The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2276: joke!

Chapter 400 Jokes!

"So how do you stand here intact? These security guards have fallen down?"


Shao Wenzhao lived, and Wu’s question suddenly made him a stagnation. He didn’t know how to answer it.

Yes, it is said that a mob rushed to his office to commit a crime. There is no doubt that the target of the murder must be his Shao Wen, who can be Shao Wen in this office.

Otherwise, it is not always said that the mobs rushed into the office and only committed against the air and walls?

But since those thugs came to attack Shao Wen, then why are those security guards on the ground, and he Shao Wen is still intact, and even alive and kicking?

How to explain this question?

Just a word, Secretary Wu blocked Shao Wen’s malicious complaint.

This made Shao Wen can't help but have some drums in his heart. On this one, he immediately saw the greatness of Director Wu. It is not so easy to deceive him.

It seems that things are not good!

In particular, I thought that Ji Feng and others called the rescuer. It didn’t take long for Wu to arrive, but he did not call Secretary Wu. At the same time, he could definitely confirm that he had never received a request from Secretary Wu. Notice of inspection...

Obviously, Secretary Wu is the helper of this group of people!

When I wanted to understand these problems, Shao Wen’s heart couldn’t help but sigh. He subconsciously stepped back and dared. The reason why these people dare to be so arrogant, even dare to do it with themselves in this office. The backing turned out to be Director Wu.

It’s ridiculous that I just complained to Secretary Wu...

How do you get through this? !

Shao Wen was anxious, what can I do? If Secretary Wu wants to be a fan of these people, then he is not their opponent anyway, let alone his own, even his own boss, after seeing Director Wu. It must also be as honest as a grandson.

This is how to do?

Shao Wen involuntarily raised his hand and looked at the watch. He really hoped that time could go faster, because in this case, Wu Shao could arrive earlier, and he would naturally be able to get out.

Shao Wen believes that if Wu Shao is there, even if Wu is so annoyed, he will definitely have to give Wu a little face. The face of the Wu family can not be casually rejected.

"Why, does Captain Shao do not intend to give me an explanation?" Seeing Shao Wen’s daze, Director Wu said faintly.

"Secretary Wu, I..."

Shao Wen bitterly said, "I said everything is true. It is this group of people who suddenly rushed to my office to commit a crime. I can say that it is useless. In desperation, I have to call the security guard. I didn't expect it." The mobs actually shot at the security of our unit. You see... all of these security guards were injured by their fights, and they passed out..."

"What about you?" Secretary Wu interrupted Shao Wen's words and asked.

"I am desperately resisting, this is not hurt... Director Wu, please see, my desk has been stumped by them." Shao Wen's face was wronged. "These people are extremely violent mobs, Director Wu, You must be the master of me!"


Ji Shaojun sneered aside: "It’s really an official oil..."

This Shao Wen doesn't look old, but it's only about 30 years old, but it's a lie, but it's really a blind eye, you don't even need to think, you can talk when you lie, and you can still say it. It is reasonable.

It is only this wit that is contingent, and it must be tempered over a long period of time.

It can be seen from this that Shao Wen is afraid that he has not used much of his thoughts in his work, but he often ponders things that are not related to work.

In fact, I don’t have to think about it. I can’t do it seriously because of the attitude that Shao Wen showed.

But now, Secretary Wu does not consider these at all. To explore Shao Wen’s work attitude, he can only criticize him at most, but he cannot hold him. Perhaps he will reluctantly accept criticism because of his identity. But my heart is definitely not convinced, and even secretly swearing myself may not be.

Therefore, Director Wu just said faintly: "So why do they want to attack your office, and why should you commit crimes against you?"

Shao Wendao: "Secretary Wu, I don't know about this. Who knows what kind of neuropathy these mobs have, but they have attacked government agencies for no reason, they are murderers, and I hope that you will be the master of Wu..."

"A good impact on government agencies!" Wang Hao sneered: "Speaking is not afraid of the wind and flashing his tongue! Shao Wen, what you have done yourself is the clearest in your heart, detaining someone else's car for no reason, collecting the sky-high parking fee, these are us Is it a neuropathy?"

Director Wu suddenly wrinkled and asked: "Shao Captain, is that the case?"

Shao Wen quickly said: "Director Wu, you should not listen to them and say that these people are simply talking nonsense... Director Wu, now the mob is on the way, the facts are clear, please take them back..."

“If you don’t investigate clearly, you can grab people casually?” Director Wu asked.

"...this fact is not already clear." Shao Wen whispered a word, but the voice was not deliberately low, but intended to let Director Wu hear.

Director Wu was frowning at the slightest inconsistency. He looked at Shao Wen and was very unhappy.

This Shao Wen, screaming at the Wu family to speak for him, is said to be arrogant in the bureau, the work is more rude, the wind evaluation is very bad, and even a few conflicts have been made, some people have told him Going to the bureau.

However, because there are people from the Wu family to help him speak, so Secretary Wu is not good at acting, but now I can't think of it. In front of him, he dares to do this, and it is simply arrogant!

Even so, Director Wu did not get angry. At least, he did not have a fire on the surface. For such a person, if the fire can't solve the problem, he must always hold on to his actual handle. This is a good deal.

From beginning to end, Director Wu did not take a look at Ji Feng and Ji Shaojun. He just said: "Shao Captain, you have also been a policeman. Now it is still a policeman. Although it is a traffic policeman, the way to handle the case for the police. You should always remember?"

Shao Wen hesitated, then nodded.

"Then you should know that no matter what you can't just listen to one-sided words, then, is it necessary to listen to what these mobs in your mouth say?" asked Wu.

"...should." Shao Wen said hard.

Shao Wen is able to see it. Director Wu came here this time to give this group of people a head. Moreover, the so-called official level is a crush on the dead. Director Wu has asked this question. If he opposes it, he will not have to be reprimanded. What else is the result.

Wu said: "Since you also think that you should listen to their opinions, then let them talk about it..."

"I am still talking about it..." Wang Hao stood up and said: "So this Shao Da captain, but very powerful..."

Wang Hao quickly said the story, especially focusing on Shao Wen’s arrogant attitude and the ‘rules’ he mentioned.

Shao Wenyi listened and suddenly angered: "You are nonsense!"

Director Wu was listening to his face and frowned. "Shao Captain, is this the case?"

Shao Wen quickly said: "Secretary Wu, you listen to me, their words are nonsense, you can't believe it..."

"is it?"

At this time, Ji Feng could not help but sneer and turned and said: "White beads."

Baizhu immediately came over, holding a mobile phone in his hand and handing it to Ji Feng.

"Secretary Wu, from the time we entered this office, until now, I have recorded the whole process, so what happened specifically, you know it when you listen." Ji Feng smiled.


Shao Wenyi listened, suddenly his face was white, and he subconsciously screamed: "This is impossible, when did you record the sound?"

Ji Shaojun snorted: "Idiot, when will the recorded voice tell you?"

Shao Wen said: "Impossible, this is impossible..."

"To shut up!"

Secretary Wu snorted.

Shao Wen is not willing to say: "Director Wu, they are lying, what recordings are fake, you should never believe..."


At this time, Ji Feng pressed the play button on the screen of the mobile phone, and then the recording rang.

At the beginning, Shao Wen was talking to the person in charge of the freight company. In the middle, Shao Wen mentioned the word of the rules several times in a row. What hinted that the people present could not hear it?

Gradually, the two sides seem to be talking about collapse, and then Shao Wen’s words in the recording are getting more and more arrogant.

"Get out, don't you have to be thrown out, are you willing?"

"Otherwise? Otherwise, you will not want to take the car away forever!"

"I am a policeman. It’s useless to find someone. Today, I don’t let go, I don’t let go. You don’t want to take the car away in your life...”


With this arrogant roar, Shao Wen’s arrogant face was thoroughly exposed to the crowd.

Every time he played a recording, Shao Wen’s face was pale. He didn’t dare to go to see Mr. Wu’s face. He only had his fists in his hands, and his body could not help but tremble slightly.

At the end, Shao Wen finally couldn't help but roared: "No! This is not true. It is all fake. Director Wu, this recording is faked by them..."

At this time, Director Wu’s face was already darker than the bottom of the pot. He sneered: “Well! It’s really amazing! The captain of a traffic police brigade, the style is almost more violent than the bandits!”

"Secretary Wu, I..." Shao Wen was pale and just wanted to explain it and was interrupted by Director Wu.

"I will ask you, according to the regulations, as long as the victim has accepted the treatment according to the regulations, what power do you have to hold the car of others? Ah?!" Director Wu said: "If you think there is a problem with the goods on the car, You can call the police directly, let the police intervene, or hand over the case to the Trade and Industry Bureau. Why do you intervene?!"


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