The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3000: The wolf is coming!

"Another epoch-making revolution in the home appliance industry - TF! 》

A very influential newspaper in the country, in such a prominent position, wrote such a line of titles!

When the two-day time passed, the sales of 3D TV sets in the country have become so unspeakable, even though the sales of tens of thousands of units are far from comparable to those of mobile phones and other electronic products, and even some people may hear them. This number can't help but sneer!

However, if you know that this number accounts for the percentage of total sales in the entire rice market, I am afraid no one can ignore it anymore!

To this end, the entire home appliance industry in the country, even the press in the country of the country has been shocked by this sales, and can even be said to be stunned!

But to what extent the sales of 3D TV sets in the country is so hot, perhaps this article in this newspaper can explain some problems.

"...Huaxia people are coming! With their so-called high-tech 3D TV set! I just didn't care when I heard this news. It was just a joke for me because I know from me. Since there is such a country in China, apart from tea, I can't think of any other places in this country that can make me feel excited!"

“Even if the porcelain and antiques that the Chinese are very proud of, it’s not a big deal – in fact, the porcelain that the people of the Peng Peng people have burned has been exceptionally beautiful, even surpassing the Chinese who invented the porcelain – even though I I heard that the technology of the Burning Porcelain was bought from China!"

"So when I heard that the Chinese people started to make TV sets and sold them to the country, I knew that a joke had happened. But this is not funny to me, so I still go to work normally, because if If I am late, the strict editor will deduct my salary. In fact, this kind of thing has happened more than once!"

“However, the day passed. When I got home at night to turn on the TV, I saw that almost all the free channels and news sections were reporting news about TV sets made by Chinese people. I have to say here, I like it. Free channel, because I don't like to watch advertisements on TV shows after paying! But watching free channels, but inevitably want to watch the news... But today's news surprised me a bit."

"The TV set made by Huaxia people is so popular in the country. Even my six-year-old daughter brought up this **** TV set after coming back from school, and said a few cool words! And she used Looking forward to looking at me, I know, this means that I may have to pay a fee on the TV!"

"But for my lovely daughter, I decided to do this, so I went to buy a TV the next day, but it made me a two-hour team. I hate this efficiency. I hate online malls. There is no such product in the room, but fortunately I finally bought it."

"I installed it immediately after I got home, and then started debugging. I want to give my daughter a surprise. When she comes back from school, she can see it. But when I turn on the TV, I am shocked. The beautiful three-dimensional picture seems to be on me. In front of God, I can't find more words to describe it. It's really shocking."

"When I saw that the three-dimensional picture appeared in front of me, I even had an urge to order it as a human show - because it was too realistic and too stereo!"

"Of course, I have not forgotten that this is a surprise I prepared for my daughter. The result did not disappoint me. When my daughter came home, she couldn't help but make a surprise call when she saw the newly bought 3D TV. Then, During the two-hour family entertainment time, she has been occupying TV, which makes him understand that there are certainly many families in the country."

"Huaxia people's TV set conquered the country! This TV let me understand that when we still think that the country is the most powerful and technologically advanced country in the world, the Chinese people have already rushed unconsciously. Up, even, is beyond the country."

"...but I have to say, I love this TV, it's great, it's great!"

"I think, if there is a budget, I will definitely buy it again when the TF comes out. When I get this at home, I can give it to my parents in California... I am willing to spend money!"

I am willing to spend money!

This sentence tells the voice of the people of the country.

As a rice-going person who has always advocated technology and electronics and smart technology, Tengfei Electric's 3D TV sets completely fascinated them, making them very surprised and willingly spend money to buy!

This report also illustrates how popular the sales of 3D TV sets in the country is, and in Europe, it is also similar!

For this hot phenomenon, there are also analysts from foreign countries who have conducted analysis.

Some people have said that the TV set launched by the Chinese people, of course, is not to mention the technology content. The cool shape and picture are conquering the people of the country. However, what really makes consumers fall for it is that the entry point of Soaring Electric is very good.

In the small screen, the mobile phone has two smart phones, fruit and Android. This is the most influential and wide-ranging two intelligent system mobile phones, allowing consumers to feel the arrival of the intelligent era and unparalleled enjoyment.

In the mid-screen, there are a variety of stylish high-end computers and a variety of dazzling electronic products.

However, in the large-screen field, that is, in the TV industry, in addition to plasmas such as plasma and high-definition, there is only a TV that needs to be equipped with glasses to watch 3D programs. However, such TVs do not. It can be called a 3D TV because it requires a specific 3D program signal in addition to glasses.

This cumbersome operation makes people who are getting lazy now do not want to be interested in watching the poor 3D TV programs on the TV!

Therefore, Soaring's 3D TV set has seized this entry point, and it has filled the gap in the world without dazzling technology in the big screen field. This kind of auxiliary tool can watch 3D programs without any auxiliary tools. Whether it is a subscription program or a free program, whether it is a 3D signal source or not, it is completely 3D visual effects in the eyes. This product can't let consumers fall in love. What products can capture the hearts of consumers?

Therefore, this is an advanced TV set. In the completely blank market, the technology that makes people feel at heart, and the price that is not too high, this temptation is really hard to resist!

Some people have said that people in this life are actually just pursuing one thing - enjoy!

Whether it is spiritual or material, it is enjoyment!

And the 3D TV set of Soaring Electric is a huge enjoyment. It is hard to think about it!

The two letters of TF gradually began to penetrate the hearts of the people!

The 3D TV set of Soaring Electric has been so popular in foreign countries that it has received great attention, but it has also made many people unable to sit still.

"The wolf is coming!"

A European media has publicly made such a comment.

The sales performance of 3D TV sets, of course, makes Chinese people feel very proud, but for European and American home appliance manufacturers, it is no less than a good one, or even a disaster!

In particular, the local TV industry has overcapacity, coupled with the impact of computers and mobile terminals, so that the sales of TV sets have been declining year by year. As a result, the 3D TV sets of Soaring Electric have entered the flock of tigers, rampaging, and even more. It is to let the sales of other TV brands almost drop to the freezing point!

For a time, rumors began, many tabloids and some media are attacking 3D TV sets.

Xiao Yuqi and others know that this is the home appliance giants, and these rumors and attacks have their shadow. But there is no better way to face these, only public relations can be organized.

However, the Ascendas Group is not particularly worried. What is the quality of 3D TV sets? They are naturally well-intentioned, because from the beginning, Ji Feng once said that if they don’t do it, they will do fine products, and they will never be shoddy. Xiao Yuxi and Han Zhong have always adhered to this concept, so the quality of 3D TVs is absolutely clear!

If you haven't opened the market before, you may be worried, but since the market has been opened, with the quality of 3D TVs and the amazing effects, few people can refuse it!

Therefore, while organizing public relations, Xiao Yuxi and Han Zhong have turned more energy to Asian countries such as Jiepeng and Kerry. They have just started public offerings here, and users have not experienced the cool effects of 3D TVs. If the negative impact is big enough, I am afraid I will encounter Waterloo here!

Therefore, Xiao Yuxi and Han Zhong turned the focus of public relations to this place, and the regions of Europe and the United States were handed over to the German Simon Group.

Forty-eight hours after the sale in Europe and the country, 3D TVs began to be sold in Asia. Of course, it is said to be sold in the whole Asian region, but in fact some countries are temporarily inaccessible, such as the North Cray State, but in fact, the main focus of the Ascendas Group is placed in several large areas.

There are several major regions such as Cray, Jiepeng, Nanyang, and Azerbaijan. Of course, there is also Russia, the largest country in the world, and one of the key marketing areas!

"I decided to go to the border in person!"

Han Zhong suddenly came to see Xiao Yuxi. "I am worried that the rumors and negative news from Europe and the country will affect the Asian region. I will not look at it in person. I am not at ease."

Xiao Yu said: "If the negative news really affects areas such as Jiepeng, you will not be able to do it in person, or it is best to conduct public relations in the name of the group."

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