The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 950: Draw a circle to curse you

After a long pause, Wu Huo's eyes were already red, and he looked at Li Zedao with gratitude and said, "Thank you...thank you...thank you..."

Apart from these two words, he really didn't know what to say.

However, he felt that these two words were too light. After all, the other party did not kill him, and now he took the initiative to help his sister, which really made him wonder how to repay him.

"You are welcome, I set up the Tiandao Foundation to help patients like your sister." Li Zedao said, "Besides, I don't think your nature is bad... I just hope you remember it, you owe me my life. ."

"I know... I know..." Wu Huo touched his red eyes and said seriously, "From now on, my Wu Huo's life is yours, and you can take it away anytime!"

"Recover well, I'll go back first." Li Zedao nodded, "Oh, by the way, where is the office of the Heavenly Dao Foundation you mentioned? Take it, dare to discredit Laozi's hard work. The Tiandao Foundation that got up, Lao Tzu never finished with him!"



When Li Zedao drove back to the five-star hotel where Zhou Xiaolu was staying, it was already past 12 o'clock in the morning. Just as Li Zedao expected, Ji Yuemo and Zhou Xiaolu were not asleep yet, waiting for him over there.

As for the assistant Xiao Wu who originally lived in the same suite with Zhou Xiaolu, he was very fascinated and opened another room to rest. You can't disturb the sisters to talk, right? Of course, Xiao Wu knew that a certain big satyr would enter quietly in the middle of the night.

"Are you tired? Go to sleep." Li Zedao saw that both of them looked tired, and said distressedly, especially Zhou Xiaolu, who sang and danced for more than two hours, I'm afraid he is exhausted?

Oh... the same is true for Ji Yuemo, and she can't go up high and low low, and her voice has changed, so she should be more tired than Zhou Xiaolu.

"I'm not tired." Ji Yuemo sat down beside Li Zedao, eyes full of ambiguity.

"Brother-in-law, I'm not tired." Zhou Xiaolu said softly, her face flushed, and she hesitated and sat down on the other side of Li Zedao, not too embarrassed that Ji Yuemo stared at Li Zedao with such hot eyes... although she understood Everyone knows what the other party meant, but the relationship between them has not been completely broken, hasn't it?

"The person who almost hit you two has been caught, and already knows who is behind the scenes..." Li Zedao said. Smelling the different but very fragrant scent from the two women, there was a flutter in my heart.

"Who is it?" Ji Yuemo gritted his teeth and said, "Dare to kill me Xiaolu, huh!"

"Chen Yan." Li Zedao said.

"Chen Yan?" Ji Yue was taken aback, and then her pupils widened slightly. It is Chen Yan, the stinky mouse who used to dominate the headlines for several days.

Zhou Xiaolu's expression was even more ugly. She never thought that Chen Yan would hate her so much that she would want her life.

"I asked him for one arm and one leg... Oh, I'm talking about the third leg." Li Zedao said.

"The third leg..." Ji Yuemo turned red in an instant, watching Li Zedao sip, this pervert.

Zhou Xiaolu asked in a daze, "Brother-in-law, Sister Yuemo, what third leg? People have three legs?"

"..." Li Zedao looked embarrassed, how could he answer this question?

"That... men have it." Ji Yuemo said with a look at Li Zedao's face, and then pointed at Li Zedao's crotch, "This is..."

"Ah..." Zhou Xiaolu's eyes fell under Li Zedao's crotch, and she was stunned, and then suddenly understood what the third leg meant. She quickly moved her eyes away, her face was already red, and she felt that My heartbeat soared to one hundred and eighty in an instant, and immediately stood up and said: "I...I went to sleep on my side...Brother-in-law, Sister Yuemo, you live in the master bedroom..."

Speaking of running to the side, he didn't dare to look at Li Zedao more.

Ji Yuemo was also a little embarrassed, and stood up and said, "Go to the master bedroom by yourself, I'll sleep with Xiaolu..." He didn't care what Li Zedao said, and ran toward the side sleeper.

Li Zedao was a little helpless, thinking that he would sleep on his own. Didn't he sleep on his own for the past ten years?

Li Zedao suddenly thought of leaving the two girls in the cold, would it be too beastly? How could he do such a thing that is not as good as a beast?

Correct! Can't be inferior to animals! and so……

"I want to sleep on my side too..." Li Zedao stood up resolutely and ran toward the side.

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight penetrated the eastern and western horizons and shot into the bedroom through the gap of the curtains, giving the originally dark room a little more light, Li Zedao woke up directly as usual. In fact, How long he sleeps now is the same to him.

On the left and right, the even breathing sounds of Ji Yuemo and Zhou Xiaolu sounded rhythmically in his ears. Two straight beautiful legs were unceremoniously pressed on Li Zedao’s legs, and his body was like a cute little cat. In her arms curled up, she slept very securely.

Last night, Li Zedao felt that he could not be as good as a beast, so he rushed into his side resolutely, lying down between the two like a rascal, Ji Yuemo wanted to refuse, and Zhou Xiaolu was extremely shy and at a loss. , Of course, nothing was done in the end... at least the last step was not taken, of course, Li Zedao's hands were also considered a blessing.

Because the last two girls were really tired, they didn't play for too long and fell asleep.

Soon, because the biological clock was already fixed, Zhou Xiaolu's eyes opened slowly even after falling asleep late last night, and then opened wider and wider, finally facing Li Zedao's gaze, and then closed again. Then his pretty face flushed.

"Is it time to get up? Your assistant Xiao Wu should come and ask you to eat breakfast and arrange what you need to do today?" Li Zedao gently patted her buttocks and said with a slight smile.

The buttocks were photographed, Zhou Xiaolu only felt as if electricity was flowing through her body, so that she almost couldn't hold back a groan-groan. She was so shy that her body was straight and her eyes were tightly closed, let alone When I got up, I didn't even dare to move.

Ji Yuemo squirmed, yawned, opened slowly, and then looked at Li Zedao with a smile in his eyes, his lips couldn't help but leaned over and put a bite on his face, sitting up and grinning. Said: "You two continue to finish what you didn't do yesterday, I will go to wash, so I won't bother you."

"Ah...I...I'm going to wash 簌..." Zhou Xiaolu was even more shy, got up quickly, jumped out of bed, and ran towards the bathroom, causing Ji Yuemo to laugh over there. Again and again.

As Li Zedao had expected, assistant Xiao Wu came over and knocked on the door very quickly.

It's just that after Li Zedao opened the door, Xiao Wu looked a little weird...Of course, how could Xiao Wu's eyes not be weird?

Although this guy is neatly dressed, and looking at his full energy, it doesn't look like he's doing bad things all night... But Xiao Wu knows that he lived in this room last night.

Who is in this room? Big star Zhou Xiaolu and Miss Ji Yuemo...a man and two women...a dragon and two phoenix...double flight...

Xiao Wu had already tried his best to think about things in a good way, but similar words still kept popping up in her mind.

Let the media find that Zhou Xiaolu is in the hotel in the middle of the night to privately meet her lover, and even...There is another woman in the room, then, Zhou Xiaolu's end is probably not much better than that of Zhou Yan, right?

"Morning." Li Zedao smiled and said hello.

"Morning..." God knows how stiff the smile on Xiao Wu's face is.

After Xiao Wu entered, Zhou Xiaolu was drinking a glass of boiled water, while her best friend Ji Yuemo combed her long hair in front of the mirror.

"Xiao Wu early." Zhou Xiaolu put down the cup in her hand, with a faint smile and a calm expression...Although at this moment, Xiao Wu's eyes are so weird, as if to penetrate her mind. , Even his eyes swept across her private parts deeply.

In addition to being easily confused in front of Li Zedao, Zhou Xiaolu was still quite smart the rest of the time. Naturally, she knew why Xiao Wu stared at herself with such weird eyes, but she was shy and shy, but she had no guilty conscience. She liked him. , He likes her too, it makes sense for them to lie on the same bed, right? Moreover, nothing happened... It's a pity.

With this inexplicable thought, Zhou Xiaolu wanted to cover her face!

But seeing Xiao Wu's expression and eyes, Zhou Xiaolu wanted to laugh inexplicably, and immediately said, "Are you okay?"

"Oh, it's okay..." Xiao Wu said quickly, even if he had an opinion, he couldn't say it. God knows if that violent mad will attack him in an angry way?

"I have to accept an interview with Kuwo Entertainment at ten o'clock, so it's time to eat and put on makeup." Xiao Wu said.

"Got it." Zhou Xiaolu nodded, and then her eyes fell on Li Zedao, again with an idiotic expression.

After eating breakfast with Zhou Xiaolu, Li Zedao sent Ji Yuemo to the hospital.

It may be because of his precious granddaughter who brought her boyfriend back. So Shangguan Daobo's spirit seemed to be even better. He even planned to be discharged in two days. The attending doctor also said that there was no problem and he could be discharged.

During this period, Ji Yuemo's father, Chen Xiaomo, came, and this product was still extremely trivial, and he patted Li Zedao on the shoulder several times.

"Your kid can marry my daughter because you burned the tomb of the ancestor of high incense in your previous life. If you dare to treat my daughter badly and make her feel wronged, I will... draw a circle and curse you!"


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