The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3002: Fujita's phone

"Learning technology?"

Han Zhongwen couldn’t help but look at Wang Hao’s eyes and asked: “What technology do you want to learn?

Wang Hao’s pretty face with a smile, nodded and said: “Yes, my aunt’s child, my cousin, is learning electronic technology. I have been working in this industry for many years, but recently they The company's benefits are not very good, so I found me."

Han Zhong asked: "So you want him to enter the Soaring Appliance?!"

Wang Hao shook his head and said: "Where is I want him to enter the Soaring Appliances, but he wants to come in. You don't know, how popular the sales of 3D TVs are now, and our company's original benefits are very good. I don't know how many people want to enter our company..."

Han Zhong smiled and nodded and said: "It turned out to be like this!"


Wang Wei said: "Actually, I know that this may make you feel embarrassed. I have never thought about giving you trouble, but my cousin has been looking for me, and my aunt has called me. I really don't push it. Drop..."

Han Zhong smiled and nodded: "I understand, I understand."

Wang Hao took his arm and said something embarrassed: "In fact, I also know that this will definitely make you feel embarrassed, because I heard that many of the executives in our company also want to introduce relatives, but they are all You refused. If you open this head, it will definitely have some influence on your prestige, but I really can't help it. My aunt is very good to me since I was young, and..."

"Let him come to the interview tomorrow!" Han Zhong said.


Wang Hao was still thinking about his rhetoric. He did not hear what Han Zhong said.

Han Zhong said: "I said, let your cousin go to Tengfei Electric to go to the interview tomorrow. I will greet him with Mr. Li. If your cousin's technology really passes, then of course it is fine. Now Ascendas Electric is already preparing to expand, and it is lacking talents. Anyway, recruiting others is also a move. It is better to recruit yourself!"

Wang Hao heard the words and was very happy: "Husband, you are so good."

Han Zhong haha ​​smiled: "Know me well? After that, it will be fine!"

Wang Shubai gave him a look and said: "I hate, when did I not be good?"

Han Zhong smiled and said: "Well, now I have to start working, you can help me organize the documents, right, send this document to Xiao Zong!"

Wang Hao nodded and took the documents and sent Xiao Yuxi to the past.

Then, Han Zhong picked up the phone on the desk and dialed the number of Li Xin, the boss of Tengfei Electric. "General Li, I am Han Zhong... It is like this. Someone will come to your company for an interview tomorrow. I will send the details to me. To you, this person, you have to bring it with you, take it with you..."

Hanging up the phone, Han Zhong sat in the chair for a moment, then opened the computer and checked the mail.


The phone on the desk suddenly rang, and Han Zhong picked it up and said: "I am Han Zhong."

"Han, there is a call from Mr. Fujita from the Lingxia Group."

"You let him call my office directly!" Han Zhong said. Fujita of the Lingxia Group?

The phone came in very quickly, and Fujita’s Huaxia language was a bit blunt: "Han Sang, hello, I am Fujita of the Lingxia Group, take the liberty to interrupt, please forgive me!"

Han Zhong smiled: "What advice does Mr. Fujita have?"

Han Zhong has been immune to the courtesy of the people, and he is very clear that behind the tedious etiquette, the hidden people are actually a wolf ambition.

Fujita said: "I don't dare to talk about it. I just want to talk to Han Sang about cooperation. I know that your company's 3D TV is selling in the city. What I want to say is that we hope to establish a cooperative relationship with your company. The form is built in Jiepeng, so it is quite beneficial to control the cost. I don’t know if Hansang has this idea?"

Han Zhong just smiled and said: "I am sorry, Mr. Fujita, we have no plans for joint venture so far, and now sales are already in progress, there is no need for joint ventures!"

"I do not think so!"

Fujita said: "If we build a joint venture in the border, the transportation cost will be well controlled, and it is also very beneficial for the people of the border to recognize the products."

Han Zhongwen suddenly frowned: "Mr. Fujita, you want to tell me, if you don't joint venture, the people of Jiepeng will not recognize our products?!"

Fujita immediately said: "Han Sang, you misunderstood, your company's products are excellent, the people are recognized, but you also know that there are still some people in the boundary that do not actually recognize the products of China, and the market of the border It's not that simple. Some people don't like China, and they don't like Chinese products!"

"What do you mean by those shameless bastards?" Han Zhong smiled and said: "Thank you for the kindness of Mr. Fujita. However, when we were making sales estimates, we did not count those shameless bastards. We don’t have any hope in that part of the market."

When Han Zhong said this, he suddenly heard a lot of breathing on the other end of the phone. Obviously, Han Zhong’s unwelcome name for some of the people in the border was irritating to Fujita.

"Han Sang, if we cooperate with each other, I believe that your company's products will sell better!" Perhaps it was because Han Zhong gave it a stimulus. After a while, Fujita said slowly, but the tone was already a bit stiff.

"I am sorry, we have no idea of ​​joint venture for the time being." Han Zhong did not intend to talk nonsense with him, said directly.

"Well, if Han Sang changes his mind, please contact me!" Fujita said.

"no problem!"

Han Zhong smiled and said: "If we have the idea of ​​a joint venture someday, we will definitely contact you!"

Fujita didn't say anything more, just politely hung up the phone.

Han Zhong couldn't help but shook his head: "Inexplicable!" However, for this kind of courtesy of the Jiepeng people, he is somewhat chilly. He can be sure that his words have been stimulated to Fujita, but the other party can politely end the call.

Although this excessively cumbersome etiquette is not advisable, it is likely that it will be blinded if it is first contact with the border people. Moreover, behind the exaggerated etiquette, the secret people hide the deep city, and let Han Zhong feel the back is cold.

Deal with such people, but be careful and be careful!

After pondering for a while, Han Zhong did not understand the intention of calling Fujita to him. As a world-class giant, Lingxia Group has a very deep official background, and it is also a military enterprise in Jiepeng. Ascendas Group wants to make a joint venture?

More importantly, Han Zhong knows how bad the relationship between Lingxia Group and Jifeng is!

Therefore, there is absolutely no need for the Lingxia Group to make a joint venture with the Ascendas Group. The phone call from Fujita is really strange.

Since he couldn't get through, Han Zhong wouldn't confess a bit of a sigh of relief. He just put this thing in his heart, but he didn't care too much. Now his attention is on the sales of 3D TV sets.

One day passed quickly, but Han Zhong did not return when he got off work. Not only did he, the top executives of the Ascendas Group, did not go back, but took the initiative to stay overtime.

In fact, there is not much work, they stay, the main reason is to wait for the sales information feedback of Cree and Jiepeng.


At 9 o'clock in the evening, Han Zhong received a phone call from Li Xin. On the phone, Li Xin was very excited: "Han, the sales data came out, big sale!"

"it is good!"

Han Zhong and so on are these two words, big sale! This shows that the sales performance of Cree and Jiepeng is at least not bad, which is enough!

Li Xin said: "The sales situation in the market is better than we expected, especially in Jiepeng. The sales volume far exceeds our estimation. I have already sent people to Xiao in the specific report!"


Han Zhongwen’s words are not surprising. “Is the sales in Jiepeng better?”

Li Xin nodded and said: "Yes, the sales volume in Jiepeng is better. The information investigation team of our branch office will only come back after three days, but according to their report on the phone, the people of Jiepeng are especially good for 3D TV. I like it, and there is also a phenomenon of emptying goods in a direct-operated store. If it is not a temporary transfer, the direct-sale store will have an embarrassing situation of no goods to sell!"

Li Xin’s remarks made Han Zhong extremely surprised. He originally thought that some people in Jiepeng were hostile to Chinese people. Maybe the situation of Cray would be much better than that of Jiepeng, but he did not think that it was in Punjab. Selling better!

"What about the three countries and Nanyang?" Han Zhong asked quickly.

"The results have not yet come out, but at the latest tomorrow, I will be able to come out to work!" Li Xin said, "The employees there have been very hard, and I am not urging them!"

"Don't rush, just have information about Cray and Jiepeng, I can already sleep well!" Han Zhong haha ​​laughed. "General Li, you have worked hard, go back to rest early."

Li Xin was called from the office phone, and apparently people are still working overtime.

Hanging up the phone, Han Zhong hurriedly went to Xiao Yu's office. The 3D TV set was sold in Cray and Jiepeng. The Asian market was half the success, but Han Zhong could not wait to see the specific disposed. The amount of sales!

At this time, Xiao Yuxi is seriously looking at the report in his hand, his face can not help but with a look of joy, this report detailed written sales of Tengfei Electric in Jiepeng and Cray.

"Xiao total!"

Han Zhong strode over and his face was happy: "We have succeeded!"

Xiao Yuqi nodded and handed the report to Han Zhong. He said, "Look, this is sent by Li Zonggang of Tengfei Electric. Our strategy has been successful. The sales of direct sales stores are amazing!"

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