The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 941: Sneak into the gym

However, as the owner of this stall, he naturally has to think about the interests of the customers... at least verbally, right? So he smiled: "This is not too easy, and if one of the darts fails to hit the balloon, then the game is over, and there are no prizes, do you want to continue playing?"

"Of course, my brother-in-law will definitely shoot them all." Zhou Xiaolu looked at Li Zedao and said, the big eyes hidden under the sunglasses already started to bubble again.

Hey, the IQ of a woman in love is zero. The boss can only sigh in his heart, wait? Brother-in-law? This is a popular term among couples these days? Too evil, right? Young people nowadays really don't know what to say.

Li Zedao smiled, looking at the balloon, he didn't know what to say, so close to him, wouldn't he want to shoot him? Even at a distance, he wants to shoot with ease and pleasure. What's more, if it is not for fear of causing a sensation, he can throw ten darts to hit ten balloons at the same time, which is not a difficult task.

However, Li Zedao nodded to the boss, indicating that he was about to start, and then low-key picked up a dart and threw it out.

"Pop!" A balloon burst when it heard the sound, and it was already pierced by a dart nailed on it.

"Yeah...Brother-in-law, you are so amazing..." Zhou Xiaolu clenched her fists, her face full of excitement.

"Coincidence." The boss curled his lips.

Li Zedao smiled and continued shooting.

The second dart was thrown out and hit a balloon directly.

"Coincidence..." The boss pouted again. What's so exciting about this?

Then the third...the fourth...the fifth...In short, when each dart is thrown out, it must hit a balloon hanging there.

Zhou Xiaolu became more and more excited, and even if it weren't for disturbing Li Zedao, she would have rushed to kiss him viciously.

As for the owner of the darts stand, his eyes opened wider as he watched, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He has been setting up a stall in this mall for several years, and he has never encountered someone as accurate as this guy. several! Is it luck? Just like that little girl, so bad luck that ten darts didn't hit? And he was so lucky that he was all hit?

But, can you really be so lucky? You know, he has now stabbed 20 balloons in a row. As long as he shoots ten balloons, the original Kung Fu Panda doll worth thousands of dollars belongs to him.

"Pl...Pl...Pl..." The popping sound of the balloon continued to sound. In less than two minutes, Li Zedao threw another nine darts and pierced nine balloons. Of course, in order to keep a low profile, he still slightly Pretending to aim, it only took two minutes, otherwise I'm afraid it won't take two seconds, right?

"Two...twenty-nine..." The boss of the darts stand seemed to have seen a ghost, and he didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this moment.

But even if you don't have to think about it, this kid is not relying on luck, but on strength.

"Pop!" Another balloon burst.

" are great, awesome, all thirty darts have been shot...all have been shot..." Zhou Xiaolu jumped excitedly, pulling Li Zedao's arm, small face Flushed.

"Luck, luck." Li Zedao smiled and said modestly.

"Master! Master who likes to pretend to be forced!" The owner of the dart booth had to give Li Zedao a thumbs up, and then took down the tall Abao.

"Here." The boss was bleeding in his heart. In the past, when he gave gifts, he would say "I will come to play more often in the future", but in the face of such an awesome man, he dare not say anything about killing him.

"Thank you..." Zhou Xiaolu loosened Li Zedao's arm, took the doll happily, and hugged it tightly.

"Are you still playing?" Li Zedao asked.

"..." The owner of the darts booth began to sweat on his forehead, and he wanted to slap this kid to death! Play with your sister!

"Brother-in-law, I don't want it anymore. If you continue to play, the uncle should cry, and I want this." Zhou Xiaolu said with a grin.

"It's okay... okay..." The boss wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and smiled, but he was moved in his heart. This girl is really a good person.

As for this boy... a big bad guy!

Holding such a huge doll, it is not easy to walk, let alone shopping, so the two decided to leave the mall first, return the doll to the car, and then continue shopping.

Of course, when she left the mall, Zhou Xiaolu was naturally very eye-catching. She was dressed in sportswear, she was very clear, with a peaked cap, and her long hair tied behind her head. She was very fresh and eye-catching. Then she hugged such a cute Abao. The pure breath of the girl was brought to the extreme.

"Let me hug?" Li Zedao asked.

"Let me come, you are a big man, walking around the mall with such a big doll, it will definitely become the focus, maybe some girl will come over to take a picture with you." Zhou Xiaolu smiled, thinking about Li Zedao. .

Li Zedao smiled and was not insisting. Indeed, if he walks with this doll in his arms, he may be scolded and perverted, but if a girl is holding something like this, if others see it, it will only mean that the girl looks good. Category.

After stuffing the doll into the car, Zhou Xiaolu pulled Li Zedao and continued to press the road. The last two people found a restaurant for dinner. After eating, Li Zedao sent Zhou Xiaolu back to a five-star hotel where he stayed.

The two got out of the car, Li Zedao helped the doll and entered the hotel. Anyway, the hotel is not like a shopping mall, and there are not many people at all, so there is no shame in it.

The door was opened quickly, and assistant Xiao Wu appeared there, looking at Zhou Xiaolu and said: "Xiao Lu, you are back... Ah, what a big Bao..." Xiao Wu's eyes were suddenly caught by Li Ze. The A Bao in his hand was attracted by him, and he couldn't help but marvel.

"Brother-in-law won 30 darts in a row in the mall." Zhou Xiaolu said triumphantly, and the big eyes that looked at Li Zedao began to bubble again.

"Awesome..." Xiao Wu was speechless, looking at Li Zedao's eyes as if looking at a pervert.

"I won't go in, you also have to rest early, and you have to have a concert tomorrow." Li Zedao handed A Bao in his hand to Xiao Wu, who quickly reached out and hugged him.

"Okay, brother-in-law, see you tomorrow." Zhou Xiaolu nodded and said cleverly. She knew Li Zedao still had things to do tonight.

"See you tomorrow." Li Zedao smiled and turned and left.

"Hey...Xiaolu...Xiaolu...Miss Zhou Xiaolu..." Xiao Wu saw Zhou Xiaolu motionless, with an idiotic expression, and couldn't help smashing her head with Abao in his hand. "People I have entered the elevator, the soul should be back..."

"So handsome..." Zhou Xiaolu muttered to herself, a face of nympho.

"...It's no help." Xiao Wu whispered in a low voice.


Coming out of the hotel, Li Zedao drove back to the Workers' Gymnasium again, parked the car and jumped off, then took out his cell phone and gave a perverted call: "Where?"

"Orange Hotel next to the stadium, room 709." The pervert said quickly.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao looked back at the Orange Hotel with a large number of neon lights flashing on the wall, and then strode over.

After entering the hotel and going up to the seventh floor, I came to room 9 and didn't wait for Li Zedao to knock on the door. The abnormality opened the door. It is conceivable that after Li Zedao called him, he has been waiting in front of the door.

"Boss..." said abnormally, letting Li Zedao come in.

"Shao Li..." the tombstone standing there quickly asked.

Li Zedao nodded and walked in, walked straight to the window, looked at the workers' stadium surrounded by neon lights not far away and said: "Wait in the middle of the night, we have to sneak into the stadium to see if we can find something."

"There are treasures in it?" The perverted eyes lighted slightly.

Li Zedao turned his head back and looked at him like an idiot and said, "There is... if the bomb counts."

"Bomb..." Pervert glanced at the tombstone, both of them looked moved.

"Yes, I suspect that something like a bomb has been placed inside some places." Li Zedao said solemnly. In the morning, he simply searched for it and found nothing. On the one hand, there were too many people in it, and he was not good to go to various places. On the other hand, he was not good at this kind of thing, so he didn’t find anything Something suspicious.

"Tomorrow night the big star Zhou Xiaolu is going to hold a concert there. Someone wants to be disadvantageous to her?" asked the pervert, with a look of movement. If there is an explosion at the concert, even the big star Zhou Xiaolu will die. The jade perishes, then it will definitely cause a great sensation.

"Almost." Li Zedao nodded, and didn't bother to talk specifically about perverts and tombstones.

"Oh, Zhou Xiaolu is also your sister-in-law." Li Zedao added.

"..." In addition to worship or worship, the perverted boss is the boss, even the now red and purple star Zhou Xiaolu has hooked up...Hey, there is another blind woman in this world.

"Don't worry, Shao Li, no matter how many bombs are in it, and no matter what type of bombs they have installed, I can find out and dismantle them," said the tombstone.

"I know, so I asked you to come over." Li Zedao smiled and nodded.


In the middle of the night, three shadows came quietly to the Workers' Gymnasium.

Li Zedao made a gesture to the tombstone perverted, then put his hand on the glass of the window and pushed it slightly, already pushing the window open. In other words, the window was not locked from inside. But this window was not opened by Li Zedao. When Li Zedao was walking in the stadium during the day, he accidentally found this small window and found that the window was not locked.

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