The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3005: Brutal car accident


However, at this moment, suddenly a low engine roar came, and Ji Feng could feel the ground and the car vibrate even if he was sitting in the car.

He immediately turned his head and saw a big, tall truck crashing from the opposite side.

Baizhu suddenly changed his face and was too close!

"Be careful!"

Ji Feng’s reaction quickly reached its peak. When he saw the big truck, he suddenly screamed, “Jumping...”

Hum ~!

Ji Feng’s voice has not yet fallen, and the big truck crashed into it!

At this moment, Ji Feng had already grasped the white bead's arm, and at the same time he bowed his waist, and suddenly a powerful force broke out on his leg, and he slammed on the door.

"Oh!", the door was actually a large piece of the quilt, but the lock on the door was extremely strong, and the door was hard to open.

At this time, the big truck had already hit the BMW X6. At the same time, Ji Feng and Bai Zhu felt that the body suddenly stunned, and then a huge force suddenly slammed into it, even if it was Ji Feng, it was also shocked by this huge force. The whole person was turned upside down!

"White beads!"

Even at such a crisis, Ji Feng is still a big man, and he is thinking about Baizhu.

The white beads sitting in the driver's seat were simply unable to answer. The huge impact force caused the airbags in the front row to explode. The huge impact made her dizzy and almost fainted.


The big truck didn't stop after hitting the BMW X6. Even if it was just the weight and inertia of the big truck itself, it was not so easy to stop. Especially at such a fast speed, it was even more impossible to stop. I saw that after the car collided, it quickly slid, and the hard-sliding slipped a few tens of meters in front of it, and it was able to stop.

When the two cars stopped, the vehicles that Jifeng was riding far away were like the same pile of scrap iron. The entire front of the car was stuck under the truck. The scene had a strong pungent smell, and the tires were sharp with the ground. The taste produced by the friction, as well as the pungent smell of the car smoking.

This violent crash made the people around me stunned, especially the security guards at the entrance of the community. They were even more shocked and stunned. They looked at the scene of the crash, and they almost never saw it at such a distance!

"……Oh my God!"

Some people can't help but exclaim.

"This this……"

"Crashing people! With such a violent impact, people must die!"

"Hurry up the alarm!"

The violent impact made the security guards and the people around them frightened. They also frightened them. This kind of tragic car accident may not have been together for several months on the city road. I have only heard of it on the highway before. There are often cars that have been smashed, but this scene has happened in front of them, and the people around them are really scared.

Everyone understands that such a terrible impact, the people in the off-road vehicle must not live, which makes many timid people can not help but soften their legs.

"Haha! It’s beautiful!"

At the same time, a black car was parked on a road near the villa area. Two people were sitting in the car. One of them was looking at the villa area with a telescope. When they saw the tragic car accident, One can't help but laughed.

"Hey, this is a broken body!"

"You are playing with fire!"

The other person couldn’t help but worry, frowning: "In the identity of Ji Feng, he is now killed. Then the family will not be willing to give up. If it is detected, then..."

The former man was indifferent and waved his hand and said: "Do not worry, I will not be detected. I have already arranged it. The truck driver will not open it! Ji Jia is not a big skill, nor will he What is detected on the body of a dead person! This time, Ji Feng died and died in white!"

The other person is silent, but in his heart, he can't help but faintly worry. The energy of the top-class giants like Jijia is unimaginable to outsiders. Don't look at the struggle with other factions. It seems to be a little hard. But in fact, it is only due to the rules, some means can not be used.

Moreover, the factions that fight with Ji Jia are also very powerful, and even some factions are not weaker than Jijia.

But now this situation is completely different, Ji Feng is dead, this is a big thing, I am afraid that what means will be made out under the anger of the family, at that time, even those who are at the same level as the Jijia Avoid it!

But when I think of the identity of the person in front of me, the other person can't help but shook his head helplessly. Some words can be said once and more, but more boring.

But he can't help but worry, maybe, this time it will be set on fire!

"Look, the car is smoking, it is about to burn!" The man who was holding the telescope, haha ​​smiled: "Is this going to explode? I have never seen the scene of the car crashing into the explosion, it must be spectacular! ”

The other person quickly looked at it, but because he was far away, he could only see the smoke coming out in front, but he could not see whether it was the dust generated by the impact or the smoke produced by the burning of the vehicle!

"Let's go, there will be a policeman coming over here, don't let people notice!"

"Go? I am still waiting to watch the show, how can I go? Can see the body of Ji Feng, this dream can wake up!"


Another person can only shake his head helplessly.


"White beads! White beads!"

In the completely scrapped off-road vehicle that had already been hit, Ji Feng was stuck in the seat, but his hand still grabbed the white beads, even if the impact was just fierce, he did not let go.

But when the impact stopped, the two cars no longer swayed, but Ji Feng couldn't help but be anxious, because he felt the white beads' breathing was a little short and seemed to be hurt.

"The season is less..."

The sound of Baizhu is very weak, and there is a bit of pain in the sound.

Ji Feng suddenly worried: "White beads, how are you?"

Under the violent impact just now, the impact of the white beads sitting on the driver's seat is naturally imaginable, which makes Ji Feng extremely worried.

Baizhu said something tough: "The season is small... I am fine!"

Ji Feng heard that Baizhu is not a thing at all. She must have been injured. In the rush, Ji Feng immediately urged the bioelectric current, and the perspective eye opened immediately. The gaze directly penetrated the front seat. Suddenly, he couldn’t help but be scared.

I saw the white bead slanted and stuck in the driver's seat. The front cab was bumped and shaped, and the legs were squeezed underneath. Her expression was a bit painful and obviously hurt.


Ji Feng couldn't help but scream. He grabbed the front seat and lifted his legs against his knees. He snorted and suddenly broke out on his legs.


Under the force of Jifeng, the front seat was actually opened a little, and Jifeng immediately had a larger space for activities.

He tried his best to boost the bioelectric current, and all the powerful power broke out. He used his foot to open the front seat and grabbed the white ball in one hand. The other hand held the backrest of the driver's seat and started to send it. force.

"Look, the car... is moving?" The people outside were horrified to find that the scrapped off-road vehicle that had been hit, half of the body rushed under the truck, but at this time, the body was moving!

"Really moving!"

Some people almost thought that they were blind, and they blinked hard. They found that the off-road vehicle was really moving, and it constantly emitted the sound of metal friction, even with some cracking sounds.

Is there still someone living under such a fierce impact?


Jifeng's heavy foot squatted on the door that had been deformed, and suddenly he only heard a bang, and the door was actually smashed to the ground. If anyone saw it, it would be scared to be stunned. Even if the off-road vehicle has been hit, the metal lock on the door is not so easy to open, and at this time, the metal lock on the side of Jifeng is directly on his foot. The tremendous power has been cut off!

However, Ji Feng at the moment did not have any joy to be saved. When he opened the door, he smelled something burning, and then looked outside, there was a burning smoke coming in...

The car is going to burn!

The huge impact did not know where to hit the off-road vehicle, which caused the spontaneous combustion of the off-road vehicle. This discovery made Ji Feng feel amazed.

He said nothing, immediately madly squatting the back seat of the passenger seat, "Hey!"

After smashing seven or eight feet in a row, he gave his back to his knees and bent forward. He then leaned over his body and passed his hands under the white beads and hugged her upper body.

At this moment, Ji Feng really hated this electric adjustable seat. He couldn't use it at the moment. He couldn't help but scream, leaning his body on the steering wheel, leaning his shoulders on the backrest of the driver's seat and starting to make crazy hair. Force: "Hey!"

He screamed, and the power of the whole body almost burst out at this moment. This is a huge and terrible force. The moment the seat is squeezed, the sound of the card is forced to slide. the sound of.

The driver's seat finally slipped back, and the white bead's legs had room for movement. Jifeng's hands were forced and she slowly pulled her out.


Baizhu suddenly took a breath, but the next moment she bite her silver teeth and said nothing.

Ji Feng immediately asked: "What's wrong, is it a hit?"

"...I'm fine!" Baizhu said with a bite.

"Forbearance, we must go out, this car is burning, it is likely to explode!" Ji Feng said, "I shouted one or two, you cooperate with me!"

"Yeah!" Baizhu nodded.

"One, two, three!" Ji Feng shouted, Baizhu held both hands, with the quarter maple force, and finally, her legs were slowly pulled out.

One inch...

Two inches...

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