The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 984: Been tricked

"...I carry it, I carry it." Li Zedao said quickly. I was secretly surprised. What does this senior mean, she has lived for thousands of years? Like the master, immortality? But Grandpa Wang also said that as long as you break through the realm of returning to the basics, immortality may be a bit exaggerated, but it is not a problem to live for thousands of years, but I have never heard of anyone who did it.

It seems that this senior master did it.

After a few minutes of thinking, he already knew that one hour means two hours, and half an hour means one hour. He can recite a book in one hour. For him, it’s not a big challenge, but recitation After the meeting, the rewards were very rich.

Not only can I go out, but I can also take Master Uncle and the box that may contain the snake head away from this ghost place. As for whether Duanmuweizhuang's tomb is here, this question has long been left behind by Li Zedao.

"After half an hour, I will naturally appear again." The woman said again, and then she lost her breath, as if she had never appeared before. At the same time, Li Zedao felt that the oppression behind him had disappeared. Here, the senior expert who did not see the head or the end of the dragon has already left.

At the moment Li Zedao squinted his eyes and saw a big tree on his left hand with some difficulty, so he sat down under the tree, leaned against the tree pole, and turned over the "China Tibetan Scriptures".

The content in the book is written with a brush, but the handwriting is very handsome, it seems to be the hand of a woman!

After all, Li Zedao studied archeology. Although he often takes time off and absent from school, he has a strong memory, so he also read a lot of books about calligraphy. He also read some books on calligraphy. He knew that there was a famous calligrapher in the Jin Dynasty. Mrs. Wei, who was the wife of Li Ju, the Ruyin prefect at the time! And the Tang people described Madam Wei's calligraphy like this: like a flower arrangement dancer, low-pitched beauty, like a dancer on stage, fairy shadows, red lotus reflecting water, blue waves and floating clouds!

But now this brush calligraphy has the shadow of Madam Wei’s calligraphy in it. Is it written by Madam Wei? Li Zedao doesn’t know, but it’s certain that even if it wasn’t written by Madam Wei, it was written by a woman who learned her handwriting. of.

He squinted his eyes and read it seriously.

"Humans, go up to the sky, and down to the earth; yang is supplemented by the sun, and the yin is supplemented by it; the heaven and the earth are smooth and the popularity is good, and the heaven and the earth are reversed. Because of rain, anger, wind, frost, Zhang is rainbow, this is the constant of the world. People have limbs and five internal organs, breathe and sleep soundly, the flow of energy is scattered, the behavior is honorable, and the sound is qi, this person is always too. Yang Shi In shape, Yin is cautious in essence, and heaven and earth are at the same time. If it is not guarded, it will steam and heat, otherwise it will grow cold, result in gallbladder tumors, sink into carbuncle, fullness for panting, reduction and dryness, showing on the face , Seen in the body, the sky and the earth are connected to the plug, once so..."

Li Zedao read it softly, but couldn't help being stunned. How could he be reading an ancient medical book? It's no wonder that the senior asked me if he was studying medicine just because he was afraid that he had memorized this stuff beforehand... But even if I was studying Chinese medicine, who would memorize such a mouthful stuff from the head?

It was a little funny at the moment. This senior expert seemed to have a little temperament, which is really interesting. After all, such an expert, that is not a fairy-style, he would not be able to play such kid's tricks.

Forget it, it’s important to memorize it quickly. The most important thing right now is to leave here with the box and the body of the uncle.

At the moment Li Zedao condensed his mind, and came back to memorize the "Chandzang Sutra"... After memorizing it from beginning to end, he did it again from the beginning, but the third time hadn't had time to start, the cold voice of senior Suddenly sounded in the ear: "The time is up!"

"Uh..." Li Zedao, who was immersed in serious endorsement, was so scared by the sudden ghost cry that his heart almost stopped beating, and he stood up directly, and the book in his hand fell directly to the ground due to a shake of his hand... ...But he didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction. Instead, he said to the air: "Senior, are you here?"

"You are more polite than your master. That kid called me eldest sister back then." The woman's voice was scornful, "It's just that the courage is much smaller than your master, and I cry and laugh. I sighed over there. Not dead, not the slightest demeanor of a master...Of course, you are not a master, if you didn't have that thing, you would have become a dead body long ago."

"..." Li Zedao laughed, it seems that the scene of crying and laughing before has fallen into the eyes of this senior expert. Li Zedao secretly rejoiced, but fortunately she didn't take off her pants to pee, otherwise, would she give herself to Ge Ge Ge in an upset?

"Back," the woman said.

"Okay." Li Zedao swallowed, then opened his mouth and said apostasy, "Humans, go up to the sky, and go down to the earth; yang is supplemented by the sun, and the yin is supplemented by it. Therefore, there are four o'clock and five elements in the heaven and the earth, greeting and moving. The change is also like rain, anger is wind, frost, Zhang is rainbow, this world is always..."

Time passed by every minute. When Li Zedao paused after reciting the last word, he said modestly: "Senior, can I recite it?" He said that, but he was very proud of it. Yes, how can this be said to be okay? It's just too good, very very good, I am really a genius!

Li Zedao knew that he could not recite a word, otherwise he would not say a word until the end of the recitation. The predecessor still said nothing... and Li Zedao also felt that the predecessor would not be stingy with her words of praise, and then he would not be stingy. Give yourself the corpse and the box that may contain the snake head, let yourself leave this ghost place.

It’s just that one minute has passed, two minutes have passed, and three minutes have passed. The voice that was so cold as if it was about to pierce your bone marrow did not sound again. This senior who seemed to have a little girl's temper seemed to disappear again. Same... Is it fooled? Senior is just playing around with himself?

The more Li Zedao thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, so he couldn't help but feel the urge to scold his mother...Of course it was just the urge to be beaten or even raped-if he was violent, he might even be killed and then raped or raped and then killed. ...It is very possible! After all, the senior expert's skill is far above him, which can be seen from the fact that he can't catch any shadow of the other party at all.

Li Zedao was a little unwilling at the moment, and said cautiously: "That...senior, are you still there? Senior...senior..."

The surroundings are still dead! And strangely, the book he dropped just now has disappeared!

Li Zedao wanted to cry, he secretly swore, ten seconds...ten seconds! If the old guy still doesn't answer and obeys his promise, he will really curse, and it's a very vicious kind!

In the end, she couldn't get out and she could only die in this place. Maybe she was starved to death. It would be better to curse her with vicious words and then let her slap herself to death.

Soon, ten seconds passed, and the surroundings were still a little weird, but Li Zedao opened his mouth, but he didn't say a word.

Li Zedao sighed secretly in his heart, saying that his temper was really good. At this time, he still couldn't curse.

However, it seems that everything is on your own, and you can't really be trapped in such a place, right? If he was poisoned to death as soon as he entered, Li Zedao would recognize it, but now he was starved to death and thirst or something instead of being poisoned, that would be a bit of a damn.

Right now, looking around, there was a thick fog around, and even a tree close at hand looked a little fuzzy, let alone distinguishing east and south!

"Yeah, don't you still have a cell phone?" Li Zedao had a clue, he could call Antarctica to report safety, and even let Antarctica locate his cell phone, so he could help him find a way out?

Li Zedao couldn't help but silently clicked hundreds of likes in his heart, and at the same time he reached out and touched his pocket, his face changed drastically.

"Damn, where's the phone?" Li Zedao couldn't help but want to curse, his pockets were empty, where's the phone? Where is it left? Or was it stolen by seniors?

What should we do now? Li Zedao was very depressed and patted his head, trying to come up with a feasible way, but he found that his mind was blank, without any constructive thoughts at all... Go forward blindly? But staying here trying to rely on the predecessor who seems to be a bit cheating is even more unreliable, right?

After thinking about it, Li Zedao squatted boringly on the ground, picked up a small cut of dead branches, and then cleared a small area, cleared out those dead branches and rotten leaves on the ground, exposing the moist soil, and then A large "meter" was drawn on it with branches, representing eight directions.

Then he picked up a small pebble from the ground, stood up behind him, looked at the big "rice" that was a little unclear due to the thick fog, slowly closed his eyes, and then turned the pebble toward "rice". Throwing the child... he decided to give the choice to this little stone. On which line the little stone falls on or near to which line the word "米" falls, then go to the direction pointed by this line set off!

Well, it's a pity, but that's it! In the end, life or death is left to God!

"Bang!" With a soft sound, the stone has fallen to the ground.

Li Zedao slowly squatted down and opened his eyes cautiously. In an instant, there was an urge to cry. The little stone fell on the point in the middle of the word "m" without deceiving it. Cheating? Is it so difficult to choose a direction at will?

So Li Zedao looked depressed, picked up the stone and threw it out fiercely, then picked up another small stone, then stood up, closed his eyes, and threw it out again. He really doesn't believe it anymore. This time he can fall in the middle of the word "米" again. If it is true and like that, it can only show one thing... he is dead!

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