The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2454: Who dares to target Ji Feng, is for me!

"Hey! I heard that?"


"Ji Feng is murdered and shut down!"

"Hey! You said this, it’s all in the capital, but there are people who don’t know it!"

"I really didn't think that Ji Feng was so fierce. It is said that he and Zhang Lei both slaughtered more than a dozen people. Moreover, I heard that this is not the gangster in the hands of Ji Feng. If so, In the northeast, Jifeng can be said to be a big kill!"

"Yeah, I am afraid there are dozens of people in the mix. Is this **** that the ancient executioner is not so embarrassed?"

"But to put it bluntly, Ji Feng is Ji Feng. If you have other courage, there is absolutely no such skill. But there are dozens of people, let alone they still carry weapons, even dozens of pork chops. Let me kill the team, I can't kill it!"

"So you are not Jifeng!"

"Hey - don't talk, look at it, isn't there a Wu family?"

Several people who are talking about it have looked up and saw a few people coming in at the door. This is a group of young people. The head of the Wu family is a young man. Some young people are next to him. They are also in Yanjing. There are certain family members who are eager to walk when they walk, and they can hear their voices even when they are far away.

I only heard one person say: "Brothers, today's account is mine, no one should be polite to me, today is in a good mood, let's play happily, the woman here will take it away directly! Haha..."

A group of people laughed, and several people here couldn’t help but whisper.

"Hey, see no, Ji Feng was caught, and it will be unlucky to see it. This Wujia people are really happy!"

"No! How many times the Wu family had suffered in the hands of Ji Feng before, even Wu Zhiyong is not gray-faced, and now they are not happy to blame!"

A few people talked about it, and the manager of the club greeted him and smiled. "Wu Shao, why don't you say it in advance, I will arrange it for you in advance."

The headed young man waved his hand and said: "No, you can see the arrangement, the things are best, the woman is the most beautiful!"

The club manager suddenly smiled: "Wu Shao is in a good mood today!"

"What do you say?"

The man named Wu Shao laughed and said: "The wild species of Jijia was arrested. This time, even if he has the ability to go all out, don't think about retreating. You said that this is a good time?"

The manager’s face changed. Wu Shao can say that he can’t talk nonsense, so he can only make a haha, saying: “Wu Shao, everyone, please inside!”

That Wu Shao saw the manager's hesitation, could not help but smile: "Is it scared? Don't be afraid, this time Ji Feng don't think of it, he can't retaliate against you! This wild species is taking advantage of his own efforts, doing evil everywhere. Now it’s finally good and evil, and there’s a report at the end, it’s so happy! Haha...”

The manager of the clubhouse listened to secretly complaining. Wu Shao is a martial artist. It is not the secret of Yanjia. This is not a secret in Yanjing. The problem is that they can’t offend the quarter house, let alone Even if Ji Feng can't come out, Ji Jia can have other people!

Therefore, he can't be said to be a word, can only pick up, can only accompany the laughter, leading the group of young people to go inside.

There are a few people here who can't help but whisper: "It's useless to see it. The people of Wu's family are very arrogant."

"I also heard a young master of the Wu family mention the quarter home some time ago, but at that time they did not dare to be so crazy, although they hated the teeth when they mentioned Ji Feng, but where dare to speak so arrogantly?"

"They think that Jifeng has fallen, and the Wu family's nemesis is gone, so their enthusiasm is enough!"

“The family will watch Jifeng go to jail?”

"How else?"

One person said: "Don't you see that the Wu family's three masters have been caught in the handle by Ji Feng, and the result is sent to the prison. The Wu family's people can't just watch it, and finally they must Looking down on the season with the family, it is said that it has not been completely negotiated yet, and the Wu family is still in the detention center!"

"Hey! It’s good to say that it’s still good for Ji Feng. Although he is not in Yanjing, as long as he has an accident, the Wu family will have to converge a bit, like now..."


As I spoke, suddenly one person was surprised: "Isn't that great?"

A few people immediately looked at it, and saw a few people walking in the dragon and walking in the front, and walking in the forefront, but not the Yanjing He family, He Hongwei?

"It’s a pity that the Wu family’s people went up first, or else, this time I’m afraid I have to have a good show!”

At this moment, I heard a burst of laughter from the building. "Oh! Good! Yes, I heard that Ji Shaojun often comes to you to play here. Well, let me call me the girl that Ji Shaojun often orders. Haha..."

A few people suddenly couldn’t help but stunned. The Wu family’s people are going to ride on the neck of Ji’s home completely!

If the son of a big family like them, if they often go to a club or some entertainment venue, often a girl, it is usually regarded as the imprisonment of the son, and others will not touch it.

But today, the young master of the Wu family is going to wear a green hat for Ji Shaojun. This is even more humiliating than murdering a knife, and even more insulting people!

If Ji Shaojun knows, I am afraid I will be vomiting blood!

A few people couldn’t help but feel guilty. They all said that when Ji Feng had nothing to do, the pressure on the Wu family was really big enough. Although the Wu family was very arrogant, they never dared to do so. Too much, even when you usually speak in public, pay attention to some, do not dare to offend the quarter, whether or not there are people in the quarter.

But now... how do you feel like a villain?


However, at this time, He Hongwei, who was walking in, was suddenly abrupt, and his brow suddenly left.

"Big brother, what's wrong?" He Hongqiang, who was behind him, could not help but ask.

"Who is above?" He Hongwei pointed to the stairs. "Let's go and see who is there!"

"Brother, I am going to call the manager..."

"You go straight up!" He Hongwei said.

He Hongqiang nodded immediately and strode up. After a while, he heard the silence suddenly, and then a footstep sounded. Seeing that He Hongqiang was at the forefront, followed by a group of people, it was the group of martial artists who went up before.

A quick walk to He Hongwei, He Hongqiang said: "Brother, this is the gang of Wujia, I called them down."

As soon as he heard the Wu family, suddenly his face was abruptly gloomy. Looking at the people who walked down the whole step, his eyes flashed a gloomy look, and he snorted: "I don't know how to live!"

"He Dashao?!" The Wujia people just walked down the stairs and saw He Hongwei standing in the hall, could not help but glimpse.

“Who was the woman who said that she had to specialize in Ji Shaojun?” He Hongwei asked quietly.


A group of people are a little cringe, they dare to swear here, but they dare not have any nonsense in front of He Hongwei. They are not a level with He Hongwei!

The children of the Wu family couldn’t stand on their faces, but they swear by the scalp: "He Dashao, we are just joking! Besides, even if we are the women of Ji Shaojun, don’t bother with it?"


The voice of the man just fell, and he saw that He Hongwei had a slap in the blink of an eye, and the man who suddenly smoked suddenly groaned, almost no one hit the pillar next to him.

I haven't waited for the man to come back, just listen to He Hongwei's cold martyrdom: "I don't know what life is dead! Uncultivated things!"

The Wu family’s children squinted and suddenly angered: “He Hongwei, you...”


He Hongqiang suddenly glanced at his eyes: "You **** dare to have a second nonsense, believe it or not, I am now here to abolish you?!"

The martial arts son suddenly dared not speak, but his eyes were still very angry.

He Hongwei did not care about him, but his eyes glanced at the group of people, Shen Sheng said: "You have listened to me, don't think that Jifeng has an accident, I feel that no one can cure you! I told You, Ji Feng will not go to jail, he will definitely come back safely, you feel that you are now holding the thigh of the Wu family, then you will know that you are not relying on the big tree, but to give disaster to your family! ”

A group of people next to Wu Shao changed his face at the same time.

He Hongwei’s gaze fell on the body of the Wu family. He said coldly: “What are you doing, dare to be so arrogant? Even if Wu Zhiyong is here, he dare not do this! Give me a roll! If again Let me see you here, or let me know that you use this uncultivated means to target the family, I promise you will regret it!"


The children of the Wu family bit their teeth and did not dare to speak, but they were humiliated.

He Hongwei said coldly: "I have listened to me. Ji Feng is my best friend, no one! Who is targeting him, it is against me, He Hongwei, when I will, I will let him regret it! If you don't believe it, Just try it!"

He Hongqiang immediately said next to him: "Fucking, whoever dare to use this trick of the next three, I must have killed him!"

Everyone can't help but burst into the heart. He Hongwei belongs to the top level of the higher level. These people can't reach it. However, He Hongqiang is a full ten, and he is still a big man! Offended him, there is nothing good to eat!


He Hongwei shouted coldly.

Suddenly, including the children of the Wu family, a group of people quickly left the club, and did not dare to go back, let alone the woman of Ji Shaojun to vent.

“Hongqiang.” He Hongwei looked at their backs and said with a gloomy face: “Give you a thing!”

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