The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2245: Are you Mr. Ji?

Chapter 368 Are you Mr. Ji?

Guo’s captain was very angry. He had just reprimanded Shan Wendong and said that there was no such thing as his speech. In the blink of an eye, the kid who did not know where it came from was actually returned to him. This made him angry.

What makes Guo Captain even more annoyed is that this kid dared to sneer at him.

Captain Guo coolly said: "Boy, who are you?"

Ji Fengxiao shook his head with a smile, and did not swear at him. For the character such as Captain Guo, Ji Feng really saw more, and he had a little power in his hand. The tail went straight to the sky, and it was not. Know what the last name is.

Especially in the face of ordinary people, it is simply a lord, his job is not good, but all day thinking about playing the prestige everywhere, it is really disgusting.

Ji Fenglian said that he was not interested in saying more than half a sentence!

"Rabbit scorpion!"

The captain of the Guo team saw that Ji Feng dared to slap his face like this. He suddenly became a big fire. He stepped forward and waved his hand to the mobile phone of Ji Feng. "Want to take pictures, I can't kill you!"


However, no one ever thought that Guo’s captain had originally wanted to play Jifeng, but the result was only heard with a crisp sound. The next moment, Captain Guo’s squatting back and forth several steps, sitting down On the sofa, and on his face, there is a bright red palm print.

Ji Feng actually slaps a fan on the face of Captain Guo? !

This surprised everyone.

In particular, Shan Wendong and others were even more shocked. They changed their faces at the same time.

"Season, Jifeng, you..." Shan Wendong looked at Ji Feng stunnedly, and even couldn't believe that Ji Feng would dare to do it. He was anxious and scared in his heart. He said: "You will give Guo Captain quickly. Apologize, you..."

"Oh shit!"

The captain Guo was sitting on the sofa, and this was how he reacted. He was beaten by a man, and he was still beaten by a boy. !

He suddenly angered, and suddenly stood up: "You are a jerk, I will not kill you today, Lao Tzu and your surname!"

I want him to be Captain Guo, even if he is just an ordinary policeman, no one dares to beat him like this, let alone he is the captain of the Interpol team now!

Even those bosses who have a head and face in the society must be polite when they meet him. Who dares to do this to him? !

But now...

The burning sensation on the face made Guo Captain almost mad, and the slap seemed to be not on his face, but his face was spit a thick sip!

Captain Guo can't wait for a shot to collapse this bastard!

In the face of Guo’s captain’s anger, Shan Wendong was shocked and scared, but he hurriedly ran his head and hurriedly apologized: “Guo Captain, you are suffocating, suffocating... My classmates are not sensible, I let him give You apologize... Ji Feng! What are you doing, and apologize!"

Said, Shan Wendong quickly gave Ji Feng a wink.

Because cousin is the deputy captain of the criminal police team, so single Wendong knows how much energy Guo has in his team than anyone else. If Captain Guo is willing, he can just find a reason to get Ji Feng into it. There are countless ways to make the people who are suffering from Jifeng not like ghosts, and even have no reason to say it!

Although Shan Wendong doesn't like Ji Feng very much, he can't bear to watch Ji Feng suffer big losses. What's more, compared with Ji Feng, Shan Wendong is even more disgusted with Captain Guo, so he does not consciously Standing on the side of Jifeng.

However, Captain Guo did not even sell Liu Yanping's face. Now, in his anger, he will give a single face to the East.

He pushed the single Wendong away and walked fiercely toward Jifeng.

Ji Feng is a cold face, cold channel: "You dare to approach me, I will abolish you!"


Captain Guo sneered: "Then I have to see, how do you waste me..."

Ji Feng squinted and shook his head: "Then you try!"

Seeing that Captain Guo is going to start again with Ji Feng, including Shan Wendong, all the people are extremely nervous, especially the two girls Xu Ling and Zhang Xiaoli, even slightly over the head, can’t bear to I dare not continue to watch it!

However, at this moment, I heard a cry: "Old Guo! Hurry and stop!"

But the man with the glasses of Svens, who had never been open, suddenly spoke. He hurriedly went up the first two steps: "Old Guo, don't be impulsive!"

Captain Guo suddenly swayed his hand and said: "Brother, you don't care about this matter today. I haven't been slap in the face of my old Guo Chang. Even though this **** dares to do this, how can I not? Thank you very much..."

"Old Guo!"

The Nassman man said in a hurry: "You don't start, listen to me and finish the conversation!"

Although Captain Guo is extremely angry, he can even be said to be in a rage, but he still resists the words of the Sven man.

When the Nasman man saw it, he quickly said: "Old Guo, don't worry."

Said, he has already arrived at Captain Guo, some suspiciously looking at Ji Feng, hesitating: "You are... Mr. Ji?"

The captain of Guo couldn’t help but look at the Sven man and asked: "Brother, do you know this rabbit?"

"Old Guo!"

The Sven man hurriedly screamed and gestured to Captain Guo again, then turned to look at Ji Feng and said, "Are you Mr. Ji?"

Ji Feng glanced at him, but it was a bit strange, nodded and said: "I am the surname of the season, who are you? How do you know me?"

"Really Mr. Ji!"

The man's face changed slightly, and his face was full of smiles. He quickly walked over and walked over: "Mr. Ji, hello, hello, I really didn't expect to see you here, I was in Qiu Shao. I have seen your photo there, I thought I was wrong..."

"Qiu Shao?" Ji Feng slightly glimpsed.

"Qiu Shao?!"

The captain of Guo was shocked. He even looked at Ji Feng with a blank face. "Brother, he, he knows Qiu Shao?"

The Nassman man did not care for Guo’s captain, but Man’s contact with the smile said: “You see this thing, it’s all about yourself, it’s a misunderstanding... Mr. Ji, today’s thing is that we are not right...”

"You wait a minute!"

Ji Feng frowned, and waved his hand to interrupt the Nasman man. He asked: "You said Qiu Shao, is Qiu Pengfei?"

When the Nasman man heard it, he immediately confirmed the identity of Ji Feng, and nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, I used to listen to Qiu Shao to talk about you, I have seen your photos in him, but never Haven't seen each other, so I didn't recognize it for a while..."

"I didn't recognize it!" Ji Feng said undecidedly: "Because I didn't recognize it, I had the chance to see how arrogant and arrogant the people's public servants are!"


The Nasman man suddenly smiled, but did not know how to explain it. He had to say again and again: "This is our fault, it is our fault..."


The performance of the Sven man, this scene, suddenly let everyone in the room look at it.

Whether it was the captain Guo who was still angry, or the single Wendong and other people, or the reception of the women, all of them were very incomparable. They couldn’t think of it. How could this Sven man apologize to Ji Feng?

And it seems that this Sven man's demeanor also carries a kind of respectfulness?

"Brother, you are..." Captain Guo couldn't understand it. He said awkwardly: "Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm fine!" The Sven man was busy saying: "Old Guo, don't say anything, just apologize to Mr. Ji. What you did just now is a bit too much..."


Guo’s captain suddenly raised his voice: “Why should I apologize to him? I...”

The Nassman man quickly pulled the captain Guo back, and he did not forget to turn his head and said to Ji Feng: "Mr. Ji, you sit first, we say two words..."

Said, he pulled Captain Guo out.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? Let me give the rabbit a sigh to an apology?" Just as soon as he got outside, Captain Guo asked.


The Nassman man quickly let the captain Guo snoring and said: "Old Guo, you are crazy, can't you see how I talked to him? Do you know who he is?"

Captain Guo sneered: "Who is he?"

"Qiu Shao's good friend!" said the Sven man.


Captain Guo sneered: "Even if Qiu Shao came in, he didn't dare to hit my face..."

"If that is the nephew of the secretary of the municipal party committee?" asked the Sven man.

"...what, what?" Captain Guo did not respond for a while.

"You think about it, what is the name of the top leader in Jiangzhou, what is the surname inside!" said the man of Sven: "Old Guo, don't say that I didn't remind you that the one inside is not something you can make, he It’s light to hit you with a slap. If you change to a bad-tempered son, come on the move you just made... the consequences of your own consideration!"

Captain Guo suddenly stopped: "This... brother, you mean, the rabbit inside... he is the nephew of the party secretary?"

"What do you say?" The Sven man asked: "I have been with Secretary Qiu for so long. I have never seen Qiu Shao put photos of other friends in the office. You think I will talk to you." ?"


Captain Guo was silent.

He also realized that the Sven man said that it is very likely that the rabbit scorpion inside should be the nephew of the secretary of the municipal party committee!

Suddenly, Captain Guo’s face became somewhat unsatisfactory.

When the Sven man saw this, he knew that Captain Guo understood the seriousness of the matter. He sighed and said: "Old Guo, this thing is definitely big or small today. If you don’t say anything else, it depends on the level of consumption here. We both came here and were touched by him. This is something we are all talking about, it’s unclear!"

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