The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2251: Search (below)

Chapter 374 Search (below)

In the intensive care unit of the Jiangzhou Military Region Hospital, Ji Feng followed the opportunity of doctors and nurses to check in, and then he went elsewhere and started searching.


No, still no...

The intensive care unit was not big, it only occupied one floor, so Jifeng came along and looked at it only in a few minutes, but the result made him somewhat disappointed.

There is no Shaohua in this intensive care unit!

Ji Feng couldn't help but frowned. Since there is no Shao Shaohua here, it means that he can check all the places in the hospital where he can live, but he can't find Qi Shaohua.

"Isn't Qi Shaohua not here at all?" Ji Feng secretly doubted himself, but it was wrong to think about it, because according to Xiao Shu, Qi Shaohua is indeed in this military hospital, combined with his serious injury and still in a dangerous period, he certainly can not Easy to move, then he must be somewhere in this hospital.

But wherever the patient lived, Ji Feng checked it again, and there was no shadow of Qi Shaohua.

“Where is it?” Ji Feng’s thoughts turned sharply, and he carefully examined the intensive care unit again. There was still no result.

"Is it wrong..."

Ji Feng suddenly thought of a possibility, can it be said that Shao Shaohua was transferred to a nearby residential area?

Or is it in a family home near the hospital?

If you think about it carefully, it is not without this possibility!

But if this is the case, the scope can be much larger. There are so many buildings in the family's homes and nearby residential areas. If a family searches, even if Jifeng does his best, he doesn't want to search again in a week. At that time, even if I found Xiao Shaohua, I am afraid that the accidents will all come out. I am afraid that it is useless to find them.

Of course, if Shao Shaohua can wake up in the middle, it would be better, but if he didn’t go over...

Ji Feng’s heart sank and his mind turned quickly.

Suddenly, the voice came, but the doctor and the nurse checked out the room. Ji Feng immediately walked out of the intensive care unit, came to the corridor, and sat down to find a bench, pretending to be the patient's family. In general.

After the doctors and nurses walked in front of him, Ji Feng stood up again and secretly sank: "Where can I hide?"

After thinking about it for a long time, there is still no clue. Ji Feng did not have the slightest urgency, but calmed down and carefully analyzed and thought.

The more you are at this time, the more you can't be anxious. Otherwise, you will only get more and more rushed and chaotic. In the end, it will be a mess.

“Don't you have any mistakes when you checked the intensive care unit and the cadre ward before?” Ji Feng secretly said.

He calmed down and carefully passed the previous passage in his mind.

"No!" Suddenly, Ji Feng suddenly had a glimpse of his eyes, and he suddenly thought of the scene he had seen before.

"It is a special care unit!"

Ji Feng secretly screamed.

He thought about it. When he was inspecting the intensive care unit area, he had seen some strange scenes. In one of the intensive care units, one patient wrapped a bandage all over the body, just like a mummy. The nose was exposed and I couldn't see what it looked like.

However, he has a lot of pipes in his body...

This is not right!

Because Ji Feng also guessed at the time, was the patient a severe burn, or the kind of injury that would hurt the whole body, but if that's the case, then why is there so many tubes in his body?

This made Ji Feng very impressed, but he did not think of it at the time, just thought that this person is very miserable, and now think about it, this is somewhat confusing.

But the doubts are not just this one.

It’s also strange to see the scenes in the two wards next door to the ward.

In one of the wards, there was a young man with a broken head and a bandage on his arm. There were two young guards in the room... It is reasonable to say that from the situation of the person’s dressing, he was injured. Not very heavy, there is no need to live in the intensive care unit.


Even if the person has money at home, there is this energy, but how should the young man be accompanied by his family or a nanny?

How do you get two young men?

The same is true in another ward, but the other person has a bandage on the leg, and there are also two young people accompanying him.

This broken leg, a broken arm, is also very good.

What's more, the two of them who accompany them are actually two young people... so many coincidences, it is inevitable that people are suspicious.

Ji Feng thought of this, and instead of turning around, he walked toward the intensive care unit. He realized his negligence.

Although he had explored the intensive care unit before, he did not use the perspective function to penetrate the bandage to check whether the patients were really injured. At the same time, he did not go to see if the wrapper was like a mummy. Yan Shaohua...

And now it seems that his negligence, it is likely that he almost made him judge the mistake!


Ji Feng’s heart is secretly stunned!


A few minutes later, Ji Feng once again came to the intensive care unit area. This time, he was more careful, and when he was still some distance away from the three wards, he began to fully boost the bioelectric current.

He first walked over to the patient's ward with the bandage on his arm and head, and his eyes passed.

He suddenly found out that the patient's arm... is intact!

What surprised him even more was that under the bandage on the patient's arm, there was nothing but a fracture or a scar. Instead, there was something that made him very surprised - a pistol, and two magazines!

"Guess it!"

Seeing this, Ji Feng suddenly can be sure that this person is pretending to be injured, and the two young people responsible for the accompanying care are also not the caregivers. I am afraid that the three of them exist to protect the middle. 'Mummy' in the ward!

Ji Feng went further. At this time, he suddenly found that one of the young people in the ward who was in charge of the **** stood up and watched the outside with vigilance. One hand touched the waist and walked toward the door.

Ji Feng knows that it may cause them to be alert. After all, although the hospital is still a man and a woman in this evening, there are not many people in this intensive care unit area. If you walk through here, the other party must be alert.

But he didn't have any strangeness. Instead, he walked calmly, but when he passed the ward in the middle, his footsteps slowed down and he turned to look at it.

Ji Feng's gaze easily penetrated the bandage wrapped on the patient and saw the face of the man.

Between the time!

Ji Feng’s mouth was slightly pulled, revealing a smile that was not easy to detect – Yan Shaohua!

That's right!

The guy who was wrapped in a mummy lying on the bed was Yu Shaohua!

His body, that is, two gunshot wounds on the thigh and chest, and another leg, was stabbed by Liu Zejun with a dagger. In addition, there are no other wounds. Bandage?

However, at this moment, Shao Shaohua is close to his eyes, and the ups and downs of his chest are also very weak. If the eyesight of Ji Feng is not carefully seen, it is almost invisible. It can be seen how bad the situation of Shao Shaohua is at this moment!

It’s no wonder that Xiao Shu said that there is no way at present. Judging from the current situation of Shao Shaohua, I am afraid that doctors do not think that Shao Shaohua can live...

Although he found Qi Shaohua, Ji Feng did not have too much stop. He went on and went to the front of the ward, but found that the ward was not much different from another ward next to Yu Shaohua. They were all camouflaged. The disease number is obviously also to protect Qi Shaohua.

After exploring the situation, Ji Feng left the floor directly.

Because it is impossible to enter from the front door of the ward without alarming anyone, because it is in the ward of Yu Shaohua, there are people who are accompanying, not to mention the police in both sides. Now!

Even if Ji Feng has confidence in his own skills, he can't guarantee to enter the ward of Yu Shaohua without disturbing them, because Ji Feng believes that Xiao Shu will definitely not send me a mediocre, so important witness for Yan Shaohua. It must be well protected.

And those who are responsible for the accompanying, certainly not all of them are uncles!

Therefore, Ji Feng can only leave first and look for other ways.

He looked at the window behind the ward!

From the surrounding environment and situation, where is the most suitable for entry, but the premise is that before entering, you must ensure that people who are not accompanied by it are found!

Jifeng went down a floor, and then found a room without people. He opened the window and went outside. He grabbed the window with one hand and suddenly tried hard!

In the next moment, Jifeng will move in a flexible and infinite order, and each time it will easily cross the obstacle between the two windows. As for the place where there is a water pipe on the wall, it is easier. He only needs to hold the water pipe to easily Go to another window edge.

In just a moment, Ji Feng went to the underlying ward of his chosen intensive care unit, and then he saw that the whole person suddenly stood up and put a hand on the window of the room where Yan Shaohua was.

“Sure enough!” Ji Feng glanced at it and saw it near the window. He also had accompanying staff, and he looked very vigilant.


At this moment, Ji Feng’s cell phone suddenly vibrated, his brow wrinkled, and then he made a decisive move. Without a hesitant body, he leaned back and the whole person fell straight down from the window, and instantly disappeared into the darkness of the wall. At the office.

Although the vibration of the mobile phone is very small, Ji Feng can't guarantee it. If the ward is really the elite of the military, they will not hear it!


At this moment, I heard the sound of the curtain being pulled. Ji Feng looked up again and saw the curtains of the Shao Shaohua ward pulled up, only revealing a gap...

Sure enough, the sound of the phone vibration was heard.

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