The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2278: Wu Zhicheng!

Chapter 402 Wu Zhicheng!

"Bunny scorpion, do you want to die?" Ji Shaojun said.

"Wu Shao, Wu Shao!"

At this time, in the back seat of a police car next to it, Shao Wen suddenly poked his head and hurriedly shouted: "Wu Shao, they want to take me away!"

Wu Shao?

Ji Feng picked up his eyebrows...

The young man known as Wu Shao also saw Shao Wen sitting in the police car. He saw Shao Wengang sticking out his head and shouting twice. As a result, a policeman sitting next to him pressed his head and pressed it in.

"Be honest, sit down!"

Even after a certain distance, the police can still hear the cold drink.

Seeing this scene, Wu Shao’s face was gloomy. He glanced at Shao Wen, but he did not talk to him. Instead, he turned to Ji Shaojun and said: “Ji Shaojun, Shao Wen is my person, you play like this. Is it a bit too much?!"


Ji Shaojun snorted and said: "What happened to your people? It’s just a dog. I hit it when I hit it. What do you want?!"

Wu Shao’s face became more and more gloomy: “So, you Jiujun wants to play with me?”

"Bunny scorpion, you come with me less!" Ji Shaojun cold channel: "In front of me with a big tail wolf, you are not enough!"

"you sure?!"

Wu Shao stared at Ji Shaojun and slowed down.

Ji Shaojun sneered, but he did not bother to answer Wu Shao. Since he dared to do this here, he would not be afraid of the Wu family, let alone such a rabbit with a long hair, even if he is also a Wu family, but that so what?

"Good! Very good!" Wu Shao nodded, with a cold smile on his face. "Ji Shaojun, since you want to play, then I will accompany you to play!"

Speaking of this, he reached out and pointed to Shao Wen, who was sitting in the police car. He said coldly: "Although I don't know what kind of mean method you used to engage Shao Wen, but now I am here to release words, I will not Let you succeed!"

Ji Shaojun is not salty and not faint: "Be free!"

Wu Shao blinked and stared at Ji Shaojun for a while. Ji Shaojun was blind: "Bunny scorpion, less **** here to play with me, believe it or not, I will smoke you now?!"

Wu Shaowen suddenly sneered: "I really don't believe it, or do you try it?"

"I see you really looking for death!" Ji Shaojun shook his head and smiled. Then the two steps of the first step were a slap in the face. Although these conflicts between the family, even if there was a conflict, they rarely ran hands-on, basically It’s more powerful than anyone’s, and whose hitter is even more awkward, and the melee fight between the two sons is still rare.

However, Ji Shaojun is different. He used to be angry with Wu family. Recently, the Wu family is becoming more and more arrogant. At present, this Wu Shao is clearly a rabbit with a long hair. The age is smaller than that of Jifeng. So arrogant in front of him, Ji Shaojun can not tolerate him?

Therefore, Ji Shaojun does not say anything, it is a slap in the face.


However, the next moment, I saw that Wu Shao suddenly stepped back, and easily escaped the slap of Ji Shaojun. Immediately, he suddenly rushed up and stepped forward, his legs slightly raised, and his knees instantly reached Ji Shaojun's abdomen.

Knee hit!

"Hey!" Between the time, Ji Shaojun only felt a sudden strong force on his stomach, and then he involuntarily stepped back two steps. When he reacted, he found that the little rabbit scorpion opposite actually went back two. step.

"What is going on?" Ji Shaojun did not respond to it for a while.

However, when he saw that Ji Feng was standing beside him, he understood it a bit. Maybe it was Ji Feng who helped him.

In fact, it is true!

When Wu Shaogang stepped back, Ji Feng knew that Ji Shaojun was not the opponent of this person, because the posture of Wu Shao’s retreat was quite rapid, and one leg was slightly bent at the back. This position made Ji Feng even more sure that this person would work hard. Because the leg behind it is slightly curved, it is best for sudden force.

This person will work hard!

Ji Feng knows that Ji Shaojun is bound to suffer, because Ji Shaojun can not work hard. He used this slap in the past and used his old age. Plus his reaction speed is not as fast as this, but the empty door is open, if the other party comes to a fierce counterattack. If you do, Ji Shaojun will even suffer a big loss!

as expected!

Then the other side's knee hit, verifying Ji Feng's guess.

This is an extremely fierce move. He first retreats, and then with the great power of retreat and the enormous inertia of the body, all the power is concentrated on the knee, and it slams into the abdomen of Ji Shaojun.

If Ji Shaojun is hit by this, he will definitely stumble on the spot. It is not impossible to see the part of his impact, the rupture of the spleen that Ji Shaojun was hit!

If that's the case, then the young army will be able to go to the hospital to lie down.

However, this time is the first move of Ji Shaojun, even if it is to be handled by the police, Ji Shaojun does not take responsibility, and can only eat a dumb loss!

Seeing here, Ji Feng was able to step forward and directly reach out in front of the man's knee, letting the man's knee hit his palm, offsetting the other's strength, while his hand was back. And pushed Ji Shaojun back.

Let no one be injured.

"Xiao Feng, you..." Ji Shaojun is a bit stunned.

"Don't be impulsive." Ji Fengdao, "If you have something to say, if you don't agree, you can't do it. It doesn't match your identity."


Ji Shaojun nodded slightly, although he was not reconciled, but since Ji Feng made a speech, he had to endure it. In fact, he also saw that he was not an opponent of the Wujia, a rabbit, and this result made Ji Shaojun somewhat uncomfortable. It’s almost 30 years old, but it’s not as good as a little rabbit, even if it’s not Ji Feng’s, he almost ate a big loss!


At this time, Wu Shao was surprised to see Ji Feng, "This is also a trainer!"

Ji Feng is undecided: "I have learned the crops for two days."

Suddenly, Wu Shao’s face was a bit ugly.

Have you studied the crops for two days?

Wu Shao was able to see it. Just now, this guy blocked his own full force with just one hand, but the other party was still like nothing, even his hands did not shake, and he did not hit Ji Shaojun. ......

It’s just that this strength is very good!

If this is also called a dealer bus, what is this called yourself? Three-legged cat kung fu?

Wu Shao looked at Ji Feng deeply, but he didn't know where to come up with such a master, but soon, Wu Shao's attention was removed from Ji Feng's body. Although the master is rare, but like their family. It is not difficult to find a few masters.

Moreover, the guards at home have masters, and his efforts are learned from the guards. Therefore, Wu Shao just used Ji Feng as the follower of Ji Shaojun.

"No wonder dare to call me, Ji Shaojun, dare you have brought a good dog!" Wu Shao smiled.

"I would advise you not to say this, otherwise, even if Wu Zhiyong came, I will pack you up!" Ji Shaojun heard, his face instantly sullen to the extreme, his eyes staring at him coldly.


That Wu Shao is a sneer, disdainfully said: "Ji Shaojun, you do not think that others call you a season, you dare to be crazy, if my big brother comes, you do not even have the qualification to talk to him, if Ji Shaodong If the hypocrite, and Ji Feng’s chop is here, I believe they dare to say this, but better to talk carefully!”

Ji Shaojun gloomy face, asked one word at a time: "Wu Zhicheng, there is a kind of you repeat the words just now!"

Ji Feng, Ji Shaodong, these two people in the third generation of the Wu family, is the flag of the representative, they represent the third generation of the entire season, come out and even represent more than half of the season!

Just like the current third generation of Wu Zhiyong representing the Wu family!

Insulting Ji Feng and Ji Shaodong, it is equal to insulting the entire season, Ji Shaojun can bear for himself, but Wu Zhicheng insults Ji Feng and Ji Shaodong, he can not bear it anyway!

Just as Wu Zhicheng just said, Ji Shaojun and Wu Zhicheng have nothing to say in the end!

"What do I say!?" Wu Zhicheng snorted, "Ji Shaojun, you look at me with less of that look, I tell you, today is your first unruly, Shao Wen is my person, you better not Move him..."

"Less his mother nonsense! Repeat what you said just now!" Ji Shaojun sighed coldly.

"Ji Shaojun, your mouth is better to put some clean!" Wu Zhicheng shouted, "I immediately put Shao Wen, otherwise, I am not finished with you!"

"You are not finished with me?" Ji Shaojun snorted. "Ha! Well, I am looking at it. How did you finish with me! Wu Zhicheng, if you have something, don't open the topic, let's just say what you said." Repeat that sentence again!"

"Ji Shaojun, it seems that you have to play it?!" Wu Zhicheng cold channel.

In fact, Wu Zhicheng also realized that he said that it was too overdone. Just now, the words of Ji Feng and Ji Shaodong, even if they were known by their fathers, would probably approve of their own meal.

Ji Feng and Ji Shaodong even if they are recruiting people from the Wu family, they are not free to openly attack on the outside.

But this has already been said to have been exported, and it is obviously impossible for Wu Zhicheng to recover it. He can’t slap in the face of Ji Shaojun.

Therefore, Wu Zhicheng will always open the topic, but now it has been forced to a share by Ji Shaojun, Wu Zhicheng is inescapable.

"Okay, less army, don't entangle on these issues first, do business first, some accounts go back and count!" Ji Feng said faintly.

"……it is good!"

Ji Shaojun nodded slowly, looked at Wu Zhicheng coldly, and then turned to the head of Wu said: "Secretary Wu, this matter will be bothering you today, then the industrial and commercial side will ask you to send someone to coordinate... ”


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