The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2987: Please!

At this time, Ji Feng took the initiative to say: "Uncle Rong, in fact, this time to see you, there is something to ask for your help."

Rong Peng asked: "Oh? What?"

Ji Feng smiled slightly, and Rong Peng’s attitude was right. If he said that there was something for Rong Peng to help, Rong Peng did not listen to anything and immediately patted his chest and the big bag. Maple will not be relieved.

"This is the case, or the old tune, I am here, I want to invite Rong Shu to come back!" Ji Feng said, "I don't know if Rong Shu has this intention?"

"Out of the mountain?!"

Rong Peng had some accidents. Ji Feng had come to him a while ago. He also asked him to go out, but he was refused at that time. I can’t think of Ji Feng’s suggestion.

Ji Feng nodded and said: "Yes, go out! Say really, Uncle, your talent and ability if you are so delayed, it is really a pity! And, there are those talents under your command, if It’s a pity that they are so delayed."

Having said that, Ji Feng looked at Rong Peng's change of expression and found that he still had a smile on his face after hearing these words, but there was no obvious change, which made Ji Feng feel secretly, and it really was the old rivers and lakes. It is this qigong effort that is not something that ordinary people can achieve.

However, Ji Feng is not discouraged. He feels that the conditions he has proposed will definitely make Rong Peng heart.

"Of course, this is only one reason. In fact, I came here to invite Rong Shu to go out, there is another reason!" Ji Feng said very sincerely. "Because I need help, I am too busy to come over, so only Please help Uncle Rong!"

"Xiao Feng, you know, I haven't been involved in the shopping mall for a long time, and when I am older, I can't keep up with my thoughts and energy. It's not as flexible as your young people. Maybe, I am not suitable to work again!"

Rong Peng said.

Ji Feng immediately shook his head and said: "I don't think so. Uncle Rong, you have a very broad network of contacts, and also have a very deep foundation. The most important thing is that you have very rich business experience, how much is it to buy? Not coming, but also the most valuable wealth! Age is not a problem, Rong Shu, Xiangjiang's Li Chaoren are so old and still at the helm, compared with him, you can still be the right year!"

Rong Peng heard the words, and he waved his hand: "You are too lifted me, I can't compare with Li Chaoren."

Ji Feng smiled and said: "I don't see much difference, the environment and opportunities are different. Rong Shu, how, what do you think, can you give me a bottom?"

Rong Peng smiled, but did not rush to answer, but silence for a moment, seems to be thinking about this proposal of Ji Feng.

After a while, he asked: "Xiao Feng, it seems that you have developed very well during this time. Before that, so many people have passed, but now it is too busy?"

Ji Feng shook his head and smiled: "The main thing is that I am too greedy, so the stalls are too big and the staff is seriously inadequate."


Rong Peng asked with some surprise: "Open a new project?"

Ji Feng immediately understood that Rong Peng wanted to explore with himself, and what conditions he asked him to go out of the mountain, I am afraid this is the key to whether or not to move Rongpeng.

So he said without hesitation: "Yes. Ascendas Group is also going to try to do industrial things. I want to come to Rong Shu, I have heard that Tengfei Group has recently developed a new type of alloy, and now intends to officially put into production. However, there is no experienced person to take charge of this project, so I thought of Uncle Rong."

For the first time, Rong Peng’s face showed a surprised look: “Xiao Feng, what do you mean... let me go to take charge of the new alloy project of the Ascendas Group?”

"Yes! Of course this is not accurate!"

Ji Feng said: "Strictly speaking, it is the Tengfei Group plans to set up another subsidiary. I want to let Rongshu take care of this company, so I will come to the mountain to go there to sit down!"

From the mouth of Ji Feng got a positive answer, Rong Peng's look could not help but be a little surprised, Rong Suyan sitting next to it did not reveal a surprised look, she did not think that Ji Feng asked his father to go out, it would be this condition !

What kind of project is the new chrome alloy of Ascendas Group? I am afraid that no one knows it, but anyone with a business vision can see how much value this project will create in the future. At the same time, this project contains important information. Strategic significance.

It can be said that if the Ascendas Group wants to set up a subsidiary to take charge of this new chrome alloy project, this is definitely a hen that will lay golden eggs!

And now Ji Feng actually wants to give this hen to Rong Peng to raise? !

If it wasn't for Jifeng, it was repeated. Rong Peng didn't even believe it. He was too clear. This alloy project is really excellent. No matter who is responsible, as long as it is not a fool, there is absolutely no failure. It can be said that one hundred and two will succeed, and it is a great success!

Ji Feng came to ask him to take charge of this company? !

"Ji Feng, are you going to let my dad manage the subsidiary?" Rong Suyan asked strangely. "So, what is my dad's position there? Or..."

"The top leader of the subsidiary!"

Ji Feng said without hesitation: "In fact, what you said is not comprehensive. I asked Rong Shu to go out, not just to manage that subsidiary."

Under the gaze of Rong Peng and Rong Suyan, Ji Feng smiled and said: "I want to invite Rong Shu to join the Ascendas Group!"



As soon as Ji Feng’s words were spoken, Rong Suyan and Rong Peng were shocked.

Rong Suyan said: "Ji Feng, are you sure not to tease my dad to play? Join the Ascendas Group? Are you sure?"

Joining the Ascendas Group, in fact, there are several understandings of this statement. One is to let Rong Peng hold a position in the Ascendas Group. This is a franchise.

Another meaning is to let Rongpeng become a member of the top level of the Ascendas Group. Even further, it is to let the Ascendas Group also have a part of Rongpeng, which is also joining!

However, from Ji Feng's tone and pre- and post-discourse, he obviously does not only want Rong Peng to take up a position, otherwise he will not manage a subsidiary?


Ji Feng nodded and said very seriously: "Su Yan, you did not hear the mistake, I really want to invite Rong Shu to join the Ascendas Group, holding a part of the Ascendas Group and become a part of the Ascendas Group! Rong Shu, I don't know you. Would you like to condescend to bring us young people?"

This time, it is the turn of Rong Peng surprised!

He looked at Ji Feng, his face was a little dignified, and even frowned slightly: "Xiao Feng, are you sure? Is this your idea?"

Ji Feng nodded: "I am sure! This is my real thought!"

Looking for Rong Peng, in fact, Ji Feng has been considering for a long time, and this idea has been repeatedly considered in the mind, and finally proved feasible, this is coming.

Now, it is necessary to look at the meaning of Rong Peng.

At this time, Rong Peng heard Ji Feng’s affirmative answer, but it was silent.

He did not think that Ji Feng came to him this time to actually mean this, it is actually wanting him to join the Ascendas Group, instead of the same as the previous two, just simply want to ask him to go out to fight against the Wu family.

This makes Rongpeng really unexpected!

Joining the Ascendas Group, just when he heard that Ji Feng said this sentence, Rong Peng admitted that he really felt the moment.

In particular, Ji Feng also pointed out that he is responsible for the project of the alloy project, that is, he is completely responsible for the new chrome alloy project!

This temptation is really too big!

What is the great potential of the Ascendas Group? Rong Peng is very clear. Whether it is a 3D TV or a Kangyuan slimming powder, all the fires are sold. In the health care market, Rongpeng really never sees it. Such a hot product, in addition to the previous years, the self-proclaimed health care products that can cure all diseases, but that product was quickly seized in the name of suspected false propaganda.

Later, even the company went bankrupt!

Therefore, in fact, Kangyuan slimming powder should be the most popular product in the history of the whole market, and the most important thing is that even now, it seems that Kangyuan slimming powder does not have any sales decline trend!

This product has an amazing vitality, and the Ascendas Group is also launching some new packaging and products for market segments from time to time!

For example, slimming powder for obesity, such as for consumers of different ages.

How much money this makes, you can imagine it!

As for the 3D TV and the wind, the Soaring Group is still working with the military to produce a drug, not to mention.

It can be said that the Ascendas Group will definitely be a very good company with rapid rise and unlimited potential, and its development is a thousand miles away. This is a cash cow!

I don't know how many people are making money at the money-making group, which is faster than stealing money!

But now Ji Feng invited him to join, Rao is a long-winded wind and waves, Rong Peng can not help but the heart jumped a few times, some heart.

"Xiao Feng, you are giving me the benefits in white!" After a while, Rong Peng said slowly.

"Rong Shu is not saying this right!"

Ji Feng put his hand on the hand: "I have already said that, you have a lot of advantages. You are more valued by me and they are not enough for the Ascendas Group!"

Rong Peng shook his head and said: "Xiao Feng, although I am old, but still not old, I have those who can match the Ascendas Group and get shares?"

Although it has not been carefully investigated and researched, Rongpeng can almost calculate through estimation. It is the profit of Kangyuan slimming powder and 3D TV. The annual profit of Ascendas Group is at least 10 billion, which is only a very conservative estimate. !

Rong Peng does not think that with his current capital, he is qualified to obtain the shares of the Ascendas Group!

Ji Feng smiled and said: "I want to know how to divide. Uncle Rong, I sincerely invite you to join us..."

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