The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2468: Being bullied? Then retaliate back! (in)

Ji Shaojun became the target of the Wu family's children to bully. The woman who had a good relationship with Ji Shaojun, who often had a point in the entertainment venue, naturally became the target of some of Wu's children.

In this way, to humiliate Ji Shaojun, the most enjoyable!

This is better than the smashing season, and it is even more enjoyable!

So, there was the scene that He Hongwei encountered in the clubhouse, only that time was stopped by He Hongwei, and sent his brother He Hongqiang to help look after.

And, He Hongwei has also released words, who dares to target Ji Feng, is aimed at him!

This is indeed effective. The children of the Wu family converge. However, after knowing this, Ji Shaojun gnawed his teeth and asked the Wu family to settle accounts. As a result, the Wu family was afraid and moved out of Wu Zhiyong.

Wu Zhiyong personally came forward, Ji Shaojun naturally fights him, the two sides are not the same level of characters, if in the eyes of many people, Ji Shaojun is considered to be the top 纨绔, then, in the eyes of Ji Shaojun, Wu Zhiyong and Ji Shaodong It’s really top-notch!

Therefore, Ji Shaojun retreats.

As a result, the children of the Wu family suddenly became more arrogant, even worse than before.

Even if He Hongqiang is so embarrassed, he is only a person. He also has his own things to do. Moreover, He can't be a martial artist. He Hongqiang just relies on his shackles to shock other crickets.

Finally, just yesterday, Ji Shaojun went to the club again. He had a point to the woman who had a good relationship with him. As a result, the manager of the clubhouse told him very embarrassedly. Just before that, the woman had already been given by someone else.

Ji Shaojun suddenly became furious. When he found the other's box and kicked the door open, he suddenly saw the woman's clothes messy and was being tortured by a man.

"Fucking, I was too lazy to touch a woman like you, but since you are a woman of Ji Shaojun, don't blame me!"

This is the original words of the Wu family!

The woman struggled desperately, but it was a loud slap in the hands of the martial arts, and the woman who was beaten screamed.

Seeing this scene, Ji Shaojun suddenly felt that a **** moment rushed to his head, he rushed straight up, and grasping that Wu Shao is a mad man.

However, Ji Shaojun did not see other people in the box under the anger, but also the people brought by Wu Shao, who are also the children of some families in Yanjing, all of whom are closer to the Wu family. As a result, Ji Shaojun was encircled.

Ji Shaojun, who is extremely annoyed, can't manage that much, and no matter who is playing himself, he just grabs that one person is killed and killed. Anyway, today is a loss, but always have to get enough before you lose. !

So, when the manager of the clubhouse rushed to the security guard, Ji Shaojun was beaten into the present.

"A group of people hit you?" Ji Feng asked with a calm face.

"Yes. But Wu Zhipan's **** is definitely not cheap. At that time, my fists all greeted him!" Ji Shaojun said with a grin.

"As you said, the woman has not been..." Ji Shaolei is more concerned about this.


Ji Shaojun said: "When I rushed in, Wu Zhipan was tormenting her. Her clothes were still... but it was just a little bit. If I went to the party one and a half late, I am afraid I will wear this green hat. Got up! Wu Zhipan is the bastard..."

Ji Feng frown asked: "Who is Wu Zhipan?"

Among the children of Wu family, Ji Feng has not heard of this name.

Ji Shaojun said: "This **** is a sideline of the Wu family, but this **** is very arrogant!"


Ji Shaolei sneered: "I like the most arrogant people! You clean up and go with me, now we are going to find this Wu Zhipan!"

Ji Shaolei had already heard a fire, and Ji Feng was just an accident in the northeast. The Wu family had dared to be so arrogant and directly named the woman of Ji Shaojun—whether it was a woman of Ji Shaojun, but in the eyes of the Wu family, That woman is.

This is not just to make the Jijia ugly so simple, it is clearly to ride on the head of the quarter home!

It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!

The arrogance of the Wu family is a complete excitement of the scorpion in the bones of Ji Shaolei.

He bit his teeth: "Small army, since your kid dares to do it in the case of so many other people, it means that your kid is still a man, then you will go with me now, let's go to Wu Zhipan, today if Nothing out of this, let alone you, we can't stay in Yanjing for the family!"

Ji Shaojun said: "But now I don't know where Wu Zhipan is..."

"do not know?"

Ji Shaolei’s face suddenly sank: “I don’t know if it’s better! Ha!”

Ji Shaojun couldn't help but hear a question, hesitantly asked: "Good? Less thunder, you... are you okay?"

Could it be that Ji Shaolei is confused?

But I haven't got a stun of myself. How can I not suffer from the season?

Ji Shaolei is a sneer: "You and Wu Zhi are fighting and fighting, Wu Zhipan's men are smashing you, and even forcing a **** woman, how can this sin be bigger than you?"

"...Yes!" Ji Shaojun nodded, but still did not respond. "Is this all right?"

"Wu Zhipan's sin is bigger than you, but now you are locked here, and Wu Zhipan has disappeared?" Ji Feng's look is getting colder and colder.

Ji Shaojun suddenly brightened his eyes and said: "Is there an article in the middle?"

Ji Feng sneered and said: "Just look for the person who was the policeman at the beginning, who brought the team, we will find who!"

"No matter who the police are leading the team at the time, it is enough to deal with the unfairness of this matter, which is enough for him to be robbed of his police uniform!"

Ji Shaolei bit his teeth and smiled coldly: "The two gangs fight and fight. When they are not sure that one of them has the main responsibility, they have closed one party and put one party. Even if they are at the center, I can play this lawsuit with them. Go, let's go through the procedure now, then go find the bastard!"


At this moment, the deputy director of the branch that had been standing next to it was a light cough, and said: "What is the ... ... seasons, it was me who led the team to the police."

When Ji Shaolei suddenly frowned, "Is it you? Director Zhou, is this something you are not doing very well? Um?"

Secretary Zhou said: "Ji Shao, you can really misunderstand this. In this case, I tried to be as fair as possible. It is absolutely according to the rules. No way, you both offend me on both sides. Come up!"

“What is going on now?” asked Ji Shaolei. “Why is my brother locked up here, but Wu Zhi Pan’s **** has disappeared?”

"...the season is small, Wu Zhipan is now in the bureau!" Director Zhou hesitated, said: "After understanding the case, our bureau decided to let the families of the two sides bail, but the comparison between the seasons and the few Fast, Wu Zhipan’s family has not yet arrived, so he is still being held for the time being.”

When Ji Shaolei was a sneak peek, what happened?

Ji Feng also had some accidents. It was normal even if he nodded slightly.

If this week the Secretary really dared to arrest Ji Shaojun and let him call Wu Zhipan and those who are under the command, then the position of his director is probably sitting still!

"Where is the other person?" Ji Shaolei immediately gritted his teeth and said, he would pick up his sleeves and go inside: "Today I have to see, how arrogant this **** is..."

"The season is small, this... I am afraid this is not appropriate?" The Secretary did not move the place that week.

"Secretary Zhou, I don't need you to be responsible for this matter. Just tell me where the **** is." Ji Shaolei said, "I have any responsibility to bear it!"

"Jiu Shao, I am really sorry, I am afraid I can't!" Secretary Zhou smiled, but he clearly rejected Ji Shaolei's request. "As Ji Shao said just now, we will definitely not favor any of them." People, at the same time, will try their best to achieve a bowl of water and level, and do things according to regulations. Otherwise, if the other party pursues it, we will also be difficult to do it."

Ji Shaolei frowned: "So, is Secretary Zhou not agreeing?"

Director Zhou said: "Please ask for less understanding, don't make me embarrassed."

Ji Shaolei slowly nodded and said: "Good! I will give you this face today, then, my brother has no problem here?"

Director Zhou said: "As long as you have a good procedure, you can go."

Ji Shaolei nodded and said: "I will do this procedure!"

When he said that he had a meal, then turned to Ji Shaojun: "Small army, are you not a lot of people who know each other? Well, you immediately call a few people to come and give me a day to stare at twenty-four hours. Here, as soon as I see Wu Zhi coming out, let me know..."

"Zhou Shao, you are this..." Secretary Zhou suddenly smiled and sent someone to monitor the police station. This made it clear that he was going to do something. Director Zhou was really not pretending to have heard anything.


But before he even said anything, he was suddenly interrupted by the knocking of the door: "The Secretary, Wu Zhipan's family came, to bail Wu Zhipan..."

A young female police officer came in and reported.


Ji Shaolei slaps on the table and gnaws his teeth: "I really said that Cao Cao Cao Cao is coming, very good, I just want to meet this Wu Zhipan... Zhou, let us go through the formalities first, anyway, there must be a first come. Not?"

This requirement is reasonable. I know that Ji Shaolei is so hurried to handle the bail procedures for the season. In fact, it is to deal with these trivial matters first and then wait for Wu Zhi to climb out, but Secretary Zhou can't do it.

The most between Ji Shaojun and Wu Zhipan can only be regarded as fighting, especially when the woman herself does not recognize Wu Zhipan’s ability to **** her. Even if she is strict, she will only be detained for a few days. .

Subsequently, Secretary Zhou first arranged for Bian Shaojun to go through the bail procedure, Ji Shaolei screamed: "Go! Go to the Wujia's bastard!"

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