The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 888: Snake head

"Why is he here? He came to this engagement banquet? There was a beautiful woman next to him..." Antarctica muttered a little depressed in his heart.

"Long time no see." Li Zedao smiled when he walked to the front. Since the last time he destroyed Dongtu and tried to launch a huge holy war in Phoenix, he has never seen this cruel woman. Li Zedao really missed her. After all, the two have cooperated many times and are considered comrades in arms. .

There is also a shadow. The genius hacker who likes chewing gum doesn't know how she is now? In the end, if he really did something to the master, would Shadow castrate himself?

"It's just a month or two, not too long." Antarctica said blankly.

"..." Li Zedao looked a little embarrassed, thinking that this woman is still as cold as ever.

Qin Shaomei, who was standing behind Li Zedao, looked at this cold-hearted woman a little angrily. She didn't expect that Li Zedao would feel a little uncomfortable when he was so flat in front of the face. Why is it so strong in front of yourself?

It's so unfair!

"Is there a mission?" Li Zedao asked, his eyes scanned the crowd who came to attend this engagement banquet. He knew that Antarctica would not be so bored to stare at these people, that is to say, her goal this time was mixed in. These people are in.

"Confidential." Antarctic glanced at him and said coolly, as if I were familiar with you.

Li Zedao already had a dumbfounded expression on his face and whispered, "Is there something like Jiang Yang thief who got on this ship? Otherwise, why would you, a magnificent elite from the Dragon Organization appear here?"

"Confidential." Antarctica still says this. You think I'll tell you everything if you just flatter me? Do you think I am the kind of young and ignorant kid?

Qin Shaomei understood that this cold girl should come from a mysterious department called the Dragon Organization, and she appeared here because criminals got in here. She is here. Arrested.

It's no wonder that Li Zedao's eyes lit up after seeing this girl, and then his brows frowned, and he also said that something unexpected might happen for a while and let himself follow him.

Qin Shaomei's heart was slightly tingling, he still cared about himself after all.

"Well, I'm actually the boss behind this hotel." Li Zedao said helplessly, "Some criminals got into my hotel and tried to do something bad. I have the right to know, don't you?"

Antarctica took a curious look at Li Zedao. She really didn’t expect Li Zedao to be the behind-the-scenes owner of such a luxurious sea hotel, but when she remembered that his master was the hand of God, his mother was Xiao Qiangwei of Brilliant International. Suddenly I felt that he had such a hotel, it seemed to be a matter of course.

She curled her lips and glanced at Qin Shaomei.

"My own person." Li Zedao knew what Antarctica was thinking, and said with a glance at Qin Shaomei.

After Qin Shaomei heard what Li Zedao said, her nose was sore and she felt like crying.

Antarctica curled his lips again, thinking that she and you are her own, it has nothing to do with me, but she still lowered her voice and said, "Do you know the snake head?"

"Snake head?" Li Zedao was taken aback, "Snake head?"

"..." Antarctica looked at Li Zedao like an idiot and explained, "The snake head in the bronze statue of the head of the twelve zodiac animal in Yuanmingyuan."

"Huh?" Li Zedao raised his brow slightly.

Regarding the disaster that Huaxia experienced under the notice of that dynasty a hundred years ago, Li Zedao, as a handsome Chinese man, is naturally somewhat familiar with this period of history, and this bronze statue of the head of the zodiac animal is even more so. I see, now the bronze statue of the animal head has become a symbol of the cultural relics lost overseas in the Old Summer Palace.

As for the snake head, I heard that it had returned to the embrace of the motherland more than 20 years ago. Could it be that it was stolen again? And that brave thief is now on the Angel?

"It was stolen?" Qin Shaomei's face also showed a touch of movement. After all, this snake head is such a precious cultural relic, and the security force is naturally extremely strong, and I did not expect it to be stolen.

"Not stolen." Antarctica said.

"Uh..." Li Zedao and Qin Shaomei looked at each other, dare to believe that they both guessed wrong.

"But I was worried about it," Antarctica said immediately.

"What do you mean?" Rao Li Zedao felt that he was very smart, but he still didn't understand what Antarctica was talking about. It was not stolen but it was remembered that you came to this hotel. It can't be...

Li Zedao's eyes widened suddenly, and he said in an unbelievable way: "You mean, that snake head is in this hotel now?"

"Yes." Antarctica looked at Li Zedao like an idiot and said, thinking that such an obvious thing did you know now? This kind of IQ is the disciple of the hand of God who has left countless legends as a monster It seems that his vision of accepting apprentices is really not so good.

"Three days later, a large-scale exhibition of Chinese and foreign cultural relics will be held in the Municipal Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall. The bronze statue of the beast head is a symbol of the cultural relics lost overseas in the Old Summer Palace and is of great significance. Therefore, the head of the snake was sent to Phoenix. Ready to exhibit at that large-scale Sino-foreign cultural relics exchange conference."

Antarctica simply explained: "Minister Qian Shaopeng of the Ministry of Cultural Relics is responsible for sending the snake head to Phoenix and presiding over this meeting. We have received accurate information that many thieves are already ready to move. I planned to attack the snake head, so my two comrades in arms and I were sent over to ensure that the snake head does not fall into the hands of thieves."

"It turned out to be like this." Li Zedao nodded and said. It turned out that there was still the Minister Qian in Antarctica who took the snake head to stay at the Angel Hotel. Because the deck was wrapped up to hold the engagement ceremony, it was inevitable that people and snakes would be mixed with people in troubled waters, so Antarctica came out on alert.

"This is known as the safest hotel in Phoenix, so we stayed here." Antarctica explained.

Li Zedao laughed and said, "Don't worry, I won't laugh at you and say you use taxpayer money to corrupt."

"..." Antarctica glanced coldly at Li Zedao, without saying anything.

"Need my help?" Li Zedao asked.

Antarctica froze for a moment, originally wanted to refuse, but in the end it was a ghost nodded, and his presence can indeed ensure the safety of the snake's head.

"The reason why you are allowed to participate is because you are indeed obliged to protect the snake head from falling into the hands of those thieves." Antarctica explained it as if a guilty conscience, "because more than 20 years ago, the snake head was in Overseas, it became the private collection of a certain rich man in France, and it was brought back abroad by the hand of your master God under the instructions from above."

"It turns out that he brought the snake head back." Li Zedao was a little stunned, and even more stunned, Antarctica also emphasized such a sentence... under the instructions from above! Although she is an elite of the Shenlong organization, she is still a member of the system after all. When she speaks, she will inevitably have a hint of officialdom.

"But..." Li Zedao said a little funny, "You don't seem to be the kind of person who can explain."

Antarctica glanced at Li Zedao and snorted without explaining anything, indicating that I am indeed not the kind of person who likes to explain something.

The exhibition will start three days later, that is to say, the snake head will be sent to the Municipal Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall the day before the exhibition, and will be displayed for two consecutive days thereafter.

In other words, the snake head will stay in the exhibition hall for two days and three nights. If the thieves are really worried, they will only choose to do it on these three nights. They should not be stupid enough to sneak into this heavily guarded hotel to do it. In addition, there are three elites of the Shenlong organization to protect, so the safety of the snake head should be ensured when in the hotel.

So Li Zedao decided to converge with Antarctica in two days and then **** the snake head to the exhibition hall together. And before that, it is necessary to go to the exhibition hall to take a good look. Of course, not to visit the cultural relics inside, but to understand the structure of the entire exhibition hall .

Watching the Antarctic leave, Qin Shaomei smiled and said, "What a girl with full of personality... and I feel that she seems... jealous."

"Jealous?" Li Zedao was taken aback, "What is jealous?"

"Oh, it's nothing." Qin Shaomei smiled and shook her head slightly. It's not that she was jealous, and she seemed a little sour. He said immediately, "I have sent my blessings, let's go, where to my father?"

Li Zedao nodded and said, "Let's go."

He was still looking forward to seeing Qin Yiping. It was not because he heard that Qin Yiping’s braised fish was doing well and planned to feast on it, but because he wanted to hear about the car accident that happened to Nintendo’s parents that year. What did Qin Yiping say.

"Let's go." Qin Shaomei said, and then took Li Zedao's arm.

"Wait, there is one more thing." Li Zedao said.

"whats the matter?"

"Pack some vanilla cake and go home." Li Ze pointed to the cake on the table.


As Li Zedao made a call, the vice president of the hotel, Jiang Xiaoyao, quickly appeared in front of the two of them, with a very delicate box in his hand.

"Shao Li, this is the cake you want." Jiang Xiaoyao handed over the vanilla cake with a respectful expression, and nodded respectfully to Qin Shaomei.

Li Zedao took it and smiled: "Aren't you just asking someone to bring it to me? Don't you have to act as the emcee?"

"Shao Li laughed." Jiang Xiaoyao said with a smile, "One of the emcee of the hotel caught a cold, and the other just happened to ask for leave for something, so I just took a cameo."

"So." Li Zedao nodded and smiled, "but you are quite professional."

"I was a host in college." Jiang Xiaoyao smiled.

Li Zedao nodded, and then cryptically reminded, "Oh, yes, there is an important guest who is staying in our hotel now, staying in room 808, so the security issues must be done well these two days. Call me if you have any questions."

Jiang Xiaoyao was taken aback for a moment, then nodded solemnly and said, "I see, Shao Li."

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