddy village road and walked into this messy village.

When passing by a small house, an old man was sitting under the eaves, smoking a cigarette in his mouth.

"Uncle, ask you a way." Li Zedao took Wu Xin to the front and asked politely.

The old man raised his head, his turbid and dull eyes glanced at Li Zedao, spit out a puff of smoke, and said in a strong dialect, "You ask."

"Excuse me, is there a man named Gao Niu who lives here?" Li Zedao asked.

"Gao Niu?" The old head was not very good in memory, and he started to think.

A tiger-headed tiger-brained child with bare feet and muddy feet ran out of the house. His eyes were a little curious and he looked at Li Zedao and the beautiful sister next to him and asked: "Are you looking for Brother Aniu?"

"Brother Aniu? Do you know him?" Li Zedao asked. Brother Aniu should be the child's honorific name for Gao Niu. From this point of view, this Gao Niu is not too old, so maybe his family members have uremia.

Before the child had time to say anything, the old man patted his head and said, "Oh, you are talking about that **** boy Aniu, why? Are you relatives of his family?"

"Oh, I and Gao Niu are...friends." Li Zedao lied casually, and then slapped on the side, to further determine whether Brother Aniu was the Gao Niu he was looking for, "I heard that something happened in his house. It's something, so come and take a look... Uncle, where is his home?"

The old man snorted coldly, and said somewhat gleefully: "Something has happened. The dead father of Aniu has uremia. It is estimated that he will survive in a few days, hehe, deserve it, deserve it."

"..." Li Zedao was a little stunned. He didn't know what to say, but he was sure that this Aniu was indeed his goal this time.

"And you." The old man scolded, looking at the stupid kid, "Donkey Dan, how many times have I told you, stay away from Aniu's gangster, he is a gangster, a gangster, yes Thief, his old man is dying, he is still out there all day long, he will only lead you in a deep ditch..."

"Don't worry about it." The child stuck his tongue out to the old man without fear, and then ran out without paying attention to the rain outside, stepping heavily in the pit, and the muddy water splashed him all over.

"Donkey egg, you fucking, come back to Lao Tzu... Lao Tzu." The old man was so angry that his beard straightened.

"No." The child shouted, ran forward a few steps, and then shouted to Li Zedao and Wu Xin, "Hey, aren't you going to find Brother Aniu? I'll take you there."

Li Zedao and Wu Xin looked at each other, and then thanked the old man again, and then he followed this little kid called Donkey Dan and continued to walk into this small village.

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