The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2243: Not coming down!

Under Chapter 366, I will not come to Taiwan!

Shan Wendong took a look at Ji Feng, and suddenly he was depressed. He found that Ji Feng had no reaction at the moment. He just kept his legs, and even the old **** was smoking a cigarette at his point. .

Want to see my joke? !

Single Wendong’s eyes are not so pumping, heart, and eager to see my jokes, not so easy!

Thinking of this, Shan Wendong couldn't help but harden his neck and said with awkwardness: "The whole Jiangzhou does not have you to open a store like this! Everything must have a first come and come, obviously we come first, before we have finished eating, who of you? Don't even let us go!"

After that, Shan Wendong opened the chair and went straight to the seat, and did not speak, but did not leave, it was so consumed!

Others have seen that Shan Wendong has done this. They naturally think that Shan Wendong is definitely emboldened, and they themselves are very unscrupulous. They will be polite and sit down. The old **** is not present. The woman was treated.

"you guys……"

The female receptionist saw it and couldn’t help it. "Do you want to play it? Oh! Well, I have never seen anyone who dares to play with us!"

Shan Wendong said: "Who cares? Is it that you don't talk about the rules first, but also mean to say us?"

"I am not arguing with you!" Who knows, the female receptionist did not argue with Shan Wendong, but just impatiently waved his hand and said: "You don't let it be? Well, hope you guys. Can always sit here, don't leave!"

"What do you mean by this?" Shan Wendong could not change his face.

"What do you mean when you meet later!" The female reception snorted.

"You are not doing this well?"

At this moment, Ji Feng, who had never spoken, suddenly opened his mouth. His brow wrinkled slightly and looked at the female receptionist. He said, "Even if you are here, there are people with status and status, but anyway. The visitors are all guests. Since we are already sitting here, let us go now. Do you think this is appropriate?"

Who knows, the female reception is just disdainful to look at Ji Feng, but there is no interest in returning a sentence, turn and leave.

"Opening a hotel, even if it is a high-end restaurant, it is just a place to eat. There is no need to make yourself more difficult than the Royal Palace." Ji Feng said faintly: "Don’t give birth any more, you give We apologize, let's go!"


The female reception turned suddenly and looked at Jifeng with a look of disdain. Looking at the expression on her face, it was like hearing a funny joke. "Do you apologize?"

Single Wendong heard the words, suddenly brows slightly wrinkled, looked at Ji Feng a look, my heart is somewhat dissatisfied, this guy is not a pick?

Is it too small?

Don't look at what is here!

In the view of Shan Wendong, if it is not so shameful to leave today, it is already quite good. As long as the other party gives a step down, they can take advantage of the **** and hurriedly leave, but Ji Feng is good, not not following this plan. Instead, ask the female reception to apologize to them?

Is this guy too naive, or is he deliberately picking things up and wanting to frame himself?

There is some irritability in the heart of Shan Wendong. He thinks that this boyfriend of Tong Lei must have seen that he likes Tong Lei, so he will take the opportunity to set himself down and stone himself.


Shan Wendong’s heart snorted, but nothing could be said on the mouth, because in the female reception, he and Ji Feng are a group. Now if Ji Feng says something, if he refutes, then his face is undoubted. Can't hang, not to mention, he and the female reception are still very stiff!

Others can't help but look at Ji Feng's eyes and secretly pout.

What is this?

It’s not so full of swollen face and fat.

This is not to play single Wendong!

Although a few people are still students, but who can't see this simple means, then, who is the current student who is stupid? !

The two girls, Xu Ling and Zhang Xiaoli, looked at Ji Feng’s eyes with a bit of anger.

However, Ji Feng did not seem to see it. He nodded very calmly and said: "It is not impossible for us to let out the box, but your attitude is very problematic. We are also guests, and they are not inferior. But you are so driven, shouldn't we have a sincere apology?"


The female reception sneered, turned and left, and shouted: "Nervous disease! Really... How can I put such a group of neuropathy in..."

When she spoke, she didn't underestimate the sound. Although it was a bit vague, it made everyone listen clearly.

As a result, Shan Wendong and others were angry and annoyed at the same time, and their faces were hot. They wanted to refute but did not know what to say. It was really awkward.

However, Ji Feng has sunk his face and said: "I remember your words!"

"Cut ~~"

The female receptionor did not return the head, but she smacked with disdain, and then twisted and walked out of the box.

At this time, other people look at the eyes of Ji Feng, and it is somewhat different.

Shan Wendong asked some people who were not too happy: "Ji Feng is right, are you the first time to come to this place?"

Ji Feng nodded and said: "I heard it before, but it is really the first time!"

"If you haven't been here, don't talk nonsense!" Shan Wendong has not said that Bu Dexin can't help but complain. "Do you know that you just talked so confusedly, you might give Wendong trouble!"

"I just talk about things and tell the truth!" Ji Feng said: "No matter where it is, always make sense!"


Bu Dexin sneered and said: "I really don't know if you have contacted the society, or if you are spoiled by the family. How many places in this society are reasonable to you? You still reason..."

Ji Feng didn't care, just shook his head and smiled: "I don't know if others don't make sense, but I will follow my truth!"


The other people couldn't help but grin. Although they didn't have any ugly words on the face of Tong Lei, they could see it from their faces. For Ji Feng's words, they were obviously very disdainful.

Ji Feng shook his head and smiled, did not speak.

Tong Lei is just sitting next to him, and is not willing to make unnecessary arguments.

In this way, the box was silent, but a few people could not sit still, Xu Ling asked cautiously: "Wen Dong, what should we do next? Or... Let's change places, don't Here is her strength!"

"Yeah, we are just eating a meal, why do we have to compete with them!" Zhou Xiaosi, who has rarely spoken, said that he is somewhat honest. "Here are rich and powerful people, we are a few What kind of strength does the student have with others..."

"This..." Shan Wendong was somewhat hesitant.

In fact, he also wants to leave. After all, he knows that the water here is very deep. He can't afford to be sinned by anyone here. The reason why he just repudiated with the female receptioner is just that he can't swallow this breath, but he is in his heart. I know that I am just playing tricks, if the other party really wants to move the real thing...

When Shan Wendong just wanted to talk, he listened to Ji Feng suddenly saying: "We don't go anywhere, we are here before the hotel apologizes to us!"

Others suddenly frowned, and Shan Wendong sneered: "I really don't know how tall and thick! Everyone will brag, but I don't want to think about it."

"That is..."

Some other people can't help but feel annoyed. This guy named Ji Feng obviously wants to give trouble to Shan Wendong, which is too much!

It is true that they were not very friendly to this guy before, and Shan Wendong also thought about giving him a little embarrassment, but not so embarrassing?

It has provoked those who are rich and powerful, can they be so easy to give up?

At this moment, a few people were somewhat hostile to Ji Feng from the original faintness, and now it is even more annoying.


Just then, the box door was pushed open.

"That's a few of them, don't want to give face!" Several people came in, the one who was headed, the female reception who had driven them before and then left, behind her, followed by several men, about thirty in the middle. Years old, it looks like Sven, but there is a proud look on his face.

And next to it, it is a burly figure, it looks like the kind of powerful man.

A few people couldn’t help but scream, it seems that trouble is really coming.

When Shan Wendong saw the powerful man of Kong Wu, he suddenly stood up and hurriedly shouted: "Guo, Guo Captain..."

"Who are you?" The powerful man of Kong Wu looked at Shan Wendong and asked politely.

"Captain Guo, my brother is Liu Yanping." Shan Wendong quickly explained.

"You are Liu Yanping's younger brother?" The man, known as Captain Guo, nodded and said: "I said, who is so difficult, it turned out to be the brother of Vice Captain Liu..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly blinked: "A little boy, what big head of garlic is here! Mao is not long, but also learn to come here to eat? Are you getting out! I am bothered to see you!"


When Shan Wendong suddenly turned his face, the redness of the face rose to the extreme.

He did not think that he actively greeted Captain Guo and raised the name of his cousin, but he was so repulsed that there was no dignity!

Others also stunned. At first they saw that the female receptionor really came with people. They suddenly snorted and knew that it was broken.

But when Shan Wendong called one of them, everyone was relieved at the same time. Since it is an acquaintance, it is easy to handle.

However, the turning point of the matter is too fast. I haven’t waited for everyone to pant, and suddenly this scene has appeared. This is really amazing!

Moreover, it is really not letting people come to Taiwan!

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