The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2449: worry

Fang Wei heard that, suddenly it was a bit unnatural. He coughed and said: "Is it? I am very nervous?"

Ji Feng smiled and said: "Fang, you have something to say to me? Please tell me! You make me feel a little... awkward!"

Fang Wei heard that he couldn't help but look a little surprised. It seems that he did not understand why Ji Feng said this.

As if I had seen the thoughts of Fang Wei’s heart, Ji Feng smiled and said: “The party is long, although I am young, but I also have a certain life experience. For example, I see the director’s right hand and the index finger have old friends. This is obviously the traces often used in these two parts, combined with the occupation of a lower office, then I guess, the director of the party must have stepped from the grassroots level to the position of today, I am right? ”

Fang Wei was a little surprised, somewhat unexpected, and nodded: "Yes, Mr. Ji, you are really careful!"

Indeed, Fang Wei is step by step from the grassroots to today.

The mouth of his right hand and the old man on the index finger are actually traces of the guns that were often held in the past. This means that the front line is often rushed to the front line, and it is inevitable that the guns will be practiced frequently, leaving traces that are inevitable. .

Ji Feng smiled and said: "I would like to say that this example is that since the party director stepped up from the grassroots level and sat down to the high level today, then the director of the party talked to me like a young man. It shouldn't be so nervous. This is not the quality that an experienced policeman should have. It is like a small policeman who has just entered the line!"

Fang Wei is even more surprised. He stunned: "Is it so obvious?"

Ji Feng nodded: "I can't see it."

Fang Wei: "..."

After a while, Fang Weicai asked: "How did Mr. Ji know that I have something to tell you?"

Ji Fengdao: "Isn't that what?! The director of the department deliberately brought my attention to this aspect. Isn't that just want to start this topic?"

Fang Wei is a glimpse, and then can not help but shake his head and smile: "Mr. Ji, you can achieve today's achievements, it seems to be worthy of the name!"

Fang Wei has seen a lot of people who are keenly thinking. However, like Wei Feng, who is calm and confident, Fang Wei does not see much.

Not to mention the other, relying on the wisdom and calmness of Ji Feng at this moment, Fang Wei even suspects that Ji Feng already knows what he wants to say.

Ji Feng smiled and said: "Fang Fang, is there anything wrong with it?"

Fang Wei smiled and nodded. "It’s not a bad thing to say, just... I don’t know how to speak."

Ji Feng said: "Fang, if you don't want to say it, I am not reluctant, but after today, even if you said that I may not want to listen."

Fang Wei is a glimpse, said: "You already know what I want to say?"

Ji Feng smiled and said: "I am not a god, how can I know what you want to say. However, I guess it should be for me to help, or something else that needs my cooperation, I don't know if I guess right?"

Fang Wei nodded and said: "Mr. Ji, great!"

Ji Feng just shook his head and smiled. He didn't feel anything because of Fang Wei's praise. In fact, he secretly said that Fang Wei first deliberately let himself see that he had something to say, and then Begin to praise your ability to cloud, this is obviously to give yourself a fascinating soup!

Now that I have expressed this attitude, if I still don’t know that Fang Wei is asking for myself, then it’s really stupid!

Seeing that his little abacus was seen by Ji Feng, Fang Wei couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He said: "... Mr. Ji, this is the case. I want you to hand over the evidence in your hands to the police! ”

"Well?" Ji Feng couldn't help but frown.

"Mr. Ji, don't misunderstand!"

When Fang Wei saw the reaction of Ji Feng, he quickly explained it. The reason why he just grinded it was that he was afraid that Ji Feng might misunderstand it, so he quickly said: "In fact, it is not strictly necessary for Mr. Ji to give evidence to The police, and I hope you can hand it over to the investigation team."

The police system in the black province is a faction. Fang Wei’s heart is naturally counted. If Ji Feng doesn’t understand it, maybe he can fool the past. However, Ji Feng has killed so many scum police, now I’m afraid The entire black province police system did not have any good feelings. At this time, the commission asked him to hand over the evidence to the police in the province, which would definitely arouse the resentment of Ji Feng.

So Fang Wei quickly explained.

However, even after listening to Fang Wei’s explanation, Ji Feng’s crumpled brow did not stretch out, but asked: “Fang, can you tell me why?”

Fang Wei said: "Mr. Ji, you must know that this time the investigation team was directly sent by the central government. It is absolutely fair, and the specifications of this investigation team are quite high. This is enough to show that the central government is thoroughly investigating this. The determination and attitude of the second incident."

Ji Feng nodded slightly and said, "And then?"

What is the attitude above, Ji Feng certainly has to know more than Fang Wei, but this is related to whether he and his evidence are handed over.

Fang Wei said: "And then? After the investigation team has mastered the evidence, it will definitely impose strict punishment on some people who violate the law and discipline. The dismissal of the dismissal, the sentence of the sentence! Mr. Ji, I know that you are in the black The province has been wronged. If you hand over the evidence, can you still achieve the goal?"

Ji Feng said with a smile, "If I don't give evidence, is there any way for the investigation team?"

Fang Wei smiled bitterly: "This... Mr. Ji also knows that some people have been operating in the province for many years, they are huge, and they are already ingrained. If you want to pull out, you must have enough evidence, otherwise, finally It can only be lost..."

“Nothing?” Ji Feng smiled and said: “If this is the end result, then I am looking forward to it!”


Fang Wei couldn't help but sigh, and immediately smiled. He realized that he had made a mistake.

I think that Ji Feng only came to the Northeast with only a few people, saying that a single-handed horse may be a bit exaggerated, but at least he is also a smashing northeast, and even a few fierce battles, can be described as a big move.

In this case, if the final result is still not enough, don't say that Ji Feng is not willing, I am afraid that the entire season will not agree!

Fang Weidao: "Mr. Ji... Frankly speaking, the evidence in the hands of Mr. Ji is very important for this investigation. The great influence of Chen’s family is understood. If there is no hard evidence, some people are finally Absolutely not subject to too heavy punishment!"

"But if Mr. Ji handed over the evidence, it would not only speed up the investigation of the investigation team, but also give some people a heavy blow. I believe this is the result that Mr. Ji is willing to see!"

Fang Wei said: "But in addition, many colleagues in the police system and I are willing to testify for Mr. Ji, proving that Mr. Ji was forced to fight back in self-defense and there was no intention to commit a crime..."

Ji Feng heard the words and waited for Fang Wei to finish his words. Suddenly his face was cold: "If I don't hand over the evidence, you will not testify for me, are you?"

Fang Wei smiled bitterly: "Not to testify, but not to dare."

Ji Feng squinted and asked: "Oh? How can you not dare?"

Fang Weidao: "Because Chen's power in the Northeast is too great, even if Fang Wei is the deputy director of the police department, to be honest, I am afraid to think twice when I testify, not to mention other people, they are sure I will worry that after I testify, I will be retaliated from Chen’s family!"

Ji Feng asked: "That said, if I don't give evidence, I will definitely go to jail. If I pay, I may be fine, right?"

Fang Wei said quickly: "Mr. Ji, don't misunderstand, I don't mean to threaten you, and I don't plan to trade with you. In fact, we are all on the same front, aren't we?"

Ji Feng smiled and his face showed a thoughtful look.

Fang Wei stared closely at Ji Feng, hoping to see some clues from Ji Feng's face.

He really hopes that Ji Feng can hand over the evidence. It is almost the ironclad proof of moving down Chen Youdao. When the whole Chen family will never have any good end, even if there is Chen’s father, at least Chen Youdao will not be full. Retreat!

But if Ji Feng does not pay...

"Fang Director!"

When Fang Wei was secretly anxious, Ji Feng suddenly spoke: "Is this what you mean, or is it the meaning of Secretary Luo?"

Fang Wei hesitated, and Ji Feng nodded with a smile. He said: "I understand. It seems that you are not just worried that without the evidence in my hands, you will not be able to completely dismiss Chen Youdao. I am even worried that I will use this evidence to go. Trading with Chen Youdao, right?"

Fang Wei heard that he couldn’t help but feel awkward.

Ji Feng smiled: "It seems that I guessed well."

As a city party secretary of Harbin City, Luo Lin is also a top-ranking figure in the province. If he does not have certain certainty, he will take it casually.

Now that Luo Lin has shot the Chen family, it means that he must have some evidence in his hands.

So in fact, what they are worried about is that they or their families have to make some transactions with Chen in order to avoid being sentenced. In this case, everything Luolin has done before will be in vain. At least, he cannot completely defeat Chen Youdao. That will still be a big problem in the future.

After all, Chen’s power in the Northeast is already deep-rooted. If you want to avenge Luo Lin’s words, it will still be tricky!

Seeing that Ji Feng didn't talk, Fang Wei was anxious. When he just wanted to talk, he suddenly heard a knock on the door: "Hey."

Immediately, a warrior pushed the door and came in and said: "Mr. Ji, there is a person named Chen Youdao who wants to see you outside."

Chen Youdao?

Ji Feng had some surprises, but Fang Wei had a change of face.

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