The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2407: Today's Chinese people are different from the past!

Kato was said by the words of Ji Feng that his face was a burst of red, and it was said that it was the extreme, and the heart resented to the extreme.

But he is irrefutable. Whether it is He Hongwei's 'choosy' or Ji Feng's warning, Kato can't find a good reason to refute, because they are all facts.

Kato did not intend to come up with too good things to change with the Soaring Group, because the mechanical equipment he took out, the technical level must exceed the level of the same industry in China, and the gap is not small.

Kato also specially prepared a variety of mechanical equipment!

According to the experience of dealing with Chinese people in the past, the technology contained in so many mechanical equipment will definitely make Chinese people ecstatic. As for the technical content of so many things, can they compare with the latest development of Soaring Group? Type alloys... Do Chinese people know how to know technology?

However, he did not expect that Kato only took out the list, and he was ruthlessly pierced by his grand trick.

Then, it angered Ji Feng.

"Do you think that this new type of alloy is of great value, you will take out a lot of things to change!" Ji Fengdao, "This is the basis of the talk, like your behavior today, is not fraud? Kato, this Is it your style of life?"

"Mr. Ji, please don't misunderstand..." Kato hurriedly explained.

"I don't miss it, it doesn't matter!"

Ji Feng waved his hand and said: "The key issue is that you should not be smart, otherwise you should be smart and clever!"

Kato couldn't help himself.

"Okay, come here today." Ji Feng stood up. Kato's performance is obviously lacking sincerity. Now don't expect them to come up with something to make their heart move, so Ji Feng has no plans. Continue to waste time on this issue.

Others have also stood up. Since they can't talk anymore, they naturally have no need to stay here. Han Zhong has even begun to arrange for a guest.

When Katoton was a little anxious, he was busy: "Xiao Zong, Han Zong..."


Han Zhong’s face is very cold: “You are playing this set with me. I didn’t drive you out immediately. It’s already giving you a face. You’d better not continue to entangle. It will only let me put you in the border. People look even more!"

Kato’s face was suddenly ugly, as if he had eaten a fly, couldn’t spit it out, and couldn’t swallow.

"That's it." Ji Feng smiled and took the lead and went out.


He Hongwei couldn't help but smile and smile. This Kato also regarded the Huaxia people as an era that had not seen the world more than a decade ago or even decades ago. This is a rock-scissing shackle!

Soon, there was only the ugly Kato in the reception room, as well as several other people in the border, and two women receptionists from the Ascendas Group.

"Mr. Kato, what do we do?" Several people were dumbfounded. They didn't think that the Chinese people just talked to them for a while, so they turned and left. This did not treat them as VIPs!

"How to do……"

Kato bit his teeth and said: "Let's go back and reconsider the countermeasures!"

At present, the purpose of wanting to change from small to large is not achieved, and may even cause the Chinese people to resent. Kato must think of countermeasures in the shortest time, otherwise, let the senior members of the Ascendas Group and Jifeng to them And even all the people in the borders have crossed their hearts, and that is all over.

"Damn Chinese people, when did you learn so smart!" Kato could not help but secretly.

But also from this time, Kato felt that the Chinese people today seem to be different from the past...

"Grand brother, I just thank you."

Out of the reception room, Ji Fengdao: "Fortunately, you have a clearer understanding of the industrial field, otherwise, I am afraid it will be ugly today."

He Hongwei waved his hand and said: "I don't say this between friends. Moreover, I just know more about it. Even if I am not here today, you can't just nod your head and promise it?"

Ji Feng smiled and said nothing. Sometimes friends are too polite, but they will also alienate the relationship.

Moreover, He Hongwei is right. He did not intend to sell the alloy technology to the border people, so whether they know the value of the things that Kato took out will not affect the final result.

He Hongwei also did not take this seriously, because he is very clear, Ji Feng may not know too much about the industrial field, Han Zhong and Xiao Yuxi may not understand, but this society is not lack of professional talent, Ji Feng they It’s just a leader. They just need to put professional talents in a place where they can use their talents and talents. It is an excellent leader.

For example, he He Hongwei, do not know logistics, do not know about pharmaceuticals, but not the same as the Tengfei Group and the military to establish a logistics transfer station, and even set up a specialized logistics company, but also participated in the pharmaceutical?

What is really exciting for He Hongwei is the two gifts that Ji Feng sent today!

Especially the second gift, I really hope that He Hongwei will remember it in a few years, there will be an unspeakable excitement.

A few people went back to the small meeting room next to Hanzhong’s office, and saw Kato’s group of people leaving behind the window, Han Zhong could not help but sneer.

"These little devils, but also the Chinese people as a big head, really **** hate!"

"Han Zhong, you are the boss now, but you have to pay attention to it." Ji Feng shook his head and smiled. "The people in the world have always been like this. They can only blame China for being backward. In fact, if the positions of our two sides are reversed, I am afraid we will also It will be."

In a word, everyone can't help but be silent.

Indeed, the little devils are hateful, but from another point of view, they are not philanthropists. The borders and China are largely hostile. Can you expect others to be good with your brothers?

Ji Fengdao: "So what we can do is to develop the company as much as possible, to contribute to the strength of the country, and to make more contributions!"

A few people nodded slightly, He Hongwei also touched, this is the pattern of Ji Feng!

"Xiao Zong, Xiao Zong..."

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the meeting room, and there was a woman's voice. Ji Feng immediately heard it. This is the voice of Xiao Yuxi's assistant.

When I heard the sound so fast, Xiao Yuxi immediately said: "Come in."

Sure enough, the assistant who came in was Xiao Yuxi’s assistant, her face with an anxious look, said: “Shy, you come out, there is an urgent matter to report to you...”

Xiao Yuxi is a bit surprised: "What is so urgent? Have something to say slowly!"

The assistant looked at the people in the reception room and hesitated.

When Xiao Yuqi saw it, he quickly got out and went out. He saw that the assistant’s look knew that it was inappropriate for outsiders to know.

Ji Feng is also a bit strange. Looking at the assistant's anxious look, it seems that something happened, and it is not normal?

It may be something happening in the company.

Ji Feng secretly guessed that if it was Xiao Yuxi’s private affairs, it should be Xiaoying’s first news, not Xiao Yu’s assistant.

"Han Zhong, hasn't there been any problem with the company recently?" Ji Feng asked casually.

"No big problem." Han Zhong shook his head.

Ji Feng didn't say anything more. What happened in the end, and it would be clear when Xiao Yuqi came back.

Xiao Yuxi stayed outside for a short time. After about ten minutes, she came back. However, when she came back, her eyebrows were stunned and seemed a little worried.

Ji Feng asked: "What happened?"

Xiao Yuqi hesitated: "It is a problem at the Xiao's pharmaceutical factory... In fact, it is not a problem of the pharmaceutical factory, but a problem in the sales channel..."

Ji Fengdao: "Don't worry, sit down and talk slowly."

At this time, He Hongwei said: "Brother, then you talk first, I visit your company?"

Ji Feng knows that He Hongwei is seeing things they want to discuss with the company, so he has to take the initiative to avoid it. He nodded: "That's good, Zhao Kai, you accompany Hongwei in the company."

After Zhao Kai and He Hongwei left, Han Zhong closed the door of the reception room. Ji Feng asked: "Yu Yu, what is wrong with Xiao's pharmaceutical factory?"

What Xiao Yuxi said just now is very vague. It should be because of the reason why He Hongwei is here. Therefore, Ji Feng has to ask clearly now, can make Xiao Yu frown, and think that the problem should not be small.

Xiao Yu said: "I don't know too much about the specific problem. I just received a call from Xu Yuan. According to her, our general agent of Kangyuan slimming powder in the province of Black Province suddenly proposed to cancel the contract with us. From tomorrow, any pharmacy and channel terminal under the general agent name will no longer sell our slimming powder."


Han Zhong was very surprised, said: "Black province? I remember the general agent of the province is the surname... the name Luo? Is it a big fat?"

Xiao Yuxi slightly clicked on the dagger and said: "Yes, it is Luo Guangrong."

"Yes, it is him!"

Han Zhongdao: "He said that he didn't sell our slimming powder? If I remember correctly, after he used our slimming powder, the weight loss effect was very good. Then he took my hand and said, sold it. For the rest of my life, I have used countless weight-loss drugs for medicines and health care products. It is the first time that such a good weight-loss product has been encountered."

"Then he patted me with his chest and said that he would fight for the general agent of the province in any case, and that determination is great!"

Han Zhongdao: "How come this suddenly didn't hit a greeting, saying that if you don't sell it, you won't sell it? And the agreement has not expired yet. His more than 20 million guarantees are still here, so I don't sell it. ?? With such a large sum of money, he is not going to want it? Is this guy crazy?"

Xiao Yu said: "There is not so much! I just checked it. He probably has nearly 10 million yuan of payment yet, and the Xiao's pharmaceutical factory just sent him a batch of goods two days ago. Together, it is 10 million."

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