The Ultimate Student

Chapter 3010: I want to fight him for a long time.

"Maniac, your kick is really strong enough, cool!"

In the elevator of the hotel, Zhang Lei’s excitement still hasn’t faded. He couldn’t help but wave his fist. “His mother’s, like Wu Zhiyong’s bastard, should slap him a meal, don’t go all day. Five or eight thousand like, whatever moves the mouth and let the men pass it!"

Like Wu Zhiyong, Zhang Lei is extremely hateful. With his own identity, he counts people in the back all day, insidious, and if he fails, he is unwilling to take responsibility. He has just introduced a scapegoat for him.

The last time I was forced by Ji Feng, the result even directly spilled all the dirty water on his dead brother Wu Zhihe. Although Wu Zhiyong’s behavior caused his image to plummet, he was criticized. However, this did not cause much harm to himself. After waiting for ten or twenty years, people will naturally forget these things.

At that time, as long as the Wu family still supported him, he might be able to embark on the center.

There are still a lot of things like this. Every time, no matter how bad the situation is, it will definitely not involve him directly.

It is precisely because of this that people like Wu Zhiyong have formed a habit, such as two rich families or rich children, and let their men fight to kill you, they become the audience!

In particular, Wu Zhiyong did not recognize it, which is even more irritating.

Now that Ji Feng’s kick is really a big heart, Zhang Lei feels very refreshed!

Ji Feng shook his head and said: "You are so excited when you kick a kick?"

Zhang Lei smiled and said: "It is very refreshing anyway!"

Ji Feng shook his head and smiled: "The deflation is indeed very deflated, but you never thought about it. The kick was on Wu Zhiyong's body. In fact, it is not as good as it is now. When he hits the fatal moment at the crucial moment, he is still stunned. It!"

Zhang Lei asked: "How can you not bear it?"

"Because... I can't help it!"

Ji Feng smiled and said: "I kicked in, but I am also very cool!"

Zhang Lei stunned, and the two looked at each other and immediately laughed.

When I came to Wu Zhiyong to calculate the account, Ji Feng had already thought about it. Whatever he was stunned, whether or not he would let Wu Zhiyong have more extreme actions, he would say it first.

He had long wanted to beat the bastard!

As for the stunned snakes and the like, it is better to say that knocking on the mountains and shaking the tigers has always been calm and calm. No one knows what conspiracy Wu Zhiyong will have in the dark. Now he is beaten. If he can completely anger Wu Zhiyong, let him make something. It’s better to be irrational.

If Wu Zhiyong has any move, Ji Feng can see the move, and even seize the opportunity to completely fight Wu Zhiyong!

Especially at this stage, the Wu family boss Wu Zhengmin retired to the second line, and now he is sick in bed, it is said that the condition is still very serious, Wu family is now in power by the second child Wu Zhengxiang, this is a good opportunity to fight Wu Zhiyong!

Even if he can't beat Wu Zhiyong at this time, at the very least, he can give him a profound lesson. When he wants to play any plots in the future, he will think twice before he will let him know if he really angered the season. Maple, Jifeng is not going to play with him according to the rules of the game, it will directly kill his life!

This is also one of the purposes, to prevent Wu Zhiyong from having to start with Xiao Yuqi and Tong Lei in the future, this is definitely not tolerated by Ji Feng.

Today, I was hit by Ji Feng and Bai Zhu. They are both powerful and can escape from a car accident. But if they are attacked by Tong Lei or Xiao Yu, any one of them, the consequences are simply unimaginable!

Therefore, Ji Feng is angry!

He directly found Wu Zhiyong, and he gave him a lesson, and told Wu Zhiyong with that foot. If Wu Zhi bravely played with conspiracy and tricks in the back, he would dare to directly ask Wu Zhiyong's life!

This is the most powerful warning!

"Maniac, are you really sure that today's thing is Wu Zhiyong instigating behind?" Zhang Lei suddenly asked.

He was a bit strange, because Ji Feng told him that the muck driver only said a martial art, but this may not be representative, it must be sent by Wu Zhiyong, but Ji Feng is not only determined to be Wu Zhiyong. , but also directly to the door, and played Wu Zhiyong!

This is what he is completely sure of is Wu Zhiyong!

"Not sure!" said Ji Feng.

"Then you..." Zhang Lei said.

"Because I want to play Wu Zhiyong for a long time!" Ji Feng said.

Zhang Lei: "..."

He couldn't help but laugh. "In fact, I also want to fight him for a long time. If you say that you want to start, I will play well!"

Ji Feng shook his head and smiled: "You are not suitable."

Although Wu Zhiyong has lost power now, he is still a long-term grandson of the Wu family. His energy is definitely not comparable to Zhang Lei. If that foot is played by Zhang Lei, Wu Zhiyong will definitely be desperate and unscrupulous. Revenge Zhang Lei.

"Wu Zhiyong is an extravagant person who is extremely sinister. If you hit him, he will definitely think that this is a sheep's provocation to the lion. He has been greatly insulted and may even think that his dignity has been trampled. He must Will revenge you in desperation!" Ji Feng explained.

Zhang Lei smiled and said: "I understand. Self-esteem!"

Ji Feng said: "I will beat him, his self-esteem will also be unbearable, I am afraid there will be retaliatory action soon, I hope he can hurry!"

Zhang Lei said: "Wu Zhiyong is a special person who can bear it. Are you sure he will act?"

"Other things can be tolerated, but now he has beaten himself, he can't stand this kind of thing!" Ji Feng said.

"Before he can, even his brother's death is forbearing!" Zhang Lei said.

"That was his younger brother, not his own, and at that time he was able to keep himself. It was not bad, and he couldn't bear it!" said Ji Feng. "But now it is different. He can't stand it."

To say that the person who knows the most about Ji Feng is probably Wu Zhiyong, and to say the person who knows Wu Zhiyong best, Ji Feng can definitely count one. This is the old saying that the person who knows you the most is not your own, but your enemy.

Wu Zhiyong used all means to understand Ji Feng, and Ji Feng was also not idle. He knows that Wu Zhiyong is an extremely selfish and extremely conceited person. Perhaps it is their pride for them, but in Ji Feng’s opinion, this is conceit!

Therefore, Wu Zhiyong will certainly act because of this foot today, but it is only a matter of time.

"Then you have planted the car accident now on Wu Zhiyong's body?" Zhang Lei asked.

"Which is so cheap!"

Ji Feng shook his head and said: "I am afraid this is not done by Wu Zhiyong. His reaction is not right!"

Zhang Lei immediately asked: "You mean, the planner of this car accident has someone else?"

Ji Feng nodded and said: "Ten eight and eight. Nine other people, it should not be Wu Zhiyong." Before he talked to Wu Zhiyong about the car accident, he found that Wu Zhiyong's first reaction turned out to be a stunned, then the bottom of the eye Only a deep look of surprise was revealed in the depths. Although Wu Zhiyong’s reaction was subtle, he did not escape the eyes of Ji Feng.

If Wu Zhiyong is disguised, it is more than enough for him to compete for the Oscar winners, so Ji Feng guessed that this matter should not be done by Wu Zhiyong.

But someone else!

"Son of a bitch!"

Zhang Lei couldn't help but swear: "In addition to Wu Zhiyong, who else hates you? Suddenly come out like this, it is clearly wanting your life!"

Jifeng shook his head and smiled: "There are more people who want my life! I can offend a lot of people!"

Zhang Lei said: "Then you have to be careful, the other party did not succeed once, maybe there will be a second time for the second time."

"Don't worry, I will be careful." Ji Feng patted him on the shoulder. "It's that you are in the team. You have to learn from Lao Yi. Their experience is not enough to buy."

"You don't have to worry about me, I know what to do." Zhang Lei said, "It's your home, you should be careful, those people can't get you, maybe you will aim at the people around you." Don't take it lightly!"

"Do not worry, I have a few in my heart." Ji Feng smiled and nodded, and he had considered it.

During the talk, the three people have already arrived at the hotel reception desk. Ji Feng took out some cash and put it at the front desk. He said, "Crash your room door. This is the compensation money! It is the one I just called you to call. room!"

Then, under the gaze of the front desk lady, the three left the hotel.

On the way back, Ji Feng suddenly received a call to Yong Yong. "Ji Feng, the source of the muck was found, it was a stolen car!"

Ji Feng did not have any surprises. Since the other party dared to arrange this car accident, if you dare to use the car that can be easily detected, then it is really looking for death!

"In addition, the identity of the driver has also been found, it is a fugitive. At present, no useful information has been found." To Yong Yong said, "The others are still going on, you should not worry, you will definitely have a look soon." ""

"Nothing, take your time!" Ji Feng smiled. He could find these in such a short period of time. It is obviously a great effort to fight forever. "Even if this time I can't find it, the other party will show the fox tail sooner or later!" ”


"Roll! Get out immediately!"

At this moment, Wu Zhiyong is like a fierce lion. He rushes out to the hotel service staff who came to see the situation. Because of his extreme anger, his eyes are a little red, and Wu Zhiyong is angry.

After a while, his emotions subsided a little, suddenly remembered something, then picked up the phone, hesitated for a moment, he dialed a number.

"Wu Da Shao, how did you suddenly think of calling me?" There was a scornful voice on the other end of the phone.

"Ji Feng suffered a car accident, you did it!" Wu Zhiyong said coldly.

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