The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 877: Dissolution

Qin Yiping smiled wryly when seeing Li Zedao's eyes falling on him.

What kind of eyes are these? The eyes are not anger, sadness, or grievance... Maybe there are any emotions so you can hardly describe the look in his eyes now. No wonder, whoever encounters this kind of thing can only show this kind of eyes, right?

Of course, Qin Yiping was not a mediocre at all in the mall for decades. Naturally, I knew that Li Zedao looked at him and said what he wanted to express. Now he said: "As you might think, the source of gold for the Qin Group is indeed They all come from the desert ruins. In other words, the gold is provided by your father. In other words, at least one third of the Qin Group belongs to your father. Of course, this one third belongs to you now. That's why I don't worry at all that you will retaliate against the Qin clan... Isn't that trouble with myself?"

Li Zedao moved his eyes away from him and landed on the coffee in front of him that had already cooled but had not taken a sip. He remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

The Oriental undefeated smiled bitterly: "Ze Dao, do you want to continue listening?"

Although he probably already knew or guessed what happened afterwards, Li Zedao nodded, but his neck was too stiff, so if you don't look carefully, you really can't tell that he actually nodded.

"Although Shenwan can make a person reborn, but just by doing so, I want to cause a real **** to come out and defeat Wang Zi. That is simply a idiotic dream." Dongfang Invincible said with emotion, "After all, Wang Zi is too powerful. The abilities he showed were as if he had taken Shen Wan before... and that Shen Wan was still an enhanced version."

"So, on the one hand, we launched the God Creation Project to develop Shen Wan, and on the other hand, we started to develop Ghost Pills... Regarding the Ghost Pills, I think Wang Zi told you a long time ago. We want to develop a perfect one without any side effects. Oni Maru, once the perfect Oni Maru is successfully developed, your father will directly take revenge, and you will not suffer those tortures..."

Dongfang Invincible shook his head and said, "Unfortunately, over the past ten years, let alone the perfect ghost pill, even the ghost pill's creator Chen Yibing first refined the worst effect and the biggest side effect of the ghost pill zero. , And the research was not successful."

"Presumably you have already understood the next thing. Your father used some tricks to get you to take the pills, and arranged for you to recognize your mother and led Wang Zi to Phoenix City."

Dongfang Undefeated said: "Your father knows very well that once you show up, Wang Zi will definitely return to Phoenix City, and will teach you some skills, but we can’t teach you these skills, or say What we teach is different from what Wang Zi teaches. Although Wang Zi has done that kind of heinous thing, he understands those things that others cannot understand. His youth stays forever, and his internal strength seems to be close to the state of returning to the original. , The most important thing is that your father wants you to learn a very dangerous skill from Wang Zi..."

The Undefeated Dongfang looked at Li Zedao's face that could no longer be described as ugly and said, "I think, you already know what skill that is?"

Li Zedao raised his head and glanced at him, then his eyes returned to the cup of coffee in front of him again and remained silent. He did know what skill it was.

No matter what kind of poison it is, it can't bring any harm to Master's body, including the evil ghost pill! What's even more amazing is that after taking Ghost Pills, the multiplication of the force value that Ghost Pills brings will not disappear.

Li Zedao knew that he did have this ability. As for when the master taught him, Li Zedao didn't know it.

"Now it seems that you have learned that now your body can make Ghost Pills into that perfect ghost pill without any side effects." Dongfang Unbeaten said, "In other words, as long as you take a few more ghost pills, Then your strength value will increase in an instant, and it is very possible to surpass Wang Zi in one fell swoop, and revenge will be expected at that time."

Li Zedao raised his head and glanced at Dongfang Invincible with that kind of inexplicable look, but he still did not speak.

"The only trouble is that now most of the ghost pills have fallen into Wang Zi's hands. The ones that flowed out before are now regarded as hard to find, priceless and no market." Dongfang Invincible looked regretful. He shook his head and said.

Immediately, the face was full of confidence: "However, I believe that our Yan Luodian will be able to develop ghost pills soon."

Li Zedao stretched out his hand and picked up the cup of coffee on the table, but he did not drink it, but slightly hardened his hand.

"Hey!" With a muffled sound, the cup in his hand was crumpled abruptly by Li Zedao. The coffee spilled on Li Zedao's hand. Even the fragments of the cup pierced Li Zedao's palm, and the scarlet blood flowed instantly. Came out, mixed with the coffee, and dripped little by little.

But Li Zedao's wooden face didn't have any ripples, as if the hand that was pierced was not his.

"Brother..." Miffy exclaimed, with a throbbing pain in her heart, she grabbed Li Zedao's cold hand, and then took out a tissue from his pocket to help him wipe off the injured coffee and blood.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Li Zedao looked at Miffy and said.

"Something happened, it bleeds." Miffy's eyes were red, looking at the fragments still stuck in the palm, it was even more distressed, "Don't move, I will get the medicine box, you wait for me a bit."

Saying hastily stood up and left the conference room.

"Are you okay?" Dongfang asked with a caring look on his face. This kid is too cruel, right? You've been hurt like this, but you still don't change your face?

Li Zedao shook his head, and said in a hoarse voice: "My father has a lot of power in this organization?"

"Naturally, Yan Luodian was founded by your father alone. My father and I are only helping. Strictly speaking, my father and I don't belong to this organization. The people in this organization are all around your father." Oriental Unbeaten One The face nodded affirmatively and said.

"Father has passed away now, this organization is now led by me?" Li Zedao asked again.

"That's it." Dongfang unbeaten affirmed again.

"This hotel is mine too?"


"That's fine." Li Zedao said, "From now on, disband the Temple of Yama, stop all the development of ghost pills, and it is forbidden to catch innocent people as guinea pigs."

"This..." Dongfang's undefeated expression was a little unnatural.

"Master...Wang Zi killed a three-year-old child, and killed my grandfather in order to conceal people's eyes. You and my father, for revenge, in order to develop the ghost pill, take the lives of others at will... You and my father's method is the same as Wang Zi's. That approach makes no difference." Li Zedao shook his head and said.

Dongfang Invincible smiled bitterly, nodded and said: "Since you have said so, we are not too good to say anything. We just hope that you can finally do well what your father has not done but has always wanted to do. Don't let him down. The most painful torture that he has suffered from the depths of his heart for nearly two decades, don't let down his efforts in the past twenty years..."

"I will take revenge." Li Zedao interrupted Dongfang's undefeated words and said, "Use my own method."

Invincible Dongfang nodded with a sigh, not saying anything.

At this moment, Miffy walked in hurriedly holding a first aid kit, and was so distressed that he carefully helped Li Zedao clean up the debris on the palm of his hand, cleaned the wound, applied medicine, and carefully bandaged it. Up.

She was so distressed that her tears were about to come out, as if she had forgotten that this kind of wound is nothing to Li Zedao, who has already taken Xia Shen Wan, even if it is not dealt with, it can be healed quickly and automatically. This is the so-called concern. Is it messy?

In the process of being treated by Miffy, the expression on Li Zedao's face did not change at all, and he didn't even blink his eyelids. The whole figure looked like a corpse without a soul, and he didn't know what he was thinking. .

It wasn't until Miffy helped him to bandage him, Li Zedao said: "Let those who just went out come in."

Miffy nodded and said, "I'll call it."

Soon, the people including Ngau Tau Ma Mian, Guan Le, and Aunt Liang came in again, all looked at Li Zedao with inexplicable eyes, and then nodded to the East undefeated, and then sat down on the chair. .

Li Zedao stood up, glanced at these people with empty eyes one by one, and then said: "I think, you all already know who I am. I am the judge's son. My name is Li Zedao. From now on, My father’s seat is for me. I am your new judge...but...I don’t like the name judge very much!"

Li Zedao paused and continued: "So... what I want to say is that from now on, Yan Luo Temple will be disbanded..."

"What?" Everyone's complexion changed, and they looked at each other.

"To be precise, it is not disbanded, but exists in another way! This organization will no longer develop the evil ghost pills and other illegal biological drugs." Li Zedao ignored the changes in everyone's expressions, and Said self-consciously.

Everyone’s expressions were even more astonished, and they all turned their eyes to the East Undefeated. This person who is not inferior to the judge in the organization, to their disappointment, the East Undefeated face seriously drank the cup of coffee in his hand. As if nothing happened, obviously, he agreed with it.

"If you are willing to stay, naturally there is something for you to do. If you don't want to stay, you can leave now." Li Zedao glanced at everyone indifferently, "Then, whoever doesn't want to stay, please stand up and leave. This meeting room."

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