The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2477: Sure enough (below)

In the direction of Cui Guangming's fingers, Ji Feng saw the scene.

This is a jungle.

Next to one of the big trees, there is a large pit on the ground, next to the newly dug soil, and some vines and vegetation around it have traces of trampling.

"At that time, we were the few charred bodies found in this pit. The other bodies were not here, but still some in front." Cui Guangming said.


Ji Feng nodded and looked at everything around him.

After a while, he said: "Where are the other bodies found, we have a look."

Cui Guangming nodded: "Follow me, not too far."

The group followed Cui Guangming for another moment and came to another scene. It was similar to the place where the body was found before, but there was no big pit.

Ji Feng looked carefully for a while, but could not help but frowned.

Immediately asked Yongzheng: "What happened?"

Ji Feng shook his head and said: "This is not the first scene."

Cui Guangming said: "No? We are the shells found here. You see the big tree in front, there are bullet holes on it. We still found bullets inside, the blood on the ground, obviously the villagers are here. Shot by someone!"

He also said to Yong Yong: "Ji Feng, a criminal investigation expert who has been seen by the police before, has been the first case discovery site..."


Ji Feng said with great certainty: "This is definitely not the first scene!"


"I don't know why those villagers will be killed here, but this is definitely not the real scene!" Ji Feng shook his head. "Perhaps, those villagers were indeed shot here, but those charred bodies. They are definitely not killed here!"

Cui Guangming asked with some suspicion: "How do you know?"

Ji Feng said: "I naturally have my reasons... I am old, let your people spread around, and look carefully for some traces that someone has trampled on!"

Frowning to Yong Yong: "Are you sure?"

Ji Feng nodded: "OK."

"But this forest is so big, it is not so simple to find some traces." Cui Guangming has some doubts. "When the time came to find these villagers, our soldiers have also been here, if there are If there are traces, there is nothing so strange..."

Ji Fengdao: "I am looking for it. I naturally have my intentions."

To Yong Yongdao: "Follow the words of Ji Feng!"

Cui Guangming stopped talking, but he had some doubts about Ji Feng’s decision. The famous special squad came here, just to find traces?

"White beads, we also look around to see." Ji Feng said.


White beads nodded slightly.

Going to Yong Yong, whispered: "Brother, what trace are you looking for? What did you find out, can't you talk about it?"

Ji Feng slowly shook his head and said: "I can't be sure now, I will tell you after I am sure."

Helpless to the battle, can only be ordered to find people.

However, the mountain forest is too big. The soldiers of the special warfare team did find some traces, but in the end it was confirmed that they were left behind by the soldiers who were responsible for helping people. If there is nothing special, they can only continue to search. .

But at this time, the sky has gradually darkened. It was not too late for them to come here. It was just that the trees in the forest were tall, the dense canopy blocked the light, and the bottom became dark. It is even more difficult to get up.

At this time, I said to Yongji: "Ji Feng, time is not early, I have to camp early."

Ji Feng nodded: "Then be the first thing. If you have time tomorrow, bring someone to look for me..."

Shaking his head to Yong Yong: "Tomorrow will not work. I will also search for the murderer."

Ji Feng nodded slightly and said: "That tomorrow I will find two people with Baizhu. You should be careful when you act."


At this moment, the communication equipment to the Yongzhan waist suddenly shocked. He immediately put on the headset and asked: "I am the captain, what is the situation?"

After only a moment, I will sigh to the battle forever: "Command - take you as the center, all together, I will be there soon."

After the order was issued, he said to Ji Feng, "The younger brother, the communications soldier received the news from above. They searched for a suspicious signal. They were in the forest. The suspect was probably the murderer who killed the villagers. Now I want to immediately Catch up..."

Ji Feng nodded: "Go, be careful!"

To Yong Yongdao: "Do not worry, this time I am coming to someone else!"

Cui Guangming was a little frowning. He looked at Ji Feng and asked: "To the captain, they are two... Do you want to leave a warrior to protect them?"

Swinging to Yong Yong: "No, we will go straight."

Just kidding, Ji Feng’s skill still needs the protection of others? If someone wants to harm him, I really don't know who is the last one!

Ji Feng smiled and said nothing, but when Cui Guangming left, he gave them a look.

Baizhu was somewhat dissatisfied with Emei, but he wanted to say something but was stopped by Ji Feng.

"Jiu Shao, I think that the surname Cui is treating us as cumbersome!" Baizhu said with dissatisfaction, "Why don't you talk?"

"We are all working!"

Ji Fengdao: "Moreover, Cui Lianchang, who is stationed near the border, patrols every day, is hard enough, and a bit temper is normal."

Baizhu does not speak, she does not care about these people, she is only concerned about Ji Feng.

"Go, let's continue to look for!" Ji Fengdao, "You will be right next to me, keep the communication open!"


Baizhu nodded slightly, because the sky was late, so Baizhu pulled out the pistol, and after the bullet hit the raft, it opened the insurance and was ready to deal with unexpected accidents.

At this time, Ji Feng's action was completely unaffected. Under the action of bioelectric current, everything in the vicinity was very clear, which made it very easy for him to continue searching for the traces he wanted to see.

Time is quickly lost.

In a blink of an eye, they searched for another half an hour, but there was still no result. There was silence around them. Only insects and some birds and beasts came from time to time. In this forest, people felt a creepy feeling.

Baizhu subconsciously followed Ji Feng and looked alert.

Ji Feng is not allowed to shine, Baizhu will be afraid?

“Quiet, what are we looking for?” Bai Zhu whispered. “Would you like to open the flashlight?”

"No, you will be next to me, I will come!" Ji Fengdao.

"What are we looking for?"

Baizhu wondered, they have been wandering in the forest for a long time, but they never know what to look for.


Ji Feng suddenly stopped and looked at one direction and walked quickly.

Baizhu immediately followed.

Ji Feng came to a big tree and touched the trunk with his fingers. He smiled and said: "It is here, I found it!"

White Pearl: "Found? What is it?"

Ji Fengdao: "A small hole."


White beads glimpsed, and there was no reaction between them at the moment. "One, a small hole?"

Ji Feng nodded: "Yes!"

He stared at the thick trunk, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes: "Sure!"

Baizhu is even more confused. She wants to ask, but she vaguely sees that Ji Feng is moving. It seems that she is observing something. She has to swallow her words back to her stomach. When Ji Feng is busy, she will give She answered.

In fact, Ji Feng at the moment is already busy, and he looks around, but he just wants to find some more traces.

"Those villagers are killed here... Why?" Ji Feng couldn't help but frown and muttered to himself: "This is just a forest. Is there anything special?"

"Still, the villagers came here to collect medicine and hunt, just inadvertently encountered a gangster who sneaked into China, so they were destroyed." Ji Feng frowned.

Guessing the possibilities, but Ji Feng is not sure what causes the villagers to be killed, and is still killed in the jungle where there is no smoke.

Suddenly, Ji Feng seems to think of something: "Wait!"

He frowned and turned and asked: "White beads, have you seen the photos in the hands of the eternal war?"

Baizhu nodded and said: "Look."

Ji Feng asked: "Then you still remember that the villagers were killed, from which direction did the bullets in their bodies come from? Is it from the front or from the back?"


A white glimpse, "Jiu Shao, I really didn't pay attention to this."

Ji Fengdao: "I didn't pay attention to it... After all, it was not a professional forensic doctor. I didn't pay attention to this detail, but unfortunately!"

Bai Zhu said: "If you want to know more about the season, you can ask the captain. He has a report in his hand and he definitely knows."

"Now can't contact him!" Ji Feng shook his head and said: "He is acting now. If he is contacted, he may alarm the enemy. When he decides, he will put the old man in danger. Still waiting for him to contact us!"

Baizhu nodded slightly, she is not a normal girl, of course, understand this truth.

"The season is small, what do we do now?" Baizhu asked.

"Do not worry, then observe and observe." Ji Fengdao.

Baizhu couldn't help but ask: "Observation? Observe what? Season is less, here are big trees, what do you see?"

Although Baizhu’s vision is not as good as that of Jifeng, when she is urging the bioelectric current, she can also see the jungle around, except for some very strange trees, and some names she can’t name. Plants, nothing else is special.

How is the season less, but what is the baby?

What is there here?

What does it mean to say a little hole in the season?

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