The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 902: Bloody smell

Li Zedao stared blankly at the cool back of the Antarctic, looked back at the big head and the iron hand, and asked in a low voice: "Well...why is she so angry? Isn't it the aunt?"

"This... I don't know, we don't know either..." Big Tou and Tieshou's foreheads hurriedly waved their hands and smiled in cold sweat. How could they know this kind of thing? Although they are very familiar with Antarctica, they are not even familiar with it at all.

Besides, even if they knew it, they wouldn't dare to talk nonsense. In the Shenlong organization, Antarctica was as famous as its name, and it was notoriously cold and unhappy, and she would simply draw the sword and face each other.

Li Zedao said with certainty: "I guess, her aunt must come..."

Li Zedao's voice stopped abruptly, because he felt a murderous intent floating over.

The big head and the iron hand were even more shocked, and the two of them were already lying on the ground.

Li Zedao was also frightened and hurried down on his stomach. The sound of a knife splitting the air in the next second sounded in his ears, and then cold sweat broke out from his forehead.

"Hey!" A bright dagger was heavily inserted into a green tree in front of Li Zedao, with a vibrating sound at its tail. In other words, if Li Zedao didn't get down in time, the knife would be vicious. It's stuck on him.

"I won't miss it next time." The cold voice of Antarctica sounded behind him.

Li Zedao wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, saying that he wouldn't say bad things about you next time... at least maybe not if you can hear it.

But now it is basically certain that this woman's aunt has really come.

Right now, Li Zedao got up from the ground, ran to the green tree and looked at the knife that was shining there. He felt distressed for the little tree for three seconds, and then pulled out the knife. Follow the Antarctic towards the car parked there.

The big head and iron hands also got up from the ground.

"I was scared to death." The big head looked at Li Zedao's back, and his tone was full of admiration, "He is so courageous."

"It's really courageous." Tie Shou shrank his neck and said with emotion, "I hope I can see him tomorrow morning."



Antarctica walked to the Hummer parked there, opened the door and jumped up, but did not immediately start the car, but waited until the co-pilot's door was opened, and then started the car.

Li Zedao women have always been duplicity. At the moment, he smiled and quickly got into the car and then passed the dagger in his hand and said, "Your dagger."

Antarctica glanced at Li Zedao, but did not reach out to pick it up, but said: "You keep it..."

"Keep it..." Li Zedao smiled inwardly. Could this be the legendary token of love?

"I'm afraid that I will take the one who can't hold back and cut you." Antarctica said coldly.

"..." Li Zedao knew, thinking too much.

When Antarctica kicked the accelerator, the car had already reached the back door in an instant.

Compared with the front door, the back door is not facing the main street, so it looks much deserted. If those scornful thieves really want to sneak in here, they may choose to sneak in from here instead of the front door. .

However, Li Zedao still felt that if he were a thief, he would definitely not make a move in this defensive situation. After all, the ultimate goal is to get the snake's head. This shot is likely to start the snake head. It's even smaller.

"Those thieves won't sneak in tonight." Antarctic eyes stared at the door quietly and said.

"Indeed." Li Zedao said with a glance at her.

"Not strange?" Antarctica asked.

"What's weird?"

"Strange, since they know they won't do anything tonight, they are still here."

Are you testing my IQ? Li Zedao looked at that cold face in Antarctica with some amusement.

Those thieves are really not stupid enough to try to sneak in here with so many people defending. Just like the Antarctic said, even if they can get in, they can only get in! But there is something they are worried about, so they are likely to come and step on it. The Antarctic and they stay here, just to see if they can catch those guys who come to step on it.

"Yes, it's too strange." Li Zedao pretended to be puzzled.

"Even if they won't do it tonight, there is something they are worried about in it, so they might not fall asleep and come over to see in advance... then see if they can catch suspicious people." Antarctic analysis said.

"It turned out to be like this." Li Zedao's pretense suddenly realized, and he patted it directly. "It's really an elite organized by Shenlong. The vision and opinion are different..."

Antarctica's brows frowned slightly: "Why do I think you are mocking me?"

" think too much, you really think too much." Li Zedao said quickly with a cold sweat on his forehead.

Then Li Zedao frowned and looked at Antarctica and asked, "Did you smell anything?"

"Smell?" Antarctica's eyes were slightly drenched, and she smelled it seriously. After performing many missions, she clearly knew the insidiousness of the enemy. They would not single you out, but they would Poisoned secretly or something.

"Yes, the smell of blood." Li Zedao said seriously, and then looked at Antarctica, "This smell seems to be coming from you. Are you injured?"

Li Zedao's voice stopped abruptly, because he saw a dagger flashing with cold light suddenly appeared in his hand in Antarctica. What's more, the blade of the dagger was still touching his neck.

"Do you believe it will smell of blood soon?" The pretty face of Antarctica was extremely dark, and said word by word.

"Uh...I believe I believe it!" Li Zedao's forehead was already covered with cold sweat, and he said with a dry smile, and then he had a sincere expression again, "But can you tell me where you are before making me bleed? injured……"

"..." The face in the Antarctic became darker, this guy really thought that he didn't dare to kill him?

"I mean, I have a special medicine on my body that is very helpful to the wound. It was given to me by my master to ensure that the wound will heal quickly and will not leave any scars."

Looking at Li Zedao's sincere look, Antarctica wondered if she had misunderstood him? At the moment, he said coldly: "No, I am not injured, it's because of your nose." After speaking, he took away the knife on Li Zedao's neck.


"If you are chirping, you will get hurt!" Antarctica said angrily, that little face was already slightly hot! She did have a place to bleed, but it wasn't because of her injury, this bastard! Why is the nose better than a dog?

Li Zedao obediently shut up, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that young man, you are so handsome. With your acting skills, Oscar owes you a golden figure at all.


All night, Li Zedao. They did not catch the suspicious people who came to step on the spot. They monitored the movement around the display cabinet through their mobile phones. Naturally, no one approached the display cabinet, even a small insect like a fly, cockroach, etc. nothing!

I have to say that in terms of eliminating cockroaches, the Municipal Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall has done quite well.

At this time, at the gate of the exhibition hall, the staff has already begun to set up a stage that will be used for a while.

After getting into the car, Li Zedao handed over the breakfast he had bought: "Here."

Antarctic glanced at him and took it.

"Well, I'll give the big head and the iron hand a copy." Li Zedao said with a guilty smile, and then turned and left as if fleeing for his life.

Antarctic frowned slightly. Looking down at the cup of coffee in her hand, she suddenly felt something wrong. She didn't smell the coffee scent she was familiar with, but instead had a faintly spicy taste.

When I opened the coffee cup, I was stunned. It contained her favorite coffee, but a cup of steaming brown sugar **** soup.

After stunned, the face of Antarctica had already quietly climbed up with a blush, but the blush came quickly and went quickly, and she already had an extremely cold expression again.

At the moment, Antarctica looked around, making sure that the idiot was not peeping around, and then put the cup of **** soup next to his mouth and took a sip.

The spiciness that stimulates the taste buds instantly filled the whole mouth, but the heart of Antarctica was sweet, just like eating a delicious ice cream in the summer.

"Idiot!" she said in a voice that only she could hear, and then started to drink.


Seeing Antarctica coming towards him, Li Zedao was already wary.

"She's going to throw the knife." Li Zedao said in his heart, ready to turn around and run away at any time.

When he was a little surprised, after the South Pole came to him, he didn't throw the knife at all, but it seemed as if nothing had happened. His face was as cold as ever. He looked at him and said, "It's too spicy, next time. Put more brown sugar."

"...Next time..." Li Zedao was a little stupid. He originally thought that under his care, Antarctica would definitely... just throw the knife, but instead of doing that, she said that next time...this...

"Isn't it next time?" Antarctica's brows were raised slightly, and there was a trace of sullenness on his small face.

"Yes, of course." Li Zedao quickly said with a smile.

The big head on the side and Tie Shou whispered quietly.

"What...brown sugar?" The big head opened his eyes wide and whispered in a low voice.

"It must belong to some kind of secret sign of them. Look at their eyes to the eyes, they are full of love and love...something happens." Tie Shou said.

"Yes, Li Shao still drools..."


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