The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2232: Come back home!

Chapter 355 goes home!

"What about Wang Tongren now?" asked Ji Feng.

"To accompany his mother in the hospital." Zhang Lei said, "I said to accompany him in the hospital, but this guy is estimated to be unwilling to go, life and death will not let me stay."

"Which hospital?"

"In the First People's Hospital... It is said that this group of people really has some energy. After Wang Tong's mother finished the operation, she was immediately transferred to the first hospital. What procedures are they do, and please A very good expert in the hospital!"


Ji Feng nodded. Since people dared to do such a business, and they have been doing this for a long time, there will definitely be a complete industrial chain, and they must also serve the patients in place. Otherwise, I am afraid that they will have gone out of trouble.

Otherwise, the patients spend so much money, but the results do not achieve the desired results, naturally will not be willing.

"Let's find another opportunity, let's go to the hospital together." Ji Feng said.

"No problem, anyway, my papers have been done, there is time at all..." Zhang Lei nodded. "Right, madman, is your paper ready?"

Ji Feng nodded with a smile and said: "I have to prepare..."

Bringing up the paper and making Ji Feng somewhat embarrassed, he still doesn't know what the requirements of the paper are. He has calculated that he has hardly been to school in recent months.

"Right, what's the matter in the company?" Ji Feng turned his eyes to Xiao Yuxi.

"There is no big problem, the development momentum is good, that is, the lack of management personnel, and research and development personnel!" Xiao Yuxi said.

“Is there still a shortage of managers?” Ji Feng said. “Is there a batch of reserve cadres before?”

When Rong Peng left the brilliant group, he took away a large number of middle and high-level people, most of whom were elites. At that time, Ji Feng also took the opportunity to come to a group, and they were all raised as reserve cadres. People, there should be no shortage of managers in a short period of time.

Xiao Yuxi shook his head helplessly and said: "Those reserve cadres have already been used, but the manpower is not enough. Now the scale of the group is expanding. Tengfei Electric has expanded two production lines, and the pharmaceutical factory is expanding. not enough."

“Then we will recruit from the society again!” said Ji Feng, “What about researchers?”

"The lack of scientific research personnel is even worse." Xiao Yuxi said, "The pharmaceutical factory is not lacking for the time being. It can be used by the company, but it is urgently needed by researchers. The gap is very large."

Because at present, the pharmaceutical factory mainly produces special effects current, which is exclusively for the military, and the technology is entirely from Jifeng, so it is generally not a particularly trustworthy researcher. Xiao Yuxi is really not too daring to use, and in terms of technology. It’s okay now, and it’s still a long time.

However, Soaring Electric is lacking.

As we all know, the replacement of electrical products is amazingly fast, and it is almost a change every day.

"Now the 3D TV is still a top-notch, but according to the news, several domestic and international electrical industry giants are studying related technologies such as 3D TV sets, and some have already made certain breakthroughs." Xiao Yuxi said, " Therefore, we must step up the development of new technologies. This is the case in the electrical industry. Technology is king. Only by staying ahead in technology can the company be invincible!"

"And, technically, we must take a big step ahead, because the brand strength and reputation of our take-off are far less than those of the giants. In the case of similar technology, consumers would rather buy those old brands. And will not easily try new brands, after all, the quality of the old brand is trustworthy!"

Ji Feng nodded slightly, this is true, those old brands have been market-based after many years of market testing in the market, the market reputation, quality trustworthy, this concept has been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

For example, for example, the Volkswagen that was once filled in China has been exposed to certain quality problems, but consumers still buy it, even if they don't see those shortcomings.

Is it really that Volkswagen has no defects at all?

Or is there any magic?

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is still a good market reputation that has been created over the years. All of us know that the Germans are rigorous, craftsmanship, and quality trustworthy!

In fact, the same is true in the electrical industry. The same is true in other industries. Good reputation is even more useful than spending hundreds of millions of advertisements.

"This is an urgent need, the market reputation is to be built after the accumulation of time." Ji Feng said, "Let's slowly accumulate, there will always be word of mouth!"

"So, before the market reputation has yet to be accumulated, we must ensure that we are absolutely leading in technology. Only in this way can we seize market share." Xiao Yuxi said: "But in the related technical fields such as 3D TV, we can The researchers used are really too few..."

Ji Feng Shen said: "I will come up with a solution to this matter. In addition, we must pay attention to cultivating technical talents."

"I know, are we not signing a counterpart training agreement with the United University?" Xiao Yuxi said, "I intend to expand the scope of the agreement and expand to the electronics profession."

"Yeah. You can do it." Ji Feng nodded. He wouldn't ask for specific matters. Xiao Yuxi and Han Zhong have their ideas. When it comes to specific management and operations, Ji Feng thinks he may not be able to compare. They are strong.

"Right, how about talking to Cray's four-star electronics?" Ji Feng suddenly asked. He remembered that when he left Jiangzhou to go to South Guangdong, the two sides had already negotiated intentionally.

"The formal negotiations have started." Xiao Yuxi said.

"The Li Zaimin is still pestering you?" Ji Feng asked again.


Xiao Yu gave him a blank look. "What do you say?"

Ji Feng smiled: "So, is that guy getting honest?"

Xiao Yu said: "You, usually so steady, how to talk about these things, you are like a personal, talking with gunpowder!"

Ji Feng said: "This is normal. It doesn't matter whether it is stable or not. Any normal man will not look at other men who are entangled in their own women, and they are indifferent!"

It is normal for my own woman to be pursued by other men, which shows that her woman is very good. The problem is that if your woman is entangled by other men, it is not normal.

Although Jifeng is mature and stable than his peers, he is also a normal man. When encountering such a thing, he naturally cannot be excused.

Looking at Xiao Yu's performance, Ji Feng can see it. This Li Zaimin is probably not dead, but Xiao Yu is not good enough to say it.

"Looks, look for a chance to meet Li Zaimin for a while!" Ji Feng snorted.

Next, Ji Feng asked another question about the Ascendas Group, and then asked some questions about Tong Lei’s school. The family sat together and was very warm.

In the evening, Ji Feng sleeps with Xiao Yuqi and Tong Lei, and the passion is lingering.

It has been a long time since they were not together. It is natural for the two women to be entangled in the season.

So, when the next morning, Jifeng habitually wakes up early, Tong Lei and Xiao Yuqi two women are like a octopus octopus, and Ji Feng takes a deep breath, biting his teeth is a firm will. Separated from the entanglement of their warm and soft nephrite.

The gentle heroes of the township, even if they are the heroes of the top of the world, I am afraid that they can not be determined in such a situation, looking at the two women that jade body, Chen Feng could not help feeling.

If you don’t have something to do, the ghost will remember!

Put the soft blanket on the two women, Ji Feng went out, and after the quick wash, Ji Feng habitually went for a walk, and bought breakfast by the way.

At breakfast, Tong Lei and Xiao Yu's pretty faceless face, but a layer of faint blush.

Last night's indulgent lingering, let them still have some softness.

Especially when they saw Xiaoying, Hanzhen and Baizhu are equally pretty, they are even more shameful.


Fortunately, this kind of embarrassment did not last long. Ji Feng’s mobile phone suddenly rang. He took a look and found that it was called by Xiao Shu.

Ji Feng immediately connected the phone: "Little Uncle."

"Is there time today, come to me for a trip." Ji Zhenping's voice passed over.

"Have time!"

Ji Feng said immediately.

"That's good, wait for you to come and say." Ji Zhenping said, very simply hanging up the phone, a look is full of military style.

After receiving the line, Ji Feng could not help but wonder, Xiao Shu called himself so early, is it that the investigation is so fast that there is no result?

Or, what troubles did the investigation encounter?

From the uncle's tone, Ji Feng can't hear anything different, he can only give up, or wait until after seeing the uncle.

After breakfast, Jifeng came to the barracks with white beads. When he arrived at the temporary office of Xiaoshu, Jifeng could not help but ask: "Uncle, you called me early in the morning, just to..."

"The investigation may be deadlocked!" Ji Zhenping said.


Ji Feng sighed, and immediately asked: "Little uncle, what is wrong in the middle?"

Xiaoshu came to Jiangzhou yesterday, and this began to investigate. How can it be deadlocked? This makes Jifeng somewhat strange.

"The sniper you caught, his identity we investigated."

"Is it a national security person?" Ji Feng asked immediately.

Ji Zhenping shook his head and said: "The true identity of this person is actually a professional killer. Someone has paid for him, gave him information, and let him kill you at a designated time and place! But for his family. Who is it, he is ignorant."

"Professional killer?!" Ji Feng's brow suddenly wrinkled.

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