The Ultimate Student

Chapter 2997: one fifth!

The night passed quickly.

Ji Feng habitually woke up early, but opened his eyes and found that Xiao Yuqi and Tong Lei were not around. He remembered that they were sleeping together yesterday.

"She must be worried that she can't sleep!"

Jifeng shook his head and quickly dressed to come to Tong Lei's bedroom door, and heard the sound of even breathing inside, apparently not getting up. He shook his head and smiled. After washing, he went downstairs to the kitchen and did it early.

After a short time, Xiao Yuqi and others all came up one after another. When they came downstairs, Ji Feng saw Xiao Yuzheng holding a mobile phone and didn't know what to look at. He said: "Don't look at it, eat it early and see it again."

Xiao Yuqi nodded, but when he was eating early, he still took out his mobile phone from time to time.

"I see, you are almost going to have auditory hallucinations!" Ji Feng said helplessly, "Don't worry so much, I didn't tell you about it, there is nothing to fail, who can be so smooth?!"

"It's just as light as you said!" Xiao Yu gave him a blank look. "Who do you think your heart is as big as you?!"

Ji Feng smiled and gave her a cup of soy milk, and no longer took care of her. She knew that she had spent a lot of effort on the 3D TV to go to the international market. Otherwise, it took so long to take off the TV set. Will it go to the international market now?

Therefore, Ji Feng will no longer persuade her. This is also a good way to hone the heart. After much experience in the future, I will gradually get used to it.

After breakfast, Xiao Yuxi quickly took the small shadow to the company. She had some time to wait to know the sales of the 3D TV on the first day.

In fact, at this time, because of the time difference, there are still some countries that have not started to sell. It is necessary to know that the current 3D TV is not the kind of electronic products that will be snapped up when they first come out, so there is absolutely no need for global Simultaneous release.

Now that it is ready for sale, there are only a few regions, such as Europe and the United States, but these are the main markets, followed by the release of countries such as Jiepeng and Cree, which are going to be carried out during the day.

"Ji Feng, you can also go and see, I see the rainy sister is uneasy, you go better," said Tong Lei.


Ji Feng nodded, and the rain fell a bit. He would be better in the front.

So he also went to the company with Baizhu.

When I came to the company, Ji Feng discovered that it was not just Xiao Yu's expectation. Now that I haven't been at work, the people in the company have almost arrived. Han Zhong has already arrived early, and is talking about what is in Xiao Yu's office.

When I saw the arrival of Ji Feng, Han Zhong immediately said: "You are coming too? Worried?"

Ji Feng smiled and said: "Is there anything to worry about? I am coming to tell you that sales are mostly small and don't matter. Everything can't be rushed, step by step, and the market will open sooner or later!"

Han Zhong couldn't help but smile: "This is the most important strategic deployment of the group this year. Can you not worry?"

Ji Feng smiled and said: "You are also a person who created the Ascendas Group. So I didn't have the strength. When we first launched Kangyuan slimming powder, it was not the future. At that time, the health care products market was almost ruined. Isn't it just a few days in the beginning? Isn't the sales level flat? I don't worry when I start from scratch, but now I can't sit still?"

Han Zhong stunned. "Yes, I was really not worried about it at the time. At that time, I was just thinking about opening the market and trying my best to find a way. Instead, I didn't have time to worry."

In fact, he and Xiao Yuqi joined the Ascendas Group. It was already the last thing. At the beginning, the Ascendas Group was based on the Xiao’s pharmaceutical factory. At that time, the foundation was not good, although there was financial support from Jifeng. They didn't have any experience in health care products, so at the time it was a bit embarrassing, but more energy was still used to open up the market.

Now think about it, they are too concerned about the sales of 3D TV sets, so it is not so calm.

"You two, this is caring and chaos!"

Ji Feng said: "I don't think you should pay attention to other things now. Let's do the things on hand first, rain, Rongpeng to sign the contract?"

Xiao Yuqi nodded: "It has already been signed. Now he has entered the substantive stage, and the company is already in the site."

When Ji Feng said this, she realized that she was really a bit messy. Since she found the problem, she gradually changed and began to shift her attention to other work.

"The most important thing now is not the 3D TV set, but the alloy project. Before this project, Han Zhong did not take over. Let's talk about it again. Rain, you have to be optimistic about this project. For financial and technical aspects, we must make it good. Off!" Ji Feng said.

Xiao Yuqi nodded: "I know."

Ji Feng said: "Especially in finance, absolutely can't go wrong. Rongpeng took all the nets out this time. He believes us, then we have to do better. It can't make people think that this desperate mistake is a mistake. The choice, it will be cold people's heart!"

"Financial problems, is it mainly responsible for the branch?" Xiao Yuxi said, "We only need to send people to supervise here. After all, financial pens must be responsible for their side, isn't it better?"


Ji Feng indulged for a moment and nodded. He said: "If this is the case, then you must ensure that the people who supervise in the past must be objective and fair. You must ensure that every money that is handled there is clear to you!"

Parents have to make a clear account, even more so!

It’s not that I don’t believe in Rong Peng. It’s because I believe in him. I have to send people to supervise the past. In fact, this is strictly to help him.

As for technology, let alone, this is definitely to catch the hand. Technology is the shareholding of the company's headquarters. It is also the foundation of a company's foothold, and its importance can be imagined.

"We don't have to worry about personnel. Rongpeng has someone, and I promised him before. He is fully responsible for personnel issues." Ji Feng said.

"I know what to do!" said Xiao Yuxi.


As he said, the office door was suddenly knocked, and Xiao Yuxi immediately said: "Please come in."

When the door was pushed open, I saw Wang Hao walked in with a piece of information. When I saw them, they smiled and said: "Xiao Zong, Han Zong, the country and the European side have all arrived, I printed it. ""

Han Zhong immediately said: "Come and take me to see!"

He took the information from Wang Hao’s hand and handed it to Xiao Yu, and immediately looked down.

This is a graphic report with text descriptions and tabular data.

However, just a moment later, Han Zhong’s face showed an uncontrollable joy, but for a moment, the smile filled his face.


Han Zhong, who was a little excited, was extremely hard at the time of turning the page. He almost didn't tear up the bound information, but this kind of action explained some problems.

Ji Feng asked: "Successful?!"

Han Zhongtou did not lift: "Wait a minute, I will look at Europe again!"

Here, Xiao Yuxi is already full of smiles on the pretty face, looking up and saying: "Ji Feng, we succeeded!"

"General Xiao is right! We have succeeded!" Han Zhong couldn't help but say excitedly, "20,000 units, just one day in the past, sold 20,000 units in the country!"

"Do you explain it to me?" Ji Feng smiled and asked, what is the concept of 20,000 units, but he is not quite sure.

“Absolutely successful!”

Han Zhong excitedly extended a finger and said: "The sales volume of TV in the country is about 40 million units in almost a year. On average, it is almost 100,000 in a day, and we have just passed this day. I sold 20,000 units!"

Ji Feng said: "If you say this, we will occupy nearly one-fifth of the market during the day?"

Han Zhong immediately nodded and said: "It's not wrong! If you count according to the TV sales of the country last year, less than one-fifth, but it is not much worse!"

Ji Feng couldn't help but smile. It seems that it is really successful!

Although Jifeng is only a rough estimate, whether it is one-fifth or one-sixth, it is a huge success to be able to occupy such an important position in this mainstream home appliance market!

One in five!

Don't forget how many home appliance brands are in the world, and how many influential brands there are!

As a rising star, Ascendas has almost no influence in foreign countries, but it can sell more than 20,000 units a day. This is absolutely a huge success!

"It's too early to be happy!"

Xiao Yuxi, who had been worried about it before, saw the result at the moment. When she was full of joy, she calmed down first. "This is just a rough statistic. How is the sales data obtained? The customer base that buys our products is all At what ages are there, whether they are concentrated or sold individually, and which areas are mainly concentrated, we don’t know about this information."

She said this, Han Zhong gradually calmed down. "You are right. But, at least, at least from the sales point of view, we have succeeded! Looking back at the detailed information, I directly contacted Ximen Group to let them Feedback back as soon as possible!"

Xiao Yuqi nodded: "Come on!"

Although pouring cold water, the smile on Xiao Yu's face is extremely splendid.

The pressure that has been pressing on her heart for a few days has also disappeared without a trace at the moment when she saw the results of the sale.

"If... If everything is the result of normal sales, then the first day of sales, I am afraid that there will be growth in the next few days!"

Han Zhong has already had two eyes at the moment: "The next three to five days is the highest peak of sales. It seems that I have to inform the workshop to work overtime!"

When talking, Han Zhong is excited, they are successful!

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