The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2194: Confrontation with Zhang Qian

Chapter 317 vs. Zhang Qian

"Fucking fun!"

I couldn’t help but scream at the eternal battle. I was extremely angry.

The police car just cut off their way, and the action was very sudden. If it was not responsive to the war, it would definitely hit it directly.

At the speed of the previous one, they are likely to be injured!

This made it very annoyed to the eternal war. He drove a car with a Yanjing Military Region license. Even if there was any problem, he could communicate directly, instead of suddenly coming over.


Untied the seat belt to Yongji, and got out of the car directly, staring at the police cars with a gloomy face.

Ji Feng also got out of the car. His brows wrinkled slightly and turned to stare at the police car behind him. With his strength and fighting consciousness, they will subconsciously enter the state of alert, as long as they encounter a certain situation. Since the war is staring at the front, he naturally guards against the back.

Soon, the people on the police car came down. The police car in front was three people wearing black suits. On the back two police cars, there were two policemen and a middle-aged man.

"What do you want to do?!" asked the eternal war.

"Who is Jifeng?!"

A man in a police uniform snorted, "Stand up and talk!"

Looking at the battle with Jifeng for a moment, it seems that these people are coming to find Jifeng!

Ji Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and then went up two steps, saying: “I am Ji Feng, who are you?!”

Although these people are all in police cars, Ji Feng can see them. They are not all policemen. Because the middle-aged people are in front of them, the two police officers are obviously restrained. Obviously, the middle-aged talent is here. Head.

Ji Feng’s gaze looked at the middle-aged man for a few times. In his memory, there is no such person’s existence, but the person’s eyes are stern and serious, and there is a cold atmosphere on his body. It shows that he is not an ordinary person.

- In fact, ordinary people are absolutely not afraid to intercept them directly, let alone the intercepting military vehicles.

They can't be intercepted, it's just to arrest the prisoner!

"You are Ji Feng?" While Ji Feng looked at each other, the middle-aged man was also looking at him.

“Who are you?” Ji Feng asked quietly. The tone of the other party had a feeling of questioning, which made Ji Feng somewhat uncomfortable.

"Maybe you have heard of my name, my name is Zhang Qian!" The middle-aged man said slowly. "Is your elders in your family supposed to tell me about you?"

Zhang Qian?

Ji Feng suddenly wrinkled his brows and his eyes slightly stunned.

Even when I heard the name in the eternal war, I couldn’t help but sigh.

Zhang Qian’s name may not be known to ordinary people, but as a child of the family, especially to the eternal war and the army, how could he not hear it?

One of the giants of Guoan has a special department. In the words of some gossip, this is a person walking in the dark.

No matter who they are, they are not willing to be found by them, or even want to have a little bit of involvement with them!

Of course, with the gradual popularization of the legal system and the gradual transparency of some policies, the current national security certainly does not have the power of the previous sequel to Jin Yiwei. However, some impressions left by this special department are not so Easy to change!

Now, this group of people is looking for Ji Feng, and the people who come here are the boss of this special department.

This has to be cautious in the battle forever.

However, Ji Feng was only slightly awkward, but he soon calmed down. Although he did not know what Zhang Qian was looking for, he must have no difference with Cao Yong and Zhao Anxiang.

Therefore, Ji Feng just nodded and said: "The name of Zhang Changchang, I did hear it."

"I don't think it's a good thing to hear," Zhang Qian asked.


Ji Feng smiled, but did not answer, what he heard, who heard what, these he did not need to tell Zhang Qian, not to mention, there is still some conflict between the two, he is even less necessary to accompany Zhang Qian chatted.

Therefore, Ji Feng said directly: "Zhang Zhangchang, you suddenly stopped me, just want to tell me this?"

Zhang Qian shook his head and said: "Of course not. I know that your time is precious, but your identity is also very prominent. If you don't stop you, I would be very difficult to see you..."

Ji Feng is undecided and laughs. For Zhang Qian, who is not yin and yang, he directly pretends that he has not heard it, and he is too lazy to argue.

This kind of reaction of Ji Feng made Zhang Qian's face invisible and gloomy, but he did not show it: "Block you, because some questions want to talk to you, you want to Talk here, or go with me to a clean place?"

"This is an administrative order?" asked Ji Feng.

"No!" Zhang Qian shook his head.

"That... I was arrested?" Ji Feng asked again.

"Of course not, there are only a few questions that I want to know clearly, and that's it..." Zhang Qian said, "Of course, you can also choose to refuse. This is your power. If you refuse, you can leave now!" ”

"Ji Feng..."

Zhang Qian’s voice just fell, and he couldn’t help but change his face to the eternal battle. He quickly touched the arm of Ji Feng and whispered: “Consider clearly!”

Ji Feng nodded slightly and said: "I know what to do."

To the eternal war, he certainly understands that Zhang Qian gave him a set!

On the surface, Zhang Qian is very polite and very polite. In his capacity, he can be very polite to say that he is only looking for Ji Feng to ask a few questions. If Ji Feng does not agree, he can leave at any time.

In fact, the key is the identity of Zhang Qian.

Who is Zhang Qian?

On the age, he and Ji Feng's father are a generation of people, and even once had a relationship with Ji Zhenping. On the identity, Zhang Qian is one of the giants of Guoan. He only needs to be directly responsible to the director of the Central Office. Further, he only needs to be responsible to the top head. Others have no power to ask his work!

In his capacity, he personally rushed to the airport to ask Ji Feng a few questions. As a result, Ji Feng refused directly. If this matter is passed out, what would others think of Ji Feng?

Wild boy, do not know the rules?

Young and frivolous, do not know the height of the sky?

Taking advantage of the power of the season, don't put anyone in your eyes?

... I am afraid, anyone will think so, and if this matter is passed to the ears of some older people, what kind of image will Ji Feng be?

More importantly, if the street refuses Zhang Qian, it will undoubtedly mean that he directly slaps him in the face. This seems to be very cool, but Ji Feng has not forgotten. Behind Zhang Qian, standing in the middle, Behind the China Office...

If something is not handled well, it may even have certain consequences.

You know, many things are not as simple as you think.

Perhaps the old man wouldn’t care much about it, and he wouldn’t delve into it, but know that there are followers around the old man. The so-called tyrants die, if the people they follow are rejected, they There is also no glory on the face.

Can they sit back and watch?

This is like, if the old man is rejected by his face, then how can his old men, such as Tang Laozi and Tiejun, feel comfortable in his heart?

... If Zhang Qian is just an ordinary staff member of Guoan, then Feng Feng would ignore him, and that would be no problem. Zhang Qian’s identity is one of the giants of Guo’an.

Therefore, Ji Feng must be treated with caution.

"It seems that you are not very happy, it doesn't matter, you can choose not to agree..."

“Where to talk?” Ji Feng directly interrupted Zhang Qian’s words and asked faintly. “I am afraid that this is not the place to talk. Do you want to go to the car to talk, or find a quiet place?”


When Zhang Qian suddenly couldn't help but squint, his eyes were a little overcast, and then he smiled again: "Let's find a quiet place."

Ji Feng nodded and said: "I remember that there is a cafe nearby, we can go there."

After that, Ji Feng directly pulled the door and sat in it.

Zhang Qian’s eyes couldn’t help but gloomy. He didn’t think that Ji Feng would answer so simply, there was no pause, and he didn’t know if this kid was stupid or bold, or what he really realized!

However, Zhang Qian did not say anything at all. He just waved his hand and let the police car give way to Ji Feng. Then, under the leadership of Ji Feng, they came to a coffee shop near the airport and asked for a quiet seat. Come down.

Because it was an outsider, it was not an outsider, so he could only give Ji Feng a look, then he sat in a far position, and the surrounding seats were the two policemen and a few A person wearing a suit is occupied, they should all be Zhang Qian’s men.

"Zhang Zhangchang, if you have anything, just say it." Just sitting down, Ji Feng said directly, his tone is very dull, neither polite nor indifferent, as if he was only talking to a stranger. general.

"In this case, let's start!"

Zhang Qian seems to have not seen the attitude of Ji Feng. He just said: "In fact, looking for you today is just to verify a few questions... Of course, it is not a novelty. Before, our staff should have been with you. Verified, but their tone or their working methods may not be suitable, so you have misunderstood..."


Ji Feng nodded undecidedly.

Zhang Qian paused. Ji Feng’s attitude is really unappealing to talk to him, but he must also say that this is somewhat helpless.


Huh ~ busy days have finally passed, no accidents, the next few days will be very empty, tomorrow will erupt! ! !

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