After Li Zedao came out of Qin Yiping's study, he already saw Qin Shaomei waiting there eagerly.

Qin Shaomei greeted her and asked, "What did you talk to my father? Things about heaven?"

Li Zedao nodded, his expression still a little embarrassing, I can't say that your father has already made you a betrothed to me wishful thinking, and I haven't decided whether to accept it... Isn't this too pretentious? Is it too beast?

"All the misunderstandings are solved?" Qin Shaomei asked.

"Almost." Li Zedao nodded.

"That's good." Qin Shaomei breathed a sigh of relief, still somewhat happy. Nintendo is her cousin after all. The sisters are now in the cold war. Ultimately, it's not a very pleasant thing, let alone inexplicable. If I like him, I have to deal with Nintendo.

Qin Shaomei looked at Li Zedao, the shyness in her eyes flashed over and asked: "Send you back or... stay here for one night?"

"That... just send me back to the banquet hall." Li Zedao said.

"Well, then I'll tell my mother, let's go." Qin Shaomei nodded and said.


In the study, Qin Yiping had a beautiful smile on his face. He couldn't help it anymore, walked to the desk and dialed a number he rarely called before.

After a while, the phone was already picked up, and then an unbelievable voice came out of the microphone.

"Qin Yiping? Huh, would you call me?"

"Why can't I call you?" Qin Yiping laughed, his tone and attitude were much better than the person who called, "I am very happy today, so I want to share with you..."

"Mr. Qin, Chairman Qin, I said you...are ill?" The man on the phone snorted coldly, "You deliberately entertained me? You know it, your good mood means I am very upset."

"Haha, I know." Qin Yiping Dale, "Do you know? My daughter brought her boyfriend back today, and I personally cook for him to make braised fish..."

"It's my shit? Or do you need me to say congratulations? Congratulations, your daughter is almost thirty and finally married?" The man on the phone sneered.

Qin Yiping directly ignored the other party’s cynicism and laughed: "Chairman Baili, do you know? My son-in-law, but a true young talent, I think I think it’s the same as your appearance and wrist. The arrogant son-in-law is exactly the same..."

"Impossible..." Baili Changhe directly denied that among the younger generation, there are still better than Li Zedao? Are you kidding me?

Qin Yiping's face was a little bit ambitious: "Oh, even the names are the same, they are all called Li Zedao, haha..."


"Just kidding? You think your daughter looks like a god? My daughter is not Chai He Niu, okay?" Qin Yiping laughed proudly.



The glamorous Maserati left Yutang Villa and galloped towards the city center. There was not much communication between the two along the way, but an ambiguous sentiment always filled the small carriage.

"Sister Qin, stop by the road." Li Zedao said.

Qin Yimei didn't say much. Twenty quickly stopped the car steadily on the side of the road before asking, "Is there something to buy?"

Li Zedao nodded and said, "I want to stop buying books there."

Li Zedao promised to go to Bailibing tonight, and said that he helped her buy the latest issue of "Detective Conan" comics. If she went with two paws, she would be despised to death, right?

"Book?" Qin Shaomei was stunned for a while, but she pushed the door and got out of the car, and followed Li Zedao to the newsstand.

"Boss, is there the latest issue of "Detective Conan"?" Li Zedao asked, looking at the uncle smoking in the newsstand.

"Yes." The uncle said with a slight smile, and helped Li Zedao pick up the comic book.

Qin Shaomei on the side was slightly taken aback. She didn't expect that Li Zedao would like to read such cartoons... Childlike heart?

Li Zedao took the cartoon handed over by the boss and paid for it, then looked back at Qin Shaomei and explained it briefly: "I didn't want it, I bought it for someone else."

"Oh, the kid I saw at noon?" Qin Shaomei asked.

"No, I bought it for Bai Libing." Li Zedao smiled, "She has a soft spot for this type of comic book."

"Uh... this is really unimaginable." Qin Shaomei smiled wryly, "You... go to her at night..."

Seeing Li Zedao's eyes looking at herself a little weird, Qin Shaomei quickly explained in a little panic, "Oh, I mean..."

"I understand, I understand...that..." Li Zedao touched himself a little embarrassed, "that..."

"What do you want to say?" Qin Shaomei asked.

"Oh, nothing." Li Zedao shook his head and said, "Let's go."

Seeing Li Zedao's back walking towards Maserati, Qin Shaomei smiled bitterly. Is his expression not obvious enough or is he too stupid? Or is it...playing dumb?

Qin Shaomei was not afraid of not being obvious or stupid, but she was really afraid of acting stupid!

Maserati quickly stopped in front of the car that Li Zedao had stopped at the entrance of the banquet hall.

"Sister Qin, I'm leaving now." Li Zedao said while pushing the door while holding the book.

"Well, go, don't let the beautiful lady wait for a long time." Qin Shaomei smiled and nodded, "Call in another day."

After getting out of the car, Li Zedao stuck his head into the car and looked at Qin Shaomei and said, "Sister Qin, wait, I have a gift for you."

"Gift?" Qin Shaomei's eyes lit up slightly, and then his face was slightly shy. Isn’t the plot on TV like this? The actor told the heroine that I had a gift to give you, but he asked the heroine to close her eyes, and finally gave the heroine a kiss...

"Do you need me... uh..." Seeing Li Zedao's back in the car running towards him, Qin Shaomei was embarrassed to death by covering her hot face. She would be wrong. Fortunately, He didn't see anything, and he didn't have time to say that, otherwise he wouldn't be embarrassed to die?

"Sister Qin, what's the matter with you?" Li Ze asked in surprise when he saw Qin Shaomei rubbing his face over there.

"Uh... it's okay." Qin Shaomei quickly lowered her hand from her hot face, tried to make herself look calmer, and laughed at the moment, "But I'm really curious. What kind of gift would you give me."

"This..." Li Zedao was a little embarrassed and passed the exquisitely packaged Omega watch in his hand.

"What is this?" Qin Shaomei took it curiously, and then her eyes widened slightly, "Omega's watch?"

Qin Shaomei has always been on the verge of fashion. Naturally, she is no stranger to this luxury. Even the watch she is wearing now is much more expensive than the watch Li Zedao now gives her.

"Give it to me?" Qin Shaomei's eyes brightened, and she was somewhat surprised in her heart. After all, the meaning of a man sending a woman's watch is naturally self-evident. Of course, if he didn't know the meaning, it would be another matter.

Li Zedao smiled embarrassedly and said, "That...heaven also has an identical watch, and Bailibing also other women also have..."

"This..." A kind of happiness and sweetness instantly filled Qin Shaomei's body.

No woman can refuse the three words "I love you", of course, provided that the man who says these three words to you is your beloved man, otherwise it will only make you get goose bumps.

Although Li Zedao didn't say those three words, his fiery eyes had already revealed his true thoughts at this time.

"You... don't like it?" Li Zedao asked.

"Who said that? I like it very much." Qin Shaomei said softly with a smile.

Then he got off the station and was in front of Li Zedao, looking at this little boy who made her heart beat with serious expression: "I really like it. This is the best gift I have ever received."

"That's good." Li Zedao smiled, "Then I'll go first..." At this time, Li Gang confessed that he should give him a hug or even a kiss, but Li Zedao was a little embarrassed after all, and his face was not as thick as Zhou Yan. .

Qin Shaomei looked at him with big eyes, and her pretty face suddenly leaned over, and proactively kissed Li Zedao's not too fragrant lips.

She first rubbed the outside of Li Zedao's lips lightly, and after receiving Li Zedao's response, she became enthusiastic, and put her arms around Li Zedao's neck and kissed deeply.

I have to say that Qin Shaomei, who is a rookie in this regard, is still very quick to learn things. In other words, the effect of the hands-on teaching of Li Zedao, a well-trained teacher, is really great, so soon, Qin Shao Mei's kiss level was about the same as that of Li Zedao, at least not inferior in tongue-to-tongue fighting.

A pull-wind Ferrari whizzed past the couple standing on the side of the road and kissing, and the sports car stopped quickly, then fell back, and finally was not far from Li Zedao and Qin Shaomei Stopped.

The window glass was shaken down, and Qin Shaofeng looked at the couple embracing and kissing each other with a dull expression, as if he had seen a ghost.

The eldest sister, who has always treated men without pretentiousness, has such a passionate and unrestrained time? Well, although this is shocking, it is acceptable to Qin Shaofeng. After all, he has not done anything more passionate and unrestrained. He once drove a woman to the wilderness, taking the sky as the ground. For the bed, the things that I have done are more eye-catching than the things my old sister is doing now?

But how could the old sister's unrestrained object be him? If he really becomes his own brother-in-law, then he won't be able to live the life from now on?

Qin Shaofeng looked sad, wishing to separate the two in the past.

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