The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2213: There are ways!

Chapter 336 has a way!

Looking at the back of He Hongwei, Ji Feng can only shake his head and smile, and then quickly stepped up.

He Hongwei’s modest character will be so annoyed, showing how much he is angry, it is because today’s encounter is too flaming.

Whether it is upstairs with the ups and downs of Yan Yadong and Shao Jie, or when Kao’s arrogance is downstairs, He Hongwei’s heart is holding a fire.

In fact, Kato is arrogant, He Hongwei is not so angry, but Shao Jie's arrogance, and Yan Yadong's embarrassment and insidious, is to make He Hongwei extremely angry.

He is not annoyed to play with Shao Jie and Yan Yadong. In fact, from the very beginning, the status of the two sides is not equal. He Hongwei is completely at a disadvantage, even a defeated situation. Therefore, this trip to South Guangdong failed. He Hongwei is only Feeling regret and loss, but not very annoyed.

What is really annoying to He Hongwei is the practice of Shao Jie and Yan Yadong!

They are obviously stunned by the people in the world!

The people in the border are arrogant and look down on the Chinese people. This is a long-standing one. If their strength is not strong enough, they will be looked down upon by others. Although this is very flamboyant, there is nothing to say, to gain the respect of others. First, you must be strong.

Shao Jie’s arrogance is to make He Hongwei very angry.

Others look down on themselves. After all, it’s the border people. It’s never been dealt with with China. But Shao Jie, anyway, is also a Chinese person. At least they are half a self between them. As a result, Shao Jie is Such arrogance, even thought that it is proud to cooperate with the people of Peng Peng...

This is the place where He Hongwei is really in the fire!

Originally, He Hongwei did not intend to have a general knowledge with Shao Jie. This kind of arrogant person saw more of him. In Yanjing, I don’t know how many such dudes, there are no madness outside, so this kind of person It has never been seen by He Hongwei.

But now He Hongwei has discovered that this kind of person is not only arrogant, but also ignorant!

Even in whatever matter, even on the issue of big and big, they are equally arrogant and indiscriminate!

This makes He Hongwei extremely angry!

So, for this arrogant Shao Jie, He Hongwei is remembering him in his heart!

As for Kato...

He Hongwei's face is chilly. Is it true that Kato is not as good as Kato said? He has a lot of thoughts in his own heart, but this is not enough. He Hongwei is secretly self-conscious. One day, Kato must not dare to look at China in the light, and can't look down on it. Chinese people!

"Two gentlemen, two... please wait!"

Just when Ji Feng and He Hongwei went out at the same time, they heard the voice of a girl behind them shouting. The two of them immediately turned around and looked back. They saw a girl dressed in professional attire rushing over the road, obviously Just calling them.

He Hongwei stood still and asked: "What?"

The female receptioner had a slight gasp and said: "Two gentlemen, we, we, Shao, let me tell you a word!"

When He Hongwei heard it, Shao Jie let him tell, and suddenly his brow wrinkled, Shen Sheng said: "Say!"

The girl nodded: "We Shao said that... slow down, don't send!"


He Hongwei suddenly blinked in the eyes, Shen Sheng: "Very good! Good!"

This Shao Jie is simply mad at the extreme, and now I still don’t forget to humiliate them. This is really...

"Tell Shao Jie, all these words, I remember in my heart!" He Hongwei said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I will tell you..."

When the woman’s reception was not finished, she suddenly found out that He Hongwei turned away after she finished speaking and did not have the opportunity to speak to her.

This person!

The female receptionist yelled at the back of He Hongwei, and then the body twisted, and the leather shoes stepped on the ground and left.

"Deceive too much!"

It was only after he walked out of the door of the brilliant building that He Hongwei said coldly.

Ji Feng's face is not too good-looking, but he did not say much, can only say that there are today's encounters, they are looking for themselves.

It is precisely because they first intervene in the cooperation between the brilliant group and the Jie Peng people, so they will know Shao Jie, in order to see the latter almost arrogant.

"Ji Feng, things are completely ruined." He Hongwei took a deep breath and shook his head and said: "Then they are afraid of formal cooperation, and it doesn't make sense to stay here again, so you still go back first. Go to Jiangzhou."

"What about you?" asked Ji Feng.


He Hongwei calmed his face and said slowly: "I want to stay. Anyway, the brilliant group has not officially signed the contract with the Lingxia Group. There is still a final negotiation tomorrow. I want to see what kind of tricks they can play!"

Ji Feng frowned and asked: "So, are there other ways to stop them?"


He Hongwei shook his head and said: "I just want to stay until the end and go back... In fact, there is another reason why I have to stay. That Shaojie is too arrogant. I didn't know him in general, but now, I decided to play with him!"

Shao Jie’s arrogance and arrogance have completely angered He Hongwei.

In particular, every time they come, Shao Jie will pick up a series of provocations. He did not move him before because He Hongwei did not put him in his eyes, but now, He Hongwei has decided to treat Shao Jie as an enemy!

It is not a good thing to be an enemy of He Hongwei!

Ji Feng frowned: "You want to move Shao Jie? I think that now you do this, some are not suitable."

“Why?” asked He Hongwei.

"The reason is very simple. What is this Shaojie? It is still unclear. Moreover, even if Shao Jie is moved, it will not be able to stop the cooperation between the brilliant group and the Lingxia Group, so you will not do anything to do so." Ji Feng shook his head and said: "It is better to think about it again..."

He Hongwei shook his head and said: "I have already thought about the way I can think of it. Besides using the Tianyao Group to attack the brilliant group, I can say that I am helpless!"

In order to prevent the cooperation between the brilliant group and the Lingxia Group, He Hongwei used all the power he could use. Whether it was the upper level or the shopping mall, he did his best.

Even some of the partners of the Brilliant Group, as well as some customers, have been forced away by He Hongwei by various means, but even so, it still cannot prevent the cooperation between the two parties.

"I still have a way!" said Ji Feng.

"What is the way?" He Hongwei suddenly felt a spirit, immediately asked.

"The method is actually very simple. If we can't stop the cooperation between the two sides, then we will simply come to the bottom of the fund and solve this problem from the root cause!" Ji Feng said: "The reason why Lingxia Group will cooperate with the brilliant group is nothing more than to look at it." The superalloy project, and those resources, if this is the case, then think of a way to make these resources into a pile of garbage in the hands of the Lingxia Group, and turn the superalloy project into a broken..."


When Ji Feng’s words were not finished, He Hongwei shook his head and said helplessly: “You don’t need to widen my heart, I am not so fragile, you don’t have to worry...”

Ji Feng shook his head and said: "I am not comforting you, but I really have this plan, but this was originally the last step I prepared, but I did not expect that there were a lot of things in the middle, so I gave a delay and let Many of the plans I had originally prepared were not used..."

"I have a younger brother, I will definitely not think about it. You can rest assured." He Hongwei shook his head with a smile and said: "I have not failed. I still have this ability. You can go back with peace of mind. !"

"I am not kidding you, I am talking about it..."

"I have done it, go back, I will go back to the hotel. Tell me in advance when you leave. I will send you to the airport..."

After that, He Hongwei shook his head and took a shot of Ji Feng’s shoulder. Then he pulled the door and pushed Ji Feng into the car: “Let’s go first, I want to be quiet, now my mind is a bit messy, I want to be good. Think about it."

Ji Feng: "..."

He Hongwei is swinging his hand and letting the driver drive: "Go, pay attention to safety on the road."

Ji Feng hurriedly asked: "Just go so far? What should I do in the office?"

"The office will keep it first. Anyway, the expenses are not big. It is a bridgehead we stayed in South Guangdong!" He Hongwei said, "This time I admit that it is a failure, but this does not mean that I will always fail, always One day, I will come again!"


Ji Feng just nodded and said: "Then you also pay attention to safety."

He Hongwei waved his hand: "That's it."

Later, he turned and walked along the stone road next to the street, and his bodyguard Xiao Pingtou followed.

Ji Feng saw it, but he shook his head helplessly and had to let the driver drive.

Looked out, although He Hongwei said that he is not so fragile, but his state is obviously not as easy as he said, obviously, this time, even if He Hongwei did not suffer much, but his heart is also some ideas. .

He Hongwei this state, Ji Feng can not help anything, some problems are best to figure out the best, He Hongwei is not an ordinary person, I believe he will not be stunned by this point, or do something stupid.

In fact, Ji Feng really wants to enlighten He Hongwei, but the problem is that He Hongwei simply does not believe what he said, which makes Ji Feng very helpless.

The key issue is that Ji Feng is not comforting He Hongwei. He is telling the truth.

When I first came to Nanyue, Ji Feng did prepare several sets of plans. Using the media to guide public opinion and exerting pressure on the Wu family, this is only the first step. This can make Wu’s heart have scruples, and it is estimated that it would not be so easy. The next group signed the contract.

This will delay the time so that other plans can be implemented next.

What Ji Feng didn't think of was that he had not had time to plan the second step, and suddenly he was attacked!

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