The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2400: Unexpected guests!

"Police?" Ji Feng stunned, and immediately he responded. He understood that the police who were talking about Yongzheng in Qihe City, northern Fujian Province, he slammed his head: "I forgot." ! Busy and confused!"

"It doesn't matter if you are busy, these people are suffering." He smiled forever.

"Why, did you imprison them?" Ji Feng suddenly lost.

"That won't."

To Yong Yong said: "Just because they are here, but they have not lived at home, and my food here is not a leisure person."

Ji Feng was relieved and said: "That's good. I thought you did something to them. As for the food... Anyway, they are all masters. When their masters come, you It’s not enough to ask for their main son’s reimbursement directly!”

Ji Feng thought that the police had been sentenced to war forever, and if that was the case, the nature would be different.

Interrogation can be, but extorting a confession by torture, this is at least a violation of the regulations. If the other party really wants to pursue it, then it may be provoked to swear to the eternal war.

And most importantly, Ji Feng knows very well that those people are not fake at all, they are real police!

Moreover, they are also the criminal police of Qihe City Bureau of Northern Fujian Province!

However, these few people were daring, and they dared to go directly to the First Affiliated Hospital to catch Yang Bin. This was taken directly by him and Li Ruo-nan, and he was charged with a fake policeman and sent to the army.

The original season maple is going to wait for the things on hand, and then find a person to let go of the head, after all, they are police, not really criminals, always shut it is not a thing.

But after the arrival of Yang Feng, Ji Feng changed his mind.

Yang Feng's arrogance and arrogance made Ji Feng particularly resentful. In particular, after Yang Feng came, he did not ask the police about it. He asked him to hand over Yang Bin.

Since Yang Feng is not ignorant of the police, then Feng Feng naturally does not need to be a good person. Anyway, he is not guilty of him.

As for the police officers, since they have the heart to make a fuss, they must be prepared to clean up.

As a result, things have been dragged down. In the past few days, Ji Feng has been busy and has no time to pay attention, so I forgot that there are still a few people in the army.

If it is not now calling Everlast, Ji Feng may not think about it.

"To reimbursement is simple, people have come, just waiting at the guest house!" Xiang Yong war, "The key issue is that you don't nod, I can't let people here!"

"Come on?"

Ji Feng suddenly asked: "Who is here?"

Xiang Yongzhan said: "It is the Qihe Municipal Bureau of the Northern Fujian Province. With a letter, the attitude is very low. It is just a misunderstanding. I want to let people go."

Ji Fengdao: "How do they know which police are there for you?"

To Yong Yong said: "Where do I know, I have not seen the people of Qihe City Bureau, just let people have a reception... Ji Feng, what are you going to do?"

It turned out that after the people of Qihe City Bureau came to find it, they never avoided seeing the war. They just sent people to receive it, because this thing is not a matter of eternal war. He just helped Ji Feng’s busyness. People look at it, nothing more.

This matter is not easy to intervene in the battle, and it is not necessary for him to intervene, so he is taking advantage of the hard work of the people underneath and calling the war in the office.

Ji Feng indulged for a moment and said: "It’s not a thing that this person is always locked up, but it’s not like it. It’s not going to work. It’s always necessary to come up with a statement and come up with a charter... so. Old-fashioned, you must first stop the people in Qihe City Bureau, don't see them first."

To Yong Yong said: "But the other party is holding a document, this thing can not be dragged on for too long, it can be a few days, can be longer..."

Ji Fengdao: "I understand that a few days will suffice."

He is very clear that although the war of the war is the captain of the special war brigade, it can definitely be said that it is the real power in the army, but the more it is, the more strict it is to the eternal war, basically it can not violate the regulations. Try not to violate, any one can succeed, has his own principles.

If the police officers are all counterfeit, then it is better to say something. It is also a common matter for the military to cooperate with the police to handle the case. The problem is that those people are the policemen and it is not good to hold them for too long.

In fact, it is very interesting to help this kind of battle forever.

"So if the people of Qihe City Bureau ask, what should I say?" asked Yongzheng.

"You can do whatever you want." Ji Fengdao, "Or you can't see them."

"Your boy... This is really a push for two or six, and everything is pushed to me." To Yong Yong, "No, you have to ask me to drink in the next day."

Ji Feng smiled and said: "Yes! No problem! I am afraid that you can't drink!"

Suddenly screamed to the battle: "Crap!"

When the two discussed it well, they hung up the phone.

Then, Ji Feng indulged for a moment, still dialed Li Ruonan's phone.

“Ji Feng?” The phone was connected. Li Ruo-nan’s tone seemed to be a bit low. “Is there something to call me?”

"It's a bit of a thing, it's about the fake policemen..." Ji Feng said a little, saying: "I guess, the Qihe City Bureau people are not from the military, they must go to your city. Bureau, are you preparing in advance?"

"What are you going to?" Li Ruo-nan asked.

"Of course, I am ready to let the people of Qihe City Bureau apologize to you!" Ji Feng said: "Before they made you so angry, how can you do it without pinching them?"

"No interest." Li Ruo-nan said.


Ji Feng is a bit stunned. How do you feel like a hot face with a cold ass?

He knows that Li Ruo-nan is angry with this girl, so he has nothing to say. He just said: "People must definitely let it go, but the things to do are still to be done. They must be apologized. They should not be used to their problems. Otherwise, In the future, I will not catch people casually across the province?"

Li Ruo-nan said: "I know. Do you still have anything?"


Ji Feng stunned and said: "It's okay."

Li Ruo-nan said: "Then I hang up, I am busy for a day, I am very tired."

Ji Fengdao: "Let's have a rest early."


The phone was hung up, and there was only a busy tone in the earpiece, which made Ji Feng feel a little guilty at a time, watching the phone silent.

Xiao Yuxiu could not help but ask: "What happened?"

Ji Feng shook his head and smiled. "Nothing, Li Ruo-nan may be angry with me."

Xiao Yu's charming and beautiful beauty gave him a meaningful look and said: "Why, what about people?"

Jifeng shook his head and smiled: "Where do you want to go!"

In his heart, he was thinking, not to provoke her, perhaps, because he did not provoke her?

Xiao Yuxi was somewhat disbelieving. He just looked at him with a smile. Ji Feng smiled bitterly: "I really didn't provoke her, but there may be some minor misunderstandings."

Xiao Yu said: "I didn't say anything. Why are you so anxious to explain? Is this a guilty conscience?"

Ji Feng smiled bitterly: "I still don't explain it."

Xiao Yu said: "So, you defaulted?"


Ji Feng’s forehead couldn’t help but pop a few black lines.

Xiao Yuxi smiled happily: "Giggle... Little hooligan, you are so funny!"

Ji Feng simply ignores her, this fairy!



Li Ruo-nan threw the phone next to the computer on the desk, couldn't help but snorted, then looked at the phone again and said: "It's so rare for girls to apologize for their apologies! Know to let others apologize, how do you? I don't know if I apologize!"

After a while, I didn't know what I thought of. Li Ruo-nan's pretty face couldn't help but reveal a stunned look.

Can't help but sigh, Li Ruo-nan took out a file from the drawer, and there was a decisiveness in the scorpion. It seemed that some determination was made.

After a while, she took out a piece of stationery and wrote two words at the beginning - application.


At this time, the office door was knocked.

Li Ruo-nan said: "Please come in."

The door was pushed open, but a young man in uniform was probed in. He smiled and said: "Captain, someone is looking for it."

Li Ruo-nan gave a slight glimpse and asked: "Who?"

"If you are a man."

A voice suddenly sounded. Then, I saw a young man dressed very well. He came in. This person is about thirty years old, with a faint smile on his face. He said: "It’s so late to work overtime? Come to Auntie, you are a workaholic!"


When I saw this man, Li Ruo-nan couldn’t help but look awkwardly. “How come you? No, I mean, how come you are here, are you not going abroad?”

The man, known as Jianyuan, smiled and nodded. "Yes, I am going abroad, but now I am back."

Li Ruo-nan remembered what he had just said and asked: "Have you been to my house?"

Jianyuan nodded and said: "Yeah, after I returned to China, I wanted to see you in the first time, but I didn't expect your mobile phone number to be out of reach. I don't have any other contact information for you, so I went to your home. I am looking for you, just visit my uncle."

Li Ruo-nan’s face is slightly unnatural, saying: “I changed the number... We are police, sometimes it is work, so...”

Jianyuan smiled and nodded. "You don't have to explain, I understand. But there is one thing, I really want to say a few words."

Li Ruo-nan is somewhat unnatural, saying: "Jianyuan, I know that the previous things are not good for me, but..."

However, if Li Ruo-nan’s words were not finished, they were interrupted by Jian Yuan.

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