The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2442: Thunder Wan Hao (17)

"you you……"

Liu Zhengwei looked at Ji Feng, and after a sentence had not finished, he was scared by Ji Feng’s cold eyes and spread all over the body. "What do you want?!"

At the same time, the soldiers brought by the political commissar of Liu turned the guns to Jifeng at the same time and screamed: "Stop!"

"Let the political commissar Liu!"

"June less!"

Qu Feng was also shocked. The horrible skill of Ji Feng was too amazing. Especially, Ji Feng did not hesitate to screw the riot police directly to the neck. It was like simply killing a chicken and a dog. And fierce, let Qu Feng could not help but be surprised.

He was afraid that Ji Feng would twist the neck of Liu Zhengwei in an angry situation!

In fact, the most feared is the political commissar of Liu. All the actions of Ji Feng just now are in his eyes. He is holding the hand on his neck and then twisting the neck of a policeman.

If you have your own neck...

A bitter chill spread throughout the limbs of the Liu political commissar, and the fear of the extreme to the extreme made the political commissar of Liu unable to hold a layer of goose bumps.

In the face of those who pointed at their own guns, Ji Feng's look was cold, staring at Liu political commissar, coldly said: "It seems that you really want me to die?!"

The political commissar of Liu swallowed hard, although he could feel that Ji Feng’s hand on his neck was not strong, but the fear from the heart could not be suppressed.



Liu Zhengwei just had a mouth, and Ji Feng’s hand was a slap in the face. The loud slap in the face suddenly slammed Liu Zheng.

Half of the face was beaten numb, Liu political commissar was not angry, and even there was a fear from the bottom of my heart.

"You, you dare to hit me?!" For a while, Liu political commissar could not help but anger.


Another slap.

The political commissar of Liu was beaten by the mouth of his mouth, his head was stunned, and his heart could not help but raise a sense of humiliation. In the presence of so many fighters, his political commissar was actually slap in the face twice, which is more than killing. He still wants him to feel uncomfortable.



In the case of so many muzzle points, Ji Feng was one after another slap in the face of Liu Zhengzheng. At that moment, the face of Liu Zhengwei had already been swollen and covered with finger marks.

This scene makes everyone can't help but feel awkward.

Even Qu Feng, I couldn’t help but be stunned. Although he was very relieved and even wanted to yell twice, the behavior of Liu’s political commissar was just too odious, and Qu Feng’s grievances were very high. A slap in the face of Liu’s political commissar is more than anything.

But Qu Feng is still urging to persuade: "Jiu Shao, Ji Shao! Can't fight, and beat him to kill him!"

During the speech, Qu Feng quickly stepped forward to persuade Ji Feng, and lowered his voice in Ji Feng’s ear and said: “The season is small, you can’t fight anymore, or you have something to do!”

The army is no more than a place. Here is a place that is extremely short-term protection. Even if the political commissar of Liu is wrong, he is a military man after all, and he is a political commissar at the division level. If Ji Feng is here, he will kill the Liu political commissar. And not to mention the time when the soldiers brought by the political commissar of Liu will take Ji Feng, just to deal with it in the future is quite troublesome!

Ji Feng cold channel: "You can rest assured that he can't die!"

Ji Feng did not think about killing Liu Zhengwei, so when he slaps Liu political comrades, he did not use bioelectric current. Otherwise, the head of Liu’s political commissar will definitely become a muddy meat at the moment. !

However, for this Liu political commissar's help, Ji Feng is extremely annoyed, this Liu political commissar is even more abominable than those police!


Liu Zhengzheng couldn't help but scream and coughed twice. He suddenly spit out a blood in his mouth, and there was something mixed in it... It was his teeth that were interrupted.

At this time, the political commissar of Liu’s political squad was slightly awake, but the thick sense of humiliation suddenly made him mad, and he screamed: “Just shot! Kill me. he!"

Qu Feng suddenly screamed: "I see who you dare!"

All the fighters were hesitant. Seeing Qufeng’s face sullen and drinking, and then looking at Liu’s political commissar is still in the hands of Ji Feng, they hesitated for a while.

"Kill me?!" At this time, Ji Feng's eyes flashed a killing machine, "Are you sure?"



A sudden gunshot interrupted the words of the political commissar of Liu. Suddenly, a team was seen galloping. The front was three police cars, followed by a large number of police officers.

Qu Feng suddenly anxious, biting his teeth: "Jiu Shao, I will block them, you take people to go first... The surname of Liu is given to me, I promise that he will not be alive!"

Seeing that there are so many policemen, Qu Feng is also anxious. He knows that if one does not pay attention today, Ji Feng may be accounted for here, even if it is now the identity of Ji Feng, you can see the situation on the spot. Maple will have a lot of trouble next.

But Ji Feng shook his head. Today, with so many policemen dead in his hands, he has no plans to go.

He dared to start, I thought about the consequences!

... In fact, when I saw Zhang Lei being shot down, Ji Feng really hated the extreme. He even wanted to use himself as a bait to mobilize all the power that can be mobilized and destroy everyone here, including this Liu political commissar. Inside.

Even if you fold here, you will not hesitate!

However, Zhang Lei did not die, but it was the biggest gain of Ji Feng, so after the venting of a cockroach, Ji Feng's gas also disappeared a lot.

At this moment, he has to face this large number of ruthless police again!

"The season is small, be careful!" Baizhu shouted. She has to take care of Zhang Lei behind the car, but she has to look at Han Yang. She can't help out, and she is very anxious.

"do not worry!"

Ji Feng screamed and said coldly: "It’s a big deal, it’s just a battle!"

Qu Feng bites his teeth: "The season is small, don't fight hard..."

Jifeng shook his head and did not speak.

Now is not the question he wants to fight hard, but he has to fight, he will never be embarrassed.

Moreover, these police officers can leave him, this is still unknown!

Since Ji Feng dares to do this, he is not at all ignorant. He also has an unusable playing card - bio-current whip!

As long as these police officers dare to come up, Ji Feng will definitely not be polite!

Qu Feng was in a hurry. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he had to take out his mobile phone and report to his superiors. Today, Ji Feng could not be allowed to go into trouble anyway, especially if Ji Feng had been injured.

But before he even reported, he suddenly heard a loud drink not far away: "I am Fang Wei of the Black Province Police Department, everyone put down their weapons!"

Qu Feng suddenly burst into shock: "Fang Wei? Ji Shao, this Fang Wei is the deputy director of the Black Province Police Department, the second person in the police department..."

This is a trouble, Fang Wei actually brought the team personally, it seems that this time they have to leave the season less.

Qu Feng suddenly screamed: "Brothers, give me the guns of these people!"

He pointed to the soldiers brought by the political commissar of Liu: "I will immediately put down the gun!"

Liu’s political commissar’s subconscious retreat, Liu’s political commissar fell in the hands of Ji Feng, who had no backbone, and no one to order, but did not know what to do at the moment.

"Which is Mr. Ji?!"

Suddenly, Fang Wei’s voice came from afar: “You are being persecuted by criminals here. This is our police’s dereliction of duty. Please don’t worry, our police are here to save you...”

Both Qu Feng and Ji Feng are at the same time.

At this time, the policemen had already gathered around. The head of the middle-aged man, who was about forty or fifty years old, was wearing a police uniform and strode over and shouted: "Catch all the scums in these police teams!"

Suddenly, the policemen behind him rushed up and prepared to arrest people, but the scene was so that everyone could not help but be shocked.


Even Fang Wei couldn't help himself, and the scene in front made him very incomparable.

Where is there any scum that needs to be caught?

All lying on the ground!

This is like a scene of a catastrophe!

Fang Wei’s gaze couldn’t help but fall on these fighters. Didn’t he receive a message that Liu’s political commissar had brought the police from the city bureau to intercept Ji Feng and others?

How can you...

“Where is the head of the party?!” Ji Feng stared at him and said, “I’m standing here, I want to catch me and come straight, don’t have to play so many tricks!”

"You are... Mr. Ji?" Fang Wei asked.

"I am Ji Feng!" Ji Feng said.

Fang Wei suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Mr. Ji, you are fine, I am worried that it will be late..."

Qu Fengdao: "Fang Fangchang! Mr. Ji is a guest of our military region, no one can catch him!"

Fang Wei heard the words, he couldn't help but say: "Catch him? Of course not. It seems that you are misunderstanding. I received instructions from the provincial party secretary Luo to specifically arrest these scums hidden in the police force. At the same time, it is also protection. Foreign investors!"

Ji Feng’s brow wrinkled and said: “Why, what about the change?”

Qu Fengdao: "The party hall is very troublesome, but Mr. Ji is a guest of our military region. We can protect it."

Fang Wei knows that they don't believe in themselves, but it's no wonder that watching this battle, I am afraid that there has been a serious conflict before he arrived. It is not a glorious role to play in these police. .

"Several people still seem to have doubts, it doesn't matter, Luo Shuji is coming, it should be coming soon, then you will be clear about everything." Fang Weidao.

"Robert's book?"

Qu Feng sighed, said: "Is it the Luo Shuji of Harbin?"

Fang Weidao: "Yes, it is also the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee!"

Speaking, Fang Wei did not talk to them any more. Since Ji Feng and others were wary, Fang Wei would naturally not stimulate them any more. He only ordered the police to catch all the police, injured and not injured. Focused together.

The problem is that when the police officers went to the execution, they discovered that no policeman could stand up!

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