The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2227: Sweeping

Chapter 350 sweeping

In the distance, several police cars are screaming at the siren.

It seems that there is really a sense of tension in the emergency police, of course, the premise is to ignore how long they have used since receiving the alarm!

"Boss, I am going now?" Liu Zejun whispered.

"Don't worry, let's take a look!" Ji Feng waved his hand, "Don't be reckless."

Although it is indeed a police car, but the other party is really a policeman, or whether the other party has no hostility, and now they are still ignorant, Ji Feng naturally can not let Liu Zejun take risks.

The two carefully observed that only three police cars came on the road. At about one or twenty meters away from the scene, all three police cars stopped.

Subsequently, a group of police officers quickly came down from the police car. Perhaps they saw the bodies lying on the ground. The police officers suddenly became nervous. Several police officers immediately alerted them. Other police officers also rushed to pull out their guns and were alert. Looking around.

Finally, I saw a leading policeman with a man approaching the body and kneeling down to check.

Perhaps it was discovered that the people on the ground had already become corpses, so the police seemed disappointed and nervous. He quickly stood up and glanced around, then took out his mobile phone and didn't know who he was talking to.


Ji Fengla powered the bolt and then squatted between the two cypress trees. Through the gap between the two trees, he could just see the scene.

"Ze Jun, be careful!" Ji Feng whispered.


Liu Zejun nodded intently. He checked the weapon again and immediately ran to the side. He did not run directly to the road, but circled a big circle. This can help the most. Jifeng is concealed and will not let the police notice the situation here!

If those police officers are malicious, then Ji Feng can kill them unexpectedly, and Liu Zejun will ensure maximum security!

A moment later, Liu Zejun appeared on the road about a few hundred meters away from the scene.

His appearance suddenly made all the policemen nervous, and awkwardly, almost all the muzzles were aimed at him.


Ji Feng immediately transferred his rifle from point to burst, and once the police wanted to shoot, he could kill all those people at the fastest speed!

At least, you can also give Liu Zejun the biggest cover.

"I am the informant!"

In the face of the black hole, Liu Zejun raised his hands: "Don't be nervous, I am not malicious, I am a victim, just stay here waiting for you to come..."

"Hands hold your head, turn over, kneel down!"

When Liu Zejun’s words were not finished, he was interrupted by a violent drink. The policeman who headed said loudly: “I will follow the order immediately, otherwise, kill it on the spot!”

This order made Liu Zejun somewhat unhappy. He said: "I am a victim, I was attacked..."

"Less nonsense, do as I said!" The policeman who led the shouted.

"...If I don't do this?" Liu Zejun asked coldly.


Suddenly, the police smashed the bullets of the pistol and pointed straight at Liu Zejun. He shouted: "Follow it now!"

Liu Zejun did not do what they said. If he did that, it would mean that his back was completely exposed to the guns of these policemen. Even if these people wanted to do him, he would No time to react!

In the headset, the dialogue between the two sides was clearly passed to Ji Feng's ear. He frowned slightly and stared at the police.

"Ze Jun, do as they say!" After a moment, Ji Feng whispered.


Liu Zejun nodded slightly, then slowly put his raised hands on his head, turned back and squatted on the ground. As a result, the pistol he did not wear on his belt was in the eyes of the policemen.

The headed police suddenly waved their hands. The first few police officers rushed up and took the pistol from Liu Zejun's waist. At the same time, other police officers screwed Liu Zejun's hands to the back and quickly put on the handcuffs!

Immediately, Liu Zejun was pushed into a police car by pressing his head. This made Ji Feng look very frowning. It seems that if these police officers are not malicious, it is because they regard Liu Zejun as a murderer!

But these police officers don’t think about it. If Liu Zejun is the murderer, will he still show up?

After controlling Liu Zejun, the police officers continued to search around.


Suddenly, there was a roar of the sky, but three helicopters quickly rushed over, and then hovered in the air, not far from the scene, and at the same time, the light signal!

But where do the police on the ground understand the signals on the helicopter?

They were suddenly on the verge of an enemy, but when they saw the sign of the army on the helicopter, they were relieved.

"We are the special military battalion of the Jiangzhou military division. Come here to perform military affairs. The following people immediately put down their weapons!" A high-pitched warning came from the speakers on the helicopter.


There was a riot in the air, but the police did not know what to do.

However, the helicopters in the sky did not give them much time to react. Just a few seconds after the warning, they saw a sudden opening of a hole at the bottom of a helicopter, followed by a rope.


A figure slid down the rope from the helicopter. I saw that the man was wearing a camouflage suit, fully armed, his face covered with oil paint, and he couldn’t see the face clearly, but as soon as he landed, the handgun’s muzzle was aligned. Those policemen.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The continuous figure came down from the helicopter, and in the process, every time a soldier is down, it will be extremely quick and alert. At the same time, there is a helicopter that has always been in a subduction position, and it is also on alert.

And those police officers are all at a loss, don't know what to do.

Until all the soldiers had finished, one of the helicopters landed slowly on the ground, and then an officer walked down and said: "Let the weapon down!"

"This...what are you, how..."


The officer did not talk nonsense with them, and waved his hand directly: "Let their guns!"

Immediately, the soldiers rushed directly to the policemen like wolves, took their weapons and brought them all together.

"Liu Paichang, ask them where they are in the season!" At this time, another man in a white shirt came down from the helicopter.


The officer, known as Liu Paichang, nodded and stared at the policemen and said, "Give all the people you have caught!"

Seeing here, Ji Feng knows that this is the second uncle who has arrived.

Ji Feng stood up and put the rifle on his body. Then he carried the sniper and the other hand carried Xiao Shaohua and quickly walked out of the woods.

"I am here!"


Everyone looked over, but at the same time.

It is really because the shape of Ji Feng is too... at their expectations.

There is a hand carrying a person, and there is a gun on the back. This kind of style is very embarrassing to look at it!

"June less!"

The man in a white shirt suddenly showed a surprise look: "Are you okay?"

Ji Feng is impressed by this person. He is the secretary of the second uncle. "I am fine, but this person is dying..."

Having said that, he walked to the officer in a few steps. Other fighters wanted to stop, but when they saw the white shirt men and Ji Feng, they knew that this was the person they were looking for, so hesitated and let go.

"This officer, now things are more complicated, but also more chaotic, I will not say more if I am grateful!" Ji Feng speaks very quickly. "This way, we will go back immediately. Please send a helicopter first and send this person. To the hospitals in your military region, this is an important suspect. You must take care of it and you must find ways to save him..."

Ji Feng quickly arranged: "In addition, please send a few people to take photos on the spot, and then transport these bodies to the military region..."

The officer looked at the white shirt and the latter nodded. "Liu Paichang, please do what he said."

With the military involved, the police could not say a word.

According to the arrangement of Jifeng, everything was carried out in an orderly manner. However, those police officers were ordered to stay and be responsible for cleaning the scene. At the same time, they had to drive the two cars back...

Ji Feng and others, on the military helicopter, returned to the city.

On the way, Ji Feng connected the white beads through satellite positioning. As for Guo Tao, he has already arrived in the urban area.

At this time, the news of Ji Feng’s attack has also been passed to Yanjing Jijia...


When Ji Feng came to the municipal party committee, Ji Zhenguo’s calm face was relieved: “You kid, there is no day without trouble!”

Ji Feng suddenly laughed and laughed: "Two uncles, do you think I think? Who likes nothing to be killed all day?"

If you can, Ji Feng really hopes that there will be no trouble in his life, but this is simply impossible. Even if he wants to live in peace, some people do not want him to be better!

Ji Zhenguo shook his head and shouted: "What happened this time?"

"I do not know either!"

Ji Feng smiled and spread his hand: "I just came back from Nanyue. I don't know anything. As a result, on the way to the Ascendas Group, I was killed. I am still wondering. Today's event is really too sudden. Too complicated……"

“How do you say that?” Ji Zhenguo immediately heard the unusual ones.

"There are three people who want to kill me. One of them is a national security person!" said Ji Feng. "But in the end, those national security people were killed by the second sniper that suddenly appeared. There is only one left, or a serious injury to the coma... Now I am in the military hospital, I don’t know if I can save it..."


Ji Zhenguo's face suddenly sinks: "killing people?!"

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