The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2396: Great atmosphere!

Someone borrowed from He Hongwei's hands and wanted to play the idea of ​​the new chrome alloy of the Soaring Group. This is a very harsh signal in itself.

He Hongwei actually agreed!

What will this give to the outside world?

Han Zhong and Zhao Kai are not too comfortable. He Hongwei is sitting here. Ji Feng asks him to drink alcohol. He also has a brother-in-law who is a brother, but he has done something like this!

He Hongwei is the top one. Han Zhong and Zhao Kai are naturally not qualified to blame him. However, He Hongwei’s practice still makes them very uncomfortable. Therefore, Han Zhong originally wanted to respect He Hongwei’s two cups. The traces put the wine glass in the hand down.

He Hongwei has helped others to play the idea of ​​a new chrome alloy, and what is the wine? Are you guilty?

Zhao Kai also just smoked a cigarette himself, slowly pumping it up. The chopsticks that originally had the vegetables were also put down by him. The eyelids were drooping and seemed to suddenly become listless, but in fact he was thinking about countermeasures. .

Compared with Han Zhonglai, Zhao Kai is more feminine, so he can think more calmly when he encounters things, and his wisdom is more.

For example, now Han Zhong’s face can clearly see the unhappy look, but Zhao Kai’s performance is not too obvious, even he hides his own eyes and makes people unable to see clearly.

Zhao Kai is thinking, no matter what the meaning of He Hongwei, since he is here now, there is always a way.

Moreover, even if there is no way to stop it, I can learn more about it from He Hongwei!

Subconsciously, Zhao Kai looked at Ji Feng and he wanted to see what Ji Feng meant.

If Ji Feng has hints, then he will definitely try every means to calculate He Hongwei once, at least to find ways to seize some of He Hongwei's handles, and always can't make such a vain idea.

However, what made Zhao Kai somewhat disappointed was that after Ji Feng heard He Hongwei's words, he did not have any unexpected look. He didn't even have a look of excitement. He just smiled and picked up the vegetables and chewed slowly.

"Who is it?" Ji Feng asked casually.

"I can't say it." He Hongwei shook his head and said: "I didn't agree with this thing. I also persuaded it, but there is no way, the other party does not listen to my advice."

"What power did he borrow from you?" asked Ji Feng.

"An operating team, there are some funds." He Hongwei said, "Because I used to owe each other a person, no way, I have to pay back, or my heart is uneasy."

"Understand." Ji Feng nodded slightly.

Han Zhong couldn't help but screamed. He said: "You owe people's feelings. If you don't pay back, you will feel uneasy. Do you have no affliction to Ji Feng? Even if you don't owe, you can eat Jifeng now. Drinking Ji Feng, but also helping others to deal with him, this is also called Yi Yi?"

However, because of the face, Han Zhong is really not good to say it directly. However, his attitude is already very clear.

"Brother, it seems that you are not surprised to see your reaction?" He Hongwei asked strangely.

“Why am I surprised?” Ji Feng smiled. “Is it a surprise that someone is playing a new chrome alloy? Or is it surprising that He Hongwei helps others to deal with me?”

"Isn't this all to be surprised?" asked He Hongwei.

Jifeng shook his head and smiled. "This is nothing to be surprised! After the development of the new chrome alloy, I have already expected that there will be people who are jealous, and there will definitely be people who can't sit still, so you said that someone is playing this. I am not surprised at the idea."

After a meal, Ji Feng said again: "As for saying, you borrowed something from others... Since you told me so clearly, you proved that you didn't plan to get involved. You borrowed it only for the sake of humanity. ,Right?"

Ji Feng smiled slightly: "In this case, what am I surprised? I have not forgotten, just three glasses of wine, one of which you said, I hope that I can continue to fight together in the future, I have no amnesia, Why can't you remember? If one day, He Hongwei suddenly turned the gun to deal with me, I might be surprised at that time!"


He Hongwei grinned and nodded heavily, saying: "Ji Feng, the old brother served!"

Ji Feng’s atmospheric performance really makes He Hongwei have a sincere admiration feeling. Even He Hongwei thinks that if he changes himself to Ji Feng, he will hear someone who has to deal with himself and even have a kind of person. The feeling of betrayal, it will never be too comfortable.

However, Ji Feng is completely a light and faint, with almost no mood swings. It is this atmosphere that is enough to make He Hongwei admire.

Not to mention the generosity and calmness of Ji Feng!

"You are relieved, my brother, I will not say anything that swears and swears, but today's things, your words, I have written down." He Hongwei said.

"The words are heavy."

Ji Feng smiled and waved his hand and said: "In fact, if it is me, I may make the same decision with you. OK, don't say this, drink."

Ji Feng is very understanding of He Hongwei's approach.

It is understandable that you owe someone else a person who cannot refuse. This is understandable.

Moreover, Ji Feng also believes that He Hongwei must have persuaded the person who played the new chrome alloy idea to let it not do this, or that he wants to change his mind, but he did not succeed.

This is no wonder what is magnificent.

Moreover, He Hongwei’s work can be regarded as bright and upright, putting everything on the table and plainly speaking, and also saying that it is not right for people. He did this only because he owed the other person’s feelings. Have to pay it!

It is already not easy to achieve the goal of He Hongwei in the current society.

Therefore, Ji Feng is happy to continue to treat He Hongwei as a friend, because being a friend with such a person, even if he sells you one day, will let you know in advance that he wants to sell you, and will let you know the reason, and Will remind you to be prepared.

Just for this point, I don’t know how many times stronger than others!

Therefore, Ji Feng is not annoyed, but is somewhat gratified.

At least, He Hongwei, a friend, he did not have a white hand, nor did he both have fought side by side.

However, compared with other friends of Ji Feng, he and He Hongwei did not have such a deep feeling, not comparable to Du Shaofeng and Han Zhong’s college classmates, not comparable to Zhao Kai’s kindness, not to mention Said to compare with Zhang Lei who has a bad relationship with his friends.

Ji Feng and He Hongwei, it is a gentleman's turn!

With Ji Feng’s statement, He Hongwei’s heart was relieved. In fact, before he came, he even thought that Ji Feng might turn his face with him. This is definitely not what he wants to see, but the human condition is Can't help but also, and he really wants to drink two cups with Ji Feng, so he still has a hard scalp.

Moreover, out of respect for friends, I also want to pay this friend of Jifeng, so He Hongwei told the three cups in succession.

The result is completely out of what He Hongwei expected, Ji Feng is magnificent!

This makes He Hongwei admire and feels excited!

"Brother, you didn't say this!" He Hongwei erected a vertical thumb and said: "This thing is because my brother can't hold you, I will punished three cups."

"Still together." Ji Feng smiled and stopped him. "There is not so much between friends."

"Good! Together!"

He Hongwei focused on the head, then took the cup to Han Zhong and Zhao Kaidao: "Two brothers, one together, you are a friend of Ji Feng, and later a friend of He Hongwei..."

This time, He Hongwei drank a lot, although not to mention drunk, but also had eight nine points drunk, walking all the way.

However, this may be the most emotional one of He Hongwei's drink, especially at the end of the day, he is very emotional.

Ji Feng is also a little bit sloppy. He didn't use bioelectric current to break down the alcohol in his body, which would lose the feeling of drinking. As a young man, Ji Feng also likes to drink two glasses, not to mention the mood is good today. .

At the end of the game, He Hongwei had to support people to walk. Han Zhong and Zhao Kai did not drink much. They and Ji Feng together helped He Hongwei to go outside. When they came outside, they saw He Hongwei’s. The small flat-headed bodyguard is leaning against the marble pillar at the gate, watching the surroundings with vigilance.

Seeing that Ji Feng three people supported He Hongwei, Xiao Pingtou quickly stepped forward to support He Hongwei, saying: "Thank you for the season."

Ji Feng did not fight with him, but went to the front and said: "Come with me, next to the hotel, first arrange him to sleep."

He Hongwei said with a sleepy voice: "I am not drunk, my brother, we can still drink."

Ji Feng smiled and said: "If you drink again, you are afraid that you will be vultured to the bottom of the table... Let's go."

There is a hotel not far from the villa area, Ji Feng opened a suite for them, so it is convenient for Xiao Pingtou to protect He Hongwei. Now He Hongwei is drunk, but there is no self-protection ability, but Ji Feng is I know that the person who wants Ho Hongwei's life is probably not much smaller than the person who wants his life, so he made a special arrangement.

At this time, He Hongwei's obvious wine has been completely over.

However, when Ji Feng was leaving, He Hongwei still barely kept a awake, and called Ji Feng.


"What's wrong?" Ji Feng turned and asked.

"The man surnamed Han, from the Northeast, is barely a person in this circle, but he is a black-hearted person, doing things unscrupulously, you must be careful!" He Hongwei said.

"I know." Ji Feng nodded slightly.

"Be careful, I owe him a person in the past, maybe it is the bureau he did..." He Hongwei said vaguely.


Ji Feng couldn't help but slammed, but he saw that He Hongwei was completely drunk...

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