The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 828: It's not a trivial matter

"Toilet brush?" Gao Niu was taken aback. Could it be that the toilet brush has a great background? Otherwise, why send it back? Then he said embarrassedly, "But...I've already thrown it away...I'm going to find out if I can get it back." How could he be embarrassed to let it stay on his **** and wander around? What?

"..." Li Ze twitched the corners of his mouth, and said silently, "Are you looking for a toilet brush?"

"Didn't you mean...send it back?"

Li Zedao said angrily: "You can buy a new one, or even if you have one at home, you can send it directly."

"This...then I know." Gao Niu nodded and said, just sending him to the toilet to brush over. It is indeed a small thing. I am afraid that after Ma Shao sees the toilet brush, he will let Dafa brother give him a look. But... if you fight it, you will get used to it next time.

"You don't know." Li Zedao was so depressed. It is too exhausting to communicate with such a person. He has expressed it so clearly, but this guy is so innocent? That doesn't appear to be very evil.

"I really know..."

"You know what a shit." Li Ze exasperated and said loudly, "I mean, whoever stabs the toilet brush into your chrysanthemum, you can find a toilet brush and stab it into his chrysanthemum just like the method. Do you understand?"

"..." Gao Niu was dumbfounded, and then he realized that he really didn't understand, and even more so, that he was so innocent.

"Do you understand this time?" Li Zedao said irritably.

Wu Xinqiao blushed, and gave Li Zedao angrily. Li Zedao hesitated with a smile.

"...Understood, but..." Gao Niu was helpless. He felt that this was not a trivial matter at all, but a major matter that was bigger than letting him commit suicide.

You must know that it was Shao Ma, who was flattered to see him for doing this kind of things that were both human and gods. He brushed the toilet and did something to him...what are you kidding? Don't say he was holding the toilet brush, but he tried to get close to him without getting anything, and he was stopped by others before he got close and he was repaired severely.

"What, can't it?" Li Zedao asked.

"This..." Gao Niu was speechless, saying that he could do it. It was just bragging. How could he have such a method to poke the toilet into Shao Ma's chrysanthemum? If it can't be done, what if this guy gets angry and takes back what he just said?

Li Zedao shook his head and said, "I will give you two days to do this. If you do, I will help your father arrange the best treatment. If you can't, then...Of course, you can also go. With that Dafa brother, Zhao Qiang, or even Ma Renjie, the boy said, I came to you and asked you to do this. It's up to you to choose."

" you know Shao Ma?" Gao Niu's eyes widened slightly. He only knew that the reason Dafa Brother troubled this boy was because the boy had offended Brother Qiang, but now listening to his tone, he seemed to be very familiar with Shao Ma, and there seemed to be a gap.

"Cooked, very familiar." Li Zedao smiled weirdly, "If I guessed correctly, Ma Renjie gave your chrysanthemum to it? Do you know why he did this? It's because he wants to vent... My chrysanthemum was stabbed by the toilet brush, oh, I did that thing."

"..." The tall corbels softened and almost sat on the ground like this.

Wu Xin glanced at Li Zedao in surprise, and thought to herself, it was disgusting.

Li Zedao whispered in her ear and explained, "Xinxin, I let someone else do it. How can I do such a disgusting thing myself?"

Wu Xin pursed her lips and said with a light smile: "It's best to do that, otherwise...huh."

Li Zedao chuckled, then his eyes fell on the already scared Gao Niu again and said: "Okay, it's up to you to choose what you choose. How to return the toilet to him is your own business. , In short, I only give you two days... Oh, yes, this is back to you, it has been stored in my phone."

Li Zedao took out the phone that he had taken from him before, walked over, placed it in front of him, and then left this dilapidated little courtyard with Wu Xin to the muddy road outside, one foot deep and one shallow foot. Walked out.

"You said, would he do what you said?" Wu Xin asked angrily and funny.

Li Zedao pondered and said, "Seeing that he cares about his father so much, shouldn't he? Who knows? It depends on how he chooses."

Wu Xin nodded and didn't continue on this topic. After all, this topic is somewhat evil, she can't speak, and besides, she knows that no matter what happens, Li Zedao will deal with it, she just needs to help him manage the heavens. Foundation, and then be a gentle and caring little woman in front of him, that's enough.

At this moment, the mobile phone in the small bag that Wu Xin was carrying rang.

"Sister Jing should have come here." Wu Xin said.

"Let's take it." Li Zedao smiled, "I'm walking after I've picked it up. The road is not very good, right?"

The two stopped, and Wu Xin opened her bag and took out her mobile phone. Sure enough, it was Sister Jing who called. She immediately picked up and said, "Hey, Sister Jing."

"Mr. Wu, Qianqian's test results have come out." Sister Jing's somewhat unintelligible voice came over, "The reason for the trouble is because he took a laxative with strong medicinal properties."

After Sister Jing got the test results, she was really puzzled, Jia Qianqian shouldn't be so boring to eat that kind of laxative, right? So how did this laxative get into her stomach? Through food? But they are all together when they eat, and what they eat is the same, which is really puzzling.

Wu Xin glanced at Li Zedao and thought that as Zedao said, she immediately said, "I see, you take care of Qianqian first. Zedao and I will go to the hospital around noon."

"I will, Mr. Wu." Sister Jing said.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Xin looked at Li Zedao and said, "Qianqian's test results have come out. As you said, the reason for her diarrhea is because she took some kind of potent laxatives. Someone is actually doing something in the coffee."

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, nodded and said, "I'm all to blame. I'm still careless. If I pay attention to the waiters, I should be able to see some clues."

Wu Xin shook her head slightly and said, "It's not your fault, so don't blame yourself, but..."

Wu Xin's eyes became ambiguous: "You said, should I tell Qianqian about your cleaning up her body?" Although Wu Xin wanted to help Jia Qianqian clean up, she is also a person with a cleansing addiction. So there is no power to help. In the end, Li Zedao swiftly cleaned out those things on Jia Qianqian's body. Naturally, he saw everything that shouldn't be seen, and he saw clearly.

"Don't." Li Zedao hurriedly shook his head and said, "Otherwise, with that little sister's temperament, she would definitely threaten me with a knife and make me responsible for her...what's the kidding?"

"Don't... you don't want to be'responsible' to her?" Wu Xin asked with a pursed mouth, "I don't believe you will let such a beautiful woman with such a character."

Li Zedao said bitterly, "Xinxin, you just don’t believe me? Am I such a casual person in your eyes? In this horribly beautiful world, I am such a pure man, I must work hard to protect My virginity, am I easy to me?"

Wu Xin was stunned for a moment, then leaned forward and backward with a smile, and almost turned off her breath. The plump breast wrapped in the windbreaker trembled like a new peach on a tree.

She finally stopped smiling, and then said in a charming voice, "My dear, where is your pure man? You mean when you were in kindergarten, right? If you let Sister Ren hear what you said. Then, it's probably going to take you off and beat you up."

Li Zedao chuckled, his head lowered, and he stamped a bite on Wu Xin's alluring lips, and the two of them continued to walk deep and shallow with one puddle in the east. Walk out of the village on the muddy road.

It’s already more than ten minutes to come to the outside of the village. Although the two have already walked extremely cautiously, once they walked in and out twice, their shoes were already covered with silt, and their shoes were already inside. Water, the trousers are even more covered with mud spots.

"It seems that I have to buy another set of clothes and shoes." Li Zedao said helplessly.

Wu Xin pursed her lips and said, "I have already bought them, and I have shoes, socks and panties."

Li Zedao was taken aback: "When did you buy it?" You must know that he was there when I bought this suit. At that time, the two bought only this suit and a pair of underwear. There was nothing else.

"I know you won't bring anyone with the surname Li, so I have already prepared a set of clean clothes and shoes for you in the suitcase." Wu Xin smiled.

"Wife, you will be very touched by you." Li Zedao looked at this delicate little face and said with a touch of emotion, "I was so touched that I want to kiss you again...what should I do?"

A touch of shyness appeared on Wu Xin's face, but her heart was slightly annoyed. If you want to kiss, you just ask me what to do? Can I stop you from kissing?

"Hmm..." Wu Xinjiao gasped, because Li Zedao had already held her small mouth tightly.

"Since I brought it, why did I buy this suit?" Li Zedao asked curiously after a long, dim kiss.

Wu Xin licked her lips and looked at her beloved man obsessively and said, "Because, I think you must be handsome in this suit, so I bought it... Sure enough, my vision is good."


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