Qian Shaopeng's pupils were wide open, dumbfounded, with an expression of hell.

After a while, it was as if the strength of the body had been emptied instantly, and the body fell heavily on the chair. The chair creaked loudly and almost fell apart like this.

"I...I understand, I understand..." Qian Shaopeng seemed to mutter to himself, "No wonder you brought me to this place and asked me some inexplicable questions. I suspect that I replaced the real snake head with a fake snake head in advance, and then I got a few thieves to perform this play, right?"

Qian Shaopeng suddenly raised his head, his eyes fixed on Li Zedao.

"It's true." Li Zedao nodded.

"Slander, you are slander!" Qian Shaopeng was excited once again.

With a loud noise, his hands slapped heavily on the dusty tabletop, leaving a handprint on it in an instant, as well as plumes of smoke.

"You are insulting me Qian Shaopeng!" Qian Shaopeng shouted, "This is an insult! Who am I Qian Shaopeng? I am also the minister of the Ministry of Cultural Relics, and I will do such things that harm the national interest. come out?"

Li Zedao ignored Qian Shaopeng, but looked back at Antarctica and asked, "What do you think?"

Antarctica frowned and shook his head: "I can't see it."

Perhaps he was indeed wronged, perhaps his acting skills were indeed too high, and the subtle changes in Qian Shaopeng’s face made it impossible for an interrogator like Antarctica to point out any faults.

"I have a strange discovery." Li Zedao said.

"What discovery?" Antarctica asked.

"When I told him that the snake head was a fake, he didn't have any doubts and believed it all at once." Li Zedao glanced at the excited Qian Shaopeng and said, "He is also the head of the cultural relics department, although he has He has little power, but his official position is still quite big. How could such an old officialdom youtiao believe in others so credulously? And that person just has a close relationship with him."

Antarctica glanced at Qian Shaopeng and frowned.

Yes, when most people hear that the snake head is fake, they will definitely doubt it, which means you are joking with me? But Qian Shaopeng took it seriously all of a sudden. How could his old fritters, who have been in the officialdom for decades, believe so credulously in the words of someone he is not familiar with at all?

Unless... he had known that the snake head was fake, so he would continue acting with the unconscious.

"Shall we be sentenced?" Li Zedao asked.

Antarctic's eyes suddenly became cold, and he said coldly: "Come on, I will provide torture instruments, you can think of it."


"You should come, you are good at this kind of thing." Li Zedao said modestly.

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Didn't Grandpa Yanhuang let you listen to me in all your actions?"

"What if I don't listen?" Antarctica looked at Li Ze like an idiot.

"If you don't listen...I'll...I'll do it myself." Li Zedao said dullly. If Antarctica doesn't follow his command, he really can't do anything to her.

Antarctica looked at Li Zedao with a gloomy look, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted up with a very beautiful range, and immediately there was another cold expression.

"What are you whispering? Didn't you hear what I said?" Seeing the two people whispering over there and completely ignoring himself, Qian Shaopeng almost spurted blood and got up from the chair again. Loudly shouted, "I tell you, this matter has nothing to do with me Qian Shaopeng. You are humiliating me so much. I, Qian Shaopeng, will never end with you... Don't think that you are members of the Shenlong organization and no one can cure you. ...Besides, the snake head was secretly exchanged, can't you get out of it?"

Qian Shaopeng stared at the South Pole with red eyes, gritted his teeth and said.

"And you, the snake head was placed at your place on the way to the cultural relics exhibition hall. Who knows if you secretly replaced the real snake head with a fake head during this short period of time?" Qian Shaopeng looked at Li Zedao roared.

"Minister Qian, don't get excited, in order to prove that you don't know anything about this, I decided to do something." Li Zedao said with a serious look at Qian Shaopeng.

"What's the matter?" Qian Shaopeng asked.

"Punishing you." Li Zedao said.

"..." The muscles on Qian Shaopeng's face twitched violently, and then asked very hard, "You...what did you say?"

"Punishing you." Li Ze said again with a serious face.

Then Antarctica already very cooperatively took out a dagger and a silver pocket pistol and handed it to Li Zedao, and then said coldly: "Remember to scrub it and return it to me after using it."

"..." Qian Shaopeng watched as he really escaped with the knife and pistol, the muscles on his face twitched even more severely, and cold sweat was already on his forehead.

Li Zedao didn't reach out to pick it up, but said, "Don't use these."

"Then what do you use?" Antarctica asked in a daze. She has also conducted many interrogations, and facts have proved that these two things are indispensable during interrogation.

"This is the military area. There must be dogs?" Li Zedao said, thinking of Xiao Huang again. With Xiao Huang, I am afraid that Qian Shaopeng will not recruit?

"Dog?" Antarctica didn't quite understand.

"Then you make people look for some reminder-love medicine." Li Zedao said.

"..." Antarctica's eyes looked at Li Zedao as if he was looking at a dead person. He almost threw the knife in his hand at Li Zedao without holding back, this disgusting guy!

"Don't get me wrong." Li Zedao quickly explained, "You think, if a man takes that kind of aphrodisiac, does he have to find a woman to relieve his fire? If a male dog eats it, does he have to go? Find a bitch..."

Li Zedao's voice stopped abruptly, because the dagger in Antarctica's hand was already against his neck.

"Shut up!" Antarctic shouted, his eyes full of irritation, and his face was hot and flushed. This shameless guy dared to tease him with such disgusting words in front of him, thinking he didn't dare to beat him?

"Um... listen to me... just say the last sentence..." Li Zedao was a little aggrieved, please, when he said this kind of thing, it was very disgusting, okay? How about finding the whereabouts of the snake head as soon as possible?

"Say." Antarctica said.

"What if the male dog who took the aphrodisiac and the man who took the aphrodisiac were placed in the same room?" Li Zedao asked, but his eyes fell on Qian Shaopeng.

Qian Shaopeng's face turned purple all of a sudden, and his body began to shake violently. He wanted to beat Li Ze immediately. This kid's mind could be so vicious.

"How do I know what's going to happen?" Antarctica said with a flushed face, but he also took the knife away from Li Zedao, scanned Qian Shaopeng for a moment and said, "Although it is disgusting, you can try."

After saying this, Antarctica itself was disgusted to death.

I took out my mobile phone and made a call: "It's me, now I will send a male dog and aphrodisiac..."

Qian Shaopeng didn't seem to be joking with him at all when he saw the dog and man, his body trembled more severely, like sifting chaff! If the other party shoots at him, maybe he is not so scared, even if he is dead, he will still be a good man after a few decades, right? But with the male dog...

"Wait... you won... I recruit..." Qian Shaopeng stared at Li Zedao and Antarctica with his eyes fixedly, and said in a voice that even felt strange to him.

Li Zedao smiled, pulled the two chairs, patted the dust off, and then looked at the South Pole and said, "Sit down."

The gaze fell on Qian Shaopeng: "Minister Qian, you can sit down too... Oh, move lightly, this chair is almost falling apart, and I can't bear too much force."

"Humph!" Qian Shaopeng snorted coldly, but sat down on the chair.

Without waiting for Li Zedao to speak, he said in a hoarse voice: "As you thought, the snake head was indeed dropped on the way to Phoenix City."

"What do you mean, when you were in Yanjing, you were dropped?" Li Zedao's brows wrung tightly. If that is the case, then the snake head may have flowed abroad a long time ago, and wanting to find it back at this time is nothing more than a dream.

"What do you mean?" Qian Shaopeng already had a strange smile on his face.

Antarctica stood up with a cold face, and strode forward to Qian Shaopeng. The two big ears of "Pop! Papa!" slammed past, only to draw Qian Shaopeng who pretended to be a Venus. One second is a mouth, highlighting a mouthful of blood, with two teeth in the blood.

"Beast!" Antarctica cursed.

Qian Shaopeng shook his dizzy head, with a smug and weird smile on his face, and said nothing.

Li Zedao stopped Antarctica from doing anything to him again. He was afraid that if Antarctica continued to smoke, this guy's brain would be broken. He exhaled a deep breath and asked, "The big head is the same as the iron hand? "

"Yes." Qian Shaopeng looked at Li Zedao proudly and confessed, "I also contacted the Flying Fox organization secretly. This plan of stealing the beams and changing posts can be said to be seamless, but I underestimate you and I overestimate the flying foxes. That's a fool... It is the biggest mistake to have you participate in protecting the snake head."

"Where is the snake head?" Li Zedao asked.

"I don't know." Qian Shaopeng said.

Antarctica's eyes were cold, and he wanted to slap him again.

"Another question... Why did you steal the snake head or who made you steal the snake head?" Li Zedao said.

The series of events that happened later can be regarded as Qian Shaopeng and the big-headed iron hand intentionally doing it to get themselves off the hook, but who wanted the snake head in the first place?

Is Qian Shaopeng himself greedy? But how did he persuade Tie Shou and Da Tou to cooperate with him? Obviously, he didn't have the courage to let the elites of the two Shenlong organizations cooperate with him. The only explanation is that all three of them were under the instigation of someone, and this was the way to get the snakehead!

So, who is this person?

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