The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 847: Scary voice

Li Zedao, Zhou Xiaolu and Chen Yan did not leave the hotel. At the speed of Li Zedao, when the fans who were already crazy rushed across the stage, Li Zedao had long been gone, and they didn't even know in which direction Li Zedao had run.

In fact, Li Zedao didn’t run in any direction. When he ran backstage, he simply threw the completely immobile Chen Yan into a fitting room located in the backstage, and then he and Zhou Xiaolu entered another one. Changing room... The most dangerous place is the safest place. Those people never thought they would stay here in the background, so they didn't even look for this dressing room.

" shoes fell out." In the dressing room, Zhou Xiaolu's petite body was still held tightly in her arms by Li Zedao. It may be because of the poor circulation of air. She just felt a little bit hot and hot inside. The commotion is even more endless, the heart is like drumming, and it can't be calmed for most of the day.

"I know, so I didn't put you down." Li Zedao looked at this pretty face close at hand, feeling a little embarrassed, "I'm only wearing a high-heeled shoe, I'm afraid you can't even stand still?"

Li Zedao's eyes fell on the jade feet. One of the feet was covered with white high-heeled shoes, while the other was covered in flesh-colored silk stockings. The little toes covered with red nail polish were clearly visible...Although Li Zedao I think his thoughts are very glamorous, but he still thinks Zhou Xiaolu's feet...really beautiful!

"I... can take off the other shoe..." Zhou Xiaolu thought in her heart, naturally she wouldn't say this.

"Originally, you could take off the other shoe so that you can stand firm, but I'm afraid you will get cold." Li Zedao explained.

"...It's a bit cold." Zhou Xiaolu sounded like a mosquito, and then became too shy, and quickly changed the subject, "Brother-in-law, Xinxin and Qianqian? The scene is out of control, are they all right?"

"Don't worry, I let them leave long before the scene loses control." Li Zedao said.

"Well, that's good...Brother-in-law...Those fans seem to have left?" Zhou Xiaolu was a little confused by smelling the strong masculine aura on the other side.

"Should it? But wait, maybe some reporters are lying in ambush wherever they are." Li Zedao felt the movement outside and said, there were footsteps, and there were people wandering outside.

Although separated by the clothes, Li Zedao can still feel the tenderness of her skin! At this moment, he had a profound experience from Zhou Xiaolu, that women are all made of water. Of course, he also felt it in his other girlfriends. If it weren’t for the strong self-control ability, now A certain part of the body may have a reaction.

"Oh..." Zhou Xiaolu naturally had no objection to Wang Zi's statement, but she sighed slightly.

"what happened?"

"Chen Yan is definitely going to be hidden by the snow now, and can't stay in this circle anymore." Zhou Xiaolu said with some emotion. She naturally knew how serious the consequences of Chen Yan's words were after being hurt by the rumors.

Fearing that Li Zedao might be misunderstood, Zhou Xiaolu quickly explained a little nervously: "Brother-in-law, I... either feel sorry for him, or... somewhat emotional."

Li Zedao smiled and nodded and said, "I understand."

"That's good." Zhou Xiaolu smiled shyly, "Brother-in-law, I'm very curious, what exactly did you use to force Chen Yan to say those things? He obviously wanted...that."

"Confession, right?" Li Zedao said with a smile, "Indeed, he originally intended to confess. It is estimated that the diamond ring has been prepared, and the diamond ring is still provided by the owner of the jewelry company."

"You... threatened him?" Zhou Xiaolu asked curiously.

Li Zedao smiled weirdly and said: "No, I just used a little bit to make him immobile and unable to speak at the moment he knelt..."

Zhou Xiaolu's eyes widened suddenly: "But..."

"I said those words." Li Zedao said, "I put a microphone on my stomach..."

"Huh?" Zhou Xiaolu's beautiful eyes opened wide, and she couldn't help swallowing a big mouthful of water, but the sound made her feel a little embarrassed instantly.

"I can speak ventriloquially, that is, imitate other people's voices with my abdomen. If you don't believe me, listen..." Li Zedao used ventriloquism to imitate Zhou Xiaolu's slightly coquettish voice.

"..." Zhou Xiaolu had a silly expression after hearing her own voice.

"Brother-in-law, are amazing..." After a long time, Zhou Xiaolu reacted, her small face was already full of admiration.

"Haha, I think so too." Li Zedao said with a smile, "We should almost go out."

"Yeah!" Zhou Xiaolu snorted softly, and suddenly felt that even if she stayed in this fitting room with Li Zedao all her life, she seemed to be quite happy.

"Someone is approaching here, probably an employee who really loves eternal, you don't need to speak for a while, just my bodyguard will deal with it." Li Zedao said immediately.

"Brother-in-law, I listen to you." Zhou Xiaolu smiled knowingly.

"Well, let's get down first, I will help you go out, lest those people see you chewing your tongue." Li Zedao said softly.

Zhou Xiaolu was so ashamed that she quickly loosened her arms around his neck and got off him. In order to stand firm, she lifted her foot and took off the remaining high heels.

Li Zedao put on the somewhat compelling sunglasses, and then opened the door of the fitting room. At the same time, the staff in charge of the whole stage effect that I saw in the lounge just left with a few people. Coming over, Li Zedao remembered that Zhou Xiaolu called him Manager Yang.

"Miss Zhou, thank you for nothing." After Zhou Xiaolu was helped out by her bodyguard safely, Manager Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief. If Zhou Xiaolu had an accident in this Huarong Hotel, he would not only It's just as simple as walking away.

"What does it mean to be okay?" Li Zedao said very upset, "If it weren't for my quick response, Miss Zhou would be hurt by those angry fans. Now Miss Zhou is frightened, you have to take full responsibility!"

"Yes..." Manager Yang smiled with a cold sweat on his face, "Ms. Zhou was frightened by what happened. We did have a fault, and I am really sorry. After that, we will always be like Miss Zhou in person. The one who apologizes will give Miss Zhou a satisfactory explanation."

"Huh!" Li Zedao said in a softer tone, "In addition, Miss Zhou's shoes have fallen out. You can quickly find a comfortable pair..."

"This, natural, natural..." Manager Yang said, looking at a little girl, "Xiao Wu, you can help Miss Yang find a pair of shoes."

Soon, Xiao Wu brought a brand new shoe box. Inside the box was a pair of brand new high heels that resembled Zhou Xiaolu's feet.

After Zhou Xiaolu put on the shoes expressionlessly, Manager Yang looked at Li Zedao with a smile on his face and said, "This brother, I don't know where Chen Yan is?"

"Huh!" Li Zedao snorted coldly, "If Miss Zhou was kind and asked me to take the **** away by the way, I wouldn't care, and let those angry fans kick him alive."

"Yes, yes... Then he..." Manager Yang only felt that the muscles on his face were abnormally stiff.

"I left him in that fitting room." Li Ze pointed to another fitting room and shrugged his shoulders. "As for whether anyone was found to be trampled to death, I don't know."

Everyone hurried over, opened it, and saw Chen Yan's eyes curled up there, apparently fainted, and hurriedly carried him out.

Li Zedao glanced at Chen Yan, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised with a strange range.

Manager Yang hurriedly asked him to take him to the lounge to have a look. If he still doesn’t wake up, call 120, and then watch Zhou Xiaolu with a smile and said, “Miss Zhou, I’ll take you to the lounge to have a good rest. Well, your manager Xiao Wu and two assistants are also waiting there, and the evening reception, you see..."

"I will be there." Zhou Xiaolu glanced at Li Zedao, then nodded and said lightly.

"Then trouble Miss Zhou, please..." Manager Yang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Zhou Xiaolu would refuse to attend the next cocktail party because of this happening. You know, he was ordered to die just now. If Zhou Xiaolu refuses to attend the cocktail party, then he can immediately roll up and go!


Chen Yan didn't faint, although he wanted to faint, and even died altogether! But his head is so sober, so sober that he doesn't have the courage to hit the wall with his head or something... What if it alarms those fans that they find themselves and beat themselves to death?

So he had to pretend to faint, because when he was awake, he didn't know how to face it all!

He didn't even know what was going on. After he knelt down, he was about to start a little bit. When he was reading his confession in the mirror before, he almost felt disgusted with his confession, but suddenly felt that his head sank. It was as if there was a big hand pressed tightly, and he immediately slammed it down, and then more terrifying things happened, his body could not move, he was unable to speak.

Then something even more terrifying happened immediately. His voice rang through the microphone on the big speaker: I am a pig!

Is this his voice? That's right, this is indeed his voice! However, this is also the scariest voice he has heard since childhood!

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